Ejemplo n.º 1
 private void BulkUploadBooksOfOneCollection(IProgress progress, ApplicationContainer container,
                                             BookUploadParameters uploadParams,
                                             ref ProjectContext context)
     foreach (var sub in Directory.GetDirectories(uploadParams.Folder))
         var htmlFileCount = Directory.GetFiles(sub, "*.htm").Length;
         if (htmlFileCount == 1)
             // Our (perhaps insufficient) definition of a book folder is that it has exactly 1 htm file.
                 var bookParams = uploadParams;
                 bookParams.Folder = sub;
                 UploadBookInternal(progress, container, bookParams, ref context);
             catch (Exception e)
                 var msg = String.Format("{0} was not uploaded due to error: {1}", sub, e.Message);
             if (htmlFileCount > 1)
                 progress.WriteError($"{sub} has ${htmlFileCount} html files. One of them should be removed.");
                 ReportSuspiciousFilesInFolderLackingHtml(progress, sub);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Upload bloom books in the specified folder to the bloom library.
        /// Folders that contain exactly one .htm file are interpreted as books and uploaded.
        /// Other folders are searched recursively for children that appear to be bloom books.
        /// The parent folder of a bloom book is searched for a .bloomCollection file and, if one is found,
        /// the book is treated as part of that collection (e.g., for determining vernacular language).
        /// If the .bloomCollection file is not found, the book is not uploaded.
        /// N.B. The bulk upload process will go ahead and upload templates and books that are already on the server
        /// (over-writing the existing book) without informing the user.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>This method is triggered by starting Bloom with "upload" on the cmd line.</remarks>
        public void BulkUpload(ApplicationContainer container, UploadParameters options)
            BookUpload.Destination = options.Dest;

            using (var progress = new MultiProgress())
                var logFilePath = Path.Combine(options.Path, "BloomBulkUploadLog.txt");

                progress.Add(new Bloom.Utils.ConsoleProgress());

                progress.Add(new FileLogProgress(logFilePath));

                if (!_singleBookUploader.IsThisVersionAllowedToUpload())
                    var oldVersionMsg = LocalizationManager.GetString("PublishTab.Upload.OldVersion",
                                                                      "Sorry, this version of Bloom Desktop is not compatible with the current version of BloomLibrary.org. Please upgrade to a newer version.");


                if (!_singleBookUploader.ParseClient.AttemptSignInAgainForCommandLine(options.UploadUser, options.Dest, progress))
                    progress.WriteError("Problem logging in. See messages above.");

                progress.WriteMessage("Uploading books as user {0}", options.UploadUser);

                var bookParams = new BookUploadParameters(options);

                    context = null;                     // Expensive to create; hold each one we make until we find a book that needs a different one.
                    _collectionFoldersUploaded = new HashSet <string>();
                    _newBooksUploaded          = 0;
                    _booksUpdated    = 0;
                    _booksSkipped    = 0;
                    _booksWithErrors = 0;

                    progress.WriteMessageWithColor("green", $"\n\nStarting upload at {DateTime.Now.ToString()}\n");

                    progress.WriteMessageWithColor("Magenta", $"Looking in '{bookParams.Folder}'...");
                    UploadCollectionOrKeepLookingDeeper(progress, container, bookParams, ref context);

                    if (_collectionFoldersUploaded.Count > 0)
                        progress.WriteMessageWithColor("green", "\n\nAll finished!");
                        progress.WriteMessage("Processed {0} collection folders.", _collectionFoldersUploaded.Count);
                        progress.WriteError("Did not find any collections to upload.");

                    progress.WriteMessage("Uploaded {0} new books.", _newBooksUploaded);
                    progress.WriteMessage("Updated {0} books that had changed.", _booksUpdated);
                    progress.WriteMessage("Skipped {0} books that had not changed.", _booksSkipped);
                    if (_booksSkipped > 0)
                        progress.WriteMessage("(If you don't want Bloom to skip books it thinks have not changed, you can use the --force argument to force all books to re-upload, or just use the Bloom UI to force upload this one book).");

                    if (_booksWithErrors > 0)
                        progress.WriteError("Failed to upload {0} books. See \"{1}\" for details.", _booksWithErrors,
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private void UploadBookInternal(IProgress progress, ApplicationContainer container, BookUploadParameters uploadParams,
                                        ref ProjectContext context)
            progress.WriteMessageWithColor("Cyan", "Starting to upload " + uploadParams.Folder);
            // Make sure the files we want to upload are up to date.
            // Unfortunately this requires making a book object, which requires making a ProjectContext, which must be created with the
            // proper parent book collection if possible.
            var parent         = Path.GetDirectoryName(uploadParams.Folder);
            var collectionPath = Directory.GetFiles(parent, "*.bloomCollection").FirstOrDefault();

            if (collectionPath == null || !RobustFile.Exists(collectionPath))
                progress.WriteError("Skipping book because no collection file was found in its parent directory.");

            // Compute the book hash file and compare it to the existing one for bulk upload.
            var currentHashes = BookUpload.HashBookFolder(uploadParams.Folder);

            var pathToLocalHashInfoFromLastUpload = Path.Combine(uploadParams.Folder, HashInfoFromLastUpload);

            if (!uploadParams.ForceUpload)
                var canSkip = false;
                if (Program.RunningUnitTests)
                    canSkip = _singleBookUploader.CheckAgainstLocalHashfile(currentHashes, pathToLocalHashInfoFromLastUpload);
                    canSkip = _singleBookUploader.CheckAgainstHashFileOnS3(currentHashes, uploadParams.Folder, progress);
                    RobustFile.WriteAllText(pathToLocalHashInfoFromLastUpload, currentHashes);                             // ensure local copy is saved
                if (canSkip)
                    // local copy of hashes file is identical or has been saved
                    progress.WriteMessageWithColor("green", $"Skipping '{Path.GetFileName(uploadParams.Folder)}' because it has not changed since being uploaded.");
                    return;                             // skip this one; we already uploaded it earlier.
            // save local copy of hashes file: it will be uploaded with the other book files
            RobustFile.WriteAllText(pathToLocalHashInfoFromLastUpload, currentHashes);

            if (context == null || context.SettingsPath != collectionPath)
                // optimise: creating a context seems to be quite expensive. Probably the only thing we need to change is
                // the collection. If we could update that in place...despite autofac being told it has lifetime scope...we would save some time.
                // Note however that it's not good enough to just store it in the project context. The one that is actually in
                // the autofac object (_scope in the ProjectContext) is used by autofac to create various objects, in particular, books.
                context = container.CreateProjectContext(collectionPath);
            var server   = context.BookServer;
            var bookInfo = new BookInfo(uploadParams.Folder, true);
            var book     = server.GetBookFromBookInfo(bookInfo);

            book.BringBookUpToDate(new NullProgress());
            bookInfo.Bookshelf = book.CollectionSettings.DefaultBookshelf;
            var bookshelfName = String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(book.CollectionSettings.DefaultBookshelf) ? "(none)" : book.CollectionSettings.DefaultBookshelf;

            progress.WriteMessage($"Bookshelf is '{bookshelfName}'");

            // Assemble the various arguments needed to make the objects normally involved in an upload.
            // We leave some constructor arguments not actually needed for this purpose null.
            var bookSelection = new BookSelection();

            var currentEditableCollectionSelection = new CurrentEditableCollectionSelection();

            var collection = new BookCollection(collectionPath, BookCollection.CollectionType.SourceCollection, bookSelection);


            var publishModel = new PublishModel(bookSelection, new PdfMaker(), currentEditableCollectionSelection, context.Settings, server, _thumbnailer);

            publishModel.PageLayout = book.GetLayout();
            var    view           = new PublishView(publishModel, new SelectedTabChangedEvent(), new LocalizationChangedEvent(), _singleBookUploader, null, null, null, null);
            var    blPublishModel = new BloomLibraryPublishModel(_singleBookUploader, book, publishModel);
            string dummy;

            // Normally we let the user choose which languages to upload. Here, just the ones that have complete information.
            var langDict          = book.AllPublishableLanguages();
            var languagesToUpload = langDict.Keys.Where(l => langDict[l]).ToList();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(book.CollectionSettings.SignLanguageIso639Code) && BookUpload.GetVideoFilesToInclude(book).Any())
                languagesToUpload.Insert(0, book.CollectionSettings.SignLanguageIso639Code);
            if (blPublishModel.MetadataIsReadyToPublish && (languagesToUpload.Any() || blPublishModel.OkToUploadWithNoLanguages))
                if (blPublishModel.BookIsAlreadyOnServer)
                    var msg = $"Overwriting the copy of {uploadParams.Folder} on the server...";
                using (var tempFolder = new TemporaryFolder(Path.Combine("BloomUpload", Path.GetFileName(book.FolderPath))))
                    BookUpload.PrepareBookForUpload(ref book, server, tempFolder.FolderPath, progress);
                    uploadParams.LanguagesToUpload = languagesToUpload.ToArray();
                    _singleBookUploader.FullUpload(book, progress, view, uploadParams, out dummy);

                progress.WriteMessageWithColor("Green", "{0} has been uploaded", uploadParams.Folder);
                if (blPublishModel.BookIsAlreadyOnServer)
                // report to the user why we are not uploading their book
                var reason = blPublishModel.GetReasonForNotUploadingBook();
                progress.WriteError("{0} was not uploaded.  {1}", uploadParams.Folder, reason);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the recursion through directories: if a folder looks like a Bloom book upload it; otherwise, try its children.
        /// Invisible folders like .hg are ignored.
        /// </summary>
        private void UploadCollectionOrKeepLookingDeeper(IProgress progress, ApplicationContainer container, BookUploadParameters uploadParams,
                                                         ref ProjectContext context)
            if (IsPrivateFolder(uploadParams.Folder))

            var collectionPath = Directory.GetFiles(uploadParams.Folder, "*.bloomCollection").FirstOrDefault();

            if (collectionPath != null)
                var settings = new CollectionSettings(collectionPath);
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.DefaultBookshelf))
                    // My thinking here is that if we are bothering to do a bulk upload, they should have set a
                    // default bookshelf. If this expectation proves false, then we can just add an argument
                    // to disable it. For Kyrgyzstan, missing bookshelves was a problem I needed to catch.
                    progress.WriteError($"Skipping {uploadParams.Folder} because there is no default bookshelf.");
                if (!settings.HaveEnterpriseFeatures)
                    progress.WriteError($"Skipping {uploadParams.Folder} because bulk upload is an Enterprise-only feature.");
                BulkUploadBooksOfOneCollection(progress, container, uploadParams, ref context);
            else             // go looking deeper for collection folders
                foreach (var sub in Directory.GetDirectories(uploadParams.Folder))
                    if (!IsPrivateFolder(uploadParams.Folder))
                        var childParams = uploadParams;
                        childParams.Folder = sub;
                        progress.WriteMessageWithColor("Magenta", $"\nLooking in '{sub}'...");
                        UploadCollectionOrKeepLookingDeeper(progress, container, childParams, ref context);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Common routine used in normal upload and bulk upload.
        /// </summary>
        internal string FullUpload(Book.Book book, IProgress progress, PublishView publishView, BookUploadParameters bookParams, out string parseId)
            book.Storage.CleanupUnusedSupportFiles(isForPublish: false);            // we are publishing, but this is the real folder not a copy, so play safe.
            var bookFolder = book.FolderPath;

            parseId = "";             // in case of early return
            // Set this in the metadata so it gets uploaded. Do this in the background task as it can take some time.
            // These bits of data can't easily be set while saving the book because we save one page at a time
            // and they apply to the book as a whole.
            book.BookInfo.LanguageTableReferences = ParseClient.GetLanguagePointers(book.BookData.MakeLanguageUploadData(bookParams.LanguagesToUpload));
            book.BookInfo.PageCount = book.GetPages().Count();
            // If the caller wants to preserve existing thumbnails, recreate them only if one or more of them do not exist.
            var thumbnailsExist = File.Exists(Path.Combine(bookFolder, "thumbnail-70.png")) &&
                                  File.Exists(Path.Combine(bookFolder, "thumbnail-256.png")) &&
                                  File.Exists(Path.Combine(bookFolder, "thumbnail.png"));

            if (!bookParams.PreserveThumbnails || !thumbnailsExist)
                var thumbnailMsg = LocalizationManager.GetString("PublishTab.Upload.MakingThumbnail", "Making thumbnail image...");
                //the largest thumbnail I found on Amazon was 300px high. Prathambooks.org about the same.
                _thumbnailer.MakeThumbnailOfCover(book, 70);                 // this is a sacrificial one to prime the pump, to fix BL-2673
                _thumbnailer.MakeThumbnailOfCover(book, 70);
                if (progress.CancelRequested)
                _thumbnailer.MakeThumbnailOfCover(book, 256);
                if (progress.CancelRequested)

                // It is possible the user never went back to the Collection tab after creating/updating the book, in which case
                // the 'normal' thumbnail never got created/updating. See http://issues.bloomlibrary.org/youtrack/issue/BL-3469.
                if (progress.CancelRequested)
            var uploadPdfPath = UploadPdfPath(bookFolder);

            // If there is not already a locked preview in the book folder
            // (which we take to mean the user has created a customized one that he prefers),
            // make sure we have a current correct preview and then copy it to the book folder so it gets uploaded.
            if (!FileHelper.IsLocked(uploadPdfPath))
                var pdfMsg = LocalizationManager.GetString("PublishTab.Upload.MakingPdf", "Making PDF Preview...");

                if (RobustFile.Exists(publishView.PdfPreviewPath))
                    RobustFile.Copy(publishView.PdfPreviewPath, uploadPdfPath, true);
                    return("");                                 // no PDF, no upload (See BL-6719)
            if (progress.CancelRequested)

            return(UploadBook(bookFolder, progress, out parseId, Path.GetFileName(uploadPdfPath),
                              GetAudioFilesToInclude(book, bookParams.ExcludeNarrationAudio, bookParams.ExcludeMusic), GetVideoFilesToInclude(book),
                              bookParams.LanguagesToUpload, book.CollectionSettings));
Ejemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Common routine used in normal upload and bulk upload.
        /// </summary>
        internal string FullUpload(Book.Book book, IProgress progress, PublishView publishView, BookUploadParameters bookParams, out string parseId)
            // this (isForPublish:true) is dangerous and the product of much discussion.
            // See "finally" block later to see that we put branding files back
            book.Storage.CleanupUnusedSupportFiles(isForPublish: true);
                var bookFolder = book.FolderPath;
                parseId = "";                 // in case of early return

                var languagesToUpload = book.BookInfo.PublishSettings.BloomLibrary.TextLangs.IncludedLanguages().ToArray();
                // When initializing, we may set the collection's sign language to IncludeByDefault so the checkbox on the publish screen
                // gets set by default. Also, videos could have been removed since the user last visited the publish screen (e.g. bulk upload).
                // So we need to make sure we have videos before including the sign language.
                if (book.HasSignLanguageVideos())
                    languagesToUpload = languagesToUpload.Union(book.BookInfo.PublishSettings.BloomLibrary.SignLangs.IncludedLanguages()).ToArray();

                // Set this in the metadata so it gets uploaded. Do this in the background task as it can take some time.
                // These bits of data can't easily be set while saving the book because we save one page at a time
                // and they apply to the book as a whole.
                book.BookInfo.LanguageTableReferences =
                book.BookInfo.PageCount = book.GetPages().Count();
                // If the caller wants to preserve existing thumbnails, recreate them only if one or more of them do not exist.
                var thumbnailsExist = File.Exists(Path.Combine(bookFolder, "thumbnail-70.png")) &&
                                      File.Exists(Path.Combine(bookFolder, "thumbnail-256.png")) &&
                                      File.Exists(Path.Combine(bookFolder, "thumbnail.png"));
                if (!bookParams.PreserveThumbnails || !thumbnailsExist)
                    var thumbnailMsg = LocalizationManager.GetString("PublishTab.Upload.MakingThumbnail",
                                                                     "Making thumbnail image...");
                    //the largest thumbnail I found on Amazon was 300px high. Prathambooks.org about the same.
                                                      70); // this is a sacrificial one to prime the pump, to fix BL-2673
                    _thumbnailer.MakeThumbnailOfCover(book, 70);
                    if (progress.CancelRequested)
                    _thumbnailer.MakeThumbnailOfCover(book, 256);
                    if (progress.CancelRequested)

                    // It is possible the user never went back to the Collection tab after creating/updating the book, in which case
                    // the 'normal' thumbnail never got created/updating. See http://issues.bloomlibrary.org/youtrack/issue/BL-3469.
                    if (progress.CancelRequested)

                var  uploadPdfPath = UploadPdfPath(bookFolder);
                var  videoFiles    = GetVideoFilesToInclude(book);
                bool hasVideo      = videoFiles.Any();
                if (hasVideo)
                    var skipPdfMsg = LocalizationManager.GetString("PublishTab.Upload.SkipMakingPdf", "Skipping PDF because this book has video");
                    // If there is not already a locked preview in the book folder
                    // (which we take to mean the user has created a customized one that he prefers),
                    // make sure we have a current correct preview and then copy it to the book folder so it gets uploaded.
                    if (!FileHelper.IsLocked(uploadPdfPath))
                        var pdfMsg = LocalizationManager.GetString("PublishTab.Upload.MakingPdf", "Making PDF Preview...");

                        if (RobustFile.Exists(publishView.PdfPreviewPath))
                            RobustFile.Copy(publishView.PdfPreviewPath, uploadPdfPath, true);
                            return("");                            // no PDF, no upload (See BL-6719)

                if (progress.CancelRequested)

                                  out parseId,
                                  hasVideo ? null : Path.GetFileName(uploadPdfPath),
                                  GetAudioFilesToInclude(book, bookParams.ExcludeMusic),
                // Put back all the branding files which we removed above in the call to CleanupUnusedSupportFiles()

                // NB: alternatively, we considered refactoring CleanupUnusedSupportFiles() to give us a list of files
                // to not upload.