Ejemplo n.º 1
 static Reply SubmissionTest(Request request)
     Document document = new Document("Submission");
     string body = "";
     foreach (var entry in request.Content)
         body += Markup.Paragraph(string.Format("{0}: {1}", entry.Key, entry.Value));
     Reply reply = new Reply(document.Render(body));
     return reply;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 static Reply MarkupTest(Request request)
     Document document = new Document("<Test>");
     string body = Markup.Paragraph(Markup.Bold("Success!"));
     body += Markup.Paragraph(string.Format("The path of this handler is: {0}", Markup.Bold(request.RequestHandler.GetPath())));
     string form = Markup.Text("input1") + Markup.Text("input2") + Markup.Submit("Submit");
     body += Markup.Form(SubmissionHandler.GetPath(), form);
     Reply reply = new Reply(document.Render(body));
     return reply;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 Reply ApiSummonerProfile(Request request)
     var arguments = request.Arguments;
     string regionAbbreviation = (string)request.Arguments[0];
     int accountId = (int)request.Arguments[1];
     Worker worker = GetWorkerByAbbreviation(regionAbbreviation);
     SummonerProfileResult output;
     Summoner summoner = StatisticsService.GetSummoner(worker.Region, accountId);
     if (summoner != null)
         output = new SummonerProfileResult(summoner);
         output = new SummonerProfileResult(OperationResult.NotFound);
     return GetJSONReply(output);
Ejemplo n.º 4
 Reply ApiSearch(Request request)
     var arguments = request.Arguments;
     string regionAbbreviation = (string)request.Arguments[0];
     string summonerName = (string)request.Arguments[1];
     Worker worker = GetWorkerByAbbreviation(regionAbbreviation);
     Summoner summoner = null;
     OperationResult result = worker.FindSummoner(summonerName, ref summoner);
     SummonerSearchResult output;
     if (result == OperationResult.Success)
         output = new SummonerSearchResult(summoner.AccountId);
         output = new SummonerSearchResult(result);
     return GetJSONReply(output);
Ejemplo n.º 5
 Reply ApiSetAutomaticUpdates(Request request)
     var arguments = request.Arguments;
     string regionAbbreviation = (string)request.Arguments[0];
     int accountId = (int)request.Arguments[1];
     bool updateAutomatically = (int)request.Arguments[2] != 0;
     Worker worker = GetWorkerByAbbreviation(regionAbbreviation);
     SummonerAutomaticUpdatesResult output;
     Summoner summoner = StatisticsService.GetSummoner(worker.Region, accountId);
     if (summoner != null)
         OperationResult result = SetSummonerAutomaticUpdates(summoner, updateAutomatically);
         output = new SummonerAutomaticUpdatesResult(result);
         output = new SummonerAutomaticUpdatesResult(OperationResult.NotFound);
     return GetJSONReply(output);
Ejemplo n.º 6
 Reply AutomaticUpdates(Request request)
     var arguments = request.Arguments;
     string regionName = (string)arguments[0];
     int accountId = (int)arguments[1];
     RegionHandler regionHandler = GetRegionHandler(regionName);
     using (NpgsqlConnection database = DatabaseProvider.GetConnection())
         SQLCommand command = GetCommand("update summoner set update_automatically = true where region = cast(:region as region_type) and account_id = :account_id", database);
         command.SetEnum("region", regionHandler.GetRegionEnum());
         command.Set("account_id", accountId);
         int rowsAffected = command.Execute();
         bool success = rowsAffected > 0;
         AutomaticUpdatesResult result = new AutomaticUpdatesResult(success);
         string body = Serialiser.Serialize(result);
         Reply reply = new Reply(ReplyCode.Ok, ContentType.JSON, body);
         return reply;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 Reply ApiSummonerGames(Request request)
     var arguments = request.Arguments;
     string regionAbbreviation = (string)request.Arguments[0];
     int accountId = (int)request.Arguments[1];
     Worker worker = GetWorkerByAbbreviation(regionAbbreviation);
     SummonerGamesResult output;
     Summoner summoner = StatisticsService.GetSummoner(worker.Region, accountId);
     if (summoner != null)
         using (var connection = GetConnection())
             List<ExtendedPlayer> games = GetSummonerGames(summoner, connection);
             output = new SummonerGamesResult(games);
         output = new SummonerGamesResult(OperationResult.NotFound);
     return GetJSONReply(output);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        Reply ApiGetGameTeam(Request request)

            var arguments = request.Arguments;
            var regionAbbreviation = (string)arguments[0];
            var gameId = (int) arguments[1];

            SummonerGameTeamResult output;

            using (var connection = GetConnection())
                var listParticipants = GetGameTeam(connection, gameId);

                output = listParticipants != null
                         	? new SummonerGameTeamResult(listParticipants)
                         	: new SummonerGameTeamResult(OperationResult.NotFound);

            return GetJSONReply(output);
Ejemplo n.º 9
        Reply ApiGetComments(Request request)

            var arguments = request.Arguments;

            string regionAbbreviation = (string)request.Arguments[0];
            int summonerId = (int)request.Arguments[1];

            //Worker worker = GetWorkerByAbbreviation(regionAbbreviation);
            var comments = GetComments(summonerId);

            SummonerGetCommentsResult output;

            if (comments != null)
                output = new SummonerGetCommentsResult(comments);
                output = new SummonerGetCommentsResult(OperationResult.Success);

            return GetJSONReply(output);
Ejemplo n.º 10
 Reply Index(Request request)
     string title = "Index";
     string body = GetSearchForm("Enter the name of the summoner you want to look up:");
     return Template(title, body, false);
Ejemplo n.º 11
        Reply ViewSummonerGames(Request request)
            var arguments = request.Arguments;
            string regionName = (string)arguments[0];
            int accountId = (int)arguments[1];

            using (NpgsqlConnection database = DatabaseProvider.GetConnection())
                Summoner summoner = LoadSummoner(regionName, accountId, database);
                List<GameTeamPlayer> games = LoadSummonerGames(summoner, database);
                string title = string.Format("Games of {0}", summoner.SummonerName);
                string table = GetSummonerGamesTable(summoner, games);
                Document document = GetDocument(title);
                Reply reply = new Reply(document.Render(table));
                return reply;
Ejemplo n.º 12
        Reply ViewSummoner(Request request)
            var arguments = request.Arguments;
            string regionName = (string)arguments[0];
            int accountId = (int)arguments[1];

            using (NpgsqlConnection database = DatabaseProvider.GetConnection())
                Summoner summoner = LoadSummoner(regionName, accountId, database);
                LoadSummonerRating(summoner, database);
                LoadSummonerRankedStatistics(summoner, database);
                LoadAggregatedChampionStatistics(summoner, database);

                string title = summoner.SummonerName;

                string script = GetScript("Statistics.js");
                string overview = GetSummonerOverview(regionName, summoner);
                string rating = GetRatingTable(summoner);
                string rankedStatistics = GetRankedStatistics(summoner);
                string aggregatedStatistics = GetAggregatedChampionStatistics(summoner);

                string body = script + overview + rating + rankedStatistics + aggregatedStatistics;
                return Template(title, body);
Ejemplo n.º 13
        Reply Search(Request request)
            var arguments = request.Content;
            string summonerName;
            if (!arguments.TryGetValue(SummonerField, out summonerName))
                throw new HandlerException("No summoner specified");
            string regionName;
            if (!arguments.TryGetValue(RegionField, out regionName))
                throw new HandlerException("No region specified");
            RegionHandler regionHandler = GetRegionHandler(regionName);

            using (NpgsqlConnection database = DatabaseProvider.GetConnection())
                SQLCommand select = GetCommand("select account_id from summoner where lower(summoner_name) = lower(:summoner_name) and region = cast(:region as region_type)", database);
                select.Set("summoner_name", summonerName);
                select.SetEnum("region", regionHandler.GetRegionEnum());
                using (NpgsqlDataReader reader = select.ExecuteReader())
                    if (reader.Read())
                        int accountId = (int)reader[0];
                        return Reply.Referral(ViewSummonerHandler.GetPath(regionName, accountId.ToString()));
                        LookupJob job = regionHandler.PerformSummonerLookup(summonerName);
                        switch (job.Result)
                            case JobQueryResult.Success:
                                return Reply.Referral(ViewSummonerHandler.GetPath(regionName, job.AccountId.ToString()));

                            case JobQueryResult.NotFound:
                                return Template("Search", GetSearchForm("Unable to find summoner.", summonerName, regionName), false);

                            case JobQueryResult.Timeout:
                                return Template("Search", GetSearchForm("A timeout has occurred.", summonerName, regionName), false);

                                throw new HandlerException("Unknown job result");
Ejemplo n.º 14
 void Observe(Request request)
     WriteLine("[{0}] {1}", request.ClientAddress, request.Path);
Ejemplo n.º 15
 public Reply CatchAll(Request request)
     //Display the index for any path other than the API ones
     //This way all routing is performed by JavaScript
     return Index(request);
Ejemplo n.º 16
 string GetPrivilegeString(Request request)
     List<string> privileges = GetPrivileges(request);
     var arguments = from x in privileges select GetJavaScriptString(x);
     return string.Format("[{0}]", string.Join(", ", arguments));
Ejemplo n.º 17
 bool IsPrivileged(Request request)
     PrivilegeClass privilegeClass = GetRequestClass(request);
     return privilegeClass != null && privilegeClass.EnabledAPIFunctions.Contains(request.RequestHandler.Name);
Ejemplo n.º 18
 Reply LoadAccountData(Request request)
     var arguments = request.Arguments;
     string regionName = (string)arguments[0];
     int accountId = (int)arguments[1];
     RegionHandler regionHandler = GetRegionHandler(regionName);
     AccountIdJob job = regionHandler.PerformManualSummonerUpdate(accountId);
     SummonerUpdateResult result = new SummonerUpdateResult(job);
     string body = Serialiser.Serialize(result);
     Reply reply = new Reply(ReplyCode.Ok, ContentType.JSON, body);
     return reply;
Ejemplo n.º 19
 static string ChunkedTest(Request request)
     return Markup.InlineScript("alert('Success');");
Ejemplo n.º 20
 static Reply ExceptionTest(Request request)
     throw new Exception("This is a test");
Ejemplo n.º 21
 Reply Index(Request request)
     List<string> regionStrings = new List<string>();
     foreach (var profile in StatisticsService.GetActiveProfiles())
         //Avoid race conditions since the profile is modified by other threads
         //Just in case
         lock (profile)
             regionStrings.Add(string.Format("[{0}, {1}, {2}]", GetJavaScriptString(profile.Abbreviation), GetJavaScriptString(profile.Description), profile.Identifier));
     string regions = string.Format("[{0}]", string.Join(", ", regionStrings));
     string privileged = IsPrivileged(request.ClientAddress) ? "true" : "false";
     string content = IndexContents;
     content = content.Replace("$REGIONS", regions);
     content = content.Replace("$PRIVILEGED", privileged);
     content = content.Replace("$REVISION", Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().GetName().Version.Revision.ToString());
     return new Reply(content);
Ejemplo n.º 22
 Reply ApiUpdateSummoner(Request request)
     var arguments = request.Arguments;
     string regionAbbreviation = (string)request.Arguments[0];
     int accountId = (int)request.Arguments[1];
     Worker worker = GetWorkerByAbbreviation(regionAbbreviation);
     OperationResult result = worker.UpdateSummonerByAccountId(accountId);
     SummonerUpdateResult output = new SummonerUpdateResult(result);
     return GetJSONReply(output);
Ejemplo n.º 23
 List<string> GetPrivileges(Request request)
     PrivilegeClass privilegeClass = GetRequestClass(request);
     if (privilegeClass == null)
         return new List<string>();
         return privilegeClass.EnabledAPIFunctions;
Ejemplo n.º 24
 public byte[] GetChunkedData(Request request, out bool WasLastChunk)
     string chunkBody = ChunkedHandlerDelegate(request);
     if (chunkBody == null)
         WasLastChunk = true;
         return Encoding.GetBytes("0\r\n");
         WasLastChunk = false;
         const string tail = "\r\n";
         byte[] chunkBodyBytes = Encoding.GetBytes(chunkBody + tail);
         int chunkBodySize = chunkBodyBytes.Length - tail.Length;
         string chunkHeader = string.Format("{0:X}\r\n", chunkBodySize);
         byte[] chunkHeaderBytes = Encoding.GetBytes(chunkHeader);
         return MergeHeaderAndBody(chunkHeaderBytes, chunkBodyBytes);
Ejemplo n.º 25
 PrivilegeClass GetRequestClass(Request request)
     foreach (var privilegeClass in ProgramConfiguration.Privileges)
         if (privilegeClass.MatchAllAddresses || privilegeClass.Addresses.Contains(request.ClientAddress))
             return privilegeClass;
     return null;
Ejemplo n.º 26
        //Returns null if the handler does not match
        public Reply RouteRequest(Request request, List<string> remainingPath)
            if (remainingPath.Count == 0)
                if (IsDefaultHandler)
                    //Execute handler
                    return ProcessRequest(request);
                    return null;
            if (IsDefaultHandler)
                //Default handlers can only match empty remaining paths
                return null;
                string currentName = remainingPath[0];
                remainingPath = remainingPath.GetRange(1, remainingPath.Count - 1);
                if (currentName == Name)
                    //We have a match for the request
                    if (IsContainer)
                        //We have a hit for the container but the container does not handle the request itself
                        //The remaining path needs to be passed on to the children so don't do anything at this point and just continue with the children
                        //The request must be handled by this object
                        List<string> argumentStrings = remainingPath;
                        if (argumentStrings.Count != ArgumentTypes.Length)
                            throw new HandlerException("Invalid argument count");
                        List<object> arguments = new List<object>();
                        for (int i = 0; i < ArgumentTypes.Length; i++)
                            ArgumentType type = ArgumentTypes[i];
                            string argumentString = argumentStrings[i];
                            object argument;
                            switch (type)
                                case ArgumentType.String:
                                    argument = argumentString;

                                case ArgumentType.Integer:
                                        argument = Convert.ToInt32(argumentString);
                                    catch (FormatException)
                                        throw new HandlerException("Invalid integer specified");

                                    throw new Exception("Unknown argument type encountered");
                        request.Arguments = arguments;
                        //Execute handler
                        return ProcessRequest(request);
                    //The handler does not match the request
                    return null;

            //Check children
            foreach (var child in Children)
                Reply reply = child.RouteRequest(request, remainingPath);
                if (reply != null)
                    //A child of the handler found a match for the request
                    return reply;

            //None of the children matched
            return null;
Ejemplo n.º 27
 void PrivilegeCheck(Request request)
         throw new HandlerException("You do not have the permission to use this service");
Ejemplo n.º 28
 Reply ProcessRequest(Request request)
     request.RequestHandler = this;
     if (IsChunkedHandler)
         return new Reply(ChunkedReplyCode, ChunkedContentType, ChunkedHandlerDelegate);
         return HandlerDelegate(request);
Ejemplo n.º 29
 public void ObserveRequest(Request request)
     WriteLine("[HTTP {0}] {1}", request.ClientAddress, request.Path);
Ejemplo n.º 30
        Reply ApiWriteComment(Request request)

            var arguments = request.Arguments;

            string regionAbbreviation = (string)request.Arguments[0];
            int summonerId = (int)request.Arguments[1];
            string commenterName = (string)request.Arguments[2];
            string comment = (string)request.Arguments[3];

            Worker worker = GetWorkerByAbbreviation(regionAbbreviation);
            OperationResult result = worker.WriteComment(summonerId, commenterName, comment);
            var output = new SummonerWriteCommentResult(result);

            return GetJSONReply(output);