        // Function: OptionsMenu
        // Author: nholmes
        // Summary: constructor - creates the menu and adds all of the menu items
        public OptionsMenu(Game game, PlayerIndex? controllingPlayer)
            : base(game, controllingPlayer, Color.White)
            // set the title and it's alignment
            title = "Options";
            alignment = Alignment.centre;

            // set this menu to the required size
            SetCentered(320, 210);

            // create our menu items
            screenModeItem = new ItemSelector(this, game, screenModeList, 0, 20, 200, Alignment.centre, textFont, Color.White, textYOffset);
            musicVolumeItem = new ItemSlider(this, game, 0, 100, 75, 55, 200, Alignment.centre, textFont, Color.White, textYOffset);
            sfxVolumeItem = new ItemSlider(this, game, 0, 100, 75, 90, 200, Alignment.centre, textFont, Color.White, textYOffset);
            backMenuItem = new ItemButton(this, game, "Back", 125, 200, Alignment.centre, textFont, Color.White, Alignment.centre, textYOffset);

            // hook up the menu event handlers
            backMenuItem.Selected += OnCancel;
            screenModeItem.NextOptionWanted += IncreaseScreenMode;
            screenModeItem.PreviousOptionWanted += DecreaseScreenMode;
            musicVolumeItem.ValueIncreased += IncreaseMusicVolume;
            musicVolumeItem.ValueDecreased += DecreaseMusicVolume;
            sfxVolumeItem.ValueIncreased += IncreaseSfxVolume;
            sfxVolumeItem.ValueDecreased += DecreaseSfxVolume;

            // add items to the menu
        // Function: PauseMenu
        // Author: nholmes
        // Summary: constructor - creates the menu and adds all the menu items
        public PauseMenu(Game game, PlayerIndex? controllingPlayer)
            : base(game, controllingPlayer, Color.White)
            // set the title and it's alignment
            title = "Pause";
            alignment = Alignment.centre;

            // set this menu to occupy the full screen

            // create our menu items
            ItemButton resumeMenuItem = new ItemButton(this, game, "Resume", 20, 170, Alignment.centre, textFont, Color.White, Alignment.centre, textYOffset);
            ItemButton optionsMenuItem = new ItemButton(this, game, "Options", 55, 170, Alignment.centre, textFont, Color.White, Alignment.centre, textYOffset);
            ItemButton quitMenuItem = new ItemButton(this, game, "Quit", 90, 170, Alignment.centre, textFont, Color.White, Alignment.centre, textYOffset);

            // hook up the menu event handlers
            resumeMenuItem.Selected += OnCancel;
            optionsMenuItem.Selected += OptionsMenuItemSelected;
            quitMenuItem.Selected += QuitMenuItemSelected;

            // add our items to the menu
        // Function: MainMenu
        // Author: nholmes
        // Summary: constructor - creates the menu and all of the items it contains
        public MainMenu(Game game, PlayerIndex? controllingPlayer)
            : base(game, controllingPlayer, Color.White)
            // set the title and it's alignment
            title = "Main Menu";
            alignment = Alignment.centre;

            // set this menu to be a fixed size in the middle of the screen
            SetArbitary((int)(displayManager.GameResolutionX * 0.5f) - 125, 360, 250, 250);

            // create our menu items
            ItemButton playGameMenuItem = new ItemButton(this, game, "Play Game", 20, 170, Alignment.centre, textFont, Color.White, Alignment.centre, textYOffset);
            ItemButton achievementsMenuItem = new ItemButton(this, game, "Achievements", 55, 170, Alignment.centre, textFont, Color.White, Alignment.centre, textYOffset);
            ItemButton leaderboardsMenuItem = new ItemButton(this, game, "Leaderboards", 90, 170, Alignment.centre, textFont, Color.White, Alignment.centre, textYOffset);
            ItemButton optionsMenuItem = new ItemButton(this, game, "Options", 125, 170, Alignment.centre, textFont, Color.White, Alignment.centre, textYOffset);
            ItemButton exitMenuItem = new ItemButton(this, game, "Exit", 160, 170, Alignment.centre, textFont, Color.White, Alignment.centre, textYOffset);

            // hook up the menu item event handlers
            playGameMenuItem.Selected += PlayGameMenuItemSelected;
            achievementsMenuItem.Selected += AchievementsMenuItemSelected;
            leaderboardsMenuItem.Selected += LeaderboardsMenuItemSelected;
            optionsMenuItem.Selected += OptionsMenuItemSelected;
            exitMenuItem.Selected += OnCancel;

            // add the items to the menu
        // Class: QuestionBox
        // Author: nholmes
        // Summary: constructor - creates the menu as a pop-up and adds all the items
        public QuestionBox(Game game, PlayerIndex? controllingPlayer, 
            string title, string question, string optionA, string optionB)
            : base(game, controllingPlayer, Color.White)
            // set the title and it's alignment
            this.title = title;
            alignment = Alignment.centre;

            // figure out the width of the menu
            int width = (int)textFont.MeasureString(question).X + 80;

            // check if the width is below the minimum allowed and set it to the minimum if it is
            if (width < 300)
                width = 300;

            // set this menu to be centered at a fixed size
            SetCentered(width, 180);

            // create our menu items
            ItemText questionTextItem = new ItemText(this, game, question, 20, Alignment.centre, textFont, Color.White, textYOffset, false);
            ItemButton continueMenuItem = new ItemButton(this, game, optionA, 55, 170, Alignment.centre, textFont, Color.Black, Alignment.centre, textYOffset);
            ItemButton exitMenuItem = new ItemButton(this, game, optionB, 90, 170, Alignment.centre, textFont, Color.Black, Alignment.centre, textYOffset);

            // hook up the menu item event handlers
            continueMenuItem.Selected += OptionASelected;
            exitMenuItem.Selected += OptionBSelected;

            // add the items to the menu
        // Function: TitleScreen
        // Author: nholmes
        // Summary: constructor, creates the title screen and adds the press start button
        public TitleScreen(Game game, PlayerIndex? controllingPlayer)
            : base(game, controllingPlayer, Color.Black)
            // tell the menu that we dont want to display anything other than items
            backgroundVisible = false;

            // set the menu size and position
            SetArbitary((displayManager.GameResolutionX / 2) - 120, displayManager.GameResolutionY - 200, 200, 100);

            // create the press start menu item
            ItemButton pressStartMenuItem = new ItemButton(this, game, "Press Start", 0, 250, Alignment.centre, textFont, Color.White, Alignment.centre, textYOffset);

            // hook up the menu item event handler
            pressStartMenuItem.Selected += PressStartMenuItemSelected;

            // add the item to the menu
        // Function: AchievementsMenu
        // Author: nholmes
        // Summary: constructor - creates the menu and adds all of the menu items
        public AchievementsMenu(Game game, PlayerIndex? controllingPlayer)
            : base(game, controllingPlayer, Color.White)
            // set the title and it's alignment
            title = "Achievements";
            alignment = Alignment.centre;

            // set this menu to the required size
            SetCentered(640, 600);

            // create our menu items
            backMenuItem = new ItemButton(this, game, "Back", 500, 200, Alignment.centre, textFont, Color.White, Alignment.centre, textYOffset);

            // hook up the menu event handlers
            backMenuItem.Selected += OnCancel;

            // add items to the menu

            // get the achievment list display service
            achievementList = (ICAchievementList)game.Services.GetService(typeof(ICAchievementList));
        // Function: LeaderboardsMenu
        // Author: nholmes
        // Summary: constructor - creates the menu and adds all of the menu items
        public LeaderboardsMenu(Game game, PlayerIndex? controllingPlayer)
            : base(game, controllingPlayer, Color.White)
            // set the title and it's alignment - no title on leaderboard menu as we expect the name of the leaderboard to be displayed
            title = "";
            alignment = Alignment.centre;

            // set this menu to the required size
            SetCentered(640, 600);

            // create our menu items
            backMenuItem = new ItemButton(this, game, "Back", 500, 200, Alignment.centre, textFont, Color.White, Alignment.centre, textYOffset);

            // hook up the menu event handlers
            backMenuItem.Selected += OnCancel;

            // add items to the menu

            // get the leaderboard browserservice
            leaderboardsBrowser = (ICLeaderboardsBrowser)game.Services.GetService(typeof(ICLeaderboardsBrowser));