Ejemplo n.º 1
        public Player(Point pntlocation, double dblBank, NumericUpDown betControl, playerType type, Strategy strategy, CountMethod method)
            // Since the game is limited to one split (two hands), just set them up now
            hands = new Hand[2];
            hands[0] = new Hand(new Point(0, 0));
            hands[1] = new Hand(new Point(50, 0));

            // Player specific variables
            location = pntlocation;
            bank = dblBank;
            plyrStrategy = strategy;
            plyrMethod = method;
            plyrType = type;
            plyrBet = betControl;

            // Start out with one hand, they may split pairs to get two
            numberOfHands = 1;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public Strategy.AdviceType GetAdvice( Card dealerCard, Strategy playerStrategy, bool allowSplit, double cardCount )
     if( playerStrategy != null )
     return playerStrategy.GetAdvice( this, dealerCard, allowSplit, cardCount );
     return Strategy.AdviceType.None;