Ejemplo n.º 1
 internal PeerWorker(WorkerConfig workerConfig, LocalClient localClient, CoreDaemon coreDaemon, HeadersRequestWorker headersRequestWorker)
     : base("PeerWorker", workerConfig.initialNotify, workerConfig.minIdleTime, workerConfig.maxIdleTime)
     this.localClient = localClient;
     this.coreDaemon = coreDaemon;
     this.headersRequestWorker = headersRequestWorker;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public WalletMonitor(CoreDaemon coreDaemon, bool keepEntries = true)
            : base("WalletMonitor", initialNotify: true, minIdleTime: TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(0), maxIdleTime: TimeSpan.MaxValue)
            this.coreDaemon = coreDaemon;

            this.addressesByOutputScriptHash = new Dictionary<UInt256, List<MonitoredWalletAddress>>();
            this.matcherAddresses = new List<MonitoredWalletAddress>();
            this.keepEntries = keepEntries;
            this.entries = ImmutableList.CreateBuilder<WalletEntry>();
            this.bitBalance = 0;

            this.coreDaemon.OnChainStateChanged += HandleChainStateChanged;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public HeadersRequestWorker(WorkerConfig workerConfig, LocalClient localClient, CoreDaemon coreDaemon)
            : base("HeadersRequestWorker", workerConfig.initialNotify, workerConfig.minIdleTime, workerConfig.maxIdleTime)
            this.localClient = localClient;
            this.coreDaemon = coreDaemon;
            this.coreStorage = coreDaemon.CoreStorage;

            this.headersRequestsByPeer = new ConcurrentDictionary<Peer, DateTimeOffset>();

            this.localClient.OnBlockHeaders += HandleBlockHeaders;
            this.coreDaemon.OnTargetChainChanged += HandleTargetChainChanged;

            this.flushWorker = new WorkerMethod("HeadersRequestWorker.FlushWorker", FlushWorkerMethod, initialNotify: true, minIdleTime: TimeSpan.Zero, maxIdleTime: TimeSpan.MaxValue);
            this.flushQueue = new ConcurrentQueue<FlushHeaders>();
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private CoreDaemon CreateExampleDaemon(out BlockProvider embeddedBlocks, out IStorageManager storageManager, int? maxHeight = null)
            // retrieve first 10,000 testnet3 blocks
            embeddedBlocks = new BlockProvider("BitSharp.Examples.Blocks.TestNet3.zip");

            // initialize in-memory storage
            storageManager = new MemoryStorageManager();

            // intialize testnet3 rules (ignore script errors, script engine is not and is not intended to be complete)
            var rules = new Testnet3Rules { IgnoreScriptErrors = true };

            // initialize & start core daemon
            var coreDaemon = new CoreDaemon(rules, storageManager) { MaxHeight = maxHeight, IsStarted = true };

            // add embedded blocks

            // wait for core daemon to finish processing any available data

            return coreDaemon;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public MainWindow()
                var useTestNet = false;
                var connectToPeers = true;

                var ignoreScripts = false;

                var pruningMode = PruningMode.TxIndex | PruningMode.BlockSpentIndex | PruningMode.BlockTxesDelete;
                var enableDummyWallet = true;

                var useLevelDb = false;
                var runInMemory = false;

                var cleanData = false;
                var cleanChainState = false;
                var cleanBlockTxes = false
                    // clean block txes if the chain state is being cleaned and block txes have been pruned, the new chain state will require intact blocks to validate
                    || (cleanChainState && (pruningMode.HasFlag(PruningMode.BlockTxesPreserveMerkle) || pruningMode.HasFlag(PruningMode.BlockTxesDestroyMerkle)));
                //NOTE: Running with a cleaned chained state against a pruned blockchain does not work.
                //      It will see the data is missing, but won't redownload the blocks.

                long? cacheSizeMaxBytes = 512.MEBIBYTE();

                // directories
                var baseDirectory = Config.LocalStoragePath;
                //if (Debugger.IsAttached)
                //    baseDirectory = Path.Combine(baseDirectory, "Debugger");

                var chainType = useTestNet ? ChainType.TestNet3 : ChainType.MainNet;

                string[] blockTxesStorageLocations = null;

                // detect local dev machine - TODO proper configuration
                var isAzureVM = (Environment.MachineName == "BITSHARP");
                var isLocalDev = (Environment.MachineName == "SKIPPY");

                if (isAzureVM)
                    cacheSizeMaxBytes = null;
                    BlockRequestWorker.SecondaryBlockFolder = @"E:\BitSharp.Blocks\RawBlocks";
                    PeerWorker.ConnectedMax = 15;

                    blockTxesStorageLocations = new[]
                else if (isLocalDev)
                    //Process.GetCurrentProcess().PriorityClass = ProcessPriorityClass.BelowNormal;

                    cacheSizeMaxBytes = (int)2.GIBIBYTE();

                    // location to store a copy of raw blocks to avoid redownload
                    BlockRequestWorker.SecondaryBlockFolder = Path.Combine(baseDirectory, "RawBlocks");

                    // split block txes storage across 2 dedicated SSDs, keep chain state on main SSD
                    //blockTxesStorageLocations = new[]
                    //    @"Y:\BitSharp",
                    //    @"Z:\BitSharp",

                if (cleanData)
                    try { Directory.Delete(Path.Combine(baseDirectory, "Data", chainType.ToString()), recursive: true); }
                    catch (IOException) { }
                if (cleanChainState)
                    try { Directory.Delete(Path.Combine(baseDirectory, "Data", chainType.ToString(), "ChainState"), recursive: true); }
                    catch (IOException) { }
                if (cleanBlockTxes)
                    try { Directory.Delete(Path.Combine(baseDirectory, "Data", chainType.ToString(), "BlockTxes"), recursive: true); }
                    catch (IOException) { }

                // initialize kernel
                this.kernel = new StandardKernel();

                // add logging module
                this.kernel.Load(new LoggingModule(baseDirectory, LogLevel.Info));

                // log startup
                this.logger = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger();
                this.logger.Info($"Starting up: {DateTime.Now}");

                var modules = new List<INinjectModule>();

                // add storage module
                if (useLevelDb)
                    ulong? blocksCacheSize = null;
                    ulong? blocksWriteCacheSize = null;

                    ulong? blockTxesCacheSize = null;
                    ulong? blockTxesWriteCacheSize = null;

                    ulong? chainStateCacheSize = null;
                    ulong? chainStateWriteCacheSize = null;

                    modules.Add(new LevelDbStorageModule(baseDirectory, chainType,
                        blocksCacheSize, blocksWriteCacheSize,
                        blockTxesCacheSize, blockTxesWriteCacheSize,
                        chainStateCacheSize, chainStateWriteCacheSize));

                    long? writeCacheSizeMaxBytes = 128.MEBIBYTE();

                else if (runInMemory)
                    modules.Add(new MemoryStorageModule());
                    modules.Add(new NodeMemoryStorageModule());
                    modules.Add(new EsentStorageModule(baseDirectory, chainType, cacheSizeMaxBytes: cacheSizeMaxBytes, blockTxesStorageLocations: blockTxesStorageLocations));

                // add rules module
                modules.Add(new RulesModule(chainType));

                // load modules

                // initialize rules
                var rules = this.kernel.Get<ICoreRules>();
                rules.IgnoreScripts = ignoreScripts;

                // initialize the blockchain daemon
                this.coreDaemon = this.kernel.Get<CoreDaemon>();
                this.coreDaemon.PruningMode = pruningMode;

                // initialize dummy wallet monitor
                this.dummyMonitor = new DummyMonitor(this.coreDaemon);
                if (enableDummyWallet)
                    Task.Run(() => this.dummyMonitor.Start());
                    // allow pruning to any height when not using the wallet
                    this.coreDaemon.PrunableHeight = int.MaxValue;

                // initialize p2p client
                this.localClient = this.kernel.Get<LocalClient>();

                // setup view model
                this.viewModel = new MainWindowViewModel(this.kernel, this.dummyMonitor);

                // start the blockchain daemon
                Task.Run(() => this.coreDaemon.Start());

                // start p2p client
                Task.Run(() => this.localClient.Start(connectToPeers));

                this.DataContext = this.viewModel;
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (this.logger != null)
                    this.logger.Fatal(ex, "Application failed");

Ejemplo n.º 6
 public DummyMonitor(CoreDaemon coreDaemon)
     : base(coreDaemon, keepEntries: false)
     this.AddAddress(new First10000Address());
     this.AddAddress(new Top10000Address());
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public NodeRpcServer(CoreDaemon coreDaemon, int port)
     : base(coreDaemon, port)
     this.coreDaemon = coreDaemon;
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public PeerWorker(WorkerConfig workerConfig, LocalClient localClient, CoreDaemon coreDaemon)
     : base("PeerWorker", workerConfig.initialNotify, workerConfig.minIdleTime, workerConfig.maxIdleTime)
     this.localClient = localClient;
     this.coreDaemon = coreDaemon;