jpeg_set_colorspace() public method

Set the JPEG colorspace (property jpeg_compress_struct.Jpeg_color_space, and choose colorspace-dependent parameters appropriately.
See Special color spaces, below, before using this. A large number of parameters, including all per-component parameters, are set by this routine; if you want to twiddle individual parameters you should call jpeg_set_colorspace before rather than after.
public jpeg_set_colorspace ( J_COLOR_SPACE colorspace ) : void
colorspace J_COLOR_SPACE The required colorspace.
return void
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the compression object with default parameters, then copy from the source object 
        /// all parameters needed for lossless transcoding.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dstinfo">Target JPEG compression object.</param>
        /// <remarks>Parameters that can be varied without loss (such as scan script and 
        /// Huffman optimization) are left in their default states.</remarks>
        public void jpeg_copy_critical_parameters(jpeg_compress_struct dstinfo)
            /* Safety check to ensure start_compress not called yet. */
            if (dstinfo.m_global_state != JpegState.CSTATE_START)
                ERREXIT(J_MESSAGE_CODE.JERR_BAD_STATE, (int)dstinfo.m_global_state);

            /* Copy fundamental image dimensions */
            dstinfo.m_image_width = m_image_width;
            dstinfo.m_image_height = m_image_height;
            dstinfo.m_input_components = m_num_components;
            dstinfo.m_in_color_space = m_jpeg_color_space;

            /* Initialize all parameters to default values */

            /* jpeg_set_defaults may choose wrong colorspace, eg YCbCr if input is RGB.
            * Fix it to get the right header markers for the image colorspace.
            dstinfo.m_data_precision = m_data_precision;
            dstinfo.m_CCIR601_sampling = m_CCIR601_sampling;

            /* Copy the source's quantization tables. */
            for (int tblno = 0; tblno < JpegConstants.NUM_QUANT_TBLS; tblno++)
                if (m_quant_tbl_ptrs[tblno] != null)
                    if (dstinfo.m_quant_tbl_ptrs[tblno] == null)
                        dstinfo.m_quant_tbl_ptrs[tblno] = new JQUANT_TBL();

                    Buffer.BlockCopy(m_quant_tbl_ptrs[tblno].quantval, 0,
                        dstinfo.m_quant_tbl_ptrs[tblno].quantval, 0,
                        dstinfo.m_quant_tbl_ptrs[tblno].quantval.Length * sizeof(short));

                    dstinfo.m_quant_tbl_ptrs[tblno].Sent_table = false;

            /* Copy the source's per-component info.
            * Note we assume jpeg_set_defaults has allocated the dest comp_info array.
            dstinfo.m_num_components = m_num_components;
            if (dstinfo.m_num_components < 1 || dstinfo.m_num_components> JpegConstants.MAX_COMPONENTS)
                ERREXIT(J_MESSAGE_CODE.JERR_COMPONENT_COUNT, dstinfo.m_num_components, JpegConstants.MAX_COMPONENTS);

            for (int ci = 0; ci < dstinfo.m_num_components; ci++)
                dstinfo.Component_info[ci].Component_id = m_comp_info[ci].Component_id;
                dstinfo.Component_info[ci].H_samp_factor = m_comp_info[ci].H_samp_factor;
                dstinfo.Component_info[ci].V_samp_factor = m_comp_info[ci].V_samp_factor;
                dstinfo.Component_info[ci].Quant_tbl_no = m_comp_info[ci].Quant_tbl_no;

                /* Make sure saved quantization table for component matches the qtable
                * slot.  If not, the input file re-used this qtable slot.
                * IJG encoder currently cannot duplicate this.
                int tblno = dstinfo.Component_info[ci].Quant_tbl_no;
                if (tblno < 0 || tblno >= JpegConstants.NUM_QUANT_TBLS || m_quant_tbl_ptrs[tblno] == null)
                    ERREXIT(J_MESSAGE_CODE.JERR_NO_QUANT_TABLE, tblno);

                JQUANT_TBL c_quant = m_comp_info[ci].quant_table;
                if (c_quant != null)
                    JQUANT_TBL slot_quant = m_quant_tbl_ptrs[tblno];
                    for (int coefi = 0; coefi < JpegConstants.DCTSIZE2; coefi++)
                        if (c_quant.quantval[coefi] != slot_quant.quantval[coefi])
                            ERREXIT(J_MESSAGE_CODE.JERR_MISMATCHED_QUANT_TABLE, tblno);
                /* Note: we do not copy the source's Huffman table assignments;
                * instead we rely on jpeg_set_colorspace to have made a suitable choice.

            /* Also copy JFIF version and resolution information, if available.
            * Strictly speaking this isn't "critical" info, but it's nearly
            * always appropriate to copy it if available.  In particular,
            * if the application chooses to copy JFIF 1.02 extension markers from
            * the source file, we need to copy the version to make sure we don't
            * emit a file that has 1.02 extensions but a claimed version of 1.01.
            * We will *not*, however, copy version info from mislabeled "2.01" files.
            if (m_saw_JFIF_marker)
                if (m_JFIF_major_version == 1)
                    dstinfo.m_JFIF_major_version = m_JFIF_major_version;
                    dstinfo.m_JFIF_minor_version = m_JFIF_minor_version;

                dstinfo.m_density_unit = m_density_unit;
                dstinfo.m_X_density = (short)m_X_density;
                dstinfo.m_Y_density = (short)m_Y_density;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private static bool applyOptions(jpeg_compress_struct compressor, CompressOptions options)
            compressor.jpeg_set_quality(options.Quality, options.ForceBaseline);
            compressor.Dct_method = options.DCTMethod;

            if (options.Debug)
                compressor.Err.Trace_level = 1;

            if (options.Grayscale)

            if (options.Optimize)
                compressor.Optimize_coding = true;

            compressor.Restart_interval = options.RestartInterval;
            compressor.Restart_in_rows = options.RestartInRows;

            compressor.Smoothing_factor = options.SmoothingFactor;

            int q_scale_factor = 100;
            if (options.Quality != 75)
                q_scale_factor = jpeg_compress_struct.jpeg_quality_scaling(options.Quality);

            /* Set quantization tables for selected quality. */
            /* Some or all may be overridden if -qtables is present. */
            if (options.Qtables != "") /* process -qtables if it was present */
                if (!read_quant_tables(compressor, options.Qtables, q_scale_factor, options.ForceBaseline))
                    return false;

            if (options.Qslots != "")  /* process -qslots if it was present */
                if (!set_quant_slots(compressor, options.Qslots))
                    return false;

            if (options.Sample != "")  /* process -sample if it was present */
                if (!set_sample_factors(compressor, options.Sample))
                    return false;

            if (options.Progressive) /* process -progressive; -scans can override */

            return true;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Parse optional switches.
        /// Returns true if switches were parsed successfully; false otherwise.
        /// fileIndex receives index of first file-name argument (== -1 if none).
        /// for_real is false on the first (dummy) pass; we may skip any expensive
        /// processing.
        /// </summary>
        static bool parse_switches(jpeg_compress_struct cinfo, string[] argv, bool for_real, out int fileIndex)
            /* Set up default JPEG parameters. */
            /* Note that default -quality level need not, and does not,
             * match the default scaling for an explicit -qtables argument.
            int quality = 75;           /* default -quality value */
            int q_scale_factor = 100;       /* default to no scaling for -qtables */
            bool force_baseline = false; /* by default, allow 16-bit quantizers */
            bool simple_progressive = false;

            string qtablefile = null;    /* saves -qtables filename if any */
            string qslotsarg = null; /* saves -qslots parm if any */
            string samplearg = null; /* saves -sample parm if any */

            outfilename = null;
            fileIndex = -1;
            cinfo.Err.Trace_level = 0;

            /* Scan command line options, adjust parameters */
            int argn = 0;
            for ( ; argn < argv.Length; argn++)
                string arg = argv[argn];
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(arg) || arg[0] != '-')
                    /* Not a switch, must be a file name argument */
                    fileIndex = argn;

                arg = arg.Substring(1);

                if (cdjpeg_utils.keymatch(arg, "baseline", 1))
                    /* Force baseline-compatible output (8-bit quantizer values). */
                    force_baseline = true;
                else if (cdjpeg_utils.keymatch(arg, "dct", 2))
                    /* Select DCT algorithm. */
                    argn++; /* advance to next argument */
                    if (argn >= argv.Length)
                        return false;

                    if (cdjpeg_utils.keymatch(argv[argn], "int", 1))
                        cinfo.Dct_method = J_DCT_METHOD.JDCT_ISLOW;
                    else if (cdjpeg_utils.keymatch(argv[argn], "fast", 2))
                        cinfo.Dct_method = J_DCT_METHOD.JDCT_IFAST;
                    else if (cdjpeg_utils.keymatch(argv[argn], "float", 2))
                        cinfo.Dct_method = J_DCT_METHOD.JDCT_FLOAT;
                        return false;
                else if (cdjpeg_utils.keymatch(arg, "debug", 1) || cdjpeg_utils.keymatch(arg, "verbose", 1))
                    /* Enable debug printouts. */
                    /* On first -d, print version identification */
                    if (!printed_version)
                        Console.Write(string.Format("Bit Miracle's CJPEG, version {0}\n{1}\n", jpeg_common_struct.Version, jpeg_common_struct.Copyright));
                        printed_version = true;
                else if (cdjpeg_utils.keymatch(arg, "grayscale", 2) || cdjpeg_utils.keymatch(arg, "greyscale", 2))
                    /* Force a monochrome JPEG file to be generated. */
                else if (cdjpeg_utils.keymatch(arg, "optimize", 1) || cdjpeg_utils.keymatch(arg, "optimise", 1))
                    /* Enable entropy parm optimization. */
                    cinfo.Optimize_coding = true;
                else if (cdjpeg_utils.keymatch(arg, "outfile", 4))
                    /* Set output file name. */
                    argn++;/* advance to next argument */
                    if (argn >= argv.Length)
                        return false;

                    outfilename = argv[argn];   /* save it away for later use */
                else if (cdjpeg_utils.keymatch(arg, "progressive", 1))
                    /* Select simple progressive mode. */
                    simple_progressive = true;
                    /* We must postpone execution until num_components is known. */
                else if (cdjpeg_utils.keymatch(arg, "quality", 1))
                    /* Quality factor (quantization table scaling factor). */
                    argn++;/* advance to next argument */
                    if (argn >= argv.Length)
                        return false;

                        quality = int.Parse(argv[argn]);
                        /* Change scale factor in case -qtables is present. */
                        q_scale_factor = jpeg_compress_struct.jpeg_quality_scaling(quality);
                    catch (Exception e)
                        return false;
                else if (cdjpeg_utils.keymatch(arg, "qslots", 2))
                    /* Quantization table slot numbers. */
                    argn++; /* advance to next argument */
                    if (argn >= argv.Length)
                        return false;

                    qslotsarg = argv[argn];
                    /* Must delay setting qslots until after we have processed any
                     * colorspace-determining switches, since jpeg_set_colorspace sets
                     * default quant table numbers.
                else if (cdjpeg_utils.keymatch(arg, "qtables", 2))
                    /* Quantization tables fetched from file. */
                    argn++; /* advance to next argument */
                    if (argn >= argv.Length)
                        return false;

                    qtablefile = argv[argn];
                    /* We postpone actually reading the file in case -quality comes later. */
                else if (cdjpeg_utils.keymatch(arg, "restart", 1))
                    /* Restart interval in MCU rows (or in MCUs with 'b'). */
                    argn++; /* advance to next argument */

                    if (argn >= argv.Length)
                        return false;

                    bool inBlocks = false;
                    if (argv[argn].EndsWith("b") || argv[argn].EndsWith("B"))
                        inBlocks = true;

                    string parsee = argv[argn];
                    if (inBlocks)
                        parsee = parsee.Remove(parsee.Length - 1);

                        int val = int.Parse(parsee);
                        if (val < 0 || val > 65535)
                            return false;

                        if (inBlocks)
                            cinfo.Restart_interval = val;
                            cinfo.Restart_in_rows = 0; /* else prior '-restart n' overrides me */
                            cinfo.Restart_in_rows = val;
                            /* restart_interval will be computed during startup */
                    catch (Exception e)
                        return false;
                else if (cdjpeg_utils.keymatch(arg, "sample", 2))
                    /* Set sampling factors. */
                    argn++; /* advance to next argument */
                    if (argn >= argv.Length)
                        return false;

                    samplearg = argv[argn];
                    /* Must delay setting sample factors until after we have processed any
                     * colorspace-determining switches, since jpeg_set_colorspace sets
                     * default sampling factors.
                else if (cdjpeg_utils.keymatch(arg, "smooth", 2))
                    /* Set input smoothing factor. */

                    argn++; /* advance to next argument */
                    if (argn >= argv.Length)
                        return false;

                        int val = int.Parse(argv[argn]);
                        if (val < 0 || val > 100)
                            return false;

                        cinfo.Smoothing_factor = val;
                    catch (Exception e)
                        return false;
                    /* bogus switch */
                    return false;

            /* Post-switch-scanning cleanup */

            if (for_real)
                /* Set quantization tables for selected quality. */
                /* Some or all may be overridden if -qtables is present. */
                cinfo.jpeg_set_quality(quality, force_baseline);

                if (qtablefile != null) /* process -qtables if it was present */
                    if (!read_quant_tables(cinfo, qtablefile, q_scale_factor, force_baseline))
                        return false;

                if (qslotsarg != null)  /* process -qslots if it was present */
                    if (!set_quant_slots(cinfo, qslotsarg))
                        return false;

                if (samplearg != null)  /* process -sample if it was present */
                    if (!set_sample_factors(cinfo, samplearg))
                        return false;

                if (simple_progressive) /* process -progressive; -scans can override */

            return true;