Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static HashSet <T> BiserDecodeHashSet <T>(this byte[] enc)
            if (enc == null)

            var t1      = (HashSet <T>)GetInstanceCreator(typeof(HashSet <T>))();
            var decoder = new Decoder(enc);
            var f       = GetTypeOfCollection <T>();

            decoder.GetCollection(() => { return((T)f.Item2(decoder)); }, t1, false);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var resbof = BiserObjectify.Generator.Run(typeof(TS6),
                                                      forBiserBinary: true,
                                                      forBiserJson: true);


            TS6 t6 = new TS6()
                //P1 = "dsfs",
                //P2 = 456,
                //P3 = DateTime.UtcNow,
                //P4 = new List<Dictionary<DateTime, Tuple<int, string>>>
                //    {
                //        new Dictionary<DateTime, Tuple<int, string>>{
                //            { DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(-1), new Tuple<int, string>(12,"pipec") },
                //            { DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(-2), new Tuple<int, string>(125,"pipec123") }
                //        },
                //        new Dictionary<DateTime, Tuple<int, string>>{
                //            { DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(-3), new Tuple<int, string>(17,"pihfpec") },
                //            { DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(-4), new Tuple<int, string>(15625,"pipfghec123") }
                //        }
                //    },
                //P5 = new Dictionary<int, Tuple<int, string>> {
                //     { 12, new Tuple<int, string>(478,"dsffdf") },
                //     { 178, new Tuple<int, string>(5687,"sdfsd") }
                // },
                //P6 = new Tuple<int, string, Tuple<List<string>, DateTime>>(445, "dsfdfgfgfg",
                //new Tuple<List<string>, DateTime>(new List<string> { "a1", "a2" }, DateTime.Now.AddDays(58))),
                //P7 = new List<string> { "fgdfgrdfg", "dfgfdgdfg" },
                //P8 = new Dictionary<int, List<string>> {
                //        { 34,new List<string> { "drtttz","ghhtht"} },
                //        { 4534,new List<string> { "dfgfghfgz","6546ghhtht"} }
                //    },

                //P13 = new List<List<int>> { new List<int> { 12, 43, 54 }, new List<int> { 12, 43, 54 } },

                //P15 = new Tuple<int, string, DateTime, byte[]>(147, "sdffgfdsg", DateTime.UtcNow, new byte[] { 45, 78, 95 }),

                //P16 = new List<Dictionary<int, Tuple<int, string>>>
                //    {
                //        new Dictionary<int, Tuple<int, string>>{
                //            { 1, new Tuple<int, string>(12,"pipec") },
                //            { 2, new Tuple<int, string>(125,"pipec123") }
                //        },
                //        new Dictionary<int, Tuple<int, string>>{
                //            { 3, new Tuple<int, string>(17,"pihfpec") },
                //            { 4, new Tuple<int, string>(15625,"pipfghec123") }
                //        }
                //    },

                //P17 = new int[3] { 12, 3545, 7987 }

            #region "pars"
            //t6.P19 = new Dictionary<int, List<string>>[2][];
            //t6.P19[0] = new Dictionary<int, List<string>>[3];
            //t6.P19[1] = new Dictionary<int, List<string>>[5];
            //t6.P19[0][0] = new Dictionary<int, List<string>> { { 1, new List<string> { "dsf", "dsfd" } }, { 3, new List<string> { "fdsf", "tzutr" } } };

            //t6.P11 = new int[2][];
            //t6.P11[0] = new int[3];
            //t6.P11[1] = new int[3];
            //t6.P11[0][0] = 12;
            //t6.P11[0][1] = 14;
            //t6.P11[1][0] = 125;
            //t6.P11[1][2] = 19;

            //t6.P18 = new List<int>[2, 3, 4];
            //t6.P18[0, 0, 0] = new List<int> { 1, 2 };
            //t6.P18[0, 0, 1] = new List<int> { 12, 4 };
            //t6.P18[0, 1, 0] = new List<int> { 3, 12, 7, 8 };
            //t6.P18[0, 1, 1] = new List<int> { 99, 14, 7, 7 };
            //t6.P18[1, 0, 0] = new List<int> { 4, 17, 9, 9, 9, 6 };
            //t6.P18[1, 0, 1] = new List<int> { 2, 12, 5, 0 };

            //t6.P12 = new int[2, 3, 4];
            //t6.P12[0, 0, 0] = 12;
            //t6.P12[0, 0, 1] = 13;
            //t6.P12[0, 1, 0] = 14;
            //t6.P12[0, 1, 1] = 15;
            //t6.P12[1, 0, 0] = 16;
            //t6.P12[1, 0, 1] = 17;

            //t6.P121 = new string[2, 3, 4];
            //t6.P121[0, 0, 0] = "dsf";
            //t6.P121[0, 0, 1] = "dsf";
            //t6.P121[0, 1, 0] = "dsf";
            //t6.P121[0, 1, 1] = "dsf";
            //t6.P121[1, 0, 0] = "dsf";
            //t6.P121[1, 0, 1] = "dsf";

            //var ar1 = new int[2, 3, 4];
            //ar1[0, 0, 0] = 12;
            //ar1[0, 0, 1] = 13;
            //ar1[0, 1, 0] = 14;
            //ar1[0, 1, 1] = 15;
            //ar1[1, 0, 0] = 16;
            //ar1[1, 0, 1] = 17;

            //t6.P21 = new List<int[,,]>();
            //ar1 = new int[2, 3, 4];
            //ar1[0, 0, 0] = 12;
            //ar1[0, 0, 1] = 13;
            //ar1[0, 1, 0] = 14;
            //ar1[0, 1, 1] = 15;
            //ar1[1, 0, 0] = 16;
            //ar1[1, 0, 1] = 17;
            //ar1[0, 0, 0] = 122;
            //ar1[0, 0, 1] = 132;

            //Json test

            //t6.P25 = new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<System.Int32, System.Collections.Generic.List<System.String[,][][,,]>>
            //    [2, 3, 4, 8][][,,];

            //var njSer = NetJSON.NetJSON.Serialize(t6, new NetJSON.NetJSONSettings { DateFormat = NetJSON.NetJSONDateFormat.ISO });

            //var jsonSet = new Biser.JsonSettings { DateFormat = Biser.JsonSettings.DateTimeStyle.ISO };
            //Biser.JsonEncoder enc = new Biser.JsonEncoder(t6, jsonSet);
            //string es = enc.GetJSON(Biser.JsonSettings.JsonStringStyle.Prettify);
            //var ot2 = TS6.BiserJsonDecode(es, settings: jsonSet);

            ////var ot2 = TS6.BiserJsonDecode(njSer, settings: jsonSet);

            //Binary test

            //var encb = t6.BiserEncoder().Encode();
            //var t6n = TS6.BiserDecode(encb);



            //var jsres = NetJSON.NetJSON.Serialize((int)12); //12
            //var ojsres = NetJSON.NetJSON.Deserialize<int>(jsres);

            //var jsres2 = NetJSON.NetJSON.Serialize((double)12.45687); //12.45687
            //var ojsres2 = NetJSON.NetJSON.Deserialize<double>(jsres2);

            //Dictionary<string, byte[]> dic1d = new Dictionary<string, byte[]>();
            //dic1d.Add("str1", new byte[] { 1, 2, 3 });
            //dic1d.Add("str2", new byte[] { 1, 2 });
            //dic1d.Add("str3", null);

            //var jsres1 = NetJSON.NetJSON.Serialize(dic1d); //{"str1":"AQID","str2":"AQI=","str3":null}
            //var ojsres1 = NetJSON.NetJSON.Deserialize<Dictionary<string, byte[]>>(jsres1);

            //List<Dictionary<string, byte[]>> ldic1d = new List<Dictionary<string, byte[]>>();
            //var jsres3 = NetJSON.NetJSON.Serialize(ldic1d); //[{"str1":"AQID","str2":"AQI=","str3":null},{"str1":"AQID","str2":"AQI=","str3":null}]
            //var ojsres3 = NetJSON.NetJSON.Deserialize<List<Dictionary<string, byte[]>>>(jsres3);

            //var jsres4 = NetJSON.NetJSON.Serialize((string)"ds\"fs{d}f"); //"ds\"fs{d}f"
            //// var jsres4 = NetJSON.NetJSON.Serialize("dsf\"sdfdsf{fdgdfgdf{dsfdsf[sdf\"\"dfdsf}"); //"dsf\"sdfdsf{fdgdfgdf{dsfdsf[sdf\"\"dfdsf}"
            //var ojsres4 = NetJSON.NetJSON.Deserialize<string>(jsres4); //"ds"fsdf"

            TS2 jts2 = new TS2()
                P1 = long.MinValue,
                P2 = 4587.4564,
                P3 = new List <TS3> {
                    new TS3 {
                        P3 = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-1)
                    //new TS3 { P3 = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-2) },
                    new TS3 {
                        P3 = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-3)
                P4 = new TS3 {
                    P1 = "hi"
                P5 = 111

            //TS1 jts1 = new TS1()
            //    P1 = 12,
            //    P2 = 15,
            //    P3 = 478.5879m,
            //    P4 = new List<TS2> { jts2, jts2 },
            //    P5 = new Dictionary<long, TS3> {
            //        { 1, new TS3{ P1 = "t1" } },
            //        { 2, new TS3{ P1 = "t2" } },
            //        { 3, new TS3{ P1 = "t3" } }
            //    },
            //    P6 = new Dictionary<uint, List<TS3>> {
            //        { 1, new List<TS3>{ new TS3 { P1 = "h1" }, new TS3 { P1 = "h2" }, new TS3 { P1 = "h3" } } },
            //        { 2, new List<TS3>{ new TS3 { P1 = "h2" }, new TS3 { P1 = "h2" }, new TS3 { P1 = "h4" } } },
            //        { 3, new List<TS3>{ new TS3 { P1 = "h3" }, new TS3 { P1 = "h2" }, new TS3 { P1 = "h5" } } },
            //        { 4, new List<TS3>{ new TS3 { P1 = "h4" }, new TS3 { P1 = "h2" }, new TS3 { P1 = "h6" } } }
            //    },
            //    P7 = new TS2 { P1 = -789 },
            //    P8 = new List<Tuple<string, byte[], TS3>> {
            //        new Tuple<string, byte[], TS3>("tt1",new byte[] { 1,2,3},new TS3 { P1 = "z1" }),
            //        new Tuple<string, byte[], TS3>("tt2",new byte[] { 3,2,3},new TS3 { P1 = "z2" }),
            //        new Tuple<string, byte[], TS3>("tt3",new byte[] { 4,2,3},new TS3 { P1 = "z3" }),
            //    },
            //    P9 = new Tuple<float, TS2, TS3, decimal?>(-.8f, new TS2 { P2 = 45 }, new TS3 { P2 = 12 }, -58.8m),
            //    P10 = "dsf\"sdfdsf{fdgdfgdf{dsfdsf[sdf\"\"dfdsf}"

            //var jsres5 = NetJSON.NetJSON.Serialize(jts1, new NetJSON.NetJSONSettings { DateFormat = NetJSON.NetJSONDateFormat.ISO, Format = NetJSON.NetJSONFormat.Prettify });
            //var ojsres5 = NetJSON.NetJSON.Deserialize<TS1>(jsres5); //"ds"fsdf"

            //Dictionary<int, byte[]> dic1d2 = new Dictionary<int, byte[]>(); //key will be transformed toString, so key can't be byte[]
            //dic1d2.Add(12, new byte[] { 1, 2, 3 });
            //dic1d2.Add(17, new byte[] { 1, 2 });

            //var jsres6 = NetJSON.NetJSON.Serialize(dic1d2); //{"12":"AQID","17":"AQI="}
            //var ojsres6 = NetJSON.NetJSON.Deserialize<Dictionary<int, byte[]>>(jsres6);

            //Dictionary<int, string> dic1d3 = new Dictionary<int, string>(); //key will be transformed toString, so key can't be byte[]
            //dic1d3.Add(12, "dsf\"sdfdsf{fdgdfgdf{dsfdsf[sdf\"\"dfdsf}");
            //dic1d3.Add(17, "dsf\"sdfdsf{fdgddddf{dsfdsf[sdf\"\"dfdsf}");

            //var jsres7 = NetJSON.NetJSON.Serialize(dic1d3, new NetJSON.NetJSONSettings { DateFormat = NetJSON.NetJSONDateFormat.ISO, Format = NetJSON.NetJSONFormat.Prettify }); //{"12":"AQID","17":"AQI="}
            //var ojsres7 = NetJSON.NetJSON.Deserialize<Dictionary<int, string>>(jsres7);

            ////var jsres8 = NetJSON.NetJSON.Serialize((int?)null); //{"12":"AQID","17":"AQI="}
            ////var ojsres8 = NetJSON.NetJSON.Deserialize<int?>(jsres8);

            ////var jsres8 = NetJSON.NetJSON.Serialize("dsf\"sdfdsf{fdgdfgdf{dsfdsf[sdf\"\"dfdsf}"); //{"12":"AQID","17":"AQI="}
            ////var ojsres8 = NetJSON.NetJSON.Deserialize<string>(jsres8);

            ////Dictionary<int, int> dic1d4 = new Dictionary<int, int>(); //key will be transformed toString, so key can't be byte[]
            ////dic1d4.Add(12, 15);
            ////dic1d4.Add(17, 57);
            ////var jsres8 = NetJSON.NetJSON.Serialize(dic1d4); //{"12":"AQID","17":"AQI="}
            ////var ojsres8 = NetJSON.NetJSON.Deserialize<Dictionary<int, int>>(jsres8);

            //List<int> dic1d4 = new List<int>();
            //var jsres8 = NetJSON.NetJSON.Serialize(dic1d4); //{"12":"AQID","17":"AQI="}
            ////var ojsres8 = NetJSON.NetJSON.Deserialize<List<int, int>>(jsres8);

            //JsonDecoder jsdec = new JsonDecoder(jsres8); //{"12":15,"17":57}
            ////var iuz = jsdec.GetInt_NULL();
            ////var iuz = jsdec.GetString();
            ////Dictionary<int,int> iuzd = jsdec.CheckNull() ? null : new Dictionary<int, int>();
            //List<int> iuzd = jsdec.CheckNull() ? null : new List<int>();

            //if (iuzd != null)
            //    //jsdec.GetCollection(() => { return jsdec.GetInt(); },
            //    //    () => { return jsdec.GetInt(); }, iuzd, true);
            //    //foreach (var item in iuzd)
            //    //    Debug.WriteLine(item.Key);
            //    jsdec.GetCollection(() => { return jsdec.GetInt(); }, iuzd, true);
            //    foreach (var item in iuzd)
            //        Debug.WriteLine(item);

            TS1 jsts1 = new TS1()
                P1 = 12,
                P2 = 17,
                P3 = 478.5879m,
                P4 = new List <TS2> {
                    jts2, jts2
                //P5 = new Dictionary<long, TS3> {
                //        { 1, new TS3{ P1 = "t1" } },
                //        { 2, new TS3{ P1 = "t2" } },
                //        { 3, new TS3{ P1 = "t3" } }
                //    },
                P6 = new Dictionary <uint, List <TS3> > {
                    { 1, new List <TS3> {
                          new TS3 {
                              P1 = "h1"
                          }, new TS3 {
                              P1 = "h2"
                          }, new TS3 {
                              P1 = "h3"
                      } },
                    { 2, new List <TS3> {
                          new TS3 {
                              P1 = "h2"
                          }, new TS3 {
                              P1 = "h2"
                          }, new TS3 {
                              P1 = "h4"
                      } },
                    { 3, new List <TS3> {
                          new TS3 {
                              P1 = "h3"
                          }, new TS3 {
                              P1 = "h2"
                          }, new TS3 {
                              P1 = "h5"
                      } },
                    { 4, new List <TS3> {
                          new TS3 {
                              P1 = "h4"
                          }, new TS3 {
                              P1 = "h2"
                          }, new TS3 {
                              P1 = "h6"
                      } }
                P7 = new TS2 {
                    P1 = -789
                P8 = new List <Tuple <string, byte[], TS3> > {
                    new Tuple <string, byte[], TS3>("tt1", new byte[] { 1, 2, 3 }, new TS3 {
                        P1 = "z1"
                    new Tuple <string, byte[], TS3>("tt2", new byte[] { 3, 2, 3 }, new TS3 {
                        P1 = "z2"
                    new Tuple <string, byte[], TS3>("tt3", new byte[] { 4, 2, 3 }, new TS3 {
                        P1 = "z3"
                P9 = new Tuple <float, TS2, TS3, decimal?>(-.8f, new TS2 {
                    P2 = 45
                }, new TS3 {
                    P2 = 12
                }, -58.8m),

            jsts1.P11 = new Dictionary <int, int>();
            jsts1.P11.Add(12, 14);
            jsts1.P11.Add(17, 89);

            //jsts1.P14 = new Dictionary<int, int>();
            //jsts1.P14.Add(17, 14);
            //jsts1.P14.Add(19, 89);

            jsts1.P5 = new Dictionary <long, TS3>();
            jsts1.P5.Add(189, new TS3 {
                P1 = "dsf", P2 = 45, P3 = DateTime.UtcNow
            jsts1.P5.Add(178, new TS3 {
                P1 = "sdfsdfsdfs", P2 = null, P3 = DateTime.UtcNow
            jsts1.P5.Add(148, new TS3 {
                P1 = "dfdff", P2 = null, P3 = DateTime.UtcNow

            jsts1.P12 = 789;

            jsts1.P13 = new List <TS3>();
            jsts1.P13.Add(new TS3 {
                P1 = "dsf", P2 = 45, P3 = DateTime.UtcNow
            jsts1.P13.Add(new TS3 {
                P1 = "sdfsdfsdfs", P2 = null, P3 = DateTime.UtcNow

            jsts1.P15 = new List <List <TS3> >();

            jsts1.P16 = new Dictionary <long, List <TS3> >();
            jsts1.P16.Add(12, jsts1.P13);
            jsts1.P16.Add(14, jsts1.P13);
            jsts1.P16.Add(28, jsts1.P13);

            jsts1.P18 = new List <int>();

            jsts1.P19 = new Tuple <int, TS3>(12, new TS3 {
                P1 = "dsf", P2 = 45, P3 = DateTime.UtcNow

            jsts1.P17 = new DateTime(2018, 6, 5, 17, 44, 15, 443, DateTimeKind.Utc);

            //var jsres9 = NetJSON.NetJSON.Serialize(jsts1, new NetJSON.NetJSONSettings() { Format = NetJSON.NetJSONFormat.Prettify });
            var jsres9 = NetJSON.NetJSON.Serialize(jsts1, new NetJSON.NetJSONSettings()
                Format     = NetJSON.NetJSONFormat.Prettify,
                DateFormat = NetJSON.NetJSONDateFormat.Default
            var njdv1 = NetJSON.NetJSON.Deserialize <TS1>(jsres9, new NetJSON.NetJSONSettings()
            { //Format = NetJSON.NetJSONFormat.Prettify,
                DateFormat = NetJSON.NetJSONDateFormat.Default
            //var jsres9 = NetJSON.NetJSON.Serialize(jsts1);
            TS1 jsts1d = null;

            //jsts1d = TS1.BiserJsonDecode(jsres9, null, new JsonSettings { DateFormat = JsonSettings.DateTimeStyle.ISO });

            //var jsres91 = NetJSON.NetJSON.Serialize(jsts1.P13, new NetJSON.NetJSONSettings()
            //{ //Format = NetJSON.NetJSONFormat.Prettify,
            //    DateFormat = NetJSON.NetJSONDateFormat.ISO

            JsonEncoder jenc = new JsonEncoder(null, new JsonSettings {
                DateFormat       = JsonSettings.DateTimeStyle.Default,
                JsonStringFormat = JsonSettings.JsonStringStyle.Prettify
            // jsts1.BiserJsonEncode(jenc);

            string wow1 = jenc.GetJSON();

            var jsts1d1 = TS1.BiserJsonDecode(wow1, null, new JsonSettings {
                DateFormat = JsonSettings.DateTimeStyle.Default

            //StreamReader sr=new StreamReader("",Encoding.UTF8)
            //StreamWriter sw=new StreamWriter()
            Console.WriteLine("Press to start test");

            System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch sw = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();
            for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
                jenc = new JsonEncoder(new JsonSettings
                    DateFormat       = JsonSettings.DateTimeStyle.Default,
                    JsonStringFormat = JsonSettings.JsonStringStyle.Default
                wow1 = jenc.GetJSON();
            Console.WriteLine($"Biser encode: {sw.ElapsedMilliseconds} ms");

            for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
                jsres9 = NetJSON.NetJSON.Serialize(jsts1, new NetJSON.NetJSONSettings()
                    Format     = NetJSON.NetJSONFormat.Default,
                    DateFormat = NetJSON.NetJSONDateFormat.Default
            Console.WriteLine($"NetJSON encode: {sw.ElapsedMilliseconds} ms");

            for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
                jsts1d = TS1.BiserJsonDecode(wow1, null, new JsonSettings {
                    DateFormat = JsonSettings.DateTimeStyle.Default
            Console.WriteLine($"Biser decode: {sw.ElapsedMilliseconds} ms");

            for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
                jsts1d = NetJSON.NetJSON.Deserialize <TS1>(jsres9);
            Console.WriteLine($"NetJSON decode: {sw.ElapsedMilliseconds} ms");

            // jsts1d = TS1.BiserJsonDecode(jsres9);

            Biser.Encoder en2 = new Biser.Encoder();
            Dictionary <string, byte[]> dic1 = new Dictionary <string, byte[]>();
            dic1.Add("str1", new byte[] { 1, 2, 3 });
            dic1.Add("str2", new byte[] { 1, 2 });
            dic1.Add("str3", null);
            dic1.Add("str4", new byte[0]);
            dic1.Add("str5", new byte[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 });
            en2.Add(dic1, r => { en2.Add(r.Key); en2.Add(r.Value); });
            //List<int> lst1 = new List<int>();
            //en2.Add(lst1, r => { en2.Add(r); });
            Biser.Decoder de2 = new Biser.Decoder(en2.Encode());
            //List<int> lst = de2.CheckNull() ? null : new List<int>();
            //if (lst != null)
            //    de2.GetCollection(() => { return de2.GetInt(); }, lst, true);
            //    foreach (var item in lst)
            //        Debug.WriteLine(item);
            Dictionary <string, byte[]> dic = de2.CheckNull() ? null : new Dictionary <string, byte[]>();
            if (dic != null)
                de2.GetCollection(() => { return(de2.GetString()); },
                                  () => { return(de2.GetByteArray()); }, dic, true);
                foreach (var item in dic)

            //var le = BitConverter.IsLittleEndian;
            Biser.Encoder enn   = new Biser.Encoder();
            byte[]        btEnn = null;

            double flv = -17.32;

            btEnn = enn.Encode();
            var res = true ^ false;
            var fltBts = BitConverter.GetBytes(flv);

            btEnn = enn.Encode();

            long tr = 1521797378957;

                tr = tr >> 7;
                Console.WriteLine("М " + tr);
            } while (tr != 0);

            Biser.Decoder denn = new Biser.Decoder(btEnn);
            //var hzj = denn.GetLong();
            var hzj = denn.GetULong();

            var tt    = Biser.Biser.EncodeZigZag((long)-123879, 64);
            var value = -123879;

            var tt1 = (value << 1) ^ (value >> 63);
            var tt2 = Biser.Biser.DecodeZigZag((ulong)tt1);
            Console.WriteLine("L=" + (value << 1));
            Console.WriteLine("R=" + (value >> 63));
            Console.WriteLine("T=" + tt1 + "; dec=" + tt2);

            Console.WriteLine("tmp=" + (100000000000 & 0x7fffffff));
            Console.WriteLine("tmp=" + ((-100000000000) & 0x7fffffff));

             * var v1 = 123879;
             * var hi = 0x80000000;
             * var low = 0x7fffffff;
             * var hi1 = ~~(v1 / hi);
             * var low1 = v1 & low;
             * var v1b =  hi1 * hi + low1;

            //var tm = new DateTime(1521797378957*10000, DateTimeKind.Utc);
            var tm = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc)
                     .AddMilliseconds(1521797378957); //

            for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
                //Console.WriteLine((sbyte)(i) + " _ " + (i & 0x80)+ " _ " + i + " _ " + (i - (i&0x80)));
                sbyte p  = (sbyte)(i);
                sbyte s  = (sbyte)(i);
                byte  b  = (byte)((p + 128) + (1 - 2 * (((p + 128) & 0x80) >> 7)) * 128);
                byte  b1 = (byte)(s + (256 & ((s & 0x80) << 1)));
                Console.WriteLine(i + " _ " + (sbyte)(i) + " _ " + (i - ((i & 128) << 1))
                                  + " _ " + b + " _> " + b1
                                  ); //128 0x80 byte to sbyte converter
            //double flv = 12.56;
            //double flv = 124.56;

            var uBts = BitConverter.ToUInt64(fltBts, 0);


            //float flv = 12.56f;
            //flv = 0;
            //flv = float.MinValue;
            //flv = float.MaxValue;
            //var fltBts = BitConverter.GetBytes(flv);
            //var uBts = BitConverter.ToUInt32(fltBts, 0);


            TS3 ts3 = new TS3()
                P1 = "welldone",
                P2 = null,
                P3 = DateTime.UtcNow

            //var bt3 = ts3.BiserEncoder().Encode();
            //TS3 ts2D = TS3.BiserDecode(bt3);

            TS2 ts2 = new TS2()
                P1 = long.MinValue,
                P2 = 4587.4564,
                P3 = new List <TS3> {
                    new TS3 {
                        P3 = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-1)
                    //new TS3 { P3 = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-2) },
                    new TS3 {
                        P3 = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-3)
                P4 = new TS3 {
                    P1 = "hi"
                P5 = 111

            //var bt2 = ts2.BiserEncoder().Encode();
            //TS2 ts2D = TS2.BiserDecode(bt2);

            TS1 ts1 = new TS1()
                P1 = 12,
                P2 = 15,
                P3 = 478.5879m,
                P4 = new List <TS2> {
                    ts2, ts2
                P5 = new Dictionary <long, TS3> {
                    { 1, new TS3 {
                          P1 = "t1"
                      } },
                    { 2, new TS3 {
                          P1 = "t2"
                      } },
                    { 3, new TS3 {
                          P1 = "t3"
                      } }
                P6 = new Dictionary <uint, List <TS3> > {
                    { 1, new List <TS3> {
                          new TS3 {
                              P1 = "h1"
                          }, new TS3 {
                              P1 = "h2"
                          }, new TS3 {
                              P1 = "h3"
                      } },
                    { 2, new List <TS3> {
                          new TS3 {
                              P1 = "h2"
                          }, new TS3 {
                              P1 = "h2"
                          }, new TS3 {
                              P1 = "h4"
                      } },
                    { 3, new List <TS3> {
                          new TS3 {
                              P1 = "h3"
                          }, new TS3 {
                              P1 = "h2"
                          }, new TS3 {
                              P1 = "h5"
                      } },
                    { 4, new List <TS3> {
                          new TS3 {
                              P1 = "h4"
                          }, new TS3 {
                              P1 = "h2"
                          }, new TS3 {
                              P1 = "h6"
                      } }
                P7 = new TS2 {
                    P1 = -789
                P8 = new List <Tuple <string, byte[], TS3> > {
                    new Tuple <string, byte[], TS3>("tt1", new byte[] { 1, 2, 3 }, new TS3 {
                        P1 = "z1"
                    new Tuple <string, byte[], TS3>("tt2", new byte[] { 3, 2, 3 }, new TS3 {
                        P1 = "z2"
                    new Tuple <string, byte[], TS3>("tt3", new byte[] { 4, 2, 3 }, new TS3 {
                        P1 = "z3"
                P9 = new Tuple <float, TS2, TS3, decimal?>(12.8f, new TS2 {
                    P2 = 45
                }, new TS3 {
                    P2 = 12
                }, -58.8m)

            var bt1  = ts1.BiserEncoder().Encode();
            TS1 ts1D = TS1.BiserDecode(bt1);



            //var enc = new Biser.Encoder();

            //var decoder = new Biser.Decoder(enc.Encode());
            //var d1 = decoder.GetDouble();
            //var d2 = decoder.GetDouble();
            //var d3 = decoder.GetDouble();
            //var d4 = decoder.GetDouble();

            //var enc = new Biser.Encoder();

            //var decoder = new Biser.Decoder(enc.Encode());
            //var d1 = decoder.GetFloat();
            //var d2 = decoder.GetFloat();
            //var d3 = decoder.GetFloat();
            //var d4 = decoder.GetFloat();
Ejemplo n.º 3
        void GetCollection <K, V>(Func <K> fk, Func <V> fv, IDictionary <K, V> dict, IList <K> lst, ISet <K> set, bool isNullChecked = false)
            ulong prot = 0;

            if (!isNullChecked)
                prot = this.rootDecoder.GetDigit();

            if (prot == 0)
                if (!collectionIsFinished)
                    Decoder nDecoder = new Decoder(this, true);
                    nDecoder.GetCollection(fk, fv, dict, lst, set, isNullChecked);

                collectionLength = (int)((uint)this.rootDecoder.GetDigit());
                if (collectionLength == 0) //JS not noted change
                    collectionIsFinished = true;
                collectionPos         = 0;
                collectionShift       = 0;
                collectionShiftToPass = 0;

                int cp = this.rootDecoder.encPos;

                if (this.rootDecoder.qb > 1)
                    collectionShift       = this.rootDecoder.qb - 1;
                    collectionShiftToPass = 0;
                    //this.rootDecoder.encPos = cp + collectionLength - 1;
                    this.rootDecoder.encPos = cp + collectionLength - collectionShift; //JS not noted change
                    collectionBuffer        = Read(collectionShift);
                    this.rootDecoder.encPos = cp;
                    collectionPos          += collectionShift;

                collectionIsFinished = false;

                Decoder oldDecoder = null;
                if (externalDecoderExists)
                    oldDecoder = this.rootDecoder.activeDecoder;
                    this.rootDecoder.activeDecoder = this;

                while (true)
                    if (dict == null)
                        if (lst == null)
                        dict.Add(fk(), fv());

                    if ((this.rootDecoder.encPos - (cp - collectionShift)) == collectionLength)
                        collectionIsFinished = true;
                        if (collectionShift > 0)
                            this.rootDecoder.encPos += collectionShift;
                        if (externalDecoderExists)
                            this.rootDecoder.activeDecoder = oldDecoder;
        } //eof
Ejemplo n.º 4
        static void TestListDictionary()
            Biser.Encoder enc = new Biser.Encoder();
            enc.Add(new List <string> {
                "Hi", "there"
            }, r => { enc.Add(r); });

            enc.Add(new Dictionary <uint, string> {
                { 1, "Well" }, { 2, "done" }
                    , r => { enc.Add(r.Key); enc.Add(r.Value); });

            enc.Add((decimal) - 587.7m);

            //TS4 implements IEncoder
            enc.Add(new Dictionary <uint, TS4> {
                { 1, new TS4 {
                      TermId = 1
                  } }, { 2, new TS4 {
                             TermId = 5
                         } }
                    , r => { enc.Add(r.Key); enc.Add(r.Value); });

            enc.Add(new TS4 {
                TermId = 188


            var decoder = new Biser.Decoder(enc.Encode());


            //////Alternative to the following instruction. Slower than supplying List directly
            ////foreach (var item in decoder.GetCollection().Select(r => r.GetString()))
            ////    Console.WriteLine(item);

            List <string> lst = decoder.CheckNull() ? null : new List <string>();

            if (lst != null)
                decoder.GetCollection(() => { return(decoder.GetString()); }, lst, true);
                foreach (var item in lst)


            ////////Alternative to the following instruction. Slower than supplying Dictionary directly
            //////foreach (var item in decoder.GetCollection())
            //////    Console.WriteLine($"K: {item.GetUInt()}; V: {item.GetString()}");

            Dictionary <uint, string> d1 = decoder.CheckNull() ? null : new Dictionary <uint, string>();

            if (d1 != null)
                    () => { return(decoder.GetUInt()); },
                    () => { return(decoder.GetString()); },
                    d1, true);
                foreach (var item in d1)
                    Console.WriteLine(item.Key + "; " + item.Value);


            Dictionary <uint, TS4> d2 = decoder.CheckNull() ? null : new Dictionary <uint, TS4>();

            if (d2 != null)
                    () => { return(decoder.GetUInt()); },
                    () => { return(TS4.BiserDecode(extDecoder: decoder)); },
                    d2, true);
                foreach (var item in d2)
                    Console.WriteLine(item.Key + "; " + item.Value.TermId);

            Console.WriteLine(TS4.BiserDecode(extDecoder: decoder).TermId);