Ejemplo n.º 1
 public MismatchEventArgs(Mismatch mismatch, int index)
     : base()
     this.Mismatch = mismatch;
     this.Index = index;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines whether the given mismatch is an insertion, deletion or inversion (if supported), and assigns it the appropriate MismatchType
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mismatch">The Mismatch to classify</param>
        /// <param name="querySequence">The sequence that is being compared to the reference</param>
        private void classifyMismatches(ref Mismatch mismatch, ISequence querySequence)
            //Not all alphabet types have inversions, so we check before calling isInversion
            bool canInvert = querySequence.Alphabet.IsComplementSupported;

            if (mismatch.QuerySequenceLength == 0) //The subsequence was removed in the query
                mismatch.Type = MismatchType.Deletion;
            else if (mismatch.ReferenceSequenceLength == 0) //The subsequence was never there in the query
                mismatch.Type = MismatchType.Insertion;
            else if (canInvert && isInversion(mismatch, querySequence)) //The subsequences are complements of eachother
                mismatch.Type = MismatchType.Inversion;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns true if the given mismatch is an inversion, that is, whether the query subsequence matches the complement of the reference subsequence.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mismatch">The Mismatch to test</param>
        /// <param name="querySequence">The sequence that is being compared to the reference</param>
        /// <returns>True if the complement of the subsequence in the reference is equal to the subsequence in the given query.</returns>
        private bool isInversion(Mismatch mismatch, ISequence querySequence)
            var complement = querySequence.GetSubSequence(mismatch.QuerySequenceOffset, mismatch.QuerySequenceLength)

            return ConvertToString(complement, 0, complement.Count).Equals(
                ConvertToString(ReferenceSequence, mismatch.ReferenceSequenceOffset, mismatch.ReferenceSequenceLength)
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Goes throught a list of matches between the query and reference sequences, and extracts and classifies the mismatches
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="matches">The places where the query and the reference match</param>
        /// <param name="querySequence">The sequence being compared</param>
        /// <returns>A list of places where the two sequences don't match</returns>
        private List<Mismatch> GetMismatches(IEnumerable<Match> matches, ISequence querySequence)
            List<Mismatch> mismatches = new List<Mismatch>();

            //Store all the found mismatching subsequences, for finding translocations
            Dictionary<string, int> seenRefFragments = new Dictionary<string, int>();
            Dictionary<string, int> seenQueFragments = new Dictionary<string, int>();

            var matchEnum = matches.GetEnumerator();

            Match match = matchEnum.Current;

            long gapStartRef = 0;
            long gapStartQue = 0;
            bool finished = false;

            Mismatch mismatch = new Mismatch();

            while (!finished)
                //'Open' the mismatch by setting the starting point, based on the end of the last match
                mismatch.QuerySequenceOffset = gapStartQue;
                mismatch.ReferenceSequenceOffset = gapStartRef;

                //Look at the next match
                if (matchEnum.MoveNext())
                    //'Close' the match by setting the lengths
                    match = matchEnum.Current;
                    mismatch.QuerySequenceLength = match.QuerySequenceOffset - gapStartQue;
                    mismatch.ReferenceSequenceLength = match.ReferenceSequenceOffset - gapStartRef;

                    //Update the end position of the last match
                    gapStartQue = match.QuerySequenceOffset + match.Length;
                    gapStartRef = match.ReferenceSequenceOffset + match.Length;

                { //End of the sequence, no more matches, close the last match
                    mismatch.QuerySequenceLength = querySequence.Count - gapStartQue;
                    mismatch.ReferenceSequenceLength = ReferenceSequence.Count - gapStartRef;
                    finished = true;

                if (mismatch.ReferenceSequenceLength < 0) mismatch.ReferenceSequenceLength = 0;
                if (mismatch.QuerySequenceLength < 0) mismatch.QuerySequenceLength = 0;

                if (mismatch.ReferenceSequenceLength > 0 || mismatch.QuerySequenceLength > 0)
                { //Ignore zero-length mismatches

                    //Attempt to classify the mismatch as inversion, insertion, deletion
                    classifyMismatches(ref mismatch, querySequence);
                    //See if it is a translocation from earlier
                    findTranslocation(ref mismatch, querySequence, mismatches, seenRefFragments, seenQueFragments);
                    //See if is a translocation within itself (one half swapped with the other half)
                    findSelfTranslocation(ref mismatch, querySequence);

            return mismatches;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines whether the given mismatch os a translocation, that is, if that particular subsequence appears
        /// in both the reference and query sequences, but in different locations.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mismatch">The new mismatch to test</param>
        /// <param name="querySequence">The sequence being compared ot the reference</param>
        /// <param name="mismatches">The list of previous mismatches between the sequences</param>
        /// <param name="seenRefFragments">A map of reference subsequence content to an index into mismatches</param>
        /// <param name="seenQueFragments">A map of query subsequence content to an index into mismatches</param>
        private void findTranslocation(ref Mismatch mismatch, ISequence querySequence, List<Mismatch> mismatches, Dictionary<string, int> seenRefFragments, Dictionary<string, int> seenQueFragments)
            if (mismatch.ReferenceSequenceLength > 0)
                // First, see if we have found the current reference subsequence in a previous part of the query
                string fragment = ConvertToString(ReferenceSequence, mismatch.ReferenceSequenceOffset, mismatch.ReferenceSequenceLength);
                if (seenQueFragments.ContainsKey(fragment))
                    //If we have, set the previously found mismatch's reference half to point to the current reference subsequence
                    var previous = mismatches[seenQueFragments[fragment]];
                    previous.ReferenceSequenceOffset = mismatch.ReferenceSequenceOffset;
                    previous.ReferenceSequenceLength = mismatch.ReferenceSequenceLength;
                    previous.Type = MismatchType.Translocation;
                    //Also set the current mismath's query half to point to the previously found subsequence
                    mismatch.QuerySequenceLength = previous.QuerySequenceLength;
                    mismatch.QuerySequenceOffset = previous.QuerySequenceOffset;
                    mismatch.Type = MismatchType.Translocation;
                    //Update the previous mismatch
                    mismatches[seenQueFragments[fragment]] = previous;

                if (seenRefFragments.ContainsKey(fragment))
                    //If we have already seen this fragment in the reference, just forget about the last one
                    seenRefFragments[fragment] = mismatches.Count;
                    seenRefFragments.Add(fragment, mismatches.Count);
            if (mismatch.QuerySequenceLength > 0)
                // Next, see if we have found the current query subsequence in a previous part of the reference
                string fragment = ConvertToString(querySequence, mismatch.QuerySequenceOffset, mismatch.QuerySequenceLength);
                if (seenRefFragments.ContainsKey(fragment) && seenRefFragments[fragment] < mismatches.Count)
                    //If we have, set the previously found mismatch's query half to point to the current query subsequence
                    var previous = mismatches[seenRefFragments[fragment]];
                    previous.QuerySequenceOffset = mismatch.QuerySequenceOffset;
                    previous.QuerySequenceLength = mismatch.QuerySequenceLength;
                    previous.Type = MismatchType.Translocation;
                    //Also set the current mismath's reference half to point to the previously found subsequence
                    mismatch.ReferenceSequenceLength = previous.ReferenceSequenceLength;
                    mismatch.ReferenceSequenceOffset = previous.ReferenceSequenceOffset;
                    mismatch.Type = MismatchType.Translocation;
                    //Update the previous mismatch
                    mismatches[seenRefFragments[fragment]] = previous;
                if (seenQueFragments.ContainsKey(fragment))
                    seenQueFragments[fragment] = mismatches.Count;
                    seenQueFragments.Add(fragment, mismatches.Count);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Detects if the mismatch is a translocation within itself, that is, if the first half of the query matches
        /// the second half of the reference. This is equivalent to finding if the query subsequence is a rotation
        /// of the reference subsequence.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mismatch">The mismatch to test</param>
        /// <param name="querySequence">THe sequence being compared against</param>
        private void findSelfTranslocation(ref Mismatch mismatch, ISequence querySequence)
            if (mismatch.QuerySequenceLength != mismatch.ReferenceSequenceLength)
                return; //They are different lengths, it cannot be a rotation
            var querySub = ConvertToString(querySequence, mismatch.QuerySequenceOffset, mismatch.QuerySequenceLength);
            var refSub = ConvertToString(ReferenceSequence, mismatch.ReferenceSequenceOffset, mismatch.ReferenceSequenceLength);

            //Find if it is a rotation, and the rotation point
            int i = (refSub + refSub).IndexOf(querySub);
            if ( i >= 0 && i < refSub.Length )
                //Update the mismatch so that it only points to one matching half
                mismatch.Type = MismatchType.Translocation;
                mismatch.ReferenceSequenceLength = i;
                mismatch.QuerySequenceOffset += i;
                mismatch.QuerySequenceLength -= i;