private static IDictionary <string, object> ParseProperties(PeekableStreamReaderAdapter peekableStreamReader)
            var    result = new Dictionary <string, object>();
            string nextLine;

            while ((nextLine = peekableStreamReader.PeekLine())?.StartsWith("o	") ?? false)
                nextLine = nextLine.Substring(2, nextLine.Length - 2);      // Remove the white bullet point and tabulated white space
                var splitInput = nextLine.Split(" - ");

                if (splitInput.Length != 2)
                    throw new Exception("Item properties must be submitted in the form of \"key - value\"");

                result.Add(splitInput[0], splitInput[1]);
                peekableStreamReader.ReadLine();        // Advance the streamreader's position

        public static IList <IShape> TextFileToShapes(StreamReader fileStreamReader)
            var    peekableStreamReader = new PeekableStreamReaderAdapter(fileStreamReader);
            string nextLine;
            var    result = new List <IShape>();

            while ((nextLine = peekableStreamReader.ReadLine()) != null)
                if (!nextLine.StartsWith("•	"))
                    throw new Exception($"Input file not correctly formatted, new shapes must be marked with a black bullet point \" { nextLine }\"");

                // Get the quantity and string word representing the name of the shape (after removing the bullet point and white space)
                var splitInput = nextLine.Substring(2, nextLine.Length - 2).Split(" x ");

                if (splitInput.Length != 2)
                    throw new Exception("Item properties must be submitted in the form of \"{number} x {name of shape}\"");

                int quantity;
                var shapeText = splitInput[1];
                    quantity = Convert.ToInt32(splitInput[0]);
                    throw new Exception($"\"{splitInput[0]}\" is not a valid quantity for shape \"{ shapeText }\"");

                IShape nextShape;
                IDictionary <string, object> properties;

                switch (shapeText)
                case "Rectangle":
                    var rectangle = new Rectangle();
                    properties = ParseProperties(peekableStreamReader);
                    if (properties.ContainsKey("Position X"))
                        rectangle.PositionX = Convert.ToInt32(properties["Position X"]);
                    if (properties.ContainsKey("Position Y"))
                        rectangle.PositionY = Convert.ToInt32(properties["Position Y"]);
                    if (properties.ContainsKey("Width"))
                        rectangle.Width = Convert.ToInt32(properties["Width"]);
                    if (properties.ContainsKey("Height"))
                        rectangle.Height = Convert.ToInt32(properties["Height"]);
                    nextShape = rectangle;

                case "Square":
                    var square = new Square();
                    properties = ParseProperties(peekableStreamReader);
                    if (properties.ContainsKey("Position X"))
                        square.PositionX = Convert.ToInt32(properties["Position X"]);
                    if (properties.ContainsKey("Position Y"))
                        square.PositionY = Convert.ToInt32(properties["Position Y"]);
                    if (properties.ContainsKey("Width"))
                        square.Width = Convert.ToInt32(properties["Width"]);
                    nextShape = square;

                case "Ellipse":
                    var ellipse = new Ellipse();
                    properties = ParseProperties(peekableStreamReader);
                    if (properties.ContainsKey("Position X"))
                        ellipse.PositionX = Convert.ToInt32(properties["Position X"]);
                    if (properties.ContainsKey("Position Y"))
                        ellipse.PositionY = Convert.ToInt32(properties["Position Y"]);
                    if (properties.ContainsKey("Horizontal Diameter"))
                        ellipse.HorizontalDiameter = Convert.ToInt32(properties["Horizontal Diameter"]);
                    if (properties.ContainsKey("Vertical Diameter"))
                        ellipse.VerticalDiameter = Convert.ToInt32(properties["Vertical Diameter"]);
                    nextShape = ellipse;

                case "Circle":
                    var circle = new Circle();
                    properties = ParseProperties(peekableStreamReader);
                    if (properties.ContainsKey("Position X"))
                        circle.PositionX = Convert.ToInt32(properties["Position X"]);
                    if (properties.ContainsKey("Position Y"))
                        circle.PositionY = Convert.ToInt32(properties["Position Y"]);
                    if (properties.ContainsKey("Diameter"))
                        circle.Diameter = Convert.ToInt32(properties["Diameter"]);
                    nextShape = circle;

                case "Textbox":
                    var textBox = new Textbox();
                    properties = ParseProperties(peekableStreamReader);
                    if (properties.ContainsKey("Position X"))
                        textBox.PositionX = Convert.ToInt32(properties["Position X"]);
                    if (properties.ContainsKey("Position Y"))
                        textBox.PositionY = Convert.ToInt32(properties["Position Y"]);
                    if (properties.ContainsKey("Width"))
                        textBox.Width = Convert.ToInt32(properties["Width"]);
                    if (properties.ContainsKey("Height"))
                        textBox.Height = Convert.ToInt32(properties["Height"]);
                    if (properties.ContainsKey("Text"))
                        textBox.Text = (string)properties["Text"];
                    nextShape = textBox;

                    throw new Exception($"The string \"{ shapeText }\" cannot be parsed into a new shape object");

                for (var i = 0; i < quantity; i++)
