public async Task <List <BeneficiaryResponseModel> > CalculateBenefits(List <BeneficiaryRequestModel> request)
            List <BeneficiaryResponseModel> response = new List <BeneficiaryResponseModel>();
            var tempBag = new ConcurrentBag <BeneficiaryResponseModel>();

            //Get constants for calulations - pay periods per year and discount percentage (fraction)
            decimal discount = await DataAccess.GetDiscountAsync();

            decimal payPeriods = await DataAccess.GetPayPeriodsAsync();

            //loop through the beneficiaries in the request and calculate costs for each one.
            //Adding simple parellism makes this a bit faster than a standard foreach - avg 1200ms vs 1600ms avg on a foreach
            IEnumerable <Task> tasks = request.Select(async b =>
                BeneficiaryResponseModel beneficiary = new BeneficiaryResponseModel();

                //Trim the name to prevent issue with discount eligibility if name contains leading spaces
                beneficiary.Name   = b.Name.Trim();
                beneficiary.Type   = b.Type;
                decimal yearlyCost = await DataAccess.GetBenefitCostsAsync(b.Type);

                //Give the customer a discount if their name is eligible
                if (DiscountHandler.EligibleForDiscount(beneficiary.Name))
                    yearlyCost *= (1 - discount);

                beneficiary.YearCost   = yearlyCost;
                beneficiary.PeriodCost = decimal.Round((yearlyCost / payPeriods), 2);


            await Task.WhenAll(tasks);

            //Convert the temporary concurrent bag to a list and store it in the response
 public BenefitCalculator()
     //Would use DI in production
     DiscountHandler = new DiscountHandler();
     DataAccess      = new DataAccessor();