Ejemplo n.º 1
	void PartSpawned( SimpleNetworkedMonoBehavior part )
		//part.getSprite().SetFrame( blockType );
		//part.set_f32( "weight", Block::getWeight( block ) );
		GameObject partGO = part.gameObject;

		partsToAdd.Add( partGO );	
		partGO.GetComponent<Part_Info>().OwnerID = gOID;
		//b.set_u16( "playerID", playerID );
		partGO.GetComponent<Part_Info>().ShipID = -1; // don't push on ship

		part.GetComponent<Part_Info>().ShipID = 0;
		part.GetComponent<Part_Info>().PlacedTime = Time.time;

		Debug.Log("part spawned");
Ejemplo n.º 2
	// Callback only happens on the participant that calls instantiate, so we use RPC to set up bullet velocity.
	void BulletSpawned( SimpleNetworkedMonoBehavior bullet )
		bullet.GetComponent<Bullet_Velocity>().RPC("setV", shootDir*bulletSpeed);
		bullet.GetComponent<Bullet_Hit>().RPC("setShooterNetworkedId", NetworkedId);