GetChapterName() public method

public GetChapterName ( EAC3ToConfiguration eac3toConfiguration, string filesOutputPath, string paddedEpisodeNumber, string episodeName ) : string
eac3toConfiguration BatchGuy.App.Eac3to.Models.EAC3ToConfiguration
filesOutputPath string
paddedEpisodeNumber string
episodeName string
return string
 public void remuxTemplate1EAC3ToOutputNamingService_can_set_chapter_name_test()
     //given not extract for remux
     EAC3ToConfiguration config = new EAC3ToConfiguration() { IsExtractForRemux = true, RemuxFileNameTemplate = new EAC3ToRemuxFileNameTemplate() { AudioType = "FLAC 5.1", SeriesName = "BatchGuy",
      SeasonNumber = "2", SeasonYear = "1978", Tag = "Guy", VideoResolution = "1080p", Medium = "Remux"} };
     string filesOutputPath = "c:\\bluray";
     string paddedEpisodeNumber = "01";
     string episodeName = string.Empty;
     //when i get the chapter name
     IAudioService audioService = new AudioService();
     AbstractEAC3ToOutputNamingService service = new RemuxTemplate1EAC3ToOutputNamingService(audioService);
     string chapterName = service.GetChapterName(config, filesOutputPath, paddedEpisodeNumber, episodeName);
     //then chapter name should be based on the remux template
     chapterName.Should().Be("\"c:\\bluray\\BatchGuy 1978 S02E01 1080p Remux FLAC 5.1-Guy chapters.txt\"");