Ejemplo n.º 1
        partial void ApplyProjSpecific(float deltaTime, Entity entity, List <ISerializableEntity> targets, Hull hull, Vector2 worldPosition)
            if (entity == null)

            if (sounds.Count > 0)
                if (soundChannel == null || !soundChannel.IsPlaying)
                    if (soundSelectionMode == SoundSelectionMode.All)
                        foreach (RoundSound sound in sounds)
                            if (sound.Sound == null)
                                string errorMsg = $"Error in StatusEffect.ApplyProjSpecific1 (sound \"{sound.Filename ?? "unknown"}\" was null)\n" + Environment.StackTrace;
                                GameAnalyticsManager.AddErrorEventOnce("StatusEffect.ApplyProjSpecific:SoundNull1" + Environment.StackTrace, GameAnalyticsSDK.Net.EGAErrorSeverity.Error, errorMsg);
                            soundChannel = SoundPlayer.PlaySound(sound.Sound, worldPosition, sound.Volume, sound.Range, hull);
                            if (soundChannel != null)
                                soundChannel.Looping = loopSound;
                        int selectedSoundIndex = 0;
                        if (soundSelectionMode == SoundSelectionMode.ItemSpecific && entity is Item item)
                            selectedSoundIndex = item.ID % sounds.Count;
                        else if (soundSelectionMode == SoundSelectionMode.CharacterSpecific && entity is Character user)
                            selectedSoundIndex = user.ID % sounds.Count;
                            selectedSoundIndex = Rand.Int(sounds.Count);
                        var selectedSound = sounds[selectedSoundIndex];
                        if (selectedSound.Sound == null)
                            string errorMsg = $"Error in StatusEffect.ApplyProjSpecific2 (sound \"{selectedSound.Filename ?? "unknown"}\" was null)\n" + Environment.StackTrace;
                            GameAnalyticsManager.AddErrorEventOnce("StatusEffect.ApplyProjSpecific:SoundNull2" + Environment.StackTrace, GameAnalyticsSDK.Net.EGAErrorSeverity.Error, errorMsg);
                        soundChannel = SoundPlayer.PlaySound(selectedSound.Sound, worldPosition, selectedSound.Volume, selectedSound.Range, hull);
                        if (soundChannel != null)
                            soundChannel.Looping = loopSound;

                if (soundChannel != null && soundChannel.Looping)
                    soundEmitter  = entity;
                    loopStartTime = Timing.TotalTime;

            foreach (ParticleEmitter emitter in particleEmitters)
                float angle = 0.0f;
                if (emitter.Prefab.CopyEntityAngle)
                    if (entity is Item item && item.body != null)
                        angle = item.body.Rotation + ((item.body.Dir > 0.0f) ? 0.0f : MathHelper.Pi);

                emitter.Emit(deltaTime, worldPosition, hull, angle);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        protected void Apply(float deltaTime, Entity entity, List <ISerializableEntity> targets)
            Hull hull = null;

            if (entity is Character)
                hull = ((Character)entity).AnimController.CurrentHull;
            else if (entity is Item)
                hull = ((Item)entity).CurrentHull;
            if (entity != null && sounds.Count > 0)
                if (soundChannel == null || !soundChannel.IsPlaying)
                    if (soundSelectionMode == SoundSelectionMode.All)
                        foreach (RoundSound sound in sounds)
                            soundChannel = SoundPlayer.PlaySound(sound.Sound, sound.Volume, sound.Range, entity.WorldPosition, hull);
                            if (soundChannel != null)
                                soundChannel.Looping = loopSound;
                        int selectedSoundIndex = 0;
                        if (soundSelectionMode == SoundSelectionMode.ItemSpecific && entity is Item item)
                            selectedSoundIndex = item.ID % sounds.Count;
                        else if (soundSelectionMode == SoundSelectionMode.CharacterSpecific && entity is Character user)
                            selectedSoundIndex = user.ID % sounds.Count;
                            selectedSoundIndex = Rand.Int(sounds.Count);
                        var selectedSound = sounds[selectedSoundIndex];
                        soundChannel = SoundPlayer.PlaySound(selectedSound.Sound, selectedSound.Volume, selectedSound.Range, entity.WorldPosition, hull);
                        if (soundChannel != null)
                            soundChannel.Looping = loopSound;

            foreach (ISerializableEntity serializableEntity in targets)
                Item item = serializableEntity as Item;
                if (item == null)

                Character targetCharacter = targets.FirstOrDefault(t => t is Character character && !character.Removed) as Character;
                if (targetCharacter == null)
                    foreach (var target in targets)
                        if (target is Limb limb && limb.character != null && !limb.character.Removed)
                            targetCharacter = ((Limb)target).character;
                for (int i = 0; i < useItemCount; i++)
                    if (item.Removed)
                    item.Use(deltaTime, targetCharacter, targets.FirstOrDefault(t => t is Limb) as Limb);

            if (removeItem)
                foreach (Item item in targets.Where(t => t is Item).Cast <Item>())

            if (duration > 0.0f)
                DurationListElement element = new DurationListElement
                    Parent  = this,
                    Timer   = duration,
                    Entity  = entity,
                    Targets = targets

                foreach (ISerializableEntity target in targets)
                    if (target is Entity targetEntity)
                        if (targetEntity.Removed)

                    for (int i = 0; i < propertyNames.Length; i++)
                        if (target == null || target.SerializableProperties == null ||
                            !target.SerializableProperties.TryGetValue(propertyNames[i], out SerializableProperty property))
                        ApplyToProperty(target, property, propertyEffects[i], deltaTime);

            if (explosion != null && entity != null)
                explosion.Explode(entity.WorldPosition, entity);

            foreach (ISerializableEntity target in targets)
                foreach (Affliction affliction in Afflictions)
                    Affliction multipliedAffliction = affliction;
                    if (!disableDeltaTime)
                        multipliedAffliction = affliction.CreateMultiplied(deltaTime);

                    if (target is Character character)
                        character.LastDamageSource = entity;
                        foreach (Limb limb in character.AnimController.Limbs)
                            limb.character.DamageLimb(entity.WorldPosition, limb, new List <Affliction>()
                            }, stun: 0.0f, playSound: false, attackImpulse: 0.0f);
                            //only apply non-limb-specific afflictions to the first limb
                            if (!affliction.Prefab.LimbSpecific)
                    else if (target is Limb limb)
                        limb.character.DamageLimb(entity.WorldPosition, limb, new List <Affliction>()
                        }, stun: 0.0f, playSound: false, attackImpulse: 0.0f);

                foreach (Pair <string, float> reduceAffliction in ReduceAffliction)
                    float reduceAmount = disableDeltaTime ? reduceAffliction.Second : reduceAffliction.Second * deltaTime;
                    if (target is Character character)
                        character.CharacterHealth.ReduceAffliction(null, reduceAffliction.First, reduceAmount);
                    else if (target is Limb limb)
                        limb.character.CharacterHealth.ReduceAffliction(limb, reduceAffliction.First, reduceAmount);

            if (FireSize > 0.0f && entity != null)
                var fire = new FireSource(entity.WorldPosition, hull);
                fire.Size = new Vector2(FireSize, fire.Size.Y);

            bool isNotClient = true;
            isNotClient = GameMain.Client == null;

            if (isNotClient && entity != null && Entity.Spawner != null) //clients are not allowed to spawn items
                foreach (ItemSpawnInfo itemSpawnInfo in spawnItems)
                    switch (itemSpawnInfo.SpawnPosition)
                    case ItemSpawnInfo.SpawnPositionType.This:
                        Entity.Spawner.AddToSpawnQueue(itemSpawnInfo.ItemPrefab, entity.WorldPosition);

                    case ItemSpawnInfo.SpawnPositionType.ThisInventory:
                        if (entity is Character character)
                            if (character.Inventory != null && character.Inventory.Items.Any(it => it == null))
                                Entity.Spawner.AddToSpawnQueue(itemSpawnInfo.ItemPrefab, character.Inventory);
                        else if (entity is Item item)
                            var inventory = item?.GetComponent <ItemContainer>()?.Inventory;
                            if (inventory != null && inventory.Items.Any(it => it == null))
                                Entity.Spawner.AddToSpawnQueue(itemSpawnInfo.ItemPrefab, inventory);

                    case ItemSpawnInfo.SpawnPositionType.ContainedInventory:
                        Inventory thisInventory = null;
                        if (entity is Character character)
                            thisInventory = character.Inventory;
                        else if (entity is Item item)
                            thisInventory = item?.GetComponent <ItemContainer>()?.Inventory;
                        if (thisInventory != null)
                            foreach (Item item in thisInventory.Items)
                                if (item == null)
                                Inventory containedInventory = item.GetComponent <ItemContainer>()?.Inventory;
                                if (containedInventory == null || !containedInventory.Items.Any(i => i == null))
                                Entity.Spawner.AddToSpawnQueue(itemSpawnInfo.ItemPrefab, containedInventory);

            if (entity != null)
                foreach (ParticleEmitter emitter in particleEmitters)
                    float angle = 0.0f;
                    if (emitter.Prefab.CopyEntityAngle)
                        if (entity is Item it)
                            angle = it.body == null ? 0.0f : it.body.Rotation;

                    emitter.Emit(deltaTime, entity.WorldPosition, hull, angle);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 static partial void PlayTinnitusProjSpecific(float volume) => SoundPlayer.PlaySound("tinnitus", volume: volume);
        private void CreateFragments()
            SoundPlayer.PlaySound("icebreak", WorldPosition);
            //generate initial triangles (one triangle from each edge to the center of the cell)
            List <List <Vector2> > triangles = new List <List <Vector2> >();
            foreach (var cell in Cells)
                foreach (GraphEdge edge in cell.Edges)
                    List <Vector2> triangleVerts = new List <Vector2>
                        edge.Point1 + cell.Translation,
                        edge.Point2 + cell.Translation,

            //split triangles that have edges more than 1000 units long
            Pair <int, int> longestEdge       = new Pair <int, int>(-1, -1);
            float           longestEdgeLength = 0.0f;
                longestEdge.First  = -1;
                longestEdge.Second = -1;
                longestEdgeLength  = 0.0f;
                for (int i = 0; i < triangles.Count; i++)
                    for (int edge = 0; edge < 3; edge++)
                        float edgeLength = Vector2.Distance(triangles[i][edge], triangles[i][(edge + 1) % 3]);
                        if (edgeLength > longestEdgeLength)
                            longestEdge.First  = i;
                            longestEdge.Second = edge;
                            longestEdgeLength  = edgeLength;
                if (longestEdgeLength < 1000.0f)
                Vector2 p0 = triangles[longestEdge.First][longestEdge.Second];
                Vector2 p1 = triangles[longestEdge.First][(longestEdge.Second + 1) % 3];
                Vector2 p2 = triangles[longestEdge.First][(longestEdge.Second + 2) % 3];
                triangles[longestEdge.First] = new List <Vector2> {
                    p0, (p0 + p1) / 2, p2
                triangles.Add(new List <Vector2> {
                    (p0 + p1) / 2, p1, p2
            } while (triangles.Count < 32);

            //generate fragments
            foreach (var triangle in triangles)
                Vector2 triangleCenter = (triangle[0] + triangle[1] + triangle[2]) / 3;
                triangle[0] -= triangleCenter;
                triangle[1] -= triangleCenter;
                triangle[2] -= triangleCenter;
                Vector2 simTriangleCenter = ConvertUnits.ToSimUnits(triangleCenter);

                DestructibleLevelWall fragment = new DestructibleLevelWall(triangle, Color.White, Level.Loaded, giftWrap: true);
                fragment.Damage                   = fragment.MaxHealth;
                fragment.Body.Position            = simTriangleCenter;
                fragment.Body.BodyType            = BodyType.Dynamic;
                fragment.Body.FixedRotation       = false;
                fragment.Body.LinearDamping       = Rand.Range(0.2f, 0.3f);
                fragment.Body.AngularDamping      = Rand.Range(0.1f, 0.2f);
                fragment.Body.GravityScale        = 0.1f;
                fragment.Body.Mass               *= 10.0f;
                fragment.Body.CollisionCategories = Physics.CollisionNone;
                fragment.Body.CollidesWith        = Physics.CollisionWall;
                fragment.FadeOutDuration          = 20.0f;

                Vector2 bodyDiff = simTriangleCenter - Body.Position;
                fragment.Body.LinearVelocity  = (bodyDiff + Rand.Vector(0.5f)).ClampLength(15.0f);
                fragment.Body.AngularVelocity = Rand.Range(-0.5f, 0.5f);// MathHelper.Clamp(-bodyDiff.X * 0.1f, -0.5f, 0.5f);


                for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
                    int     startEdgeIndex = Rand.Int(3);
                    Vector2 pos1           = triangle[startEdgeIndex];
                    Vector2 pos2           = triangle[(startEdgeIndex + 1) % 3];

                    var particle = GameMain.ParticleManager.CreateParticle("iceshards",
                                                                           triangleCenter + Vector2.Lerp(pos1, pos2, Rand.Range(0.0f, 1.0f)),
                                                                           Rand.Vector(Rand.Range(50.0f, 1000.0f)) + fragment.Body.LinearVelocity * 100.0f);
                    if (particle != null)
                        particle.Size *= Rand.Range(1.0f, 5.0f);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        partial void ApplyProjSpecific(float deltaTime, Entity entity, List <ISerializableEntity> targets, Hull hull)
            if (entity == null)

            if (sounds.Count > 0)
                if (soundChannel == null || !soundChannel.IsPlaying)
                    if (soundSelectionMode == SoundSelectionMode.All)
                        foreach (RoundSound sound in sounds)
                            soundChannel = SoundPlayer.PlaySound(sound.Sound, entity.WorldPosition, sound.Volume, sound.Range, hull);
                            if (soundChannel != null)
                                soundChannel.Looping = loopSound;
                        int selectedSoundIndex = 0;
                        if (soundSelectionMode == SoundSelectionMode.ItemSpecific && entity is Item item)
                            selectedSoundIndex = item.ID % sounds.Count;
                        else if (soundSelectionMode == SoundSelectionMode.CharacterSpecific && entity is Character user)
                            selectedSoundIndex = user.ID % sounds.Count;
                            selectedSoundIndex = Rand.Int(sounds.Count);
                        var selectedSound = sounds[selectedSoundIndex];
                        soundChannel = SoundPlayer.PlaySound(selectedSound.Sound, entity.WorldPosition, selectedSound.Volume, selectedSound.Range, hull);
                        if (soundChannel != null)
                            soundChannel.Looping = loopSound;

                if (soundChannel != null && soundChannel.Looping)
                    soundEmitter  = entity;
                    loopStartTime = Timing.TotalTime;

            foreach (ParticleEmitter emitter in particleEmitters)
                float angle = 0.0f;
                if (emitter.Prefab.CopyEntityAngle)
                    if (entity is Item item && item.body != null)
                        angle = item.body.Rotation + ((item.body.Dir > 0.0f) ? 0.0f : MathHelper.Pi);

                emitter.Emit(deltaTime, entity.WorldPosition, hull, angle);