Ejemplo n.º 1
        public async Task SendMessageAsync(string socketId, string text)
            var message = new Message()
                MessageType = MessageType.MethodInvocation,
                Data        = text,

            await SendMessageAsync(WebSocketConnectionManager.GetSocketById(socketId), message).ConfigureAwait(false);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public async Task InvokeClientMethodToGroupAsync(string groupID, string methodName, params object[] arguments)
            var sockets = WebSocketConnectionManager.GetAllFromGroup(groupID);

            if (sockets != null)
                foreach (var id in sockets)
                    await InvokeClientMethodAsync(id, methodName, arguments);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public async Task SendMessageToGroupAsync(string groupID, Message message)
            var sockets = WebSocketConnectionManager.GetAllFromGroup(groupID);

            if (sockets != null)
                foreach (var socket in sockets)
                    await SendMessageAsync(socket, message);
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public async Task InvokeClientMethodToAllAsync(string methodName, object[] arguments)
     foreach (var pair in WebSocketConnectionManager.GetAll())
             if (pair.Value.WebSocket.State == WebSocketState.Open)
                 await InvokeClientMethodAsync(pair.Key, methodName, arguments).ConfigureAwait(false);
         catch (WebSocketException e)
             if (e.WebSocketErrorCode == WebSocketError.ConnectionClosedPrematurely)
                 await OnDisconnected(pair.Value);
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public async Task SendMessageToAllAsync(Message message)
     foreach (var pair in WebSocketConnectionManager.GetAll())
             if (pair.Value.WebSocket.State == WebSocketState.Open)
                 await SendMessageAsync(pair.Value, message).ConfigureAwait(false);
         catch (WebSocketException e)
             if (e.WebSocketErrorCode == WebSocketError.ConnectionClosedPrematurely)
                 await OnDisconnected(pair.Value);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public async Task SendClientNotifyAsync(string socketId, string methodName, object result)
            // create the method invocation descriptor.
            InvocationDescriptor invocationDescriptor = new InvocationDescriptor {
                Id = 0, MethodName = methodName, Params = result
            WebSocketConnection socket = WebSocketConnectionManager.GetSocketById(socketId);

            if (socket == null)

            var message = new Message()
                MessageType = MessageType.MethodInvocation,
                Data        = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(invocationDescriptor)

            await SendMessageAsync(socketId, message).ConfigureAwait(false);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public async Task SendClientErrorAsync(string socketId, long id, string methodName, RemoteException error)
            // create the method invocation descriptor.
            InvocationResult invocationResult = new InvocationResult {
                Id = id, MethodName = methodName, Exception = error
            WebSocketConnection socket = WebSocketConnectionManager.GetSocketById(socketId);

            if (socket == null)

            var message = new Message()
                MessageType = MessageType.MethodInvocation,
                Data        = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(invocationResult)

            await SendMessageAsync(socketId, message).ConfigureAwait(false);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public virtual async Task OnPeerResponseAsync(WebSocketConnection socket, InvocationResult invocationResult)
            var socketId = WebSocketConnectionManager.GetId(socket);

                if (_waitingRemoteInvocations.ContainsKey(socketId) && invocationResult.Id > 0)
                    if (_waitingRemoteInvocations[socketId].ContainsKey(invocationResult.Id))
                        // remove the completion source from the waiting list.
            catch (Exception e)
                var str = e.Message;
            await Task.CompletedTask;
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public async Task SendGroupNotifyAsync(string groupID, string methodName, object result)
            // create the method invocation descriptor.
            InvocationDescriptor invocationDescriptor = new InvocationDescriptor {
                Id = 0, MethodName = methodName, Params = result

            var message = new Message()
                MessageType = MessageType.MethodInvocation,
                Data        = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(invocationDescriptor)

            var sockets = WebSocketConnectionManager.GetAllFromGroup(groupID);

            if (sockets != null)
                foreach (var id in sockets)
                    await SendMessageAsync(id, message);
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public async Task <T> InvokeClientMethodAsync <T>(string socketId, string methodName, object[] arguments)
            // create the method invocation descriptor.
            object methodParams = null;

            if (arguments.Length == 1)
                methodParams = arguments[0];
                methodParams = arguments;
            InvocationDescriptor invocationDescriptor = new InvocationDescriptor {
                MethodName = methodName, Params = methodParams
            WebSocketConnection socket = WebSocketConnectionManager.GetSocketById(socketId);

            // generate a unique identifier for this invocation.
            if (socket == null)
            invocationDescriptor.Id = socket.NextCmdId(); // Guid.NewGuid();

            // add ourselves to the waiting list for return values.
            TaskCompletionSource <InvocationResult> task = new TaskCompletionSource <InvocationResult>();

            // after a timeout of 60 seconds we will cancel the task and remove it from the waiting list.
            new CancellationTokenSource(1000 * 60).Token.Register(() => { _waitingRemoteInvocations[socketId].Remove(invocationDescriptor.Id); task.TrySetCanceled(); });
            if (!_waitingRemoteInvocations.ContainsKey(socketId))
                _waitingRemoteInvocations[socketId] = new Dictionary <long, TaskCompletionSource <InvocationResult> >();
            _waitingRemoteInvocations[socketId].Add(invocationDescriptor.Id, task);

            // send the method invocation to the client.
            var message = new Message()
                MessageType = MessageType.MethodInvocation,
                //Data = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(invocationDescriptor, _jsonSerializerSettings)
                Data = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(invocationDescriptor)

            await SendMessageAsync(socketId, message).ConfigureAwait(false);

            // wait for the return value elsewhere in the program.
            InvocationResult result = await task.Task;

            // ... we just got an answer.

            // if we have completed successfully:
            if (task.Task.IsCompleted)
                // there was a remote exception so we throw it here.
                if (result.Exception != null)
                    throw new Exception(result.Exception.Message);

                // return the value.

                // support null.
                if (result.Result == null)
                // cast anything to T and hope it works.

            // if we reach here we got cancelled or alike so throw a timeout exception.
            throw new TimeoutException(); // todo: insert fancy message here.
Ejemplo n.º 11
 public async Task SendMessageAsync(string socketId, Message message)
     await SendMessageAsync(WebSocketConnectionManager.GetSocketById(socketId), message).ConfigureAwait(false);
Ejemplo n.º 12
 /// <summary>
 /// Called when a client has disconnected from the server.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="socket">The web-socket of the client.</param>
 /// <returns>Awaitable Task.</returns>
 public virtual async Task OnDisconnected(WebSocketConnection socket)
     await WebSocketConnectionManager.RemoveSocket(WebSocketConnectionManager.GetId(socket)).ConfigureAwait(false);
Ejemplo n.º 13
 /// <summary>
 /// Called when a client has connected to the server.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="socket">The web-socket of the client.</param>
 /// <returns>Awaitable Task.</returns>
 public virtual async Task OnConnected(WebSocketConnection socket)
     await Task.CompletedTask;