Ejemplo n.º 1
 protected void InOrderTraverse2(BinaryTreeNode node, Action<BinaryTreeNode> fn = null)
     if (node == null || node == predesessor) return;
     InOrderTraverse2(node.Left, fn);
     if (fn != null) fn(node);
     InOrderTraverse2(node.Right, fn);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public BinaryTree MakeInOrderRightThreaded()
            Head = new BinaryTreeNode();
            Head.Left = root;
            Head.Right = Head;

            InOrderTraverse2(Head, (n) => {
                if (predesessor != null)
                    if (predesessor.Right == null)
                        predesessor.rightThread = false;
                        predesessor.Right = n;
                        predesessor.rightThread = true;

                predesessor = n;

            return this;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 private int GetCount(BinaryTreeNode node)
     if (node == null) return 0;
     int lcount = GetCount(node.Left);
     int rcount = node.rightThread ? GetCount(node.Right) : 0;
     return lcount + rcount + 1;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 private int GetHeight(BinaryTreeNode node)
     if (node == null) return -1;
     int lheight = GetHeight(node.Left);
     int rheight = node.rightThread ? GetHeight(node.Right) : -1;
     return Math.Max(lheight, rheight) + 1;
 /// Adds a node to the tree
 public void Add(BinaryTreeNode node) //Do I need to invoke the balance method for this?
     if (this.head == null) //'this' is the tree, check if empty
         this.head = node; //set node as root of the tree
         //node.Parent = this.head; //its parent points to itself
         if (node.Parent == null)
             node.Parent = head; //start at head
         //Node is inserted on the left side if it is smaller or equal to the parent
         bool insertLeftSide = false;
         if (node.Value < node.Parent.Value)
             insertLeftSide = true;
         if (insertLeftSide) //insert on the left
             if (node.Parent.LeftChild == null)
                 node.Parent.LeftChild = node; //insert in left
                 node.Parent = node.Parent.LeftChild; //scan down to left child
                 this.Add(node); //recursive call
         else //insert on the right
             if (node.Parent.RightChild == null)
                 node.Parent.RightChild = node; //insert in right
                 node.Parent = node.Parent.RightChild;
 // depth from node from the right
 public int heightR(BinaryTreeNode node)
     if (node == null)
         return 0;
     return node.RightChild.level + 1;
 /// Create a new instance of a Binary Tree node
 public BinaryTreeNode(Int32 value)
     this.level = 1;
     this.value = value;
     this.parent = null;
     this.leftChild = null;
     this.rightChild = null;
 /// Adds a new element to the tree
 public void Add(Int32 value)
     BinaryTreeNode node = new BinaryTreeNode(value);
 private void PostOrder(ref BinaryTreeNode node)
     if (node == null)
     if (node.LeftChild != null)
         InOrder(ref node.leftChild);
     if (node.RightChild != null)
         InOrder(ref node.rightChild);
 /// Creates a new instance of an empty node
 public BinaryTreeNode()
     this.level = 0;
     this.parent = null;
     this.leftChild = null;
     this.rightChild = null;
     //deleted = null;
 private void InOrder(ref BinaryTreeNode node)
     balance(node); //Where I was attempting to balance before traversing which I think is what throws the error.
     if (node == null)
     if (node.LeftChild != null)
         InOrder(ref node.leftChild);
     if (node.RightChild != null)
         InOrder(ref node.rightChild);
 //private int depth;
 /// Constructor ‐ Creates a new instance of a Binary Tree
 public BinarySearchTree()
     head = null;
     size = 0;
 // right rotation around node
 public BinaryTreeNode rotateR(BinaryTreeNode node)
     if (node == null)
         return null;
         BinaryTreeNode newRoot = node.LeftChild;
         node.LeftChild = newRoot.RightChild;
         newRoot.RightChild = node;
         return newRoot;
Ejemplo n.º 14
        private void DrawTree(BinaryTreeNode node, Graphics g)
            int width = panel1.Width;
            int height = panel1.Height;
            int dx = 0, dy = 0, dx2 = 0, dy2 = 0, ys = 20, dc = 10;

            int x_scale = (int)(width / (tree.Root.Count + 1));
            int y_scale = (int)((height - ys) / (tree.Root.Height + 1));

            if (node != null)
                int treeHeight = node.Height;

                DrawTree(node.Left, g);

                dx = node.Xpos * x_scale - ys;
                dy = node.Ypos * y_scale + ys;

                g.DrawString(node.ToString(), panel1.Font, blackBrush, new PointF(dx - ys, dy - dc));
                if (!node.rightThread)
                        node.Right.ToString()), panel1.Font, redBrush, new PointF(dx + ys / 2, dy - dc));

                g.FillEllipse(blackBrush, dx - dc / 2, dy - dc / 2, dc, dc);

                if (node.Left != null)
                    dx2 = node.Left.Xpos * x_scale - ys;
                    dy2 = node.Left.Ypos * y_scale + ys;
                    g.DrawLine(blackPen, dx, dy, dx2, dy2);

                if (node.Right != null && node.rightThread)
                    dx2 = node.Right.Xpos * x_scale - ys;
                    dy2 = node.Right.Ypos * y_scale + ys;
                    g.DrawLine(blackPen, dx, dy, dx2, dy2);

                if (node.rightThread)
                    DrawTree(node.Right, g);
    // balancing the binary tree
    // after the tree has been built
    // WARNING! This code has not been checked...
    // and you may need to change it
    // depending on your tree design
    public void balance(BinaryTreeNode node)
        if (node == null)

        if (node != null)
            BinarySearchTree tree = new BinarySearchTree();
            if (node.RightChild.level - node.LeftChild.level > 1)
                if (node.RightChild.level > node.LeftChild.level)
                    node = rotateL(node);
                    node = rotateR(node);
                    node = rotateL(node);
                if (node.LeftChild.level > node.RightChild.level)
                    node = rotateR(node);
                    node = rotateL(node);
                    node = rotateR(node);
 /// Removes a node from the tree and returns whether the removal was successful.
 public bool Remove(BinaryTreeNode removeNode)
     if (removeNode == null)
         return false; //value doesn't exist or not of this tree
     //Note whether the node to be removed is the root of the tree
     bool wasHead = (removeNode == head);
     if (this.Count == 1)
         this.head = null; //only element was the root
         size--; //decrease total element count
     else if (removeNode.IsLeaf) //Case 1: No Children
         //Remove node from its parent
         if (removeNode.IsLeftChild)
             removeNode.Parent.LeftChild = null;
             removeNode.Parent.RightChild = null;
         removeNode.Parent = null;
         size--; //decrease total element count
     else if (removeNode.ChildCount == 1) //Case 2: One Child
         if (removeNode.HasLeftChild)
             //Put left child node in place of the node to be removed
             removeNode.LeftChild.Parent = removeNode.Parent; //update parent
             if (wasHead)
                 this.Root = removeNode.LeftChild; //update root reference if needed
             if (removeNode.IsLeftChild) //update the parent's child reference
                 removeNode.Parent.LeftChild = removeNode.LeftChild;
                 removeNode.Parent.RightChild = removeNode.LeftChild;
         else //Has right child
             //Put left node in place of the node to be removed
             removeNode.RightChild.Parent = removeNode.Parent; //update parent
             if (wasHead)
                 this.Root = removeNode.RightChild; //update root reference if needed
             if (removeNode.IsLeftChild) //update the parent's child reference
                 removeNode.Parent.LeftChild = removeNode.RightChild;
                 removeNode.Parent.RightChild = removeNode.RightChild;
         removeNode.Parent = null;
         removeNode.LeftChild = null;
         removeNode.RightChild = null;
         size--; //decrease total element count
     else //Case 3: Two Children
         //Find inorder predecessor (right‐most node in left subtree)
         BinaryTreeNode successorNode = removeNode.LeftChild;
         while (successorNode.RightChild != null)
             successorNode = successorNode.RightChild;
         removeNode.Value = successorNode.Value; //replace value
         this.Remove(successorNode); //recursively remove the inorder predecessor
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 17
 protected void InOrderTraverse(BinaryTreeNode node, Action<BinaryTreeNode, int> fn = null, int depth = 1)
     if (node == null) return;
     InOrderTraverse(node.Left, fn, depth + 1);
     if (fn != null) fn(node, depth);
     InOrderTraverse(node.Right, fn, depth + 1);