Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void btnNN_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            DataTable dtNN = TextUtils.GetDistinctDatatable(dt, "F141");

            foreach (DataRow r in dtNN.Rows)
                ModuleErrorTypeModel model = new ModuleErrorTypeModel();
                model.Name = r["F141"].ToString();
                model.Type = 1;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void btnFCM_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string localPath        = "";
            FolderBrowserDialog fbd = new FolderBrowserDialog();

            if (fbd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                localPath = fbd.SelectedPath + "\\FCM - " + thisQuotation.Code + ".xlsx";

            string filePath = Application.StartupPath + "\\Templates\\PhongKinhDoanh\\FCM.xlsx";

                File.Copy(filePath, localPath, true);
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show("Lỗi: File excel đang được mở." + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message);

            using (WaitDialogForm fWait = new WaitDialogForm("Vui lòng chờ trong giây lát...", "Đang tạo báo giá..."))
                DataTable dtQuotation = LibQLSX.Select("select * from vC_Quotation where ID = " + thisQuotation.ID);
                DataTable dtAllCost   = LibQLSX.Select("exec spReportAllCostWithQuotation " + thisQuotation.ID);
                DataTable dtGroupP    = TextUtils.GetDistinctDatatable(dtAllCost, "GroupCodeP");

                System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US");
                Excel.Application app       = default(Excel.Application);
                Excel.Workbook    workBoook = default(Excel.Workbook);
                Excel.Worksheet   workSheet = default(Excel.Worksheet);
                    app = new Excel.Application();
                    workBoook = app.Workbooks[1];
                    workSheet = (Excel.Worksheet)workBoook.Worksheets[1];

                    workSheet.Cells[3, 4] = TextUtils.ToString(dtQuotation.Rows[0]["Name"]);
                    workSheet.Cells[4, 4] = "";
                    //workSheet.Cells[5, 4] = TextUtils.ToString(thisQuotation.Code);
                    workSheet.Cells[5, 4] = TextUtils.ToString(thisQuotation.ProjectCode);
                    workSheet.Cells[6, 4] = TextUtils.ToString(thisQuotation.ProjectName);
                    workSheet.Cells[7, 4] = TextUtils.ToString(thisQuotation.CustomerName);
                    workSheet.Cells[8, 4] = TextUtils.ToString(thisQuotation.CustomerName);
                    workSheet.Cells[9, 4] = TextUtils.ToString(dtQuotation.Rows[0]["Name"]);

                    workSheet.Cells[4, 6] = thisQuotation.DeliveryTime;
                    workSheet.Cells[8, 7] = TextUtils.ToString(dtQuotation.Rows[0]["StatusText"]);
                    workSheet.Cells[9, 7] = TextUtils.ToString(thisQuotation.POnumber);

                    workSheet.Cells[13, 7] = TextUtils.ToDecimal(txtTotalHD.EditValue);
                    workSheet.Cells[14, 7] = TextUtils.ToDecimal(txtTotalTPA.EditValue);
                    workSheet.Cells[15, 7] = TextUtils.ToDecimal(txtTax.EditValue);
                    workSheet.Cells[16, 7] = TextUtils.ToDecimal(txtTotalReal.EditValue);
                    workSheet.Cells[17, 7] = TextUtils.ToDecimal(txtTotalTrienKhai.EditValue);
                    workSheet.Cells[18, 7] = TextUtils.ToDecimal(txtTotalNC.EditValue);
                    workSheet.Cells[19, 7] = TextUtils.ToDecimal(txtTotalPB.EditValue);
                    workSheet.Cells[20, 7] = TextUtils.ToDecimal(txtTotalBX.EditValue);
                    workSheet.Cells[21, 7] = TextUtils.ToDecimal(txtCustomerValue.EditValue);
                    workSheet.Cells[22, 7] = TextUtils.ToDecimal(txtTotalProfitHD.EditValue);
                    workSheet.Cells[23, 7] = TextUtils.ToDecimal(txtTotalProfitHD.EditValue);
                    workSheet.Cells[24, 7] = TextUtils.ToDecimal(txtTotalProfitHD.EditValue);
                    workSheet.Cells[26, 7] = TextUtils.ToDecimal(txtTotalVT.EditValue);

                    for (int i = dtGroupP.Rows.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                        string    groupCodeP = TextUtils.ToString(dtGroupP.Rows[i]["GroupCodeP"]);
                        DataRow[] listGroupC = dtAllCost.AsEnumerable()
                                               .Where(y => y.Field <string>("GroupCodeP") == groupCodeP)
                                               .GroupBy(r => r.Field <string>("GroupCode"))
                                               .Select(g => g.First())
                                               .OrderBy(r => r.Field <string>("GroupCode"))

                        for (int j = listGroupC.Length - 1; j >= 0; j--)
                            string groupCode = TextUtils.ToString(listGroupC[j]["GroupCode"]);

                            DataRow[] listCost = dtAllCost.AsEnumerable()
                                                 .Where(y => y.Field <string>("GroupCode") == groupCode)

                            for (int k = listCost.Length - 1; k >= 0; k--)
                                //workSheet.Cells[31, 2] = TextUtils.ToString(listCost[k]["Code"]);
                                workSheet.Cells[31, 3] = TextUtils.ToString(listCost[k]["Code"]);
                                workSheet.Cells[31, 4] = TextUtils.ToString(listCost[k]["Name"]);
                                workSheet.Cells[31, 5] = TextUtils.ToString(listCost[k]["Unit"]);
                                workSheet.Cells[31, 6] = TextUtils.ToDecimal(listCost[k]["Qty"]);
                                workSheet.Cells[31, 7] = TextUtils.ToDecimal(listCost[k]["TotalPrice"]);
                                workSheet.Cells[31, 8] = TextUtils.ToDecimal(listCost[k]["TotalPrice"]) / TextUtils.ToDecimal(txtTotalHD.EditValue);


                            workSheet.Cells[31, 2] = TextUtils.ToString(listGroupC[j]["GroupCode"]);
                            workSheet.Cells[31, 3] = TextUtils.ToString(listGroupC[j]["GroupName"]);
                            //workSheet.Cells[31, 4] = TextUtils.ToString(listGroupC[j]["Name"]);
                            workSheet.Cells[31, 5] = "Đồng"; //TextUtils.ToString(listGroupC[j]["Unit"]);
                            workSheet.Cells[31, 6] = 1;      // TextUtils.ToDecimal(listGroupC[j]["Qty"]);
                            decimal costC = TextUtils.ToDecimal(dtAllCost.Select("GroupCode = '" + groupCode + "'")
                                                                .Sum(x => x.Field <decimal>("TotalPrice")));
                            workSheet.Cells[31, 7] = costC;
                            workSheet.Cells[31, 8] = costC / TextUtils.ToDecimal(txtTotalHD.EditValue);

                            ((Excel.Range)workSheet.Rows[31]).Font.Bold = true;

                        workSheet.Cells[31, 2] = TextUtils.ToString(dtGroupP.Rows[i]["GroupCodeP"]);
                        workSheet.Cells[31, 3] = TextUtils.ToString(dtGroupP.Rows[i]["GroupNameP"]);
                        //workSheet.Cells[31, 4] = TextUtils.ToString(dtGroupP.Rows[i]["Name"]);
                        workSheet.Cells[31, 5] = "Đồng"; //TextUtils.ToString(dtGroupP.Rows[i]["Unit"]);
                        workSheet.Cells[31, 6] = 1;      // TextUtils.ToDecimal(dtGroupP.Rows[i]["Qty"]);
                        decimal costP = TextUtils.ToDecimal(dtAllCost.Select("GroupCodeP = '" + groupCodeP + "'")
                                                            .Sum(x => x.Field <decimal>("TotalPrice")));;
                        workSheet.Cells[31, 7] = costP;
                        workSheet.Cells[31, 8] = costP / TextUtils.ToDecimal(txtTotalHD.EditValue);

                        ((Excel.Range)workSheet.Rows[31]).Font.Bold = true;

                catch (Exception ex)
                    if (app != null)

Ejemplo n.º 3
        private void btnFCM_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string localPath        = "";
            FolderBrowserDialog fbd = new FolderBrowserDialog();

            if (fbd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                localPath = fbd.SelectedPath + "\\FCM-KD-" + Quotation.Code + ".xlsx";

            string fileName = "";

            if (Quotation.CreatedDepartmentID == 10)//KD1
                fileName = "FCM-KD1.xlsx";
            if (Quotation.CreatedDepartmentID == 16)//KD2
                fileName = "FCM-KD2.xlsx";
            string filePath = Application.StartupPath + "\\Templates\\PhongKinhDoanh\\" + fileName;

            //string filePath = Application.StartupPath + "\\Templates\\PhongKinhDoanh\\FCM-KD-TEMPLATE.xlsx";

                File.Copy(filePath, localPath, true);
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show("Lỗi: File excel đang được mở." + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message);

            using (WaitDialogForm fWait = new WaitDialogForm("Vui lòng chờ trong giây lát...", "Đang tạo FCM..."))
                DataTable dtQuotation = LibQLSX.Select("exec [spGetQuotation] @QuotationID = " + Quotation.ID);
                DataTable dtAllCost   = LibQLSX.Select("exec [spReportCostWithQuotationKD] " + Quotation.ID);
                DataTable dtGroup     = TextUtils.GetDistinctDatatable(dtAllCost, "GroupCode");

                System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US");
                Excel.Application app       = default(Excel.Application);
                Excel.Workbook    workBoook = default(Excel.Workbook);
                Excel.Worksheet   workSheet = default(Excel.Worksheet);
                    app = new Excel.Application();
                    workBoook = app.Workbooks[1];
                    workSheet = (Excel.Worksheet)workBoook.Worksheets[1];

                    workSheet.Cells[4, 4] = "KD";
                    workSheet.Cells[4, 6] = Quotation.DeliveryTime;

                    workSheet.Cells[5, 4] = TextUtils.ToString(Quotation.ProjectCode);
                    workSheet.Cells[6, 4] = TextUtils.ToString(Quotation.ProjectName);
                    workSheet.Cells[7, 4] = TextUtils.ToString(Quotation.CustomerName);
                    workSheet.Cells[9, 4] = TextUtils.ToString(dtQuotation.Rows[0]["DName"]);
                    workSheet.Cells[8, 7] = TextUtils.ToString(dtQuotation.Rows[0]["StatusText"]);
                    workSheet.Cells[9, 7] = TextUtils.ToString(Quotation.POnumber);
                    //Lợi nhuận
                    workSheet.Cells[13, 7] = TextUtils.ToDecimal(txtTotalProfitTT.EditValue);
                    workSheet.Cells[14, 7] = TextUtils.ToDecimal(txtTotalProfitQD.EditValue);
                    //Giá bán
                    workSheet.Cells[16, 7] = TextUtils.ToDecimal(txtTotalReal.EditValue);       //Giá thực thu
                    workSheet.Cells[17, 7] = TextUtils.ToDecimal(txtTotalHD.EditValue);         //Giá có VAT thực tế bán trên HĐ
                    workSheet.Cells[18, 7] = TextUtils.ToDecimal(txtTotalHD.EditValue);         //Giá chưa VAT thực tế bán trên HĐ
                    workSheet.Cells[19, 7] = TextUtils.ToDecimal(txtTotalTPA.EditValue);        //Giá có VAT theo quy định phải bán
                    workSheet.Cells[20, 7] = TextUtils.ToDecimal(txtTotalTPA_PreVAT.EditValue); //Giá chưa VAT theo quy định phải bán
                    //Chi phí
                    workSheet.Cells[22, 7] = TextUtils.ToDecimal(txtTotalVAT.EditValue);        //Thuế GTGT phải nộp

                    //Khách hàng gửi
                    if (Quotation.CreatedDepartmentID == 10)                                                         //KD1
                        workSheet.Cells[23, 7] = Quotation.CustomerCash;                                             //Chênh lệch chi- thu xúc tiền bán hàng
                        workSheet.Cells[24, 7] = TextUtils.ToDecimal(txtTotalXL.EditValue);                          //Xử lí phần gửi
                        workSheet.Cells[25, 7] = Quotation.CustomerCash + TextUtils.ToDecimal(txtTotalXL.EditValue); //Khách hàng gửi
                        workSheet.Cells[23, 7] = Quotation.CustomerCash - TextUtils.ToDecimal(txtTotalXL.EditValue); //Chênh lệch chi- thu xúc tiền bán hàng
                        workSheet.Cells[24, 7] = TextUtils.ToDecimal(txtTotalXL.EditValue);                          //Xử lí phần gửi
                        workSheet.Cells[25, 7] = Quotation.CustomerCash;                                             //Khách hàng gửi

                    workSheet.Cells[26, 7] = Quotation.TotalVC_KD;                                                           //Chi phí vận chuyển
                    workSheet.Cells[27, 7] = Quotation.TotalBX_KD;                                                           //Chi phí bốc xếp

                    workSheet.Cells[29, 7] = TextUtils.ToDecimal(txtTotalVT_SX.EditValue);                                   //Mua tại TPA
                    workSheet.Cells[30, 7] = TextUtils.ToDecimal(txtTotalVT_MN.EditValue);                                   //Mua ngoài TPA

                    workSheet.Cells[31, 7] = TextUtils.ToDecimal(txtTotalNC.EditValue);                                      //Chi phí cố định - Nhân công gián tiếp
                    workSheet.Cells[32, 7] = TextUtils.ToDecimal(txtTotalNC_KD.EditValue);                                   //Chi phí cố định - Nhân công KD
                    workSheet.Cells[33, 7] = TextUtils.ToDecimal(dtAllCost.Compute("Sum(TotalPrice)", "GroupCode = 'N08'")); //Chi phí quản lí N08
                    workSheet.Cells[34, 7] = TextUtils.ToDecimal(txtTotalDP.EditValue);                                      //Chi phí dự phòng

                    workSheet.Cells[38, 7] = TextUtils.ToDecimal(dtAllCost.Compute("Sum(TotalPrice)", "GroupCode = 'N11'")); //Chi phí bảo hành
                    workSheet.Cells[39, 7] = TextUtils.ToDecimal(dtAllCost.Compute("Sum(TotalPrice)", "GroupCode = 'N09'")); //Chi phí lãi vay

                    for (int i = dtGroup.Rows.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                        string groupCode = TextUtils.ToString(dtGroup.Rows[i]["GroupCode"]);

                        DataRow[] listCost = dtAllCost.AsEnumerable()
                                             .Where(y => y.Field <string>("GroupCode") == groupCode)

                        for (int k = listCost.Length - 1; k >= 0; k--)
                            workSheet.Cells[42, 2] = TextUtils.ToString(listCost[k]["Code"]);
                            workSheet.Cells[42, 3] = TextUtils.ToString(listCost[k]["Name"]);
                            //workSheet.Cells[42, 4] = TextUtils.ToString(listCost[k]["Name"]);
                            workSheet.Cells[42, 5] = "Đồng";
                            //workSheet.Cells[42, 6] = TextUtils.ToDecimal(listCost[k]["Qty"]);
                            workSheet.Cells[42, 7] = TextUtils.ToDecimal(listCost[k]["TotalPrice"]);

                            Excel.Range range = workSheet.get_Range(workSheet.Cells[42, 3], workSheet.Cells[42, 4]);

                        workSheet.Cells[42, 2] = TextUtils.ToString(dtGroup.Rows[i]["GroupCode"]);
                        workSheet.Cells[42, 3] = TextUtils.ToString(dtGroup.Rows[i]["GroupName"]);

                        ((Excel.Range)workSheet.Rows[42]).Font.Bold = true;
                        Excel.Range range1 = workSheet.get_Range(workSheet.Cells[42, 3], workSheet.Cells[42, 4]);


                    Excel.Worksheet workSheet2 = (Excel.Worksheet)workBoook.Worksheets[2];
                    DataTable       dtItem     = LibQLSX.Select("select * from vC_QuotationDetail_KD with(nolock) where ParentID = 0 and C_QuotationID = " + Quotation.ID);

                    for (int i = dtItem.Rows.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                        int       id  = TextUtils.ToInt(dtItem.Rows[i]["ID"]);
                        DataTable dtC = LibQLSX.Select("select * from vC_QuotationDetail_KD with(nolock) where ParentID = " + id);

                        for (int j = dtC.Rows.Count - 1; j >= 0; j--)
                            workSheet2.Cells[5, 1]  = (i + 1) + "." + (j + 1);
                            workSheet2.Cells[5, 2]  = TextUtils.ToString(dtC.Rows[j]["ModuleName"]);
                            workSheet2.Cells[5, 3]  = TextUtils.ToString(dtC.Rows[j]["ModuleCode"]);
                            workSheet2.Cells[5, 4]  = TextUtils.ToString(dtC.Rows[j]["Manufacture"]);
                            workSheet2.Cells[5, 5]  = TextUtils.ToString(dtC.Rows[j]["Origin"]);
                            workSheet2.Cells[5, 6]  = TextUtils.ToString(dtC.Rows[j]["DCode"]);
                            workSheet2.Cells[5, 7]  = TextUtils.ToString(dtC.Rows[j]["C_ProductGroupCode"]);
                            workSheet2.Cells[5, 8]  = TextUtils.ToString(dtC.Rows[j]["Qty"]);
                            workSheet2.Cells[5, 17] = TextUtils.ToString(dtC.Rows[j]["PriceVT"]);
                            workSheet2.Cells[5, 18] = TextUtils.ToDecimal(dtC.Rows[j]["VAT"]) / 100;

                            workSheet2.Cells[5, 22] = TextUtils.ToString(dtC.Rows[j]["PriceTPA_PreVAT"]);
                            workSheet2.Cells[5, 23] = TextUtils.ToString(dtC.Rows[j]["PriceTPA"]);
                            workSheet2.Cells[5, 24] = TextUtils.ToString(dtC.Rows[j]["PriceVAT_HD"]);
                            workSheet2.Cells[5, 25] = TextUtils.ToDecimal(dtC.Rows[j]["PriceHD"]) * (1 - TextUtils.ToDecimal(dtC.Rows[j]["VAT"]) / 100);
                            workSheet2.Cells[5, 26] = TextUtils.ToDecimal(dtC.Rows[j]["Qty"]) * TextUtils.ToDecimal(dtC.Rows[j]["PriceHD"]);
                            workSheet2.Cells[5, 27] = TextUtils.ToDecimal(dtC.Rows[j]["Qty"]) * TextUtils.ToDecimal(dtC.Rows[j]["PriceVT"]);


                        workSheet2.Cells[5, 1] = i + 1;
                        workSheet2.Cells[5, 2] = TextUtils.ToString(dtItem.Rows[i]["ModuleName"]);
                        workSheet2.Cells[5, 3] = TextUtils.ToString(dtItem.Rows[i]["ModuleCode"]);
                        workSheet2.Cells[5, 4] = TextUtils.ToString(dtItem.Rows[i]["Manufacture"]);
                        workSheet2.Cells[5, 5] = TextUtils.ToString(dtItem.Rows[i]["Origin"]);
                        workSheet2.Cells[5, 6] = TextUtils.ToString(dtItem.Rows[i]["DCode"]);
                        workSheet2.Cells[5, 8] = TextUtils.ToString(dtItem.Rows[i]["Qty"]);

                        if (dtC.Rows.Count == 0)
                            workSheet2.Cells[5, 7]  = TextUtils.ToString(dtItem.Rows[i]["C_ProductGroupCode"]);
                            workSheet2.Cells[5, 17] = TextUtils.ToString(dtItem.Rows[i]["PriceVT"]);
                            workSheet2.Cells[5, 18] = TextUtils.ToDecimal(dtItem.Rows[i]["VAT"]) / 100;

                            workSheet2.Cells[5, 22] = TextUtils.ToString(dtItem.Rows[i]["PriceTPA_PreVAT"]);
                            workSheet2.Cells[5, 23] = TextUtils.ToString(dtItem.Rows[i]["PriceTPA"]);
                            workSheet2.Cells[5, 24] = TextUtils.ToString(dtItem.Rows[i]["PriceVAT_HD"]);
                            workSheet2.Cells[5, 25] = TextUtils.ToDecimal(dtItem.Rows[i]["PriceHD"]) * (1 - TextUtils.ToDecimal(dtItem.Rows[i]["VAT"]) / 100);
                            workSheet2.Cells[5, 26] = TextUtils.ToDecimal(dtItem.Rows[i]["Qty"]) * TextUtils.ToDecimal(dtItem.Rows[i]["PriceHD"]);
                            workSheet2.Cells[5, 27] = TextUtils.ToDecimal(dtItem.Rows[i]["Qty"]) * TextUtils.ToDecimal(dtItem.Rows[i]["PriceVT"]);

                        ((Excel.Range)workSheet2.Rows[5]).Font.Bold = true;

                catch (Exception ex)
                    if (app != null)

Ejemplo n.º 4
        private void btnFCM_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string localPath        = "";
            FolderBrowserDialog fbd = new FolderBrowserDialog();

            if (fbd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                localPath = fbd.SelectedPath + "\\FCM-SX- " + Quotation.Code + ".xlsx";

            string filePath = Application.StartupPath + "\\Templates\\PhongKinhDoanh\\FCM-SX-TEMPLATE.xlsx";

                File.Copy(filePath, localPath, true);
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show("Lỗi: File excel đang được mở." + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message);

            using (WaitDialogForm fWait = new WaitDialogForm("Vui lòng chờ trong giây lát...", "Đang tạo FCM..."))
                DataTable dtQuotation = LibQLSX.Select("exec spGetQuotation @QuotationID = " + Quotation.ID);

                DataTable dtAllCost = new DataTable();
                if (Quotation.StatusNC == 1)
                    dtAllCost = LibQLSX.Select("exec [spReportCostWithQuotationSX_DN] " + Quotation.ID);
                    dtAllCost = LibQLSX.Select("exec [spReportCostWithQuotationSX_CN] " + Quotation.ID);

                decimal totalNC_ThietKe1 = TextUtils.ToDecimal(dtAllCost.Compute("Sum(TotalPrice)", "Code = 'C09P11' and Code = 'C09P24'"));

                DataTable dtGroup = TextUtils.GetDistinctDatatable(dtAllCost, "GroupCode");

                System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US");
                Excel.Application app       = default(Excel.Application);
                Excel.Workbook    workBoook = default(Excel.Workbook);
                Excel.Worksheet   workSheet = default(Excel.Worksheet);
                    app = new Excel.Application();
                    workBoook = app.Workbooks[1];
                    workSheet = (Excel.Worksheet)workBoook.Worksheets[1];

                    workSheet.Cells[4, 4] = "KD";
                    workSheet.Cells[4, 6] = Quotation.DeliveryTime;

                    workSheet.Cells[5, 4] = TextUtils.ToString(Quotation.ProjectCode);
                    workSheet.Cells[6, 4] = TextUtils.ToString(Quotation.ProjectName);
                    workSheet.Cells[7, 4] = TextUtils.ToString(Quotation.CustomerName);
                    workSheet.Cells[8, 8] = TextUtils.ToString(dtQuotation.Rows[0]["StatusText"]);
                    workSheet.Cells[9, 4] = TextUtils.ToString(dtQuotation.Rows[0]["DName"]);
                    workSheet.Cells[9, 7] = TextUtils.ToString(Quotation.POnumber);
                    //Lợi nhuận
                    workSheet.Cells[14, 8] = TextUtils.ToDecimal(txtTotalProfit.EditValue);
                    //Giá bán
                    workSheet.Cells[16, 8] = TextUtils.ToDecimal(txtTotalTPA.EditValue);//Giá bán chưa VAT
                    workSheet.Cells[16, 9] = TextUtils.ToDecimal(txtTotalHD.EditValue);
                    //Chi phí vật tư
                    workSheet.Cells[19, 8] = TextUtils.ToDecimal(txtTotalVT.EditValue);//Giá vật tư
                    workSheet.Cells[19, 9] = TextUtils.ToDecimal(txtTotalVT.EditValue);

                    decimal totalNC_GianTiep = TextUtils.ToDecimal(dtAllCost.Compute("Sum(TotalPrice)", "GroupCode = 'N01'"));
                    workSheet.Cells[23, 6] = totalNC_GianTiep / TextUtils.ToDecimal(txtTotalTPA.EditValue);
                    workSheet.Cells[23, 8] = totalNC_GianTiep;
                    workSheet.Cells[23, 9] = totalNC_GianTiep;//Chi phí cố định - đầu nhân viên gián tiếp

                    //Chi phí phân bổ khác
                    decimal totalPB_QuanLy = TextUtils.ToDecimal(dtAllCost.Compute("Sum(TotalPrice)", "GroupCode = 'N08'"));
                    workSheet.Cells[35, 6] = totalPB_QuanLy / TextUtils.ToDecimal(txtTotalTPA.EditValue);
                    workSheet.Cells[35, 9] = totalPB_QuanLy;//Chi phí quản lí

                    decimal totalPB_TaiChinh = TextUtils.ToDecimal(dtAllCost.Compute("Sum(TotalPrice)", "GroupCode = 'N09'"));
                    workSheet.Cells[36, 6] = totalPB_TaiChinh / TextUtils.ToDecimal(txtTotalTPA.EditValue);
                    workSheet.Cells[36, 9] = totalPB_TaiChinh;                          //Chi phí tài chính và lãi vay

                    workSheet.Cells[37, 9] = TextUtils.ToDecimal(txtTotalDP.EditValue); //Chi phí dự phòng

                    decimal totalPB_BaoHanh = TextUtils.ToDecimal(dtAllCost.Compute("Sum(TotalPrice)", "GroupCode = 'N11'"));
                    workSheet.Cells[43, 6] = totalPB_BaoHanh / TextUtils.ToDecimal(txtTotalTPA.EditValue);
                    workSheet.Cells[43, 9] = totalPB_BaoHanh;//Chi phí bảo hành

                    if (Quotation.StatusNC == 1)
                        //Chi phí nhân công
                        decimal totalNC_ThietKe = TextUtils.ToDecimal(dtAllCost.Compute("Sum(TotalPrice)", "GroupCode = 'N02'"));
                        workSheet.Cells[24, 6] = totalNC_ThietKe / TextUtils.ToDecimal(txtTotalTPA.EditValue);
                        workSheet.Cells[24, 9] = totalNC_ThietKe;//Chi phí cố định - đầu nhân viên Tkế

                        decimal totalNC_SXLR = TextUtils.ToDecimal(dtAllCost.Compute("Sum(TotalPrice)", "GroupCode = 'N03'"));
                        workSheet.Cells[25, 6] = totalNC_SXLR / TextUtils.ToDecimal(txtTotalTPA.EditValue);
                        workSheet.Cells[25, 9] = totalNC_SXLR;//Chi phí cố định - đầu nhân viên SXLR

                        //Chi phí kỹ thuật
                        workSheet.Cells[28, 9] = TextUtils.ToDecimal(txtTotalVC.EditValue);    //Chi phí vận chuyển hàng bán
                        workSheet.Cells[29, 9] = TextUtils.ToDecimal(txtTotalDiLai.EditValue); // Chi phí đi lại

                        //workSheet.Cells[27, 9] = TextUtils.ToDecimal(txtTotalVC.EditValue);//Chi phí vận chuyển hàng bán
                        workSheet.Cells[30, 9] = TextUtils.ToDecimal(txtTotalBX.EditValue);//Chi phí bốc xếp hàng bán

                        decimal totalKT_Service = TextUtils.ToDecimal(dtAllCost.Compute("Sum(TotalPrice)", "GroupCode = 'N04'"));
                        workSheet.Cells[31, 6] = totalKT_Service / TextUtils.ToDecimal(txtTotalTPA.EditValue);
                        workSheet.Cells[31, 9] = totalKT_Service;//Chi phí cố bộ phận Service (Lắp đặt, chuyển giao, follow)

                        decimal totalKT_SXLR = TextUtils.ToDecimal(dtAllCost.Compute("Sum(TotalPrice)", "GroupCode = 'N07.02'"));
                        workSheet.Cells[32, 6] = totalKT_SXLR / TextUtils.ToDecimal(txtTotalTPA.EditValue);
                        workSheet.Cells[32, 9] = totalKT_SXLR;//Chi phí bộ phận SXLR  (Lắp đặt, chuyển giao, follow)

                        decimal totalKT_TK = TextUtils.ToDecimal(dtAllCost.Compute("Sum(TotalPrice)", "GroupCode = 'N07.03'"));
                        workSheet.Cells[33, 6] = totalKT_TK / TextUtils.ToDecimal(txtTotalTPA.EditValue);
                        workSheet.Cells[33, 9] = totalKT_TK;//Chi phí bộ phận thiết kế (Lắp đặt, chuyển giao, follow)
                        //Chi phí nhân công
                        decimal totalNC_ThietKe = TextUtils.ToDecimal(dtAllCost.Compute("Sum(TotalPrice)", "Code = 'C09P11' and Code = 'C09P24'"));
                        workSheet.Cells[24, 6] = totalNC_ThietKe / TextUtils.ToDecimal(txtTotalTPA.EditValue);
                        workSheet.Cells[24, 9] = totalNC_ThietKe;//Chi phí cố định - đầu nhân viên Tkế

                        decimal totalNC_SXLR = TextUtils.ToDecimal(dtAllCost.Compute("Sum(TotalPrice)", "Code = 'C09P07'"));
                        workSheet.Cells[25, 6] = totalNC_SXLR / TextUtils.ToDecimal(txtTotalTPA.EditValue);
                        workSheet.Cells[25, 9] = totalNC_SXLR;//Chi phí cố định - đầu nhân viên SXLR

                        //Chi phí kỹ thuật
                        workSheet.Cells[28, 9] = TextUtils.ToDecimal(txtTotalVC.EditValue);    //Chi phí vận chuyển hàng bán
                        workSheet.Cells[29, 9] = TextUtils.ToDecimal(txtTotalDiLai.EditValue); // Chi phí đi lại

                        //workSheet.Cells[27, 9] = TextUtils.ToDecimal(txtTotalVC.EditValue);//Chi phí vận chuyển hàng bán
                        //workSheet.Cells[28, 9] = TextUtils.ToDecimal(txtTotalBX.EditValue);//Chi phí bốc xếp hàng bán

                        decimal totalKT_Service = TextUtils.ToDecimal(dtAllCost.Compute("Sum(TotalPrice)", "Code = 'C09P12'"));
                        workSheet.Cells[31, 6] = totalKT_Service / TextUtils.ToDecimal(txtTotalTPA.EditValue);
                        workSheet.Cells[31, 9] = totalKT_Service;//Chi phí cố bộ phận Service (Lắp đặt, chuyển giao, follow)

                        decimal totalKT_SXLR = TextUtils.ToDecimal(dtAllCost.Compute("Sum(TotalPrice)", "Code = 'PLD'"));
                        workSheet.Cells[32, 6] = totalKT_SXLR / TextUtils.ToDecimal(txtTotalTPA.EditValue);
                        workSheet.Cells[32, 9] = totalKT_SXLR;//Chi phí bộ phận SXLR  (Lắp đặt, chuyển giao, follow)

                        decimal totalKT_TK = TextUtils.ToDecimal(dtAllCost.Compute("Sum(TotalPrice)", "Code = 'PCG'"));
                        workSheet.Cells[33, 6] = totalKT_TK / TextUtils.ToDecimal(txtTotalTPA.EditValue);
                        workSheet.Cells[33, 9] = totalKT_TK;//Chi phí bộ phận thiết kế (Lắp đặt, chuyển giao, follow)

                    for (int i = dtGroup.Rows.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                        string groupCode = TextUtils.ToString(dtGroup.Rows[i]["GroupCode"]);

                        DataRow[] listCost = dtAllCost.AsEnumerable()
                                             .Where(y => y.Field <string>("GroupCode") == groupCode)

                        for (int k = listCost.Length - 1; k >= 0; k--)
                            workSheet.Cells[46, 2] = TextUtils.ToString(listCost[k]["Code"]);
                            workSheet.Cells[46, 3] = TextUtils.ToString(listCost[k]["Name"]);
                            //workSheet.Cells[46, 4] = TextUtils.ToString(listCost[k]["Name"]);
                            workSheet.Cells[46, 5] = "Đồng";
                            //workSheet.Cells[46, 6] = TextUtils.ToDecimal(listCost[k]["Qty"]);
                            workSheet.Cells[46, 8] = TextUtils.ToDecimal(listCost[k]["TotalPrice"]);

                            Excel.Range range = workSheet.get_Range(workSheet.Cells[46, 3], workSheet.Cells[46, 4]);

                        workSheet.Cells[46, 2] = TextUtils.ToString(dtGroup.Rows[i]["GroupCode"]);
                        workSheet.Cells[46, 3] = TextUtils.ToString(dtGroup.Rows[i]["GroupName"]);

                        ((Excel.Range)workSheet.Rows[46]).Font.Bold = true;
                        Excel.Range range1 = workSheet.get_Range(workSheet.Cells[46, 3], workSheet.Cells[46, 4]);

                catch (Exception ex)
                    if (app != null)

Ejemplo n.º 5
        private void btnExportFormBank_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            bool         isTrongNuoc = true;
            DialogResult result      = MessageBox.Show("Bạn muốn xuất các biểu mẫu loại trong nước?", TextUtils.Caption, MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Question);

            if (result == DialogResult.Yes)
                isTrongNuoc = true;
            else if (result == DialogResult.No)
                isTrongNuoc = false;

            string         filePath = "";
            OpenFileDialog ofd      = new OpenFileDialog();

            ofd.Multiselect = false;
            if (ofd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                filePath = ofd.FileName;

            DataTable dtItem = TextUtils.ExcelToDatatableNoHeader(filePath, "Sheet1");

            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)

            DataTable dtDistinctItem = TextUtils.GetDistinctDatatable(dtItem, "F4");

            string path             = "";
            FolderBrowserDialog fbd = new FolderBrowserDialog();

            if (fbd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                path = fbd.SelectedPath;

            using (WaitDialogForm fWait = new WaitDialogForm("Vui lòng chờ trong giây lát...", "Đang tạo mẫu lệnh chi..."))
                #region Mẫu lệnh chi
                for (int i = 0; i < dtDistinctItem.Rows.Count; i++)
                //for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++)
                    string stt = TextUtils.ToString(dtDistinctItem.Rows[i]["F1"]);
                    if (stt == "")

                    string filePathS   = Application.StartupPath + "\\Templates\\PhongKeToan\\NganHang\\Mau lenh chi.xls";
                    string currentPath = path + "\\Mau lenh chi-" + TextUtils.ToString(dtDistinctItem.Rows[i]["F2"]) + ".xls";

                        File.Copy(filePathS, currentPath, true);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        MessageBox.Show("Có lỗi khi tạo biểu mẫu lệnh chi!" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message,
                                        TextUtils.Caption, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Stop);

                    System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US");
                    Excel.Application app       = default(Excel.Application);
                    Excel.Workbook    workBoook = default(Excel.Workbook);
                    Excel.Worksheet   workSheet = default(Excel.Worksheet);

                        app = new Excel.Application();
                        workBoook = app.Workbooks[1];
                        workSheet = (Excel.Worksheet)workBoook.Worksheets[1];

                        string loaiTienTe       = TextUtils.ToString(dtDistinctItem.Rows[i]["F13"]);
                        string percentThanhToan = TextUtils.ToString(dtDistinctItem.Rows[i]["F14"]);
                        string soTaiKhoan       = TextUtils.ToString(dtDistinctItem.Rows[i]["F4"]);

                        string    soHoaDonHopDong = "";
                        double    tienNhanNo      = 0;
                        DataRow[] drs             = dtItem.Select("F4 = '" + soTaiKhoan + "'");
                        foreach (DataRow item in drs)
                            tienNhanNo      += TextUtils.ToDouble(item["F9"]);
                            soHoaDonHopDong += TextUtils.ToString(item["F5"]) + ",";

                        workSheet.Cells[7, 1] = "                                                                                            Số No………Ngày Date ……/"
                                                + string.Format("{0:00}", DateTime.Now.Month) + "/" + DateTime.Now.Year;
                        workSheet.Cells[12, 3] = TextUtils.ToString(dtDistinctItem.Rows[i]["F2"]);  //Bên thụ hưởng
                        workSheet.Cells[15, 4] = TextUtils.ToString(dtDistinctItem.Rows[i]["F12"]); //địa chỉ bên thụ hưởng
                        if (isTrongNuoc)
                            workSheet.Cells[13, 3] = "'" + soTaiKhoan;
                            workSheet.Cells[16, 4] = tienNhanNo.ToString("n2") + " " + loaiTienTe;      //Số tiền nhận nợ
                            workSheet.Cells[17, 4] = TextUtils.NumericToString(tienNhanNo, loaiTienTe); //tiền nhận nợ bẳng chữ

                        workSheet.Cells[21, 3] = "Công ty cp tự động hóa Tân phát thanh toán " + tienNhanNo + " " + (loaiTienTe == "" ? "VNĐ" : loaiTienTe)
                                                 + " tiền hợp đồng " + soHoaDonHopDong.Substring(0, soHoaDonHopDong.Length - 1);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        if (app != null)
                #endregion Mẫu lệnh chi

            using (WaitDialogForm fWait = new WaitDialogForm("Vui lòng chờ trong giây lát...", "Đang tạo Giấy nhận nợ..."))
                #region Giấy nhận nợ
                Word.Application word = new Word.Application();
                Word.Document    doc  = new Word.Document();
                    string localFilePath = "";
                    if (isTrongNuoc)
                        localFilePath = Application.StartupPath + "\\Templates\\PhongKeToan\\NganHang\\GiayNhanNo_VND.docx";
                        localFilePath = Application.StartupPath + "\\Templates\\PhongKeToan\\NganHang\\GiayNhanNo_USD.docx";

                    string currentFilePath = path + "\\GiayNhanNo-" + DateTime.Now.ToString("ddMMyyyy") + ".docx";
                        File.Copy(localFilePath, currentFilePath, true);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        MessageBox.Show("Có lỗi khi tạo biểu Giấy nhận nợ!" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message,
                                        TextUtils.Caption, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Stop);

                    doc = word.Documents.Open(currentFilePath);

                    decimal tong1 = 0;
                    decimal tong2 = 0;

                    for (int i = 0; i < dtItem.Rows.Count; i++)
                        int stt = TextUtils.ToInt(dtItem.Rows[i]["F1"]);

                        decimal tienHoaDon = TextUtils.ToDecimal(dtItem.Rows[i]["F8"]);
                        decimal tienNhanNo = TextUtils.ToDecimal(dtItem.Rows[i]["F9"]);

                        string loaiTienTe = TextUtils.ToString(dtItem.Rows[i]["F13"]);

                        tong1 += tienHoaDon;
                        tong2 += tienNhanNo;

                        TextUtils.RepalaceText(doc, "<thuHuong" + stt + ">", TextUtils.ToString(dtItem.Rows[i]["F2"]));
                        TextUtils.RepalaceText(doc, "<nganHang" + stt + ">", TextUtils.ToString(dtItem.Rows[i]["F3"]));
                        TextUtils.RepalaceText(doc, "<soTaiKhoan" + stt + ">", TextUtils.ToString(dtItem.Rows[i]["F4"]));
                        TextUtils.RepalaceText(doc, "<soHoaDon" + stt + ">", TextUtils.ToString(dtItem.Rows[i]["F5"]));
                        //TextUtils.RepalaceText(doc, "<ngay" + stt + ">", TextUtils.ToDate3(dtItem.Rows[i]["F6"]).ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"));
                        TextUtils.RepalaceText(doc, "<ngay" + stt + ">", TextUtils.ToString(dtItem.Rows[i]["F6"]));
                        TextUtils.RepalaceText(doc, "<matHang" + stt + ">", TextUtils.ToString(dtItem.Rows[i]["F7"]));
                        TextUtils.RepalaceText(doc, "<tienHoaDon" + stt + ">", tienHoaDon.ToString("n2"));
                        TextUtils.RepalaceText(doc, "<tienNhanNo" + stt + ">", tienNhanNo.ToString("n2"));

                    TextUtils.RepalaceText(doc, "<tong1>", tong1.ToString("n2"));
                    TextUtils.RepalaceText(doc, "<tong2>", tong2.ToString("n2"));

                    TextUtils.RepalaceText(doc, "<bangchu>", TextUtils.NumericToString((double)tong2, isTrongNuoc ? "" : "USD"));

                    TextUtils.RepalaceText(doc, "<month>", string.Format("{0:00}", DateTime.Now.Month));
                    TextUtils.RepalaceText(doc, "<year>", DateTime.Now.Year.ToString());

                catch (Exception ex)
                    MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Tân Phát", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                #endregion Giấy nhận nợ

            if (isTrongNuoc)
            using (WaitDialogForm fWait = new WaitDialogForm("Vui lòng chờ trong giây lát...", "Đang tạo Hợp đồng ngoại tệ..."))
                #region Hợp đồng ngoại tệ
                Word.Application word = new Word.Application();
                Word.Document    doc  = new Word.Document();
                    string localFilePath = Application.StartupPath + "\\Templates\\PhongKeToan\\NganHang\\HopDongMuaBanNgoaiTe.docx";

                    string currentFilePath = path + "\\HopDongMuaBanNgoaiTe-" + DateTime.Now.ToString("ddMMyyyy") + ".docx";
                        File.Copy(localFilePath, currentFilePath, true);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        MessageBox.Show("Có lỗi khi tạo biểu Hợp đồng mua bán ngoại tệ!" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message,
                                        TextUtils.Caption, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Stop);

                    doc = word.Documents.Open(currentFilePath);

                    for (int i = 0; i < dtDistinctItem.Rows.Count; i++)
                        int f1 = TextUtils.ToInt(dtDistinctItem.Rows[i]["F1"]);
                        if (f1 == 0)

                        int stt = f1; //i + 1;

                        string loaiTienTe = TextUtils.ToString(dtDistinctItem.Rows[i]["F13"]);
                        string soTaiKhoan = TextUtils.ToString(dtDistinctItem.Rows[i]["F4"]);

                        double    tienNhanNo = 0;
                        string    noiDung    = "";
                        DataRow[] drs        = dtItem.Select("F4 = '" + soTaiKhoan + "'");
                        if (drs.Length > 1)
                            foreach (DataRow item in drs)
                                tienNhanNo += TextUtils.ToDouble(item["F9"]);
                                string soHoaDonHopDong  = TextUtils.ToString(item["F5"]);
                                string ngay             = TextUtils.ToDate3(item["F6"]).ToString("dd/MM/yyyy");
                                string percentThanhToan = TextUtils.ToString(item["F14"]);
                                if (percentThanhToan != "")
                                    noiDung += "Thanh toán trả trước nốt " + percentThanhToan + "% hợp đồng số " + soHoaDonHopDong + " ngày " + ngay + Environment.NewLine;
                                    noiDung += "Thanh toán tiền hàng hợp đồng số " + soHoaDonHopDong + " ngày " + ngay + Environment.NewLine;
                            tienNhanNo = TextUtils.ToDouble(drs[0]["F9"]);
                            string soHoaDonHopDong  = TextUtils.ToString(drs[0]["F5"]);
                            string ngay             = TextUtils.ToDate3(drs[0]["F6"]).ToString("dd/MM/yyyy");
                            string percentThanhToan = TextUtils.ToString(drs[0]["F14"]);
                            if (percentThanhToan != "")
                                noiDung = "Thanh toán trả trước  nốt " + percentThanhToan + "% hợp đồng số " + soHoaDonHopDong + " ngày " + ngay;
                                noiDung = "Thanh toán tiền hàng  hợp đồng số " + soHoaDonHopDong + " ngày " + ngay;

                        int length = noiDung.Length;
                        if (length <= 200)
                            TextUtils.RepalaceText(doc, "<noiDung" + stt + ">", noiDung);

                        TextUtils.RepalaceText(doc, "<benThuHuong" + stt + ">", TextUtils.ToString(dtDistinctItem.Rows[i]["F2"]));
                        TextUtils.RepalaceText(doc, "<NganHang" + stt + ">", TextUtils.ToString(dtDistinctItem.Rows[i]["F3"]));
                        TextUtils.RepalaceText(doc, "<soTaiKhoan" + stt + ">", TextUtils.ToString(dtDistinctItem.Rows[i]["F4"]));
                        TextUtils.RepalaceText(doc, "<tienNhanNo" + stt + ">", tienNhanNo.ToString("n2"));
                        TextUtils.RepalaceText(doc, "<bangChu" + stt + ">", TextUtils.NumericToString(tienNhanNo, "USD"));
                        TextUtils.RepalaceText(doc, "<swiftCode" + stt + ">", TextUtils.ToString(dtDistinctItem.Rows[i]["F10"]));

                        TextUtils.RepalaceText(doc, "<diaChiNganHang" + stt + ">", TextUtils.ToString(dtDistinctItem.Rows[i]["F11"]));
                        TextUtils.RepalaceText(doc, "<diaChiBenThuHuong" + stt + ">", TextUtils.ToString(dtDistinctItem.Rows[i]["F12"]));

                    TextUtils.RepalaceText(doc, "<month>", string.Format("{0:00}", DateTime.Now.Month));
                    TextUtils.RepalaceText(doc, "<year>", DateTime.Now.Year.ToString());

                catch (Exception ex)
                    MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Tân Phát", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                #endregion Hợp đồng ngoại tệ
Ejemplo n.º 6
        void exportLRCN(string selectFolder)
            string fileSourcePath = Application.StartupPath + "\\Templates\\PhongSXLR\\ChiThi.xls";
            string localPath      = selectFolder + "/" + _projectDirection.ProjectCode + ".CTSX." + _projectDirection.ID + "/" + _projectDirection.ProjectCode + "-CTSX.LR";

            string filePath = localPath + "/" + _projectDirection.ProjectCode + "-CTSX.LR.xls";

                File.Copy(fileSourcePath, filePath, true);
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show("Lỗi: File excel đang được mở." + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message);


            using (WaitDialogForm fWait = new WaitDialogForm("Vui lòng chờ trong giây lát...", "Đang tạo chỉ thị LR..."))
                System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US");
                Excel.Application app       = default(Excel.Application);
                Excel.Workbook    workBoook = default(Excel.Workbook);
                Excel.Worksheet   workSheet = default(Excel.Worksheet);
                    app = new Excel.Application();
                    workBoook = app.Workbooks[1];
                    workSheet = (Excel.Worksheet)workBoook.Worksheets[1];

                    workSheet.Cells[5, 3] = _projectDirection.ID;
                    workSheet.Cells[2, 7] = _projectDirection.ProjectCode;
                    workSheet.Cells[4, 2] = "PHÒNG/ TỔ: Lắp ráp";

                    #region Download file
                    DataTable dtModule = TextUtils.GetDistinctDatatable(_dtData, "ModuleCode");
                    foreach (DataRow item in dtModule.Rows)
                        string moduleCode  = TextUtils.ToString(item["ModuleCode"]);
                        string moduleGroup = moduleCode.Substring(0, 6);

                        DataTable dtStructureFile = TextUtils.Select("select * from vPBDL_Structure_File where [PBDLStructureID] in (13,15)");
                        DataTable dtDMVT          = LibQLSX.Select("select * from MaterialModuleLink where ModuleCode = '" + moduleCode + "'");
                        foreach (DataRow row in dtStructureFile.Rows)
                            string pathServer  = TextUtils.ToString(row["FolderContain"]).Replace("group", moduleGroup).Replace("code", moduleCode);
                            string folderName  = localPath + '/' + moduleCode + "/" + TextUtils.ToString(row["Name"]);
                            string filterDonVi = TextUtils.ToString(row["FilterDonVi"]);
                            string extension   = TextUtils.ToString(row["Extension"]);
                            int    getType     = TextUtils.ToInt(row["GetType"]);
                            if (getType == 1)
                                if (DocUtils.CheckExits(pathServer))
                                    DocUtils.DownloadFile(folderName, Path.GetFileName(pathServer), pathServer);
                                DataRow[] listDonVi = dtDMVT.Select("Unit = '" + filterDonVi + "'");
                                foreach (DataRow rowMVL in listDonVi)
                                    string fileName = TextUtils.ToString(rowMVL["Code"]);
                                        if (DocUtils.CheckExits(pathServer + "/" + fileName + extension))
                                            DocUtils.DownloadFile(folderName, fileName + extension, pathServer + "/" + fileName + extension);

                    #region Export Excel
                    DataRow[] drsIn = _dtData.Select("ProjectDirectionTypeID > 4 and IsDeleted = 0", "PartsCode ASC");
                    for (int i = 0; i < drsIn.Length; i++)
                        string moduleCode1  = TextUtils.ToString(drsIn[i]["ModuleCode"]);
                        string moduleGroup1 = moduleCode1.Substring(0, 6);

                        //string cadPathServer = string.Format("Thietke.Ck/{0}/{1}.Ck/CAD.{1}", moduleGroup, moduleCode);
                        //string cadPathServerBC = string.Format("Thietke.Ck/{0}/{1}.Ck/BCCk.{1}/BC-CAD.{1}", moduleGroup, moduleCode);

                        string   stt         = TextUtils.ToString(drsIn[i]["STT"]);
                        string   partsCode   = TextUtils.ToString(drsIn[i]["PartsCode"]);
                        string   partsName   = TextUtils.ToString(drsIn[i]["PartsName"]);
                        decimal  qty         = TextUtils.ToDecimal(drsIn[i]["Qty"]);
                        decimal  makeTime    = TextUtils.ToDecimal(drsIn[i]["MakeTime"]);
                        string   userName    = TextUtils.ToString(drsIn[i]["UserName"]);
                        DateTime?startDateDK = TextUtils.ToDate2(drsIn[i]["StartDateDK"]);
                        DateTime?endDateDK   = TextUtils.ToDate2(drsIn[i]["EndDateDK"]);
                        string   vatLieu     = TextUtils.ToString(drsIn[i]["Material"]);
                        string   note        = TextUtils.ToString(drsIn[i]["Note"]);

                        workSheet.Cells[10, 1] = stt;
                        workSheet.Cells[10, 2] = partsName;
                        workSheet.Cells[10, 3] = partsCode;
                        workSheet.Cells[10, 4] = moduleCode1;
                        workSheet.Cells[10, 5] = qty;
                        workSheet.Cells[10, 6] = makeTime;
                        //workSheet.Cells[10, 6] = stt;
                        workSheet.Cells[10, 8] = userName;
                        workSheet.Cells[10, 9] = startDateDK != null?startDateDK.Value.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") : "";

                        workSheet.Cells[10, 10] = endDateDK != null?endDateDK.Value.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") : "";

                        workSheet.Cells[10, 18] = vatLieu;
                        workSheet.Cells[10, 24] = note;
                        //workSheet.Cells[10, 18] = moduleCode;
                        if (note != "")
                            ((Excel.Range)workSheet.Rows[10]).Interior.Color = Excel.XlRgbColor.rgbLightBlue;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    if (app != null)