private void SearchSendPageList() { decimal WxPtId = ReDecimal("WxPtId", 0); int c = ReInt("CurrentPage", 1); string inputStr = ReStr("inputStr", ""); bool Invalid = ReBool("Invalid", false); BLL.WxBLL bll = new BLL.WxBLL(); if (WxPtId == 0) { throw new Exception("没有确定当前的微信公众平台!"); } StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(); s.Append(" 1=1 "); s.Append(" and Invalid='" + Invalid + "' "); s.Append(" and WxPtId='" + WxPtId + "' "); if (inputStr.Trim() != "") { s.Append(" and WxSendTitle like '%" + inputStr + "%' "); } DataSet ds = bll.SearchSendPageList(c, 20, s.ToString(), "*"); RePage(ds); }
private void SaveWxPtInfo() { Model.CurrentMerModel cm = BLL.MerchantBLL.CurrentModel(); Model.WxPtInfoModel model = new WxPtInfoModel(); model.WxPtId = ReDecimal("WxPtId", 0); BLL.WxBLL bll = new BLL.WxBLL(); if (model.WxPtId == 0) { } else { model = bll.GetWxPtInfoModel(model.WxPtId); } model.WxPtCode = ReStr("WxPtCode"); model.WxPtName = ReStr("WxPtName"); model.ReUrl = ReStr("ReUrl"); model.ReToken = ReStr("ReToken"); model.AppId = ReStr("AppId"); model.AppSecret = ReStr("AppSecret"); model.MerId = cm.CurrentMerId; model.WxPtTypeId = ReInt("WxPtTypeId"); model.YuanShiId = ReStr("YuanShiId"); model.ArticleUrl = ReStr("ArticleUrl", ""); model.ProUrl = ReStr("ProUrl", ""); model.TieZiUrl = ReStr("TieZiUrl", ""); bll.SaveWxPtInfo(model); ReTrue(); }
private void GetWxKeyTypeDetailSelectData() { BLL.WxBLL bll = new BLL.WxBLL(); string KeyTypeId = ReStr("KeyTypeId", ""); DataTable dt = bll.GetWxKeyTypeDetailSelectData(KeyTypeId); ReDict.Add("jr", JsonHelper.ToJson(dt)); ReTrue(); }
private void PostWxPtMenu() { BLL.WxBLL bll = new BLL.WxBLL(); decimal WxPtId = ReDecimal("WxPtId"); string mj = ReStrDeCode("mj"); string re = bll.PostWxPtMenuJson(WxPtId, mj); ReTrue(re); }
private void GetWxPtMenu() { BLL.WxBLL bll = new BLL.WxBLL(); decimal WxPtId = ReDecimal("WxPtId"); string mj = bll.GetWxPtMenuJson(WxPtId); ReTrue(mj); }
private void InvalidWxSendInfo() { bool Invalid = ReBool("Invalid", true); decimal WxSendId = ReDecimal("WxSendId"); BLL.WxBLL wbll = new BLL.WxBLL(); wbll.InvalidWxSendInfo(Invalid, WxSendId); ReTrue(); }
private void SaveQyWxPtVsUser() { Model.QyWxPtVsUserModel model = new QyWxPtVsUserModel(); model.UserId = ReStr("uid"); model.QyWxPtId = ReDecimal("QyWxPtId"); model.QyWxPtUserId = ReStr("QyWxPtUserId"); model.Memo = ReStr("Memo"); BLL.WxBLL wbll = new BLL.WxBLL(); wbll.SaveWxPtGroupVsUser(model); ReTrue(); }
private void GetQyWxPtGroupInfo() { Model.QyWxPtGroupModel model = new QyWxPtGroupModel(); BLL.WxBLL wbll = new BLL.WxBLL(); model.QyWxPtGroupId = ReDecimal("QyWxPtGroupId", 0); DataSet ds = wbll.GetQyWxPtGorupInfo(model.QyWxPtGroupId); DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0]; ReDict.Add("info", JsonHelper.ToJsonNo1(dt)); ReTrue(); }
private void GetSuCaiPageList() { Model.CurrentMerModel cm = BLL.MerchantBLL.CurrentModel(); string inputStr = ReStr("inputStr", ""); decimal MerId = ReDecimal("MerId", cm.CurrentMerId); bool Invalid = ReBool("Invalid", false); int c = ReInt("c", 1); BLL.WxBLL bll = new BLL.WxBLL(); DataSet ds = bll.GetSuCaiPageList(" Invalid='" + Invalid + "' and MerId='" + MerId + "' and WxSuCaiTitle like '%" + inputStr + "%' ", c, 20, "*"); RePage(ds); }
private void GetQyWxPtInfo() { BLL.WxBLL wbll = new BLL.WxBLL(); decimal QyWxPtId = ReDecimal("QyWxPtId", 0); DataSet ds = wbll.GetQyWxPtInfo(QyWxPtId); DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0]; if (dt.Rows.Count == 0) { throw new Exception("企业微信号不存在!"); } ReDict.Add("QyWxPt", JsonHelper.ToJsonNo1(dt)); ReTrue(); }
private void GetWxPtInfo() { BLL.WxBLL bll = new BLL.WxBLL(); decimal WxPtId = ReDecimal("WxPtId", 0); if (WxPtId == 0) { throw new Exception("没传ID啊!"); } DataSet ds = bll.GetWxPtInfoData(WxPtId); string jr = JsonHelper.ToJson(ds); ReDict.Add("da", jr); ReTrue(); }
private void SearchWxPrPageList() { Model.CurrentMerModel cm = BLL.MerchantBLL.CurrentModel(); BLL.WxBLL bll = new BLL.WxBLL(); int CurrentPage = ReInt("CurrentPage", 1); bool Invalid = ReBool("Invalid", false); StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(); s.Append(" MerId='" + cm.CurrentMerId + "' "); s.Append(" and Invalid='" + Invalid + "' "); DataSet ds = bll.GetWxPtPageList(s.ToString(), CurrentPage, 20, " * "); RePage(ds); }
private void GetSendInfo() { decimal WxSendId = ReDecimal("WxSendId", 0); if (WxSendId == 0) { throw new Exception("WxSendId不能为空"); } BLL.WxBLL bll = new BLL.WxBLL(); DataSet ds = bll.GetWxSendInfo(WxSendId); DataTable dtSendInfo = ds.Tables[0]; DataTable dtKeyList = ds.Tables[1]; ReDict.Add("SendInfo", JsonHelper.ToJsonNo1(dtSendInfo)); ReDict.Add("KeyList", JsonHelper.ToJson(dtKeyList)); ReTrue(); }
private void SaveQyWxPtGroupInfo() { Model.QyWxPtGroupModel model = new QyWxPtGroupModel(); BLL.WxBLL wbll = new BLL.WxBLL(); model.QyWxPtGroupId = ReDecimal("QyWxPtGroupId", 0); if (model.QyWxPtGroupId != 0) { model = wbll.GetQyWxPtGroupModel(model.QyWxPtGroupId); } model.QyWxPtId = ReDecimal("QyWxPtId", 0); model.Secret = ReStr("Secret"); model.QyWxPtGroupMemo = ReStr("QyWxPtGroupMemo"); wbll.SaveQyWxPtGroupInfo(model); ReDict2.Add("QyWxPtGroupId", model.QyWxPtGroupId.ToString()); ReTrue(); }
private void SaveQyWxPtAppInfo() { BLL.WxBLL wbll = new BLL.WxBLL(); Model.QyWxPtAppModel model = new QyWxPtAppModel(); model.QyWxPtAppId = ReDecimal("", 0); model.AgentID = ReStr("AgentID", ""); model.DefaultGroupId = ReDecimal("DefaultGroupId", 0); model.QyWxPtAppMemo = ReStr("QyWxPtAppMemo", ""); model.QyWxPtAppName = ReStr("QyWxPtAppName", ""); model.QyWxPtId = ReDecimal("QyWxPtId", 0); if (model.QyWxPtId == 0) { throw new Exception("必须确定企业微信平台!"); } wbll.SaveQyWxPtAppInfo(model); ReDict2.Add("QyWxPtAppId", model.QyWxPtAppId.ToString()); ReTrue(); }
private void SaveQyWxPtInfo() { BLL.WxBLL wbll = new BLL.WxBLL(); Model.QyWxPtModel model = new QyWxPtModel(); model.QyWxPtId = ReDecimal("QyWxPtId", 0); if (model.QyWxPtId != 0) { model = wbll.GetQyWxPtModel(model.QyWxPtId); } model.CorpId = ReStr("CorpId", ""); model.MerId = ReDecimal("MerId", 0); model.OrderNo = ReInt("OrderNo", 1); model.QyWxPtMemo = ReStr("QyWxPtMemo", ""); model.QyWxPtName = ReStr("QyWxPtName", ""); wbll.SaveQyWxPtInfo(model); ReTrue(); }
private void GetQyWxPtVsUserList() //微信平台和用户的关系 必须带有MerId否则无意义 { StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(); BLL.WxBLL wbll = new BLL.WxBLL(); decimal QyWxPtId = ReDecimal("QyWxPtId", 0); string UserIdStr = ReStr("UserIdStr", ""); int CurrentPage = ReInt("CurrentPage", 1); decimal MerId = ReDecimal("MerId"); s.Append(" 1=1 "); if (UserIdStr != "") { s.Append(" and UserId like='%" + UserIdStr + "%' "); } s.Append(" and MerId=" + MerId + " "); DataSet ds = wbll.GetQyWxPtVsUserList(s.ToString(), " UserId desc ", CurrentPage, 20, " * "); RePage2(ds); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { BLL.WxBLL bll = new BLL.WxBLL(); string str = bll.HttpPost(); }
private void SaveSendInfo() { #region 事务开启 TransactionOptions transactionOption = new TransactionOptions(); transactionOption.IsolationLevel = System.Transactions.IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted; using (TransactionScope transactionScope = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.Required, transactionOption)) { #endregion Model.WxSendInfoModel model = new WxSendInfoModel(); BLL.WxBLL bll = new BLL.WxBLL(); model.WxSendId = ReDecimal("WxSendId", 0); if (model.WxSendId == 0) { model.WxPtId = ReDecimal("WxPtId"); } else { //如果是修改, 选取出原来的数据 model = bll.GetWxSendModel(model.WxSendId); } model.WxSendTitle = ReStr("WxSendTitle"); model.WxSendType = ReStr("WxSendType"); model.WxSendClassId = ReInt("WxSendClassId"); model.Memo = ReStr("Memo"); model.FmImgId = ReStr("FmImgId"); model.WxSuCaiId = ReDecimal("WxSuCaiId", 0); model.SendContent = ReStrDeCode("SendContent"); bll.SaveSendInfo(model); DataTable dtKeys = ReTable("KeysAreray"); if (dtKeys.Rows.Count == 0) { throw new Exception("没有添加激发时间, 这个回应没有触发将没有意义!"); } DAL.WxKeyDAL keyDal = new DAL.WxKeyDAL(); keyDal.DeleteList(" WxSendId='" + model.WxSendId + "' "); //首先删除所有的key关联关系 foreach (DataRow drKeys in dtKeys.Rows) { if (model.WxSendId == 0) { throw new Exception("在执行插入之后,WxSendId不能为0!"); } Model.WxKeyModel KeyModel = new WxKeyModel(); KeyModel.WxSendId = model.WxSendId; KeyModel.KeyTitle = drKeys["KeyTitle"].ToString(); KeyModel.KeyTypeId = drKeys["KeyTypeId"].ToString(); KeyModel.KeyTypeDetailId = drKeys["KeyTypeDetailId"].ToString(); keyDal.Add(KeyModel); //逐个添加新的关联关系 } ReDict.Add("WxSendId", model.WxSendId); #region 事务关闭 transactionScope.Complete(); } #endregion ReTrue(); }
private void SearchSuCaiList() { BLL.WxBLL bll = new BLL.WxBLL(); }
private void SaveSuCaiInfo() { Model.WxSuCaiInfoModel model = new WxSuCaiInfoModel(); BLL.WxBLL wbll = new BLL.WxBLL(); Model.CurrentMerModel cm = BLL.MerchantBLL.CurrentModel(); #region 事务开启 TransactionOptions transactionOption = new TransactionOptions(); transactionOption.IsolationLevel = System.Transactions.IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted; using (TransactionScope transactionScope = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.Required, transactionOption)) { #endregion model.WxSuCaiInfoId = ReDecimal("WxSuCaiInfoId", 0); if (model.WxSuCaiInfoId == 0) { //新增 } else { model = wbll.GetSuCaiInfoModel(model.WxSuCaiInfoId); } model.WxSuCaiTitle = ReStr("WxSuCaiTitle"); model.InputCode = ReStr("InputCode", Common.PinYin.GetCodstring(model.WxSuCaiTitle)); model.WxSuCaiContent = ReStrDeCode("WxSuCaiContent"); model.Memo = ReStr("Memo", ""); model.WxSuCaiTypeId = ReInt("WxSuCaiTypeId"); model.WxSuCaiClassId = ReInt("WxSuCaiClassId"); model.CreateUser = cm.CurrentUserId; model.Invalid = ReBool("Invalid", false); model.FmImgId = ReStr("FmImgId", ""); model.MerId = ReDecimal("MerId", cm.CurrentMerId); wbll.SaveSuCaiInfo(model); switch (model.WxSuCaiClassId) { case 2: //如果是图文 wbll.RemoveSuCaiDetail(" WxSuCaiInfoId='" + model.WxSuCaiInfoId + "' "); DataTable dtDetail = ReTable("detail"); if (dtDetail.Rows.Count == 0) { throw new Exception("图文回复需要至少一条明细!"); } foreach (DataRow drDetail in dtDetail.Rows) { Model.WxSuCaiDetailModel DetailModel = new WxSuCaiDetailModel(); DetailModel.ImgId = drDetail["ImgId"].ToString(); DetailModel.OrderNo = int.Parse(drDetail["OrderNo"].ToString()); DetailModel.OtherPara = drDetail["OtherPara"].ToString(); DetailModel.ReKey = drDetail["ReKey"].ToString(); DetailModel.Url = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(drDetail["Url"].ToString()); DetailModel.WxSuCaiInfoId = model.WxSuCaiInfoId; DetailModel.WxSuCaiDetailMemo = drDetail["WxSuCaiDetailMemo"].ToString(); try { DetailModel.WxSuCaiDetailClassId = int.Parse(drDetail["WxSuCaiDetailClassId"].ToString()); } catch { continue; } try { DetailModel.WxSuCaiDetailContent = drDetail["WxSuCaiDetailContent"].ToString(); } catch { DetailModel.WxSuCaiDetailContent = ""; } DetailModel.WxSuCaiDetailId = 0; //必须的,就靠它新增 DetailModel.WxSuCaiDetailTitle = drDetail["WxSuCaiDetailTitle"].ToString(); wbll.SaveSuCaiDetail(DetailModel); } break; default: //其他 break; } #region 事务关闭 transactionScope.Complete(); } #endregion ReDict2.Add("WxSuCaiInfoId", model.WxSuCaiInfoId.ToString()); ReTrue(); }
private void SendPeiHuoRemind() //配货人员提醒 { BLL.WxBLL wbll = new BLL.WxBLL(); string DingDanId = ReStr("DingDanId", ""); DataTable dtUser = ReTable("UserList"); string SendMemo = ReStr("SendMemo", ""); decimal QyWxPtAppId = ReDecimal("QyWxPtAppId", 0); StringBuilder w = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(); List <string> ToUserList = new List <string>(); #region 事务开启 TransactionOptions transactionOption = new TransactionOptions(); transactionOption.IsolationLevel = System.Transactions.IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted; using (TransactionScope transactionScope = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.Required, transactionOption)) { #endregion BLL.MerchantBLL mbll = new BLL.MerchantBLL(); mbll.ShenHeDingdan(DingDanId, 1, "通过审核"); s.Append("SELECT * FROM dbo.DingDanDetailView WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE DingDanId='" + DingDanId + "' ORDER BY DingDanDetailTypeId "); s.Append(" SELECT * FROM dbo.DingDanView WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE DingDanId='" + DingDanId + "' "); DataSet ds = DAL.DalComm.BackData(s.ToString()); DataTable dtDetail = ds.Tables[0]; DataTable dtInfo = ds.Tables[1]; if (dtInfo.Rows.Count != 1) { throw new Exception("这是个什么订单?"); } DataRow drInfo = dtInfo.Rows[0]; decimal MerId = decimal.Parse(drInfo["MerchantId"].ToString()); decimal amount = decimal.Parse(drInfo["Amount"].ToString()); DateTime PeiSongTime1 = DateTime.Parse(drInfo["PeiSongTime1"].ToString()); DateTime PeiSongTime2 = DateTime.Parse(drInfo["PeiSongTime2"].ToString()); amount = Math.Round(amount, 2); w.Append("编号:\n " + DingDanId + " \n"); if (SendMemo.Trim() != "") { w.Append("调度备注:" + SendMemo + " \n"); } w.Append("总金额:" + amount + " \n"); w.Append("物流:" + PeiSongTime1.ToString("yy年MM月dd日 hh时mm分") + "-" + PeiSongTime2.ToString("yy年MM月dd日 hh时mm分") + ""); w.Append("(" + drInfo["PeiSongTypeName"] + ") \n"); var url = "" + DingDanId + ""; w.Append("<a href='" + wbll.QyWxUrl(url, MerId) + "' >查看详细</a> \n"); if (dtDetail.Rows.Count == 0) { throw new Exception("这个订单[" + DingDanId + "]没有明细吗?"); } s.Clear(); foreach (DataRow drUser in dtUser.Rows) { ToUserList.Add(drUser["QyWxPtUserId"].ToString()); s.Append(" UPDATE dbo.DingDanInfo SET PeiHuoUserId='" + drUser["UserId"].ToString() + "',Status=20 WHERE DingDanId='" + DingDanId + "' "); } DAL.DalComm.ExReInt(s.ToString()); #region 暂时无用 //foreach (DataRow drDetail in dtDetail.Rows) //{ // decimal Price = decimal.Parse(drDetail["Price"].ToString()); // Price = Math.Round(Price, 2); // decimal Quantity = decimal.Parse(drDetail["Quantity"].ToString()); // Quantity = Math.Round(Quantity); // string 规格 = drDetail["规格"].ToString().Trim(); // int DingDanDetailTypeId = int.Parse(drDetail["DingDanDetailTypeId"].ToString()); // if (DingDanDetailTypeId == 10) // { // w.Append("配送费:" + Price + "元 \n"); // } // else // { // //如果是产品 // w.Append("[" + drDetail["产品编号"] + "]"); // w.Append("" + drDetail["产品名称"] + ","); // if (规格 != "") // { // w.Append("规格:" + drDetail["规格"] + ","); // } // w.Append("单价:" + Price + "元,"); // w.Append("数量:" + Quantity + "" + drDetail["计量单位"] + ""); // w.Append(" \n "); // } //} #endregion #region 事务关闭 transactionScope.Complete(); } #endregion string jsonStr = wbll.SendQyTextMsg(ToUserList, w.ToString(), QyWxPtAppId); ReDict.Add("ReJson", jsonStr); ReTrue(); }