private void BindFormElements()
            //Bind the Region Lookup (Zone and Woredas will be bind after selection Region)
            lkRegion.Properties.DataSource = BLL.Region.GetAllRegions().DefaultView;
            lkRegion.EditValue = regionId;

            //Bind the Receiving units Types Lookup
            InstitutionType institutionsTypes = new InstitutionType();
            institutionsTypes.Sort = "Name ASC";
            lkType.Properties.DataSource = institutionsTypes.DefaultView;
            lkType.EditValue = ruType;

            //Bind the Ownership Type Lookup
            OwnershipType ownershipTypes = new OwnershipType();
            ownershipTypes.Sort = "Name ASC";
            lkOwnership.Properties.DataSource = ownershipTypes.DefaultView;
            lkOwnership.EditValue = OwnershipType.Constants.Public;

            //Bind the Active lookup
            lkActive.Properties.ValueMember = lkActive.Properties.DisplayMember = "Column";
            lkActive.Properties.DataSource = new string[3] { "All", "Active", "InActive" };
            lkActive.ItemIndex = 0;

            //Bind the others
            lkZone.EditValue = zoneID;

            lkWoreda.EditValue = woredaID;

        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the receiving unit type by region and number RU.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="WoredaID">The woreda ID.</param>
        /// <param name="OwnershipID">The ownership ID.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static DataTable GetReceivingUnitTypeByRegionAndNumberRU(int WoredaID,int OwnershipID)
            InstitutionType RUType = new InstitutionType();
            //            string query =
            //                string.Format(@"Select rt.ID,rt.Name,rt.Name+ ' (' + CAST(COUNT(ru.ID) as varchar) + ')' as Count from  Institution ru Join InstitutionType rt  on rt.ID = ru.RUType
            //                                        WHERE ru.Woreda= {0} and Ownership ={1} and ru.RUType <> {2}
            //                                        Group by rt.ID,rt.Name
            //                                        Union
            //                                        Select rt.ID,rt.Name,rt.Name +'(0)' Count from InstitutionType rt
            //                                            where rt.ID <> {2} and rt.ID  Not In (
            //                                        Select Distinct ru.RUType from  Institution ru  WHERE ru.Woreda= {0} and Ownership ={1})", WoredaID, OwnershipID,Constants.HUB);
            //The above query string is commented because it filters out the hubs assuming that the hub to hub transfer is supposed to handle the hubs.  Therefore, it's commented until we make sure the hub to hub transfer is working perfectly as it should
            var query = HCMIS.Repository.Queries.InstitutionType.SelectGetReceivingUnitTypeByRegionAndNumberRU(WoredaID, OwnershipID);

            return RUType.DataTable;
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the receiving unit type by region and number RU.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="WoredaID">The woreda ID.</param>
        /// <param name="OwnershipID">The ownership ID.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static DataTable GetReceivingUnitTypeByRegionAndNumberRU(int WoredaID, int OwnershipID)
            InstitutionType RUType = new InstitutionType();
//            string query =
//                string.Format(@"Select rt.ID,rt.Name,rt.Name+ ' (' + CAST(COUNT(ru.ID) as varchar) + ')' as Count from  Institution ru Join InstitutionType rt  on rt.ID = ru.RUType
//                                        WHERE ru.Woreda= {0} and Ownership ={1} and ru.RUType <> {2}
//                                        Group by rt.ID,rt.Name
//                                        Union
//                                        Select rt.ID,rt.Name,rt.Name +'(0)' Count from InstitutionType rt
//                                            where rt.ID <> {2} and rt.ID  Not In (
//                                        Select Distinct ru.RUType from  Institution ru  WHERE ru.Woreda= {0} and Ownership ={1})", WoredaID, OwnershipID,Constants.HUB);
            //The above query string is commented because it filters out the hubs assuming that the hub to hub transfer is supposed to handle the hubs.  Therefore, it's commented until we make sure the hub to hub transfer is working perfectly as it should
            var query = HCMIS.Repository.Queries.InstitutionType.SelectGetReceivingUnitTypeByRegionAndNumberRU(WoredaID, OwnershipID);

        private void ReceiveingForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Bind ReceiptType
            cboReceiveType.Properties.DataSource = ReceiptType.GetAllReceiptTypesForReceive();
            cboReceiveType.EditValue = ReceiptType.CONSTANTS.STANDARD_RECEIPT;

            //Bind the Receiving units Types Lookup
            InstitutionType institutionsTypes = new InstitutionType();
            institutionsTypes.Sort = "Name ASC";
            lkType.Properties.DataSource = institutionsTypes.DefaultView;
            lkType.EditValue = InstitutionType.Constants.HEALTH_CENTER;

            //Bind the Ownership Type Lookup
            lkOwnership.EditValue = OwnershipType.Constants.Public;
            // reset the receiving date
            dtRecDate.Value = DateTimeHelper.ServerDateTime;
            // Load the logical stores and populate the combo boxes
            //lkStoreType.Properties.DataSource = BLL.StoreType.GetStoreTypesForAUser(NewMainWindow.UserId).DefaultView;

            // Load the possible suppliers and populate

            // Load all occupied Pallet location list for the consolidate lookup editManuf2
            repoLKConsolidate.DataSource = PalletLocation.GetAllOccupied();

            // load the receiving unit's to the combo box
            Institution rus = new Institution();
            lkFacilitySelection.Properties.DataSource = rus.DefaultView;

            lkStorageType.DataSource = StorageType.AllStorageTypes;

            // bulkPalletLocationLookup.DataSource = PalletLocation.GetAllFree(StorageType.BulkStore);
            nonBulkPalletLocationLookup.DataSource = PalletLocation.GetAllFreeNonBulk();
            //OnSelectedFilterChanged(new object(), new DevExpress.XtraEditors.Controls.ChangingEventArgs(null,"Drug"));

            // load all item Units
            ItemUnit itemUnit = new ItemUnit();
            editUnits.DataSource = itemUnit.DefaultView;

            lkCategories.Properties.DataSource = BLL.CommodityType.GetAllTypes();
            lkCategories.ItemIndex = 0;

            // Get the default who's receiving this
            txtReceivedBy.Text = CurrentContext.LoggedInUserName;

            // for RDF, Hide the packs column on receipt
            if (BLL.Settings.IsRdfMode)
                colPacks.Visible = false;

            //lcDeliveryNoteCheck.Visibility = BLL.Settings.HandleDeliveryNotes ? DevExpress.XtraLayout.Utils.LayoutVisibility.Always : DevExpress.XtraLayout.Utils.LayoutVisibility.Never;
            colPricePerPack.Visible = !BLL.Settings.HandleGRV && srm != true;
            lcRefNoInput.Visibility =
                lcRefNo.Visibility =
                        ? DevExpress.XtraLayout.Utils.LayoutVisibility.Never
                        : DevExpress.XtraLayout.Utils.LayoutVisibility.Always;

            if (BLL.Settings.IsCenter)
                colShipper.Visible = false;
                colPercentReceived.Visible = true;
                colPrintedDate.Visible = false;
                PalletizeTab.PageVisible = false;
                txtPassCode.Enabled = false;
                lcPassCode .Visibility = DevExpress.XtraLayout.Utils.LayoutVisibility.Always;
                tabReceiveTabs.TabPages[3].Text = "Step Three - Store Selection";

            //Load the allowed Warehouses
            DataView PossibleWarehouses = BLL.Warehouse.getActiveWarehouseWithCluster(CurrentContext.UserId);
            lkWarehouse.Properties.DataSource = PossibleWarehouses;
            if (PossibleWarehouses.Count > 0)
                lkWarehouse.EditValue = ((DataView)lkWarehouse.Properties.DataSource)[0]["ID"];

            //Load IsElectronicReceiveOnly Setting
        private void BindFormElements()
            // Find the next order number and write it on the order ID Field
            // The order ID is generated here in code

            DataTable tbl = BLL.CommodityType.GetAllTypes();
            tbl.Rows.Add(0, "All");
            lkCategoires.Properties.DataSource = tbl;
            //lkCategoires.ItemIndex = 0;
            lkCategoires.EditValue = 0;
            lkRequisitionType.EditValue = RequisitionType.Demand;
            // lkPeriod.Visible = false;

            //Bind the Region Lookup (Zone and Woredas will be bind after selection Region)
            lkRegion.Properties.DataSource = BLL.Region.GetAllRegions().DefaultView;
            if (!GeneralInfo.Current.IsColumnNull("Region"))
                lkRegion.EditValue = GeneralInfo.Current.Region;
                lkRegion.Properties.NullText = "Select Region";
            //Bind the Receiving units Types Lookup
            InstitutionType institutionsTypes = new InstitutionType();
            institutionsTypes.Sort = "Name ASC";
            lkType.Properties.DataSource = institutionsTypes.DefaultView;
            lkType.EditValue = InstitutionType.Constants.HEALTH_CENTER;

            //Bind the Ownership Type Lookup
            lkOwnership.EditValue = OwnershipType.Constants.Public;

            // txtRefNo.Text = Order.GetNextOrderReference();

            // bind the selected data table to the hidden grid on the CDR request screen

            // load all the logical stores that exist in the system.
            //if (BLL.Stores.GetDefaultStore(NewMainWindow.UserId).RowCount > 0 && !BLL.Stores.GetDefaultStore(NewMainWindow.UserId).IsColumnNull("ID"))
            //    lkModes.EditValue = BLL.Stores.GetDefaultStore(NewMainWindow.UserId).ID;
            //    lkModes.ItemIndex = 0;
            //    //lkModes.EditValue = null;
            //lkModes_EditValueChanged(null, null);
            boxSizedList.DataSource = BLL.ItemManufacturer.PackageLevelKeys;

            // Load all RRF Period
            var periods = BLL.Period.GetAllPeriods();
            lkPeriod.Properties.DataSource = periods.DefaultView;

               // requisition Type: for the Time being it is hard coded
            var requisitionTypes = Enum.GetValues(typeof(RequisitionType)).Cast<RequisitionType>()
                           .Select(e => new { Value = (int)e, Description = e.ToString() })
            //For this release - Mrach-20 remove consumption Type
            requisitionTypes.RemoveAt(requisitionTypes.IndexOf(new { Value = (int)RequisitionType.Consumption, Description = "Consumption" }));
            lkRequisitionType.Properties.DataSource = requisitionTypes;
        private void LoadReceivingUnits()
            BLL.Region reg = new BLL.Region();
            lkRegion.Properties.DataSource = reg.DefaultView;

            BLL.InstitutionType ruType = new InstitutionType();
            ruType.Where.IsActive.Value = 1;
            lkRUType.Properties.DataSource = ruType.DefaultView;

            BLL.OwnershipType ownershipType = new OwnershipType();
            lkOwnership.Properties.DataSource = ownershipType.DefaultView;

            Route r = new Route();
            lkRoute.Properties.DataSource = r.DefaultView;