/// <summary>
        /// Non Prediction To vehicle types
        /// </summary>
        public ArrayList VehicleByType(VehiclePopulationPredict myVehType)
            SqlConnection sqlConn = new SqlConnection(DL.SQL.conn);


            SqlCommand    sqlcom = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand("Select Year,sum(NoOfVeh) AS TotalVeh From tblVehiclePopulation Where [ElementType]='" + myVehType.strElementType + "' Group By Year  ", sqlConn);
            SqlDataReader sqlred = sqlcom.ExecuteReader();

            while (sqlred.Read())
                ArrayVehiclePopulation objVehPopulation = new ArrayVehiclePopulation();

                objVehPopulation.intYear       = Convert.ToInt32(sqlred["Year"]);
                objVehPopulation.doubleNoOfVeh = Convert.ToDouble(sqlred["TotalVeh"]);

                myArrayVehPop.Insert(indexVehPop, objVehPopulation);
                indexVehPop = indexVehPop + 1;

        public ArrayList FindVehPopulation(VehiclePopulationPredict myVehiclePopulationPredict)
            // --- DB Connection ---
            SqlConnection sqlConn = new SqlConnection(DL.SQL.conn);
            SqlDataReader sqlRdr  = null;

            VehiclePopulationPredict objVehiclePopulationPredict = new VehiclePopulationPredict();

                // -----------------
                SqlCommand sqlCom = new SqlCommand("VehiclePopulationPredictor", sqlConn);
                sqlCom.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
                sqlRdr             = sqlCom.ExecuteReader();
                // -----------------

                while (sqlRdr.Read())
                    ArrayVehiclePopulation objArrayVehiclePopulation = new ArrayVehiclePopulation();

                    objArrayVehiclePopulation.intYear       = Convert.ToInt16(sqlRdr["Year"]);
                    objArrayVehiclePopulation.doubleNoOfVeh = Convert.ToDouble(sqlRdr["TotalVehicle"]);

                    LoopForYr = Convert.ToInt16(sqlRdr["Year"]);

                    myArrayVehPop.Insert(indexVehPop, objArrayVehiclePopulation);
                    indexVehPop = indexVehPop + 1;

                // --- Insert Year ---
                int FutureYr = myVehiclePopulationPredict.intYear;
                // --- Find The Loop Count ---
                int loopCount = FutureYr - LoopForYr;

                for (int j = 0; j < loopCount; j++)
                    // --- Get the Oldest Value From the ArrayList ---
                    ArrayVehiclePopulation objOldestVal = (ArrayVehiclePopulation)(myArrayVehPop[0]);
                    double OldestVal = objOldestVal.doubleNoOfVeh;
                    // -----------------------------------------------

                    // --- Get the Newest Value From the ArrayList ---
                    int NearestYrVal = myArrayVehPop.Count;
                    ArrayVehiclePopulation objNewVal = (ArrayVehiclePopulation)(myArrayVehPop[NearestYrVal]);
                    double NewVal = objNewVal.doubleNoOfVeh;
                    DbYear = objNewVal.intYear;
                    // -----------------------------------------------

                    // --- Insert The Calc Value To Array ---

                    // --- Algo ---
                    double Predicton = NewVal * Math.Exp((Math.Log((NewVal / OldestVal), Math.Exp(1)) / 4) * 1);
                    PredictPop = Predicton;
                    // --- Algo ---

                    ArrayVehiclePopulation objArrVehPopInsert = new ArrayVehiclePopulation();
                    objArrVehPopInsert.intYear       = DbYear;
                    objArrVehPopInsert.doubleNoOfVeh = Convert.ToDouble(PredictPop);
                    myArrayVehPop.Insert((myArrayVehPop.Count), objArrVehPopInsert);

                    // --- Insert The Calc Value To Array ---
            catch (Exception ex)