public Controller(Vehicle v, MemoryBank mb, string pathToSourceCode, string pathToInputs)
            // Create a ByteCollection
            collection = new ByteCollection(pathToSourceCode, 300);

            // Create an Interpreter
            interpreter = new Interpreter(pathToInputs, this);

            this.mb = mb;

            // Create a VehicleEventControl
            vec = new VehicleEventControl(interpreter.ExtractBlock(collection), v);
        public void Update()
            // Main control method for the entire program!
            int action = vec.NextEvent(); // Find out what the vehicle has to do next

            if (action == VehicleEventControl.FINISHED)
                // If the vechicle has no more primative actions to carry out, update the interpreter and read the next block of source code
                string nextBlock = interpreter.ExtractBlock(collection);

                // If we are at the end of the code, but the program into finished mode (it keeps running, but will not do anything)
                if (collection.index >= collection.code.Length - 1)

                // Create a new VehicleEventControl to execute the next set of primitive vehicle actions
                vec = new VehicleEventControl(nextBlock, vec.vehicle);
            else if (action == VehicleEventControl.WAITING) return; // If we are waiting for the vehicle as it moves, exit straight away
            if (action == VehicleEventControl.MOVE)
                // If the vehicle has to move (i.e. increment/decrement pointer), let the interpreter work first
            else if (action == VehicleEventControl.FLIP_TO)
                vec.MoveWandTo(); // Move wand towards a byte
            else if (action == VehicleEventControl.FLIP_FROM)
                vec.MoveWandFrom(); // Move wand away from a byte
            else if (action == VehicleEventControl.NONE)
                // Otherwise, run the interpreter and update the MemoryBank
                mb.SetByte(collection.ptr, collection.Get(collection.ptr).ReadAsArray());