Ejemplo n.º 1
        private string MoveAndSaveOriginalFileInContentDiscriptor(DatasetVersion datasetVersion)
            TaskManager TaskManager = (TaskManager)Session["TaskManager"];

            //dataset id and data structure id are available via datasetVersion properties,why you are passing them via the BUS? Javad
            long datasetId = Convert.ToInt64(TaskManager.Bus[TaskManager.DATASET_ID]);
            long dataStructureId = Convert.ToInt64(TaskManager.Bus[TaskManager.DATASTRUCTURE_ID]);

            DatasetManager datasetManager = new DatasetManager();

            string title = TaskManager.Bus[TaskManager.DATASET_TITLE].ToString();
            string ext = ".xlsm";// TaskManager.Bus[TaskManager.EXTENTION].ToString();

            ExcelWriter excelWriter = new ExcelWriter();

            // Move Original File to its permanent location
            String tempPath = TaskManager.Bus[TaskManager.FILEPATH].ToString();
            string originalFileName = TaskManager.Bus[TaskManager.FILENAME].ToString();
            string storePath = excelWriter.GetFullStorePathOriginalFile(datasetId, datasetVersion.Id, originalFileName);
            string dynamicStorePath = excelWriter.GetDynamicStorePathOriginalFile(datasetId, datasetVersion.VersionNo, originalFileName);

            //Why using the excel writer, isn't any function available in System.IO.File/ Directory, etc. Javad
            FileHelper.MoveFile(tempPath, storePath);

            //Register the original data as a resource of the current dataset version
            ContentDescriptor originalDescriptor = new ContentDescriptor()
                OrderNo = 1,
                Name = "original",
                MimeType = "application/xlsm",
                URI = dynamicStorePath,
                DatasetVersion = datasetVersion,

            if (datasetVersion.ContentDescriptors.Count(p => p.Name.Equals(originalDescriptor.Name)) > 0)
            {   // remove the one contentdesciptor
                foreach (ContentDescriptor cd in datasetVersion.ContentDescriptors)
                    if (cd.Name == originalDescriptor.Name)
                        cd.URI = originalDescriptor.URI;
                // add current contentdesciptor to list

            return storePath;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private string SaveFileInContentDiscriptor(DatasetVersion datasetVersion)
                //XXX put function like GetStorePathOriginalFile or GetDynamicStorePathOriginalFile
                // the function is available in the abstract class datawriter
                ExcelWriter excelWriter = new ExcelWriter();
                // Move Original File to its permanent location
                String tempPath = TaskManager.Bus[TaskManager.FILEPATH].ToString();
                string originalFileName = TaskManager.Bus[TaskManager.FILENAME].ToString();
                string storePath = excelWriter.GetFullStorePathOriginalFile(datasetVersion.Dataset.Id, datasetVersion.VersionNo, originalFileName);
                string dynamicStorePath = excelWriter.GetDynamicStorePathOriginalFile(datasetVersion.Dataset.Id, datasetVersion.VersionNo, originalFileName);
                string extention = TaskManager.Bus[TaskManager.EXTENTION].ToString();

                Debug.WriteLine("extention : " + extention);

                //Why using the excel writer, isn't any function available in System.IO.File/ Directory, etc. Javad
                FileHelper.MoveFile(tempPath, storePath);

                string mimeType = MimeMapping.GetMimeMapping(originalFileName);

                //Register the original data as a resource of the current dataset version
                ContentDescriptor originalDescriptor = new ContentDescriptor()
                    OrderNo = 1,
                    Name = "unstructuredData",
                    MimeType = mimeType,
                    URI = dynamicStorePath,
                    DatasetVersion = datasetVersion,

                    // add current contentdesciptor to list

                return storePath;

            catch(Exception e)
                return "";
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private string GenerateDownloadFile(DatasetVersion datasetVersion)
            TaskManager TaskManager = (TaskManager)Session["TaskManager"];

            //dataset id and data structure id are available via datasetVersion properties,why you are passing them via the BUS? Javad
            long datasetId = Convert.ToInt64(TaskManager.Bus[TaskManager.DATASET_ID]);
            long dataStructureId = Convert.ToInt64(TaskManager.Bus[TaskManager.DATASTRUCTURE_ID]);

            DatasetManager datasetManager = new DatasetManager();

            string title = TaskManager.Bus[TaskManager.DATASET_TITLE].ToString();
            string ext = ".xlsm";// TaskManager.Bus[TaskManager.EXTENTION].ToString();

            ExcelWriter excelWriter = new ExcelWriter();

            // create the generated file and determine its location
            string path = excelWriter.CreateFile(datasetId, datasetVersion.VersionNo, dataStructureId, title, ext);
            string dynamicPath = excelWriter.GetDynamicStorePath(datasetId, datasetVersion.VersionNo, title, ext);
            //Register the generated data file as a resource of the current dataset version
            ContentDescriptor generatedDescriptor = new ContentDescriptor()
                OrderNo = 1,
                Name = "generated",
                MimeType = "application/xlsm",
                URI = dynamicPath,
                DatasetVersion = datasetVersion,

            if (datasetVersion.ContentDescriptors.Count(p => p.Name.Equals(generatedDescriptor.Name)) > 0)
            {   // remove the one contentdesciptor
                foreach (ContentDescriptor cd in datasetVersion.ContentDescriptors)
                    if (cd.Name == generatedDescriptor.Name)
                        cd.URI = generatedDescriptor.URI;
                // add current contentdesciptor to list

            // note: the descriptors are not persisted yet, they will be persisted if the caller of this method persists the datasetVersion object.
            return path;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Detaches the content descriptor object from its corresponding dataset version, and then deletes the content descriptor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entity">The content descriptor object to be deleted.</param>
        /// <returns>True if successful, False otherwise.</returns>
        public bool DeleteContentDescriptor(ContentDescriptor entity)
            Contract.Requires(entity != null);
            Contract.Requires(entity.Id >= 0);

            using (IUnitOfWork uow = this.GetUnitOfWork())
                IRepository<ContentDescriptor> repo = uow.GetRepository<ContentDescriptor>();

                //entity = repo.Reload(entity);
                // Javad: There is a problem with relaoding the entity, which is:
                // when the entity is reloaded, another onject of it is created, which is different that the one attached to the DatasetVersion.
                // They have the same PK, but diffect HashCode, hence NH complains about having more than one object in session(s).
                // To be sure the entity is object equial to the one in the ContentDescriptors list, the follwing statement should work.
                // The follwoing line should not be needed, if entity is the same object as in the list
                //        entity.DatasetVersion.ContentDescriptors.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Id.Equals(entity.Id))
                //    );
                entity.DatasetVersion = null;


            // if any problem was detected during the commit, an exception will be thrown!
            return (true);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Resource descriptors are the way to link resources to data set versions (and some other entity types, too).
        /// The resources can be persisted in the local or a remote file system or any other location reachable via a URL.
        /// The resource itself can be any type of file, service returning a resource, a normal webpage, and so on.
        /// The method creates a resource descriptor, links it to the provided data set version and persists the descriptor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name">A friendly name for the resource, mainly used in the UI</param>
        /// <param name="mimeType">The type of the resource. Used in the methods that transfer and/or process the resource</param>
        /// <param name="uri">The URI of the resource, may contain protocol, access method, authorization information , etc.</param>
        /// <param name="orderNo">The order of the resource in the list of all resources associated to the same dataset version.</param>
        /// <param name="datasetVersion"></param>
        /// <returns>A persisted <seealso cref="ContentDescriptor"/> object linked to the <paramref name="datasetVersion"/></returns>
        /// <remarks>The method does not have access to the resource itself, and does not persist it.</remarks>
        public ContentDescriptor CreateContentDescriptor(string name, string mimeType, string uri, Int32 orderNo, DatasetVersion datasetVersion)
            Contract.Requires(datasetVersion != null);
            // check whether is it needed that the dataset is checked out to add descriptor
            Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<ContentDescriptor>() != null);

            ContentDescriptor e = new ContentDescriptor()
                Name = name,
                MimeType = mimeType,
                OrderNo = orderNo,
                URI = uri,
                DatasetVersion = datasetVersion,

            using (IUnitOfWork uow = this.GetUnitOfWork())
                IRepository<ContentDescriptor> repo = uow.GetRepository<ContentDescriptor>();
            return (e);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// checks out the dataset and creates a new version on it. The new version acts like a working copy while it is not committed, hence editable.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="datasetId"></param>
        /// <param name="username"></param>
        private bool checkOutDataset(Int64 datasetId, string username, DateTime timestamp)
            bool checkedOut = false;
            //XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();

            using (IUnitOfWork uow = this.GetUnitOfWork())
                IRepository<Dataset> repo = uow.GetRepository<Dataset>();
                var q = repo.Query(p => p.Id == datasetId && p.Status == DatasetStatus.CheckedIn && (p.CheckOutUser.Equals(string.Empty) || p.CheckOutUser == null));
                Dataset ds = q.FirstOrDefault();
                if (ds != null)
                    DatasetVersion dsNewVersion = new DatasetVersion()
                        Timestamp = timestamp,
                        //Metadata = doc,
                        //ExtendedPropertyValues = new List<ExtendedPropertyValue>(),
                        //ContentDescriptors = new List<ContentDescriptor>(),
                        Status = DatasetVersionStatus.CheckedOut,
                        Dataset = ds,
                    // if there is a previous version, copy its metadata, content descriptors and extended property values to the newly created version
                    if (ds.Versions.Count() > 0)
                        var previousCheckedInVersion = ds.Versions.Where(p => p.Status == DatasetVersionStatus.CheckedIn).First();
                        if (previousCheckedInVersion != null && previousCheckedInVersion.Timestamp >= timestamp) // it is an error
                            throw new Exception(string.Format("The provided timestamp {0} is earlier than the timestamp of the latest checked in version!", timestamp));
                        if (previousCheckedInVersion != null)
                            dsNewVersion.Metadata = previousCheckedInVersion.Metadata;
                            dsNewVersion.ExtendedPropertyValues = previousCheckedInVersion.ExtendedPropertyValues;
                            foreach (var item in previousCheckedInVersion.ContentDescriptors)
                                ContentDescriptor cd = new ContentDescriptor()
                                    MimeType = item.MimeType,
                                    Name = item.Name,
                                    OrderNo = item.OrderNo,
                                    URI = item.URI,
                                    DatasetVersion = dsNewVersion,
                    ds.Status = DatasetStatus.CheckedOut;
                    ds.LastCheckIOTimestamp = timestamp;
                    ds.CheckOutUser = getUserIdentifier(username);
                    checkedOut = true;
            return (checkedOut);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Having a changed  content descriptor entity, the method applies the changes to the original entity and persists the changes.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entity">The editedVersion version of the content descriptor entity.</param>
        /// <returns>The changed instance.</returns>
        /// <remarks>The entity should already exists in the database.</remarks>
        public ContentDescriptor UpdateContentDescriptor(ContentDescriptor entity)
            Contract.Requires(entity != null, "provided entity can not be null");
            Contract.Requires(entity.Id >= 0, "provided entity must have a permanent ID");

            Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<ContentDescriptor>() != null && Contract.Result<ContentDescriptor>().Id >= 0, "No entity is persisted!");

            using (IUnitOfWork uow = this.GetUnitOfWork())
                IRepository<ContentDescriptor> repo = uow.GetRepository<ContentDescriptor>();
                repo.Put(entity); // Merge is required here!!!!
            return (entity);