Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void CheckifContainsUrls()
            Console.WriteLine("Before CheckifContainsUrls");

            //Create the mocked inputcontext
            Mockery mock = new Mockery();
            IInputContext mockedInputContext = DnaMockery.CreateDatabaseInputContext();
            //XmlDocument siteconfig = new XmlDocument();
            //siteconfig.LoadXml("<SITECONFIG />");
            ISite site = mock.NewMock<ISite>();

            // Create the stored procedure reader for the UITemplate object
            using (IDnaDataReader reader = mockedInputContext.CreateDnaDataReader("getallallowedurls"))

                User user = new User(mockedInputContext);

                URLFilter urlFilter = new URLFilter(mockedInputContext);
                List<string> URLMatches = new List<string>();

                URLFilter.FilterState state = urlFilter.CheckForURLs("Here is a url http://www.bbc.co.uk ", URLMatches);

                Assert.IsTrue(URLFilter.FilterState.Pass == state, "Catching a valid url address");
                state = urlFilter.CheckForURLs("Check a plain url  www.bbc.co.uk ", URLMatches);

                Assert.IsTrue(URLFilter.FilterState.Pass == state, "Catching a valid url address");

                state = urlFilter.CheckForURLs("http://www.bbc.co.uk ", URLMatches);

                Assert.IsTrue(URLFilter.FilterState.Pass == state, "Catching a valid url address");

                state = urlFilter.CheckForURLs("http://www.bbc.co.uk/cbbc", URLMatches);

                Assert.IsTrue(URLFilter.FilterState.Pass == state, "Catching a valid url address");

                state = urlFilter.CheckForURLs("http://www.dodgyporn.co.uk/", URLMatches);

                Assert.IsTrue(URLFilter.FilterState.Fail == state, "Not Catching the url address");

                state = urlFilter.CheckForURLs("Here is a bit of text with an / but no url address", URLMatches);

                Assert.IsTrue(URLFilter.FilterState.Pass == state, "Catching  a non existant url address");
            Console.WriteLine("After CheckifContainsUrls");
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Validate fields
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>true if valid false if not</returns>
        public bool Validate()
            bool isValid = true;
            if (_validateEmpty && _valueRaw.Length == 0)
                AddErrorXml("Empty field", "This field cannot be empty.", _errorXML);
                isValid = false;
            if (_validateNotEqualTo && _valueRaw == _notEqualToValue)
                AddErrorXml("Not Equal To", "This field cannot be equal to the given value.", _errorXML);
                isValid = false;
            if (_validateParsesOK && ParseValue(_valueRaw))
                isValid = false;
            if (_required && (_valueRaw == String.Empty))
                AddErrorXml("Required Field Not Present", "This field must be passed a value.", _errorXML);
                isValid = false;
            if (HasProfanities(_valueRaw))
                isValid = false;

            if(InputContext.GetSiteOptionValueBool("General", "IsURLFiltered") && !(InputContext.ViewingUser.IsEditor || InputContext.ViewingUser.IsNotable))
                URLFilter filter = new URLFilter(InputContext);
                List<string> nonAllowedURLs = new List<string>();
                if (filter.CheckForURLs(_valueRaw, nonAllowedURLs) == URLFilter.FilterState.Fail)
                    string errorMessage = "A Non-Allowed url has been found. The following URL(s) were found :- ";
                    foreach(string URL in nonAllowedURLs)
                        errorMessage += URL + " , ";
                    errorMessage += "these are not in the allowed URL list for this site. ";
                    AddErrorXml("Non Allowed URL", errorMessage, _errorXML);
                    isValid = false;

            if (InputContext.GetSiteOptionValueBool("Forum", "EmailAddressFilter") && !(InputContext.ViewingUser.IsEditor || InputContext.ViewingUser.IsNotable))
                if (EmailAddressFilter.CheckForEmailAddresses(_valueRaw))
                    AddErrorXml("Non Allowed Email address", "An Email address has been found.", _errorXML);
                    isValid = false;


            return isValid;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// posts a new entry to the user's journal
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="userID">ID of user posting</param>
        /// <param name="journalID">Forum ID of the user's journal</param>
        /// <param name="userName">username (not used, I think)</param>
        /// <param name="subject">Subject line of posting</param>
        /// <param name="body">body of journal posting</param>
        /// <param name="siteID"></param>
        /// <param name="postStyle"></param>
        /// <param name="profanityFound">if profanites are found</param>
        /// <param name="nonAllowedURLsFound">if non allowed urls are found</param>
        /// <param name="emailAddressFound">Indicates an email address was found.</param>
        public void PostToJournal(int userID, int journalID, string userName, string subject, string body, int siteID, int postStyle, ref bool profanityFound, ref bool nonAllowedURLsFound, ref bool emailAddressFound)
            string textToCheck = subject + " " + body;

            string matchedProfanity = String.Empty;
            List<Term> terms = null;

            int forumId = 0;
            //if (InputContext.DoesParamExist("forumid", "forumid"))
            //    forumId = InputContext.GetParamIntOrZero("forumid", "forumid");

            bool forceModerate = false;
            profanityFound = false;
            nonAllowedURLsFound = false;
            emailAddressFound = false;

            ProfanityFilter.FilterState filterState = ProfanityFilter.CheckForProfanities(InputContext.CurrentSite.ModClassID, textToCheck, out matchedProfanity, out terms, forumId);

            if (filterState == ProfanityFilter.FilterState.FailBlock)
                //represent the submission first time only
                //need to keep track of this
                profanityFound = true;
                //return immediately - these don't get submitted
            else if (filterState == ProfanityFilter.FilterState.FailRefer)
                forceModerate = true;
                profanityFound = true;

            if (InputContext.GetSiteOptionValueBool("General", "IsURLFiltered") && !(InputContext.ViewingUser.IsEditor || InputContext.ViewingUser.IsNotable))
                URLFilter URLFilter = new URLFilter(InputContext);
                List<string> nonAllowedURLs = new List<string>();
                URLFilter.FilterState URLFilterState = URLFilter.CheckForURLs(textToCheck, nonAllowedURLs);
                if (URLFilterState == URLFilter.FilterState.Fail)
                    nonAllowedURLsFound = true;
                    //return immediately - these don't get submitted

            //Filter for email addresses.
            if (InputContext.GetSiteOptionValueBool("Forum", "EmailAddressFilter") && !(InputContext.ViewingUser.IsEditor || InputContext.ViewingUser.IsNotable))
                if (EmailAddressFilter.CheckForEmailAddresses(textToCheck))
                    emailAddressFound = true;
                    //return immediately - these don't get submitted

            //SuperUsers / Editors are not moderated.
            bool ignoreModeration = false;
            if (InputContext.ViewingUser.UserLoggedIn && (InputContext.ViewingUser.IsSuperUser || InputContext.ViewingUser.IsEditor))
                ignoreModeration = true;

            string hash = String.Empty;
            string hashString = subject + "<:>" + body + "<:>" + userID + "<:>" + journalID + "<:>" + postStyle + "<:>ToJournal";

            // Setup the stored procedure object
            using (IDnaDataReader reader = InputContext.CreateDnaDataReader("posttojournal"))
                reader.AddParameter("userID", userID);
                reader.AddParameter("journal", journalID);
                reader.AddParameter("subject", subject);
                reader.AddParameter("nickname", userName);
                reader.AddParameter("content", body);
                reader.AddParameter("siteid", siteID);
                reader.AddParameter("poststyle", postStyle);
                reader.AddParameter("Hash", DnaHasher.GenerateHash(hashString));
                reader.AddParameter("forcemoderation", forceModerate);
                reader.AddParameter("ignoremoderation", ignoreModeration);
                reader.AddParameter("ipaddress", InputContext.IpAddress);
                reader.AddParameter("bbcuid", InputContext.BBCUid);
                // Now call the procedure