Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Convert a single Azure DevOps Pipeline task to a GitHub Actions task
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="input">Yaml to convert</param>
        /// <returns>Converion object, with original yaml, processed yaml, and comments on the conversion</returns>
        public ConversionResponse ConvertAzurePipelineTaskToGitHubActionTask(string input)
            string yaml           = "";
            string processedInput = ConversionUtility.StepsPreProcessing(input);

            GitHubActions.Step gitHubActionStep = new GitHubActions.Step();

            //Process the YAML for the individual job
            AzurePipelines.Job azurePipelinesJob = GenericObjectSerialization.DeserializeYaml <AzurePipelines.Job>(processedInput);
            if (azurePipelinesJob != null && azurePipelinesJob.steps != null && azurePipelinesJob.steps.Length > 0)
                //As we needed to create an entire (but minimal) pipelines job, we need to now extract the step for processing
                StepsProcessing stepsProcessing = new StepsProcessing();
                gitHubActionStep = stepsProcessing.ProcessStep(azurePipelinesJob.steps[0]);

                //Find all variables in this text block, we need this for a bit later
                VariablesProcessing vp           = new VariablesProcessing(_verbose);
                List <string>       variableList = vp.SearchForVariables(processedInput);

                //Create the GitHub YAML and apply some adjustments
                if (gitHubActionStep != null)
                    //add the step into a github job so it renders correctly
                    GitHubActions.Job gitHubJob = new GitHubActions.Job
                        steps = new GitHubActions.Step[1] //create an array of size 1
                    //Load the step into the single item array
                    gitHubJob.steps[0] = gitHubActionStep;

                    //Finally, we can serialize the job back to yaml
                    yaml = GitHubActionsSerialization.SerializeJob(gitHubJob, variableList);

            //Load failed tasks and comments for processing
            List <string> allComments = new List <string>();

            if (gitHubActionStep != null)

            //Return the final conversion result, with the original (pipeline) yaml, processed (actions) yaml, and any comments
            return(new ConversionResponse
                pipelinesYaml = input,
                actionsYaml = yaml,
                comments = allComments
        public GitHubActions.Job ProcessJob(AzurePipelines.Job job, AzurePipelines.Resources resources)
            GeneralProcessing   generalProcessing = new GeneralProcessing(_verbose);
            VariablesProcessing vp = new VariablesProcessing(_verbose);
            StepsProcessing     sp = new StepsProcessing();

            GitHubActions.Job newJob = new GitHubActions.Job
                name            = job.displayName,
                needs           = job.dependsOn,
                _if             = ConditionsProcessing.TranslateConditions(job.condition),
                runs_on         = generalProcessing.ProcessPool(job.pool),
                strategy        = generalProcessing.ProcessStrategy(job.strategy),
                container       = generalProcessing.ProcessContainer(resources),
                env             = vp.ProcessSimpleVariables(job.variables),
                timeout_minutes = job.timeoutInMinutes,
                steps           = sp.AddSupportingSteps(job.steps)
            MatrixVariableName = generalProcessing.MatrixVariableName;
            VariableList       = vp.VariableList;

            if (newJob.steps == null & job.template != null)
                //Initialize the array with no items
                job.steps = new AzurePipelines.Step[0];
                //Process the steps, adding the default checkout step
                newJob.steps = sp.AddSupportingSteps(job.steps, true);
                //TODO: There is currently no conversion path for templates
                newJob.job_message += "Note: Azure DevOps template does not have an equivalent in GitHub Actions yet";
            else if (newJob.steps == null && job.strategy?.runOnce?.deploy?.steps != null)
                //Initialize the array with no items
                job.steps = new AzurePipelines.Step[0];
                //Process the steps, adding the default checkout step
                newJob.steps = sp.AddSupportingSteps(job.strategy?.runOnce?.deploy?.steps, false);
                //TODO: There is currently no conversion path for templates
                newJob.job_message += "Note: Azure DevOps strategy>runOnce>deploy does not have an equivalent in GitHub Actions yet";
            if (job.environment != null)
                newJob.job_message += "Note: Azure DevOps job environment does not have an equivalent in GitHub Actions yet";
            if (job.continueOnError == true)
                newJob.continue_on_error = job.continueOnError;

        /// <summary>
        /// Process an Azure DevOps Pipeline, converting it to a GitHub Action
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="azurePipeline">Azure DevOps Pipeline object</param>
        /// <param name="simpleTrigger">When the YAML has a simple trigger, (String[]). Can be null</param>
        /// <param name="complexTrigger">When the YAML has a complex trigger. Can be null</param>
        /// <returns>GitHub Actions object</returns>
        public GitHubActionsRoot ProcessPipeline(AzurePipelinesRoot <TTriggers, TVariables> azurePipeline,
                                                 string[] simpleTrigger, AzurePipelines.Trigger complexTrigger,
                                                 Dictionary <string, string> simpleVariables, AzurePipelines.Variable[] complexVariables)
            VariableList = new List <string>();
            GeneralProcessing generalProcessing = new GeneralProcessing(_verbose);
            GitHubActionsRoot gitHubActions     = new GitHubActionsRoot();

            if (azurePipeline.name != null)
                gitHubActions.name = azurePipeline.name;

            if (azurePipeline.container != null)
                gitHubActions.messages.Add("TODO: Container conversion not yet done, we need help!: https://github.com/samsmithnz/AzurePipelinesToGitHubActionsConverter/issues/39");

            //Triggers for pushs
            TriggerProcessing tp = new TriggerProcessing(_verbose);

            if (azurePipeline.trigger != null)
                if (complexTrigger != null)
                    gitHubActions.on = tp.ProcessComplexTrigger(complexTrigger);
                else if (simpleTrigger != null)
                    gitHubActions.on = tp.ProcessSimpleTrigger(simpleTrigger);

            //Triggers for pull requests
            if (azurePipeline.pr != null)
                GitHubActions.Trigger pr = tp.ProcessPullRequest(azurePipeline.pr);
                if (gitHubActions.on == null)
                    gitHubActions.on = pr;
                    gitHubActions.on.pull_request = pr.pull_request;

            if (azurePipeline.pool != null && azurePipeline.pool.demands != null)
                gitHubActions.messages.Add("Note: GitHub Actions does not have a 'demands' command on 'runs-on' yet");

            if (azurePipeline.schedules != null)
                string[] schedules = tp.ProcessSchedules(azurePipeline.schedules);
                if (gitHubActions.on == null)
                    gitHubActions.on = new GitHubActions.Trigger();
                gitHubActions.on.schedule = schedules;

            if (azurePipeline.resources != null)
                //Note: Containers is in the jobs - this note should be removed once pipeliens and repositories is moved too

                //TODO: There is currently no conversion path for pipelines
                if (azurePipeline.resources.pipelines != null)
                    gitHubActions.messages.Add("TODO: Resource pipelines conversion not yet done: https://github.com/samsmithnz/AzurePipelinesToGitHubActionsConverter/issues/8");
                    if (azurePipeline.resources.pipelines.Length > 0)
                        if (azurePipeline.resources.pipelines[0].pipeline != null)
                            ConversionUtility.WriteLine("pipeline: " + azurePipeline.resources.pipelines[0].pipeline, _verbose);
                        if (azurePipeline.resources.pipelines[0].project != null)
                            ConversionUtility.WriteLine("project: " + azurePipeline.resources.pipelines[0].project, _verbose);
                        if (azurePipeline.resources.pipelines[0].source != null)
                            ConversionUtility.WriteLine("source: " + azurePipeline.resources.pipelines[0].source, _verbose);
                        if (azurePipeline.resources.pipelines[0].branch != null)
                            ConversionUtility.WriteLine("branch: " + azurePipeline.resources.pipelines[0].branch, _verbose);
                        if (azurePipeline.resources.pipelines[0].version != null)
                            ConversionUtility.WriteLine("version: " + azurePipeline.resources.pipelines[0].version, _verbose);
                        if (azurePipeline.resources.pipelines[0].trigger != null)
                            if (azurePipeline.resources.pipelines[0].trigger.autoCancel)
                                ConversionUtility.WriteLine("autoCancel: " + azurePipeline.resources.pipelines[0].trigger.autoCancel, _verbose);
                            if (azurePipeline.resources.pipelines[0].trigger.batch)
                                ConversionUtility.WriteLine("batch: " + azurePipeline.resources.pipelines[0].trigger.batch, _verbose);

                //TODO: There is currently no conversion path for repositories
                if (azurePipeline.resources.repositories != null)
                    gitHubActions.messages.Add("TODO: Resource repositories conversion not yet done: https://github.com/samsmithnz/AzurePipelinesToGitHubActionsConverter/issues/8");

                    if (azurePipeline.resources.repositories.Length > 0)
                        if (azurePipeline.resources.repositories[0].repository != null)
                            ConversionUtility.WriteLine("repository: " + azurePipeline.resources.repositories[0].repository, _verbose);
                        if (azurePipeline.resources.repositories[0].type != null)
                            ConversionUtility.WriteLine("type: " + azurePipeline.resources.repositories[0].type, _verbose);
                        if (azurePipeline.resources.repositories[0].name != null)
                            ConversionUtility.WriteLine("name: " + azurePipeline.resources.repositories[0].name, _verbose);
                        if (azurePipeline.resources.repositories[0]._ref != null)
                            ConversionUtility.WriteLine("ref: " + azurePipeline.resources.repositories[0]._ref, _verbose);
                        if (azurePipeline.resources.repositories[0].endpoint != null)
                            ConversionUtility.WriteLine("endpoint: " + azurePipeline.resources.repositories[0].endpoint, _verbose);
                        if (azurePipeline.resources.repositories[0].connection != null)
                            ConversionUtility.WriteLine("connection: " + azurePipeline.resources.repositories[0].connection, _verbose);
                        if (azurePipeline.resources.repositories[0].source != null)
                            ConversionUtility.WriteLine("source: " + azurePipeline.resources.repositories[0].source, _verbose);

            //Stages (Note: stages are not yet present in actions, we are merging them into one giant list of jobs, appending the stage name to jobs to keep names unique)
            if (azurePipeline.stages != null)
                //Count the number of jobs and initialize the jobs array with that number
                int jobCounter = 0;
                foreach (Stage stage in azurePipeline.stages)
                    if (stage.jobs != null)
                        jobCounter += stage.jobs.Length;
                azurePipeline.jobs = new AzurePipelines.Job[jobCounter];
                //We are going to take each stage and assign it a set of jobs
                int currentIndex = 0;
                foreach (Stage stage in azurePipeline.stages)
                    if (stage.jobs != null)
                        int j = 0;
                        for (int i = 0; i < stage.jobs.Length; i++)
                            //Get the job name
                            string jobName = ConversionUtility.GenerateJobName(stage.jobs[i], currentIndex);
                            //Rename the job, using the stage name as prefix, so that we keep the job names unique
                            stage.jobs[j].job = stage.stage + "_Stage_" + jobName;
                            ConversionUtility.WriteLine("This variable is not needed in actions: " + stage.displayName, _verbose);
                            azurePipeline.jobs[currentIndex]           = stage.jobs[j];
                            azurePipeline.jobs[currentIndex].condition = stage.condition;
                            //Move over the variables, the stage variables will need to be applied to each job
                            if (stage.variables != null && stage.variables.Count > 0)
                                azurePipeline.jobs[currentIndex].variables = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> stageVariable in stage.variables)
                                    azurePipeline.jobs[currentIndex].variables.Add(stageVariable.Key, stageVariable.Value);

            //Jobs (when no stages are defined)
            if (azurePipeline.jobs != null)
                //If there is a parent strategy, and no child strategy, load in the parent
                //This is not perfect...
                if (azurePipeline.strategy != null)
                    foreach (AzurePipelines.Job item in azurePipeline.jobs)
                        if (item.strategy == null)
                            item.strategy = azurePipeline.strategy;
                gitHubActions.jobs = ProcessJobs(azurePipeline.jobs, azurePipeline.resources);

                if (gitHubActions.jobs.Count == 0)
                    gitHubActions.messages.Add("Note that although having no jobs is valid YAML, it is not a valid GitHub Action.");

            //Pool + Steps (When there are no jobs defined)
            if ((azurePipeline.pool != null && azurePipeline.jobs == null) || (azurePipeline.steps != null && azurePipeline.steps.Length > 0))
                //Steps only have one job, so we just create it here
                StepsProcessing sp = new StepsProcessing();
                gitHubActions.jobs = new Dictionary <string, GitHubActions.Job>
                        new GitHubActions.Job
                            runs_on   = generalProcessing.ProcessPool(azurePipeline.pool),
                            strategy  = generalProcessing.ProcessStrategy(azurePipeline.strategy),
                            container = generalProcessing.ProcessContainer(azurePipeline.resources),
                            //resources = ProcessResources(azurePipeline.resources),
                            steps = sp.AddSupportingSteps(azurePipeline.steps)
                MatrixVariableName = generalProcessing.MatrixVariableName;

            VariablesProcessing vp = new VariablesProcessing(_verbose);

            if (azurePipeline.variables != null)
                if (complexVariables != null)
                    gitHubActions.env = vp.ProcessComplexVariables(complexVariables);
                else if (simpleVariables != null)
                    gitHubActions.env = vp.ProcessSimpleVariables(simpleVariables);
            else if (azurePipeline.parameters != null)
                //For now, convert the parameters to variables
                gitHubActions.env = vp.ProcessSimpleVariables(azurePipeline.parameters);

Ejemplo n.º 4
        //process the steps
        private GitHubActions.Step[] ProcessSteps(AzurePipelines.Step[] steps, bool addCheckoutStep = true)
            StepsProcessing stepsProcessing = new StepsProcessing();

            GitHubActions.Step[] newSteps = null;
            if (steps != null)
                //Start by scanning all of the steps, to see if we need to insert additional tasks
                int    stepAdjustment     = 0;
                bool   addJavaSetupStep   = false;
                bool   addGradleSetupStep = false;
                bool   addAzureLoginStep  = false;
                bool   addMSSetupStep     = false;
                string javaVersion        = null;

                //If the code needs a Checkout step, add it first
                if (addCheckoutStep == true)
                    stepAdjustment++; // we are inserting a step and need to start moving steps 1 place into the array

                //Loop through the steps to see if we need other tasks inserted in for specific circumstances
                foreach (AzurePipelines.Step step in steps)
                    if (step.task != null)
                        switch (step.task)
                        //If we have an Java based step, we will need to add a Java setup step
                        case "Ant@1":
                        case "Maven@3":
                            if (addJavaSetupStep == false)
                                addJavaSetupStep = true;
                                javaVersion = stepsProcessing.GetStepInput(step, "jdkVersionOption");

                        //Needs a the Java step and an additional Gradle step
                        case "Gradle@2":

                            if (addJavaSetupStep == false)
                                addJavaSetupStep = true;
                                //Create the java step, as it doesn't exist
                                javaVersion = "1.8";
                            if (addGradleSetupStep == false)
                                addGradleSetupStep = true;

                        //If we have an Azure step, we will need to add a Azure login step
                        case "AzureAppServiceManage@0":
                        case "AzureResourceGroupDeployment@2":
                        case "AzureRmWebAppDeployment@3":
                            if (addAzureLoginStep == false)
                                addAzureLoginStep = true;

                        case "VSBuild@1":
                            if (addMSSetupStep == false)
                                addMSSetupStep = true;

                //Re-size the newSteps array with adjustments as needed
                newSteps = new GitHubActions.Step[steps.Length + stepAdjustment];

                int adjustmentsUsed = 0;

                //Add the steps array
                if (addCheckoutStep == true)
                    //Add the check out step to get the code
                    newSteps[adjustmentsUsed] = stepsProcessing.CreateCheckoutStep();
                if (addJavaSetupStep == true)
                    //Add the JavaSetup step to the code
                    if (javaVersion != null)
                        newSteps[adjustmentsUsed] = stepsProcessing.CreateSetupJavaStep(javaVersion);
                if (addGradleSetupStep == true)
                    //Add the Gradle setup step to the code
                    newSteps[adjustmentsUsed] = stepsProcessing.CreateSetupGradleStep();
                if (addAzureLoginStep == true)
                    //Add the Azure login step to the code
                    newSteps[adjustmentsUsed] = stepsProcessing.CreateAzureLoginStep();
                if (addMSSetupStep == true)
                    //Add the Azure login step to the code
                    newSteps[adjustmentsUsed] = stepsProcessing.CreateMSBuildSetupStep();

                //Translate the other steps
                for (int i = stepAdjustment; i < steps.Length + stepAdjustment; i++)
                    newSteps[i] = stepsProcessing.ProcessStep(steps[i - stepAdjustment]);
