Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static BSONDocument Add(this BSONDocument document, string name, object value, bool skipNull = false, bool required = false)
            if (value == null)
                return(onNullOrEmpty(document, name, skipNull, required));

            switch (Type.GetTypeCode(value.GetType()))
            case TypeCode.Empty:
            case TypeCode.DBNull:   return(document.Set(new BSONNullElement(name)));

            case TypeCode.Boolean:  return(document.Set(new BSONBooleanElement(name, (bool)value)));

            case TypeCode.Char:     return(document.Set(new BSONStringElement(name, value.ToString())));

            case TypeCode.SByte:    return(document.Set(new BSONInt32Element(name, (sbyte)value)));

            case TypeCode.Byte:     return(document.Set(new BSONInt32Element(name, (byte)value)));

            case TypeCode.Int16:    return(document.Set(new BSONInt32Element(name, (short)value)));

            case TypeCode.UInt16:   return(document.Set(new BSONInt32Element(name, (ushort)value)));

            case TypeCode.Int32:    return(document.Set(new BSONInt32Element(name, (int)value)));

            case TypeCode.UInt32:   return(document.Set(new BSONInt32Element(name, (int)(uint)value)));

            case TypeCode.Int64:    return(document.Set(new BSONInt64Element(name, (long)value)));

            case TypeCode.UInt64:   return(document.Set(new BSONInt64Element(name, (long)(ulong)value)));

            case TypeCode.Single:   return(document.Set(new BSONDoubleElement(name, (float)value)));

            case TypeCode.Double:   return(document.Set(new BSONDoubleElement(name, (double)value)));

            case TypeCode.Decimal:  return(document.Set(DataDocConverter.Decimal_CLRtoBSON(name, (decimal)value)));

            case TypeCode.DateTime: return(document.Set(new BSONDateTimeElement(name, (DateTime)value)));

            case TypeCode.String:   return(document.Set(new BSONStringElement(name, (string)value)));

            case TypeCode.Object:
                if (value is Guid)
                    var guid = (Guid)value;
                    if (guid == Guid.Empty)
                        return(onNullOrEmpty(document, name, skipNull, required));
                    return(document.Set(new BSONBinaryElement(name, new BSONBinary(BSONBinaryType.UUID, ((Guid)value).ToNetworkByteOrder()))));
                else if (value is GDID)
                    var gdid = (GDID)value;
                    if (gdid.IsZero)
                        return(onNullOrEmpty(document, name, skipNull, required));
                    return(document.Set(DataDocConverter.GDID_CLRtoBSON(name, gdid)));
                else if (value is TimeSpan)
                    return(document.Set(new BSONInt64Element(name, ((TimeSpan)value).Ticks)));
                else if (value is BSONDocument)
                    return(document.Set(new BSONDocumentElement(name, (BSONDocument)value)));
                else if (value is byte[])
                    return(document.Set(new BSONBinaryElement(name, new BSONBinary(BSONBinaryType.GenericBinary, (byte[])value))));
                throw new BSONException("BSONDocument.Add(not supported object type '{0}')".Args(value.GetType().Name));

            default: throw new BSONException("BSONDocument.Add(not supported object type '{0}')".Args(value.GetType().Name));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private BSONElement jToBCore(string name, object value, TemplateArg[] args)
            if (name != null)  //array elm may be null
                name = substName(name, args);

            var bType = BSONElementType.Null;

            if (value != null)
                if (value is string)
                    var sv = (string)value;
                    if (args != null && sv.Length > ARG_TPL_PREFIX.Length && sv.StartsWith(ARG_TPL_PREFIX)) //parameter name
                        sv = sv.Substring(ARG_TPL_PREFIX.Length);                                           //get rid of "$$"
                        var arg = args.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Name.EqualsOrdIgnoreCase(sv));
                        if (arg.Name != null)
                            if (!arg.BSONType.HasValue)
                                var be = jToB(arg.Name, arg.Value, null);
                                return(BSONElement.MakeOfType(be.ElementType, name, be.ObjectValue));

                            bType = arg.BSONType.Value;
                            value = arg.Value;
                            throw new BSONException("Template JSON parameter '{0}' not found in args".Args(sv));
                        bType = BSONElementType.String;
                else if (value is UInt64)
                    bType = BSONElementType.Int64;
                else if (value is Int32)
                    bType = BSONElementType.Int32;
                else if (value is Int64)
                    bType = BSONElementType.Int64;
                else if (value is DateTime)
                    bType = BSONElementType.DateTime;
                else if (value is bool)
                    bType = BSONElementType.Boolean;
                else if (value is double || value is float)
                    bType = BSONElementType.Double;
                else if (value is byte[])
                    return(DataDocConverter.ByteBuffer_CLRtoBSON(name, (byte[])value));
                else if (value is JsonDataMap)
                    var doc    = value as JsonDataMap;
                    var subdoc = new BSONDocument();
                    buildFromTemplateArgs(subdoc, doc, args);
                    value = subdoc;
                    bType = BSONElementType.Document;
                else if (value is IEnumerable)
                    var arr  = value as IEnumerable;
                    var list = new List <BSONElement>();
                    foreach (var e in arr)
                        list.Add(jToB(null, e, args));
                    value = list.ToArray();
                    bType = BSONElementType.Array;
                else if (value is Data.GDID)
                    return(DataDocConverter.GDID_CLRtoBSON(name, (Data.GDID)value));
                else if (value is decimal)
                    return(DataDocConverter.Decimal_CLRtoBSON(name, (decimal)value));
                else if (value is Azos.Financial.Amount)
                    return(DataDocConverter.Amount_CLRtoBSON(name, (Financial.Amount)value));
                else if (value.GetType().IsEnum)
                    bType = BSONElementType.String;

                    throw new BSONException("Template JSON value type '{0}' not supported in BSON binding".Args(value.GetType()));

            return(BSONElement.MakeOfType(bType, name, value));
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public void SerializeToBSON(BSONSerializer serializer, BSONDocument doc, IBSONSerializable parent, ref object context)
     throw new NotSupportedException();