Ejemplo n.º 1
        /* A D D  H E A D E R */

        *       %%Function: AddHeader
        *       %%Qualified: AzLog.AzLogWindow.AddHeader
        *       %%Contact: rlittle
        *   Add the named header to the view. This handles adding the column
        *   and invalidating the current view so it will get rebuild with the
        *   correct list view items.
        *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
        private void AddHeader(AzLogViewSettings.DefaultColumnDef dcd, string sColumnInsertBefore)
            lock (SyncLock)
                int iazlvcInsert = m_azlvs.IazlvcFind(sColumnInsertBefore);
                int iazlvc       = m_azlvs.IazlvcFind(dcd.sName);

                if (iazlvc == -1)
                    // we are adding this column
                    m_azlvs.AddLogViewColumn(dcd.sName, dcd.sName, dcd.nWidthDefault, dcd.lc, true);
                    iazlvc = m_azlvs.IazlvcFind(dcd.sName);
                    m_azlvs.ShowHideColumn(dcd.sName, true);

                m_azlvs.MoveColumn(iazlvc, iazlvcInsert);

                int c = m_lvLog.VirtualListSize;

                // m_lvLog.VirtualListSize = c;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /* H A N D L E  S E L E C T  H E A D E R  I T E M */

        *       %%Function: HandleSelectHeaderItem
        *       %%Qualified: AzLog.AzLogWindow.HandleSelectHeaderItem
        *       %%Contact: rlittle
        *   Deal with selecting an item on the header context menu.
        *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
        private void HandleSelectHeaderItem(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // first, figure out what column they right clicked on (this is useful if they are asking
            // to show a column -- this will tell us where to insert the column before)
            // this information is squirrelled away in the Tag of the context menu

            ColumnHeader ch = (ColumnHeader)m_ctxmHeader.Tag;

            // are we removing or checking?
            ToolStripMenuItem tsmi = (ToolStripMenuItem)sender;

            AzLogViewSettings.DefaultColumnDef dcd = (AzLogViewSettings.DefaultColumnDef)tsmi.Tag;

            if (tsmi.Checked)
                // we are removing a column
                tsmi.Checked = false;
                tsmi.Checked = true;
                AddHeader(dcd, (string)ch.Tag);