CalculateSize() public static method

public static CalculateSize ( int mipmaps, int faces, int width, int height, int depth, PixelFormat format ) : int
mipmaps int
faces int
width int
height int
depth int
format PixelFormat
return int
Ejemplo n.º 1
        public override Codec.DecodeResult Decode(Stream input)
            using (var br = new BinaryReader(input))
                var numFaces = 1;                 // Assume one face until we know otherwise
                var imgData  = new ImageData();

                // Read the PVRTC header
                var header = PVRTCTexHeader.Read(br);

                // Get the file type identifier
                var pvrTag = header.pvrTag;

                if (this.PVR_MAGIC != pvrTag)
                    throw new AxiomException("This is not a PVR file!");

                // Get format flags
                var flags = header.flags;
                using (var wrap = BufferBase.Wrap(flags, 2))
                    _flipEndian(wrap, sizeof(int));
                var formatFlags = flags & PVR_TEXTURE_FLAG_TYPE_MASK;

                var bitmaskAlpha = header.bitmaskAlpha;
                using (var wrap = BufferBase.Wrap(bitmaskAlpha, 2))
                    _flipEndian(wrap, sizeof(int));

                if (formatFlags == kPVRTextureFlagTypePVRTC_4 || formatFlags == kPVRTextureFlagTypePVRTC_2)
                    if (formatFlags == kPVRTextureFlagTypePVRTC_4)
                        imgData.format = bitmaskAlpha != 0 ? PixelFormat.PVRTC_RGBA4 : PixelFormat.PVRTC_RGB4;
                    else if (formatFlags == kPVRTextureFlagTypePVRTC_2)
                        imgData.format = bitmaskAlpha != 0 ? PixelFormat.PVRTC_RGBA2 : PixelFormat.PVRTC_RGB2;

                    imgData.depth      = 1;
                    imgData.width      = header.width;
                    imgData.height     = header.height;
                    imgData.numMipMaps = header.numMipmaps;

                    // PVRTC is a compressed format
                    imgData.flags |= ImageFlags.Compressed;

                // Calculate total size from number of mipmaps, faces and size
                imgData.size = Image.CalculateSize(imgData.numMipMaps, numFaces, imgData.width, imgData.height, imgData.depth,

                // Now deal with the data
                var dest = br.ReadBytes(imgData.size);
                return(new DecodeResult(new MemoryStream(dest), imgData));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public override void EncodeToFile(Stream input, string outFileName, Codec.CodecData data)
            // Unwrap codecDataPtr - data is cleaned by calling function
            var imgData = (ImageData)data;

            // Check size for cube map faces
            var isCubeMap = imgData.size ==
                            Image.CalculateSize(imgData.numMipMaps, 6, imgData.width, imgData.height, imgData.depth,

            // Establish texture attributes
            var isVolume             = imgData.depth > 1;
            var isFloat32r           = imgData.format == PixelFormat.FLOAT32_R;
            var hasAlpha             = false;
            var notImplemented       = false;
            var notImplementedString = string.Empty;

            // Check for all the 'not implemented' conditions
            if (imgData.numMipMaps != 0)
                // No mip map functionality yet
                notImplemented        = true;
                notImplementedString += " mipmaps";

            if ((isVolume == true) && (imgData.width != imgData.height))
                // Square textures only
                notImplemented        = true;
                notImplementedString += " non square textures";

            var size = 1;

            while (size < imgData.width)
                size <<= 1;
            if (size != imgData.width)
                // Power two textures only
                notImplemented        = true;
                notImplementedString += " non power two textures";

            switch (imgData.format)
            case PixelFormat.A8R8G8B8:
            case PixelFormat.X8R8G8B8:
            case PixelFormat.R8G8B8:
            case PixelFormat.FLOAT32_R:

                // No crazy FOURCC or 565 et al. file formats at this stage
                notImplemented       = true;
                notImplementedString = " unsupported pixel format";

            // Except if any 'not implemented' conditions were met
            if (notImplemented)
                throw new NotImplementedException(string.Format("DDS encoding for{0} not supported", notImplementedString));
                // Build header and write to disk

                // Variables for some DDS header flags
                var ddsHeaderFlags       = 0;
                var ddsHeaderRgbBits     = 0;
                var ddsHeaderSizeOrPitch = 0;
                var ddsHeaderCaps1       = 0;
                var ddsHeaderCaps2       = 0;
                var ddsMagic             = this.DDS_MAGIC;

                // Initalise the header flags
                ddsHeaderFlags = (isVolume)
                                     ? DDSD_CAPS | DDSD_WIDTH | DDSD_HEIGHT | DDSD_DEPTH | DDSD_PIXELFORMAT
                                     : DDSD_CAPS | DDSD_WIDTH | DDSD_HEIGHT | DDSD_PIXELFORMAT;

                // Initalise the rgbBits flags
                switch (imgData.format)
                case PixelFormat.A8R8G8B8:
                    ddsHeaderRgbBits = 8 * 4;
                    hasAlpha         = true;

                case PixelFormat.X8R8G8B8:
                    ddsHeaderRgbBits = 8 * 4;

                case PixelFormat.R8G8B8:
                    ddsHeaderRgbBits = 8 * 3;

                case PixelFormat.FLOAT32_R:
                    ddsHeaderRgbBits = 32;

                    ddsHeaderRgbBits = 0;

                // Initalise the SizeOrPitch flags (power two textures for now)
                ddsHeaderSizeOrPitch = ddsHeaderRgbBits * imgData.width;

                // Initalise the caps flags
                ddsHeaderCaps1 = (isVolume || isCubeMap) ? DDSCAPS_COMPLEX | DDSCAPS_TEXTURE : DDSCAPS_TEXTURE;
                if (isVolume)
                    ddsHeaderCaps2 = DDSCAPS2_VOLUME;
                else if (isCubeMap)

                // Populate the DDS header information
                var ddsHeader = new DDSHeader();
                ddsHeader.size        = DDS_HEADER_SIZE;
                ddsHeader.flags       = ddsHeaderFlags;
                ddsHeader.width       = imgData.width;
                ddsHeader.height      = imgData.height;
                ddsHeader.depth       = isVolume ? imgData.depth : 0;
                ddsHeader.depth       = isCubeMap ? 6 : ddsHeader.depth;
                ddsHeader.mipMapCount = 0;
                ddsHeader.sizeOrPitch = ddsHeaderSizeOrPitch;
                ddsHeader.reserved1   = new int[11];

                ddsHeader.reserved2           = 0;
                ddsHeader.pixelFormat.size    = DDS_PIXELFORMAT_SIZE;
                ddsHeader.pixelFormat.flags   = (hasAlpha) ? DDPF_RGB | DDPF_ALPHAPIXELS : DDPF_RGB;
                ddsHeader.pixelFormat.flags   = (isFloat32r) ? DDPF_FOURCC : ddsHeader.pixelFormat.flags;
                ddsHeader.pixelFormat.fourCC  = (isFloat32r) ? D3DFMT_R32F : 0;
                ddsHeader.pixelFormat.rgbBits = ddsHeaderRgbBits;

                ddsHeader.pixelFormat.alphaMask = hasAlpha ? unchecked ((int)0xFF000000) : 0x00000000;
                ddsHeader.pixelFormat.alphaMask = isFloat32r ? 0x00000000 : ddsHeader.pixelFormat.alphaMask;
                ddsHeader.pixelFormat.redMask   = isFloat32r ? unchecked ((int)0xFFFFFFFF) : 0x00FF0000;
                ddsHeader.pixelFormat.greenMask = isFloat32r ? 0x00000000 : 0x0000FF00;
                ddsHeader.pixelFormat.blueMask  = isFloat32r ? 0x00000000 : 0x000000FF;

                ddsHeader.caps.caps1       = ddsHeaderCaps1;
                ddsHeader.caps.caps2       = ddsHeaderCaps2;
                ddsHeader.caps.reserved[0] = 0;
                ddsHeader.caps.reserved[1] = 0;

                // Swap endian
                using (var wrap = BufferBase.Wrap(ddsMagic, 2))
                    _flipEndian(wrap, sizeof(uint), 1);

                using (var wrap = BufferBase.Wrap(ddsHeader, Memory.SizeOf(typeof(DDSHeader))))
                    _flipEndian(wrap, 4, Memory.SizeOf(typeof(DDSHeader)) / 4);

                // Write the file
                using (var br = new BinaryWriter(File.Open(outFileName, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write)))
                    // XXX flipEndian on each pixel chunk written unless isFloat32r ?
                    var inputData = new byte[(int)input.Length];
                    input.Read(inputData, 0, inputData.Length);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public override Codec.DecodeResult Decode(Stream input)
            using (var br = new BinaryReader(input))
                // Read 4 character code
                var fileType = br.ReadInt32();
                using (var wrap = BufferBase.Wrap(fileType, 2))
                    _flipEndian(wrap, sizeof(uint), 1);

                if (FOURCC('D', 'D', 'S', ' ') != fileType)
                    throw new AxiomException("This is not a DDS file!");

                // Read header in full
                var header = DDSHeader.Read(br);

                // Endian flip if required, all 32-bit values
                using (var wrap = BufferBase.Wrap(header, Memory.SizeOf(typeof(DDSHeader))))
                    _flipEndian(wrap, 4, Memory.SizeOf(typeof(DDSHeader)) / 4);

                // Check some sizes
                if (header.size != DDS_HEADER_SIZE)
                    throw new AxiomException("DDS header size mismatch!");

                if (header.pixelFormat.size != DDS_PIXELFORMAT_SIZE)
                    throw new AxiomException("DDS header size mismatch!");

                var imgData = new ImageData();

                imgData.depth  = 1; // (deal with volume later)
                imgData.width  = header.width;
                imgData.height = header.height;
                var numFaces = 1; // assume one face until we know otherwise

                if ((header.caps.caps1 & DDSCAPS_MIPMAP) != 0)
                    imgData.numMipMaps = header.mipMapCount - 1;
                    imgData.numMipMaps = 0;

                imgData.flags = 0;

                var decompressDXT = false;
                // Figure out basic image type
                if ((header.caps.caps2 & DDSCAPS2_CUBEMAP) != 0)
                    imgData.flags |= ImageFlags.CubeMap;
                    numFaces       = 6;
                else if ((header.caps.caps2 & DDSCAPS2_VOLUME) != 0)
                    imgData.flags |= ImageFlags.Volume;
                    imgData.depth  = header.depth;
                // Pixel format
                var sourceFormat = PixelFormat.Unknown;

                if ((header.pixelFormat.flags & DDPF_FOURCC) != 0)
                    sourceFormat = _convertFourCCFormat(header.pixelFormat.fourCC);
                    sourceFormat = _convertPixelFormat(header.pixelFormat.rgbBits, header.pixelFormat.redMask,
                                                       header.pixelFormat.greenMask, header.pixelFormat.blueMask,
                                                       (header.pixelFormat.flags & DDPF_ALPHAPIXELS) != 0
                                                            ? header.pixelFormat.alphaMask
                                                            : 0);

                if (PixelUtil.IsCompressed(sourceFormat))
                    if (!Root.Instance.RenderSystem.Capabilities.HasCapability(Capabilities.TextureCompressionDXT))
                        // We'll need to decompress
                        decompressDXT = true;
                        // Convert format
                        switch (sourceFormat)
                        case PixelFormat.DXT1:
                            // source can be either 565 or 5551 depending on whether alpha present
                            // unfortunately you have to read a block to figure out which
                            // Note that we upgrade to 32-bit pixel formats here, even
                            // though the source is 16-bit; this is because the interpolated
                            // values will benefit from the 32-bit results, and the source
                            // from which the 16-bit samples are calculated may have been
                            // 32-bit so can benefit from this.
                            var block = DXTColorBlock.Read(br);
                            using (var wrap = BufferBase.Wrap(block.colour_0, sizeof(ushort)))
                                _flipEndian(wrap, sizeof(ushort), 1);

                            using (var wrap = BufferBase.Wrap(block.colour_1, sizeof(ushort)))
                                _flipEndian(wrap, sizeof(ushort), 1);
                            // skip back since we'll need to read this again
                            br.BaseStream.Seek(0 - (long)Memory.SizeOf(typeof(DXTColorBlock)), SeekOrigin.Current);
                            // colour_0 <= colour_1 means transparency in DXT1
                            if (block.colour_0 <= block.colour_1)
                                imgData.format = PixelFormat.BYTE_RGBA;
                                imgData.format = PixelFormat.BYTE_RGB;

                        case PixelFormat.DXT2:
                        case PixelFormat.DXT3:
                        case PixelFormat.DXT4:
                        case PixelFormat.DXT5:
                            // full alpha present, formats vary only in encoding
                            imgData.format = PixelFormat.BYTE_RGBA;

                            // all other cases need no special format handling
                        // Use original format
                        imgData.format = sourceFormat;
                        // Keep DXT data compressed
                        imgData.flags |= ImageFlags.Compressed;
                else // not compressed
                    // Don't test against DDPF_RGB since greyscale DDS doesn't set this
                    // just derive any other kind of format
                    imgData.format = sourceFormat;

                // Calculate total size from number of mipmaps, faces and size
                imgData.size = Image.CalculateSize(imgData.numMipMaps, numFaces, imgData.width, imgData.height, imgData.depth, imgData.format);

                // Now deal with the data
                var dest       = new byte[imgData.size];
                var destBuffer = BufferBase.Wrap(dest);

                // all mips for a face, then each face
                for (var i = 0; i < numFaces; ++i)
                    var width  = imgData.width;
                    var height = imgData.height;
                    var depth  = imgData.depth;

                    for (var mip = 0; mip <= imgData.numMipMaps; ++mip)
                        var dstPitch = width * PixelUtil.GetNumElemBytes(imgData.format);

                        if (PixelUtil.IsCompressed(sourceFormat))
                            // Compressed data
                            if (decompressDXT)
                                DXTColorBlock             col;
                                DXTInterpolatedAlphaBlock iAlpha;
                                DXTExplicitAlphaBlock     eAlpha;
                                // 4x4 block of decompressed colour
                                var tempColours     = new ColorEx[16];
                                var destBpp         = PixelUtil.GetNumElemBytes(imgData.format);
                                var sx              = Utility.Min(width, 4);
                                var sy              = Utility.Min(height, 4);
                                var destPitchMinus4 = dstPitch - destBpp * sx;
                                // slices are done individually
                                for (var z = 0; z < depth; ++z)
                                    // 4x4 blocks in x/y
                                    for (var y = 0; y < height; y += 4)
                                        for (var x = 0; x < width; x += 4)
                                            if (sourceFormat == PixelFormat.DXT2 || sourceFormat == PixelFormat.DXT3)
                                                // explicit alpha
                                                eAlpha = DXTExplicitAlphaBlock.Read(br);
                                                using (var wrap = BufferBase.Wrap(eAlpha.alphaRow, eAlpha.alphaRow.Length * sizeof(ushort)))
                                                    _flipEndian(wrap, sizeof(ushort), 4);
                                                _unpackDXTAlpha(eAlpha, tempColours);
                                            else if (sourceFormat == PixelFormat.DXT4 || sourceFormat == PixelFormat.DXT5)
                                                // interpolated alpha
                                                iAlpha = DXTInterpolatedAlphaBlock.Read(br);
                                                using (var wrap = BufferBase.Wrap(iAlpha.alpha_0, 1))
                                                    _flipEndian(wrap, sizeof(ushort), 1);

                                                using (var wrap = BufferBase.Wrap(iAlpha.alpha_1, 1))
                                                    _flipEndian(wrap, sizeof(ushort), 1);
                                                _unpackDXTAlpha(iAlpha, tempColours);
                                            // always read colour
                                            col = DXTColorBlock.Read(br);

                                            using (var wrap = BufferBase.Wrap(col.colour_0, sizeof(ushort)))
                                                _flipEndian(wrap, sizeof(ushort), 1);

                                            using (var wrap = BufferBase.Wrap(col.colour_1, sizeof(ushort)))
                                                _flipEndian(wrap, sizeof(ushort), 1);
                                            _unpackDXTColor(sourceFormat, col, tempColours);

                                            // write 4x4 block to uncompressed version
                                            for (var by = 0; by < sy; ++by)
                                                for (var bx = 0; bx < sx; ++bx)
                                                    PixelConverter.PackColor(tempColours[by * 4 + bx], imgData.format, destBuffer);
                                                    destBuffer += destBpp;
                                                // advance to next row
                                                destBuffer += destPitchMinus4;
                                            // next block. Our dest pointer is 4 lines down
                                            // from where it started
                                            if (x + 4 >= width)
                                                // Jump back to the start of the line
                                                destBuffer += -destPitchMinus4;
                                                // Jump back up 4 rows and 4 pixels to the
                                                // right to be at the next block to the right
                                                destBuffer += -(dstPitch * sy + destBpp * sx);
                                // load directly
                                // DDS format lies! sizeOrPitch is not always set for DXT!!
                                var dxtSize = PixelUtil.GetMemorySize(width, height, depth, imgData.format);
                                using (var src = BufferBase.Wrap(br.ReadBytes(dxtSize)))
                                    Memory.Copy(src, destBuffer, dxtSize);
                                destBuffer += dxtSize;
                            // Final data - trim incoming pitch
                            int srcPitch;
                            if ((header.flags & DDSD_PITCH) != 0)
                                srcPitch = header.sizeOrPitch / Utility.Max(1, mip * 2);
                                // assume same as final pitch
                                srcPitch = dstPitch;
                            Contract.Requires(dstPitch <= srcPitch);
                            var srcAdvance = (long)(srcPitch - dstPitch);

                            for (var z = 0; z < imgData.depth; ++z)
                                for (var y = 0; y < imgData.height; ++y)
                                    using (var src = BufferBase.Wrap(br.ReadBytes(dstPitch)))
                                        Memory.Copy(src, destBuffer, dstPitch);

                                    if (srcAdvance > 0)
                                        br.BaseStream.Seek(srcAdvance, SeekOrigin.Current);

                                    destBuffer += dstPitch;

                        // Next mip
                        if (width != 1)
                            width /= 2;

                        if (height != 1)
                            height /= 2;

                        if (depth != 1)
                            depth /= 2;

                return(new DecodeResult(new MemoryStream(dest), imgData));
        public override object Decode(Stream input, Stream output, params object[] args)
            ImageData data = new ImageData();

            int imageID;
            int format, bytesPerPixel, imageType;

            // create and bind a new image
            Il.ilGenImages(1, out imageID);

            // Put it right side up
            Il.ilSetInteger(Il.IL_ORIGIN_MODE, Il.IL_ORIGIN_UPPER_LEFT);

            // Keep DXTC(compressed) data if present
            Il.ilSetInteger(Il.IL_KEEP_DXTC_DATA, Il.IL_TRUE);

            // create a temp buffer and write the stream into it
            byte[] buffer = new byte[input.Length];
            input.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);

            // load the data into DevIL
            Il.ilLoadL(this.ILType, buffer, buffer.Length);

            // check for an error
            int ilError = Il.ilGetError();

            if (ilError != Il.IL_NO_ERROR)
                throw new AxiomException("Error while decoding image data: '{0}'", Ilu.iluErrorString(ilError));

            format    = Il.ilGetInteger(Il.IL_IMAGE_FORMAT);
            imageType = Il.ilGetInteger(Il.IL_IMAGE_TYPE);
            //bytesPerPixel = Math.Max(Il.ilGetInteger(Il.IL_IMAGE_BPC),
            //                         Il.ilGetInteger(Il.IL_IMAGE_BYTES_PER_PIXEL));

            // Convert image if ImageType is incompatible with us (double or long)
            if (imageType != Il.IL_BYTE && imageType != Il.IL_UNSIGNED_BYTE &&
                imageType != Il.IL_FLOAT &&
                imageType != Il.IL_UNSIGNED_SHORT && imageType != Il.IL_SHORT)
                Il.ilConvertImage(format, Il.IL_FLOAT);
                imageType = Il.IL_FLOAT;
            // Converted paletted images
            if (format == Il.IL_COLOUR_INDEX)
                Il.ilConvertImage(Il.IL_BGRA, Il.IL_UNSIGNED_BYTE);
                format    = Il.IL_BGRA;
                imageType = Il.IL_UNSIGNED_BYTE;

            bytesPerPixel = Il.ilGetInteger(Il.IL_IMAGE_BYTES_PER_PIXEL);

            // populate the image data
            data.format     = ILUtil.ConvertFromILFormat(format, imageType);
            data.width      = Il.ilGetInteger(Il.IL_IMAGE_WIDTH);
            data.height     = Il.ilGetInteger(Il.IL_IMAGE_HEIGHT);
            data.depth      = Il.ilGetInteger(Il.IL_IMAGE_DEPTH);
            data.numMipMaps = Il.ilGetInteger(Il.IL_NUM_MIPMAPS);
            data.flags      = 0;

            if (data.format == PixelFormat.Unknown)
                Il.ilDeleteImages(1, ref imageID);
                throw new AxiomException("Unsupported DevIL format: ImageFormat = {0:x} ImageType = {1:x}", format, imageType);

            // Check for cubemap
            // int cubeflags = Il.ilGetInteger(Il.IL_IMAGE_CUBEFLAGS);
            int numFaces = Il.ilGetInteger(Il.IL_NUM_IMAGES) + 1;

            if (numFaces == 6)
                data.flags |= ImageFlags.CubeMap;
                numFaces = 1; // Support only 1 or 6 face images for now
            // Keep DXT data (if present at all and the GPU supports it)
            int dxtFormat = Il.ilGetInteger(Il.IL_DXTC_DATA_FORMAT);

            if (dxtFormat != Il.IL_DXT_NO_COMP &&
                data.format = ILUtil.ConvertFromILFormat(dxtFormat, imageType);
                data.flags |= ImageFlags.Compressed;

                // Validate that this devil version saves DXT mipmaps
                if (data.numMipMaps > 0)
                    if (Il.ilGetInteger(Il.IL_DXTC_DATA_FORMAT) != dxtFormat)
                        data.numMipMaps = 0;
                        LogManager.Instance.Write("Warning: Custom mipmaps for compressed image were ignored because they are not loaded by this DevIL version");

            // Calculate total size from number of mipmaps, faces and size
            data.size = Image.CalculateSize(data.numMipMaps, numFaces,
                                            data.width, data.height,
                                            data.depth, data.format);

            // set up buffer for the decoded data
            buffer = new byte[data.size];
            // Pin the buffer, so we can use our PixelBox methods on it
            GCHandle bufGCHandle = new GCHandle();

            bufGCHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(buffer, GCHandleType.Pinned);
            IntPtr bufPtr = bufGCHandle.AddrOfPinnedObject();

            int offset = 0;

            // Dimensions of current mipmap
            int width  = data.width;
            int height = data.height;
            int depth  = data.depth;

            // Transfer data
            for (int mip = 0; mip <= data.numMipMaps; ++mip)
                for (int i = 0; i < numFaces; ++i)
                    if (numFaces > 1)
                    if (data.numMipMaps > 0)
                    /// Size of this face
                    int imageSize = PixelUtil.GetMemorySize(width, height, depth, data.format);
                    if ((data.flags & ImageFlags.Compressed) != 0)
                        // Compare DXT size returned by DevIL with our idea of the compressed size
                        if (imageSize == Il.ilGetDXTCData(IntPtr.Zero, 0, dxtFormat))
                            // Retrieve data from DevIL
                            byte[] tmpBuffer = new byte[imageSize];
                            Il.ilGetDXTCData(tmpBuffer, imageSize, dxtFormat);
                            // Copy the data into our output buffer
                            Array.Copy(tmpBuffer, 0, buffer, offset, tmpBuffer.Length);
                            LogManager.Instance.Write("Warning: compressed image size mismatch, devilsize={0} oursize={1}",
                                                      Il.ilGetDXTCData(IntPtr.Zero, 0, dxtFormat), imageSize);
                        /// Retrieve data from DevIL
                        PixelBox dst = new PixelBox(width, height, depth, data.format, bufPtr);
                        dst.Offset = offset;
                    offset += imageSize;

                /// Next mip
                if (width != 1)
                    width /= 2;
                if (height != 1)
                    height /= 2;
                if (depth != 1)
                    depth /= 2;

            // Restore IL state

            // we won't be needing this anymore
            Il.ilDeleteImages(1, ref imageID);

            output.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);

            // Free the buffer we allocated for the conversion.
            // I used bufPtr to store my data while I converted it.
            // I need to free it here.  This invalidates bufPtr.
            // My data has already been copied to output.
            if (bufGCHandle.IsAllocated)
