Ejemplo n.º 1
		public override Stream OpenResource( string resourceName, string groupName, bool searchGroupsIfNotFound, Resource resourceBeingLoaded )
			var extension = Path.GetExtension( resourceName ).Substring( 1 );
			if ( extension == "xnb" )
				return base.OpenResource( resourceName, groupName, searchGroupsIfNotFound, resourceBeingLoaded );

			if ( Root.Instance.RenderSystem.ConfigOptions[ "Use Content Pipeline" ].Value == "Yes" )
				if ( CodecManager.Instance.GetCodec( extension ).GetType().Name != "NullCodec" )
					var acm = new AxiomContentManager( (XnaRenderSystem)Root.Instance.RenderSystem, "" );
					var texture = acm.Load<WriteableBitmap>(resourceName);
					var texture = acm.Load<Texture2D>( resourceName );
					return new XnaImageCodecStream( texture );
				return base.OpenResource( resourceName, groupName, searchGroupsIfNotFound, resourceBeingLoaded );

			return base.OpenResource( resourceName, groupName, searchGroupsIfNotFound, resourceBeingLoaded );
Ejemplo n.º 2
		public void LoadResource( Resource resource )
			Mesh mesh = (Mesh)resource;

			bool prefab = PrefabFactory.Create( mesh );

			if ( !prefab )
				MeshBuildParams mbp = _meshBuildParams[ mesh ];
				_loadManual( mesh, mbp );
 public override void Load(Resource resource, int priority)
     base.Load (resource, priority);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private string ResolveCgIncludes(string inSource, Resource resourceBeingLoaded, string fileName)
            var outSource = "";
            var startMarker = 0;
            var i = inSource.IndexOf( "#include" );
            while ( i != -1 )
                var includePos = i;
                var afterIncludePos = includePos + 8;
                var newLineBefore = inSource.LastIndexOf( "\n", 0, includePos );

                // check we're not in a comment
                var lineCommentIt = inSource.LastIndexOf( "//", 0, includePos );
                if ( lineCommentIt != -1 )
                    if ( newLineBefore == -1 || lineCommentIt > newLineBefore )
                        // commented
                        i = inSource.IndexOf( "#include", afterIncludePos );


                var blockCommentIt = inSource.LastIndexOf( "/*", 0, includePos );
                if ( blockCommentIt != -1 )
                    var closeCommentIt = inSource.LastIndexOf( "*/", 0, includePos );
                    if ( closeCommentIt == -1 || closeCommentIt < blockCommentIt )
                        // commented
                        i = inSource.IndexOf( "#include", afterIncludePos );


                // find following newline (or EOF)
                var newLineAfter = inSource.IndexOf( "\n", afterIncludePos );
                // find include file string container
                var endDelimeter = "\"";
                var startIt = inSource.IndexOf( "\"", afterIncludePos );
                if ( startIt == -1 || startIt > newLineAfter )
                    // try <>
                    startIt = inSource.IndexOf( "<", afterIncludePos );
                    if ( startIt == -1 || startIt > newLineAfter )
                        throw new AxiomException( "Badly formed #include directive (expected \" or <) in file "
                                                  + fileName + ": " +
                                                  inSource.Substring( includePos, newLineAfter - includePos ) );
                        endDelimeter = ">";
                var endIt = inSource.IndexOf( endDelimeter, startIt + 1 );
                if ( endIt == -1 || endIt <= startIt )
                    throw new AxiomException( "Badly formed #include directive (expected " + endDelimeter + ") in file "
                                              + fileName + ": " +
                                              inSource.Substring( includePos, newLineAfter - includePos ) );

                // extract filename
                var filename = inSource.Substring( startIt + 1, endIt - startIt - 1 );

                // open included file
                var resource = ResourceGroupManager.Instance.OpenResource( filename, resourceBeingLoaded.Group, true,
                                                                           resourceBeingLoaded );

                // replace entire include directive line
                // copy up to just before include
                if ( newLineBefore != -1 && newLineBefore >= startMarker )
                    outSource += inSource.Substring( startMarker, newLineBefore - startMarker + 1 );

                var lineCount = 0;
                var lineCountPos = 0;

                // Count the line number of #include statement
                lineCountPos = outSource.IndexOf( '\n' );
                while ( lineCountPos != -1 )
                    lineCountPos = outSource.IndexOf( '\n', lineCountPos + 1 );

                // Add #line to the start of the included file to correct the line count
                outSource += ( "#line 1 \"" + filename + "\"\n" );

                outSource += ( resource.AsString() );

                // Add #line to the end of the included file to correct the line count
                outSource += ( "\n#line " + lineCount +
                               "\"" + fileName + "\"\n" );

                startMarker = newLineAfter;

                if ( startMarker != -1 )
                    i = inSource.IndexOf( "#include", startMarker );
                    i = -1;

            // copy any remaining characters
            outSource += ( inSource.Substring( startMarker ) );

            return outSource;
Ejemplo n.º 5
		/// <summary>
		/// Add a newly created resource to the manager
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="res"></param>
		protected virtual void _add( Resource res )
			if ( !this._resourceHandleMap.ContainsKey( res.Handle ) )
				this._resourceHandleMap.Add( res.Handle, res );
				throw new AxiomException( String.Format( "Resource '{0}' with the handle {1} already exists.", res.Name, res.Handle ) );
Ejemplo n.º 6
		public virtual void NotifyResourceTouched( Resource res )
			// TODO
Ejemplo n.º 7
		/// <summary>
		///		Unloads a Resource from the managed resources list, calling it's Unload() method.
		/// </summary>
		/// <remarks>
		///		This method removes a resource from the list maintained by this manager, and unloads it from
		///		memory. It does NOT destroy the resource itself, although the memory used by it will be largely
		///		freed up. This would allow you to reload the resource again if you wished.
		/// </remarks>
		/// <param name="resource"></param>
		public virtual void Unload( Resource resource )
			// unload the resource

			// remove the resource
			this._resources.Remove( resource.Name );

			// update memory usage
			this._memoryUsage -= resource.Size;
Ejemplo n.º 8
		public void PreparingComplete( Resource res )
Ejemplo n.º 9
		/// <see cref="IManualResourceLoader.LoadResource"/>
		public void LoadResource( Resource resource )
			var mesh = (Mesh)resource;

			// attempt to create a prefab mesh
			var prefab = PrefabFactory.Create( mesh );

			// the mesh was not a prefab..
			if ( !prefab )
				// Find build parameters
				if ( !this._meshBuildParams.ContainsKey( mesh ) )
					throw new AxiomException( "Cannot find build parameters for {0}", mesh.Name );

				var parameters = this._meshBuildParams[ mesh ];

				switch ( parameters.Type )
					case MeshBuildType.Plane:
						//loadManualPlane(msh, parameters);

					case MeshBuildType.CurvedIllusionPlane:
						//loadManualCurvedIllusionPlane(msh, parameters);

					case MeshBuildType.CurvedPlane:
						//loadManualCurvedPlane(msh, parameters);

						throw new AxiomException( "Unknown build parameters for {0}", mesh.Name );

				_loadManual( mesh, parameters );
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public virtual void NotifyResourceTouched(Resource res)
     // TODO
Ejemplo n.º 11
 /// <overloads>
 /// <summary>
 /// Remove a single resource.
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks>
 /// Removes a single resource, meaning it will be removed from the list
 /// of valid resources in this manager, also causing it to be unloaded.
 /// <para/>
 /// The word 'Destroy' is not used here, since
 /// if any other pointers are referring to this resource, it will persist
 /// until they have finished with it; however to all intents and purposes
 /// it no longer exists and will likely get destroyed imminently.
 /// <para/>
 /// If you do have references to resources hanging around after the
 /// ResourceManager is destroyed, you may get problems on destruction of
 /// these resources if they were relying on the manager (especially if
 /// it is a plugin). If you find you get problems on shutdown in the
 /// destruction of resources, try making sure you release all your
 /// references before you shutdown OGRE.
 /// </remarks>
 /// </overloads>
 /// <param name="resource">The resource to remove</param>
 public virtual void Remove(Resource resource)
Ejemplo n.º 12
		/// <summary>Notify this manager that a resource which it manages has been unloaded.</summary>
		/// <param name="res">the resource</param>
		public virtual void NotifyResourceUnloaded( Resource res )
			_memoryUsage -= res.Size;
Ejemplo n.º 13
 public void LoadResource( Resource resource )
Ejemplo n.º 14
		protected bool resourceCollision( Resource resource, ResourceManager resourceManager )
			return false;
Ejemplo n.º 15
		protected Stream resourceLoading( string name, string group, Resource resource )
			return new MemoryStream();
Ejemplo n.º 16
		public void LoadingComplete( Resource res )
			// Need to re-create parameters
			if ( this.recreateParams )
Ejemplo n.º 17
		/// <summary>
		/// This event is fired when a declared resource is about to be loaded. 
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="resource">Weak reference to the resource loaded</param>
		public void ResourceLoadStarted( Resource resource )
			this.LoadBar.Comment = resource.Name;
			// allow OS events to process (if the platform requires it
			if ( WindowEventMonitor.Instance.MessagePump != null )
Ejemplo n.º 18
		public void UnloadingComplete( Resource res )
			this.recreateParams = true;
Ejemplo n.º 19
		/// <summary>
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="resource"></param>
		public void ResourcePrepareStarted( Resource resource )
Ejemplo n.º 20
		/// <overloads>
		/// <summary>
		/// Remove a single resource.
		/// </summary>
		/// <remarks>
		/// Removes a single resource, meaning it will be removed from the list
		/// of valid resources in this manager, also causing it to be unloaded.
		/// <para/>
		/// The word 'Destroy' is not used here, since
		/// if any other pointers are referring to this resource, it will persist
		/// until they have finished with it; however to all intents and purposes
		/// it no longer exists and will likely get destroyed imminently.
		/// <para/>
		/// If you do have references to resources hanging around after the
		/// ResourceManager is destroyed, you may get problems on destruction of
		/// these resources if they were relying on the manager (especially if
		/// it is a plugin). If you find you get problems on shutdown in the
		/// destruction of resources, try making sure you release all your
		/// references before you shutdown OGRE.
		/// </remarks>
		/// </overloads>
		/// <param name="resource">The resource to remove</param>
		public virtual void Remove( Resource resource )
			_remove( resource );
Ejemplo n.º 21
		public static void DoImageIO( string name, string group, string ext, ref List<Image> images, Resource r )
			int imgIdx = images.Count;
			images.Add( new Image() );

			var dstream = ResourceGroupManager.Instance.OpenResource( name, group, true, r );

			images[ imgIdx ] = Image.FromStream( dstream, ext );

			int w = 0, h = 0;

			//Scale to nearest power 2
			w = GLES2PixelUtil.OptionalPO2( images[ imgIdx ].Width );
			h = GLES2PixelUtil.OptionalPO2( images[ imgIdx ].Height );
			if ( ( images[ imgIdx ].Width != w ) || ( images[ imgIdx ].Height != h ) )
				images[ imgIdx ].Resize( w, h );
Ejemplo n.º 22
		public virtual void NotifyResourceUnloaded( Resource res )
			lock ( _autoMutex )
				this._memoryUsage -= res.Size;
        /// <summary>
        ///		Add a resource to this manager; normally only done by subclasses.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="resource">Resource to add.</param>
        public virtual void Add(Resource resource)
            resource.Handle = GetNextHandle();

            // note: just overwriting existing for now
            resourceList[resource.Name] = resource;
            resourceHandleMap[resource.Handle] = resource;
Ejemplo n.º 24
		/// <summary>
		/// Remove a resource from this manager; remove it from the lists.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="res"></param>
		protected virtual void _remove( Resource res )
			if ( this._resources.ContainsKey( res.Name ) )
				this._resources.Remove( res.Name );

			if ( this._resourceHandleMap.ContainsKey( res.Handle ) )
				this._resourceHandleMap.Remove( res.Handle );

			ResourceGroupManager.Instance.notifyResourceRemoved( res );
        /// <summary>
        ///		Loads a resource.  Resource will be subclasses of Resource.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="resource">Resource to load.</param>
        /// <param name="priority"></param>
        public virtual void Load(Resource resource, int priority)
            // load and touch the resource

            // cache the resource
Ejemplo n.º 26
		public void LoadResource( Resource resource )
			// TODO : Revisit after checking current Imaging support in Mono.
#if !( XBOX || XBOX360 || ANDROID || IPHONE)
			string current = Environment.CurrentDirectory;

			IntPtr ftLibrary = IntPtr.Zero;
			if ( FT.FT_Init_FreeType( out ftLibrary ) != 0 )
				throw new AxiomException( "Could not init FreeType library!" );

			IntPtr face = IntPtr.Zero;
			int char_space = 5;

			Stream fileStream = ResourceGroupManager.Instance.OpenResource( Source, Group );

			byte[] data = new byte[ fileStream.Length ];
			fileStream.Read( data, 0, data.Length );
			//Load font
			int success = FT.FT_New_Memory_Face( ftLibrary, data, data.Length, 0, out face );
			if ( success != 0 )
				throw new AxiomException( "Could not open font face!" );

			// Convert our point size to freetype 26.6 fixed point format
			int ttfSize = _ttfSize * ( 1 << 6 );

			success = FT.FT_Set_Char_Size( face, ttfSize, 0, (uint)_ttfResolution, (uint)_ttfResolution );
			if ( success != 0 )
					throw new AxiomException( "Could not set char size!" );
			int max_height = 0, max_width = 0;
			List<KeyValuePair<int, int>> codePointRange = new List<KeyValuePair<int, int>>();
			// Backwards compatibility - if codepoints not supplied, assume 33-166
			if ( codePointRange.Count == 0 )
				codePointRange.Add( new KeyValuePair<int, int>( 33, 166 ) );

			int glyphCount = 0;
			foreach ( KeyValuePair<int, int> r in codePointRange )
				KeyValuePair<int, int> range = r;
				for ( int cp = range.Key; cp <= range.Value; ++cp, ++glyphCount )
					FT.FT_Load_Char( face, (uint)cp, 4 ); //4 == FT_LOAD_RENDER
					FT_FaceRec rec = (FT_FaceRec)Marshal.PtrToStructure( face, typeof( FT_FaceRec ) );
					FT_GlyphSlotRec glyp = (FT_GlyphSlotRec)Marshal.PtrToStructure( rec.glyph, typeof( FT_GlyphSlotRec ) );
					if ( ( 2 * ( glyp.bitmap.rows << 6 ) - glyp.metrics.horiBearingY ) > max_height )
						max_height = ( 2 * ( glyp.bitmap.rows << 6 ) - glyp.metrics.horiBearingY );
					if ( glyp.metrics.horiBearingY > maxBearingY )
						maxBearingY = glyp.metrics.horiBearingY;

					if ( ( glyp.advance.x >> 6 ) + ( glyp.metrics.horiBearingX >> 6 ) > max_width )
						max_width = ( glyp.advance.x >> 6 ) + ( glyp.metrics.horiBearingX >> 6 );


			// Now work out how big our texture needs to be
			int rawSize = ( max_width + char_space ) *
				( ( max_height >> 6 ) + char_space ) * glyphCount;

			int tex_side = (int)System.Math.Sqrt( (Real)rawSize );

			// just in case the size might chop a glyph in half, add another glyph width/height
			tex_side += System.Math.Max( max_width, ( max_height >> 6 ) );
			// Now round up to nearest power of two
			int roundUpSize = (int)Bitwise.FirstPO2From( (uint)tex_side );
			// Would we benefit from using a non-square texture (2X width(
			int finalWidth = 0, finalHeight = 0;
			if ( roundUpSize * roundUpSize * 0.5 >= rawSize )
				finalHeight = (int)( roundUpSize * 0.5 );
				finalHeight = roundUpSize;
			finalWidth = roundUpSize;

			Real textureAspec = (Real)finalWidth / (Real)finalHeight;
			int pixelBytes = 2;
			int dataWidth = finalWidth * pixelBytes;
			int data_size = finalWidth * finalHeight * pixelBytes;

			LogManager.Instance.Write( "Font " + _name + " using texture size " + finalWidth.ToString() + "x" + finalHeight.ToString() );

			byte[] imageData = new byte[ data_size ];
			for ( int i = 0; i < data_size; i += pixelBytes )
				imageData[ i + 0 ] = 0xff;// luminance
				imageData[ i + 1 ] = 0x00;// alpha

			int l = 0, m = 0;
			foreach ( KeyValuePair<int, int> r in codePointRange )
				KeyValuePair<int, int> range = r;
				for ( int cp = range.Key; cp <= range.Value; ++cp )
					int result = FT.FT_Load_Char( face, (uint)cp, 4 );//4 == FT_LOAD_RENDER
					if ( result != 0 )
						// problem loading this glyph, continue
						LogManager.Instance.Write( "Info: cannot load character '" + char.ConvertFromUtf32( cp ) + "' in font " + _name + "." );

					FT_FaceRec rec = (FT_FaceRec)Marshal.PtrToStructure( face, typeof( FT_FaceRec ) );
					FT_GlyphSlotRec glyp = (FT_GlyphSlotRec)Marshal.PtrToStructure( rec.glyph, typeof( FT_GlyphSlotRec ) );
					int advance = glyp.advance.x >> 6;
						if ( glyp.bitmap.buffer == IntPtr.Zero )
							LogManager.Instance.Write( "Info: Freetype returned null for character '" + char.ConvertFromUtf32( cp ) + "' in font " + _name + "." );
						byte* buffer = (byte*)glyp.bitmap.buffer;
						byte* imageDataPtr = (byte*)Memory.PinObject( imageData );
						int y_bearing = ( ( maxBearingY >> 6 ) - ( glyp.metrics.horiBearingY >> 6 ) );
						int x_bearing = glyp.metrics.horiBearingX >> 6;

						for ( int j = 0; j < glyp.bitmap.rows; j++ )
							int row = j + m + y_bearing;
							byte* pDest = &imageDataPtr[ ( row * dataWidth ) + ( l + x_bearing ) * pixelBytes ];
							for ( int k = 0; k < glyp.bitmap.width; k++ )
								if ( AntialiasColor )
									// Use the same greyscale pixel for all components RGBA
									*pDest++ = *buffer;
									// Always white whether 'on' or 'off' pixel, since alpha
									// will turn off
									*pDest++ = (byte)0xFF;
								// Always use the greyscale value for alpha
								*pDest++ = *buffer++;
							}//end k
						}//end j
						this.SetGlyphTexCoords( (uint)cp, (Real)l / (Real)finalWidth,//u1
							(Real)m / (Real)finalHeight,//v1
							(Real)( l + ( glyp.advance.x >> 6 ) ) / (Real)finalWidth, //u2
							( m + ( max_height >> 6 ) ) / (Real)finalHeight, textureAspec ); //v2
						//    textureAspec );
						//SetGlyphTexCoords( c, u1, v1, u2, v2 );
						//Glyphs.Add( new KeyValuePair<CodePoint, GlyphInfo>( (uint)cp,
						//    new GlyphInfo( (uint)cp,
						//        new UVRect(
						//            (Real)l / (Real)finalWidth,//u1
						//    (Real)m / (Real)finalHeight,//v1
						//    (Real)( l + ( glyp.advance.x >> 6 ) ) / (Real)finalWidth, //u2
						//    ( m + ( max_height >> 6 ) ) / (Real)finalHeight //v2
						//    ), textureAspec ) ) );

						// Advance a column
						l += ( advance + char_space );

						// If at end of row
						if ( finalWidth - 1 < l + ( advance ) )
							m += ( max_height >> 6 ) + char_space;
							l = 0;
			}//end foreach

			MemoryStream memStream = new MemoryStream( imageData );
			Image img = Image.FromRawStream( memStream, finalWidth, finalHeight, PixelFormat.BYTE_LA );

			Texture tex = (Texture)resource;
			Image[] images = new Image[ 1 ];
			images[ 0 ] = img;
			tex.LoadImages( images );
			FT.FT_Done_FreeType( ftLibrary );

            //img.Save( "C:\\" + Name + ".png" );
            //FileStream file = new FileStream( "C:\\" + Name + ".fontdef", FileMode.Create );
            //StreamWriter str = new StreamWriter( file );
            //str.WriteLine( Name );
            //str.WriteLine( "{" );
            //str.WriteLine( "\ttype\timage" );
            //str.WriteLine( "\tsource\t{0}.png\n", Name );

            //for ( uint i = 0; i < (uint)( END_CHAR - START_CHAR ); i++ )
            //    char c = (char)( i + START_CHAR );
            //    str.WriteLine( "\tglyph\t{0}\t{1:F6}\t{2:F6}\t{3:F6}\t{4:F6}", c, Glyphs[ c ].uvRect.Top, Glyphs[ c ].uvRect.Left, Glyphs[ c ].uvRect.Bottom, Glyphs[ c ].uvRect.Right );
            //str.WriteLine( "}" );

Ejemplo n.º 27
		/// <summary>
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="name"></param>
		/// <param name="group"></param>
		/// <param name="ext"></param>
		/// <param name="images"></param>
		/// <param name="r"></param>
		public static void DoImageIO( string name, string group, string ext, ref List<Image> images, Resource r )
			int imgIdx = images.Count;
			images.Add( new Image() );

			Stream stream = ResourceGroupManager.Instance.OpenResource( name, group, true, r );

			images[ imgIdx ] = Image.FromStream( stream, ext );
Ejemplo n.º 28
		public void LoadResource( Resource res )
			// TODO : Revisit after checking current Imaging support in Mono.
			var current = Environment.CurrentDirectory;

			var ftLibrary = IntPtr.Zero;
			if ( FT.FT_Init_FreeType( out ftLibrary ) != 0 )
				throw new AxiomException( "Could not init FreeType library!" );

			var face = IntPtr.Zero;
			// Add a gap between letters vert and horz
			// prevents nasty artefacts when letters are too close together
			var char_space = 5;

			// Locate ttf file, load it pre-buffered into memory by wrapping the
			// original DataStream in a MemoryDataStream
			var fileStream = ResourceGroupManager.Instance.OpenResource( Source, Group, true, this );

			var ttfchunk = new byte[fileStream.Length];
			fileStream.Read( ttfchunk, 0, ttfchunk.Length );

			//Load font
			if ( FT.FT_New_Memory_Face( ftLibrary, ttfchunk, ttfchunk.Length, 0, out face ) != 0 )
				throw new AxiomException( "Could not open font face!" );

			// Convert our point size to freetype 26.6 fixed point format
			var ftSize = this._ttfSize*( 1 << 6 );

			if ( FT.FT_Set_Char_Size( face, ftSize, 0, (uint)this._ttfResolution, (uint)this._ttfResolution ) != 0 )
				throw new AxiomException( "Could not set char size!" );

			int max_height = 0, max_width = 0;

			// Backwards compatibility - if codepoints not supplied, assume 33-166
			if ( this.codePointRange.Count == 0 )
				this.codePointRange.Add( new KeyValuePair<int, int>( 33, 166 ) );

			// Calculate maximum width, height and bearing
			var glyphCount = 0;
			foreach ( var r in this.codePointRange )
				var range = r;
				for ( var cp = range.Key; cp <= range.Value; ++cp, ++glyphCount )
					FT.FT_Load_Char( face, (uint)cp, 4 ); //4 == FT_LOAD_RENDER

					var rec = face.PtrToStructure<FT_FaceRec>();
					var glyp = rec.glyph.PtrToStructure<FT_GlyphSlotRec>();

					if ( ( 2*( glyp.bitmap.rows << 6 ) - glyp.metrics.horiBearingY ) > max_height )
						max_height = ( 2*( glyp.bitmap.rows << 6 ) - glyp.metrics.horiBearingY );
					if ( glyp.metrics.horiBearingY > this.maxBearingY )
						this.maxBearingY = glyp.metrics.horiBearingY;

					if ( ( glyp.advance.x >> 6 ) + ( glyp.metrics.horiBearingX >> 6 ) > max_width )
						max_width = ( glyp.advance.x >> 6 ) + ( glyp.metrics.horiBearingX >> 6 );

			// Now work out how big our texture needs to be
			var rawSize = ( max_width + char_space )*( ( max_height >> 6 ) + char_space )*glyphCount;

			var tex_side = (int)System.Math.Sqrt( (Real)rawSize );

			// just in case the size might chop a glyph in half, add another glyph width/height
			tex_side += System.Math.Max( max_width, ( max_height >> 6 ) );
			// Now round up to nearest power of two
			var roundUpSize = (int)Bitwise.FirstPO2From( (uint)tex_side );
			// Would we benefit from using a non-square texture (2X width)
			int finalWidth = 0, finalHeight = 0;

			if ( roundUpSize*roundUpSize*0.5 >= rawSize )
				finalHeight = (int)( roundUpSize*0.5 );
				finalHeight = roundUpSize;

			finalWidth = roundUpSize;

			var textureAspec = (Real)finalWidth/(Real)finalHeight;
			var pixelBytes = 2;
			var dataWidth = finalWidth*pixelBytes;
			var dataSize = finalWidth*finalHeight*pixelBytes;

			LogManager.Instance.Write( "Font {0} using texture size {1}x{2}", _name, finalWidth.ToString(),
			                           finalHeight.ToString() );

			var imageData = new byte[dataSize];
			// Reset content (White, transparent)
			for ( var i = 0; i < dataSize; i += pixelBytes )
				imageData[ i + 0 ] = 0xff; // luminance
				imageData[ i + 1 ] = 0x00; // alpha

			int l = 0, m = 0;
			foreach ( var r in this.codePointRange )
				var range = r;
				for ( var cp = range.Key; cp <= range.Value; ++cp )
					// Load & render glyph
					var ftResult = FT.FT_Load_Char( face, (uint)cp, 4 ); //4 == FT_LOAD_RENDER
					if ( ftResult != 0 )
						// problem loading this glyph, continue
						LogManager.Instance.Write( "Info: cannot load character '{0}' in font {1}.",
						                           char.ConvertFromUtf32( cp ),
						                           _name );


					var rec = face.PtrToStructure<FT_FaceRec>();
					var glyp = rec.glyph.PtrToStructure<FT_GlyphSlotRec>();
					var advance = glyp.advance.x >> 6;

					if ( glyp.bitmap.buffer == IntPtr.Zero )
						LogManager.Instance.Write( "Info: Freetype returned null for character '{0} in font {1}.",
						                           char.ConvertFromUtf32( cp ),
						                           _name );

						var buffer = BufferBase.Wrap( glyp.bitmap.buffer, glyp.bitmap.rows*glyp.bitmap.pitch );
						var bufferPtr = buffer.ToBytePointer();
						var idx = 0;
						var imageDataBuffer = BufferBase.Wrap( imageData );
						var imageDataPtr = imageDataBuffer.ToBytePointer();
						var y_bearing = ( ( this.maxBearingY >> 6 ) - ( glyp.metrics.horiBearingY >> 6 ) );
						var x_bearing = glyp.metrics.horiBearingX >> 6;

						for ( var j = 0; j < glyp.bitmap.rows; j++ )
							var row = j + m + y_bearing;
							var pDest = ( row*dataWidth ) + ( l + x_bearing )*pixelBytes;
							for ( var k = 0; k < glyp.bitmap.width; k++ )
								if ( AntialiasColor )
									// Use the same greyscale pixel for all components RGBA
									imageDataPtr[ pDest++ ] = bufferPtr[ idx ];
									// Always white whether 'on' or 'off' pixel, since alpha
									// will turn off
									imageDataPtr[ pDest++ ] = (byte)0xFF;
								// Always use the greyscale value for alpha
								imageDataPtr[ pDest++ ] = bufferPtr[ idx++ ];
							} //end k
						} //end j


						SetGlyphTexCoords( (uint)cp, (Real)l/(Real)finalWidth, //u1
						                   (Real)m/(Real)finalHeight, //v1
						                   (Real)( l + ( glyp.advance.x >> 6 ) )/(Real)finalWidth, //u2
						                   ( m + ( max_height >> 6 ) )/(Real)finalHeight, //v2
						                   textureAspec );

						// Advance a column
						l += ( advance + char_space );

						// If at end of row
						if ( finalWidth - 1 < l + ( advance ) )
							m += ( max_height >> 6 ) + char_space;
							l = 0;
			} //end foreach

			var memStream = new MemoryStream( imageData );
			var img = Image.FromRawStream( memStream, finalWidth, finalHeight, PixelFormat.BYTE_LA );

			var tex = (Texture)res;
			// Call internal _loadImages, not loadImage since that's external and 
			// will determine load status etc again, and this is a manual loader inside load()
			var images = new Image[1];
			images[ 0 ] = img;
			tex.LoadImages( images );
			FT.FT_Done_FreeType( ftLibrary );

			//img.Save( "C:" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + Name + ".png" );
			//FileStream file = new FileStream( "C:" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + Name + ".fontdef", FileMode.Create );
			//StreamWriter str = new StreamWriter( file );
			//str.WriteLine( Name );
			//str.WriteLine( "{" );
			//str.WriteLine( "\ttype\timage" );
			//str.WriteLine( "\tsource\t{0}.png\n", Name );

			//for ( uint i = 0; i < (uint)( END_CHAR - START_CHAR ); i++ )
			//    char c = (char)( i + START_CHAR );
			//    str.WriteLine( "\tglyph\t{0}\t{1:F6}\t{2:F6}\t{3:F6}\t{4:F6}", c, Glyphs[ c ].uvRect.Top, Glyphs[ c ].uvRect.Left, Glyphs[ c ].uvRect.Bottom, Glyphs[ c ].uvRect.Right );
			//str.WriteLine( "}" );
Ejemplo n.º 29
		public void BackgroundLoadingComplete( Resource res )
Ejemplo n.º 30
		public HLSLIncludeHandler( Resource sourceProgram )
			this.program = sourceProgram;
Ejemplo n.º 31
		public void ResourceLoadStarted( Resource resource )
			mLoadingDescriptionElement.Text = resource.Name;