/// <include file='Avalara.AvaTax.Adapter.Doc.xml' path='adapter/common/members[@name="Constructor"]/*' />
        public BaseSvc()
            //this should be done first upon entering the assembly; expected that AddressSvc and TaxSvc will be
            //    the only instantiated classes and therefore its safe to do this here.

            _avaLog = AvaLogger.GetLogger();
            _avaLog.Debug(string.Format("Instantiating BaseSvc: {0}", _uniqueId));

            string configFileName = Utilities.ConfigFileName();

            if (configFileName != null && configFileName != "")
                _config = (ServiceConfig)XmlSerializerSectionHandler.CreateFromXmlFile(configFileName, "ServiceConfig");
            if (_config == null)
                //no config file or an invalid config file was found.
                //let's create a default one in case the consumer wants to fill in all fields manually
                _config = new ServiceConfig();
        internal object InvokeService(Type typeOfProxy, string methodName, object[] arg)
            Object      obj         = null;
            Transaction transaction = null;

                MethodInfo method = typeOfProxy.GetMethod(methodName);
                if (method == null)
                    string msg = string.Format("Method '{0}' does not exist in type '{1}'.", methodName, typeOfProxy.ToString());
                    throw new ApplicationException(msg);
                string service = typeOfProxy.Name.Substring(5);

                //set Url, Security Token, etc immediately prior to the service call

                _avaLog.Debug("Copying Profile into proxy object");
                FieldInfo field = typeOfProxy.GetField("ProfileValue");

                _avaLog.Debug("Copying Security into proxy object");
                FieldInfo fieldSecurity = typeOfProxy.GetField("Security");

                // BeginTransaction to log transaction details
                transaction = BeginTransaction(Profile.Machine, service, methodName);

                _avaLog.Debug(string.Format("Proxy.{0}", methodName));

                Perf monitor = new Perf();
                obj = method.Invoke(_svcProxy, arg);

                if (transaction != null)
                    transaction.ClientDuration = monitor.ElapsedSeconds() * 1000;//monitor.Milliseconds;
                _avaLog.Debug(string.Format("{0} (proxy method): {1}", methodName, monitor.ElapsedSeconds() * 1000));
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (transaction != null)
                    transaction.SeverityLevelId = (byte)SeverityLevel.Exception;
                    transaction.ErrorMessage    = ex.Message;
                throw ex;
                EndTransaction((ProxyBaseResult)obj, transaction);