/// <summary>
        /// Initializes the MessageBoxPhase. Sets its bounds and creates its buttons.
        /// </summary>
        protected internal override void Initialize(Game game)
            Root.ReturnedMessageBoxResult = MessageBoxResult.Awaiting;

            // Total width and height and X and Y
            Rectangle bounds = Primitives.GetMultiLineTextBounds(Text, new Rectangle(0, 0, 700, 400), FontFamily.Normal);

            Height   = bounds.Height + 106;
            Width    = bounds.Width + 65;
            TopLeftX = Root.ScreenWidth / 2 - Width / 2;
            TopLeftY = Root.ScreenHeight / 2 - Height / 2;

            // Arranging buttons
            int  numbuttons     = 0;
            bool doOKButton     = false;
            bool doYesButton    = false;
            bool doNoButton     = false;
            bool doCancelButton = false;

            if (ButtonsType == MessageBoxButtons.OK)
                numbuttons = 1; doOKButton = true;
            if (ButtonsType == MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel)
                numbuttons = 2; doOKButton = true; doCancelButton = true;
            if (ButtonsType == MessageBoxButtons.YesNo)
                numbuttons = 2; doYesButton = true; doNoButton = true;
            if (ButtonsType == MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel)
                numbuttons = 3; doYesButton = true; doNoButton = true; doCancelButton = true;
            const int buttonwidth = 140;
            const int buttonspace = 20;

            if (Width < numbuttons * (buttonwidth + buttonspace) + 100)
                Width = numbuttons * (buttonwidth + buttonspace) + 100;
            const int buttonheight = 40;
            int       buttony      = TopLeftY + Height - 10 - buttonheight;
            int       x            = TopLeftX + Width / 2 - (((buttonwidth + buttonspace) * (numbuttons)) - buttonspace) / 2;

            if (doOKButton)
                Button b = new Button("OK", new Rectangle(x, buttony, buttonwidth, buttonheight));
                b.Click += button_Click;
                x += buttonwidth + buttonspace;
            if (doYesButton)
                Button b = new Button("Yes", new Rectangle(x, buttony, buttonwidth, buttonheight));
                b.Click += button_Click;
                x += buttonwidth + buttonspace;
            if (doNoButton)
                Button b = new Button("No", new Rectangle(x, buttony, buttonwidth, buttonheight));
                b.Click += button_Click;
                x += buttonwidth + buttonspace;
            if (doCancelButton)
                Button b = new Button("Cancel", new Rectangle(x, buttony, buttonwidth, buttonheight));
                b.Click += button_Click;
        /// <summary>
        /// Draws the video player.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sb">Spritebatch to use.</param>
        /// <param name="rect">Rectangle to fill.</param>
        /// <param name="alreadyFullscreen">Is the video player part of the FullscreenVideoGamePhase?</param>
        public void Draw(SpriteBatch sb, Rectangle rect, bool alreadyFullscreen = false)
            mouseOverFullscreenButton = false;
            mouseOverPlayPauseButton  = false;
            mouseOverStopButton       = false;
            mouseOverThisElement      = false;
            if (State == MediaState.Playing || State == MediaState.Paused)
                Texture2D tex = this.GetTexture();
                if (tex != null)
                    Primitives.DrawImage(tex, rect, Color.White, scale: PerformScaling, scaleUp: false, scaleBgColor: Color.Black);
                    Primitives.FillRectangle(rect, Color.DarkGreen);
                if (stoppedTexture != null)
                    Primitives.DrawImage(stoppedTexture, rect, Color.White, scale: PerformScaling, scaleUp: false, scaleBgColor: Color.Black);
                    Primitives.FillRectangle(rect, Color.Black);
            if (Root.IsMouseOver(rect))
                mouseOverThisElement = true;
                Color     clrSemitransparent = Color.FromNonPremultiplied(255, 255, 255, 150);
                Rectangle rectBottom         = new Rectangle(rect.X, rect.Bottom - 5, rect.Width, 5);
                Primitives.FillRectangle(rectBottom, Color.Gray);
                double percent = videoPlayer.PlayPosition.TotalSeconds / videoPlayer.Video.Duration.TotalSeconds;
                Primitives.FillRectangle(new Rectangle(rectBottom.X, rectBottom.Y, (int)(rectBottom.Width * percent), rectBottom.Height), Color.White);
                const int ICONSIZE       = 30;
                Rectangle rectPlayPause  = new Rectangle(rectBottom.X + 1, rectBottom.Bottom - 1 - ICONSIZE, ICONSIZE, ICONSIZE);
                Rectangle rectStop       = new Rectangle(rectBottom.X + ICONSIZE + 1, rectBottom.Bottom - 1 - ICONSIZE, ICONSIZE, ICONSIZE);
                Rectangle rectFullscreen = new Rectangle(rectBottom.Right - ICONSIZE - 1, rectBottom.Bottom - 1 - ICONSIZE, ICONSIZE, ICONSIZE);
                if (hasPlayPauseButton)
                    Texture2D icon = videoPlayer.State == MediaState.Playing ? Library.IconPause : Library.IconPlay;
                    mouseOverPlayPauseButton = Root.IsMouseOver(rectPlayPause);
                    sb.Draw(icon, rectPlayPause, mouseOverPlayPauseButton ? Color.White : clrSemitransparent);
                    if (State == MediaState.Playing || State == MediaState.Paused)
                        mouseOverStopButton = Root.IsMouseOver(rectStop);
                        sb.Draw(Library.IconStop, rectStop, mouseOverStopButton ? Color.White : clrSemitransparent);
                if (hasExtendToFullscreenButton && !alreadyFullscreen)
                    mouseOverFullscreenButton = Root.IsMouseOver(rectFullscreen);
                    sb.Draw(Library.IconFullscreen, rectFullscreen, mouseOverFullscreenButton ? Color.White : clrSemitransparent);

                if (onClickPlayPause)
                    sb.Draw(videoPlayer.State == MediaState.Playing ? Library.IconPause : Library.IconPlay, new Rectangle(rect.X + rect.Width / 2 - 30, rect.Y + rect.Height / 2 - 30, 60, 60), clrSemitransparent);
                if (onClickExtendToFullscreen && !alreadyFullscreen)
                    sb.Draw(Library.IconFullscreen, new Rectangle(rect.X + rect.Width / 2 - 30, rect.Y + rect.Height / 2 - 30, 60, 60), clrSemitransparent);