Ejemplo n.º 1
		/// <summary>
		/// Builds all the nodes in the graph
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="Job">Information about the current job</param>
		/// <param name="Graph">The graph instance</param>
		/// <param name="Storage">The temp storage backend which stores the shared state</param>
		/// <returns>True if everything built successfully</returns>
		bool BuildAllNodes(JobContext Job, Graph Graph, TempStorage Storage)
			// Build a flat list of nodes to execute, in order
			Node[] NodesToExecute = Graph.Agents.SelectMany(x => x.Nodes).ToArray();

			// Check the integrity of any local nodes that have been completed. It's common to run formal builds locally between regular development builds, so we may have 
			// stale local state. Rather than failing later, detect and clean them up now.
			HashSet<Node> CleanedNodes = new HashSet<Node>();
			foreach(Node NodeToExecute in NodesToExecute)
				if(NodeToExecute.InputDependencies.Any(x => CleanedNodes.Contains(x)) || !Storage.CheckLocalIntegrity(NodeToExecute.Name, NodeToExecute.Outputs.Select(x => x.TagName)))

			// Execute them in order
			int NodeIdx = 0;
			foreach(Node NodeToExecute in NodesToExecute)
				Log("****** [{0}/{1}] {2}", ++NodeIdx, NodesToExecute.Length, NodeToExecute.Name);
					if(!BuildNode(Job, Graph, NodeToExecute, Storage, false))
						return false;
			return true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
		/// <summary>
		/// Build a node
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="Job">Information about the current job</param>
		/// <param name="Graph">The graph to which the node belongs. Used to determine which outputs need to be transferred to temp storage.</param>
		/// <param name="Node">The node to build</param>
		/// <param name="Storage">The temp storage backend which stores the shared state</param>
		/// <param name="bWithBanner">Whether to write a banner before and after this node's log output</param>
		/// <returns>True if the node built successfully, false otherwise.</returns>
		bool BuildNode(JobContext Job, Graph Graph, Node Node, TempStorage Storage, bool bWithBanner)
			DirectoryReference RootDir = new DirectoryReference(CommandUtils.CmdEnv.LocalRoot);

			// Create the mapping of tag names to file sets
			Dictionary<string, HashSet<FileReference>> TagNameToFileSet = new Dictionary<string,HashSet<FileReference>>();

			// Read all the input tags for this node, and build a list of referenced input storage blocks
			HashSet<TempStorageBlock> InputStorageBlocks = new HashSet<TempStorageBlock>();
			foreach(NodeOutput Input in Node.Inputs)
				TempStorageFileList FileList = Storage.ReadFileList(Input.ProducingNode.Name, Input.TagName);
				TagNameToFileSet[Input.TagName] = FileList.ToFileSet(RootDir);

			// Read all the input storage blocks, keeping track of which block each file came from
			Dictionary<FileReference, TempStorageBlock> FileToStorageBlock = new Dictionary<FileReference, TempStorageBlock>();
			foreach(TempStorageBlock InputStorageBlock in InputStorageBlocks)
				TempStorageManifest Manifest = Storage.Retreive(InputStorageBlock.NodeName, InputStorageBlock.OutputName);
				foreach(FileReference File in Manifest.Files.Select(x => x.ToFileReference(RootDir)))
					TempStorageBlock CurrentStorageBlock;
					if(FileToStorageBlock.TryGetValue(File, out CurrentStorageBlock))
						LogError("File '{0}' was produced by {1} and {2}", File, InputStorageBlock, CurrentStorageBlock);
					FileToStorageBlock[File] = InputStorageBlock;

			// Add placeholder outputs for the current node
			foreach(NodeOutput Output in Node.Outputs)
				TagNameToFileSet.Add(Output.TagName, new HashSet<FileReference>());

			// Execute the node
				CommandUtils.Log("========== Starting: {0} ==========", Node.Name);
			if(!Node.Build(Job, TagNameToFileSet))
				return false;
				CommandUtils.Log("========== Finished: {0} ==========", Node.Name);

			// Determine all the output files which are required to be copied to temp storage (because they're referenced by nodes in another agent)
			HashSet<FileReference> ReferencedOutputFiles = new HashSet<FileReference>();
			foreach(Agent Agent in Graph.Agents)
				bool bSameAgent = Agent.Nodes.Contains(Node);
				foreach(Node OtherNode in Agent.Nodes)
					if(!bSameAgent || Node.ControllingTrigger != OtherNode.ControllingTrigger)
						foreach(NodeOutput Input in OtherNode.Inputs.Where(x => x.ProducingNode == Node))

			// Find a block name for all new outputs
			Dictionary<FileReference, string> FileToOutputName = new Dictionary<FileReference, string>();
			foreach(NodeOutput Output in Node.Outputs)
				HashSet<FileReference> Files = TagNameToFileSet[Output.TagName]; 
				foreach(FileReference File in Files)
					if(!FileToStorageBlock.ContainsKey(File) && File.IsUnderDirectory(RootDir))
						if(Output == Node.DefaultOutput)
								FileToOutputName[File] = "";
							string OutputName;
							if(FileToOutputName.TryGetValue(File, out OutputName) && OutputName.Length > 0)
								FileToOutputName[File] = String.Format("{0}+{1}", OutputName, Output.TagName.Substring(1));
								FileToOutputName[File] = Output.TagName.Substring(1);

			// Invert the dictionary to make a mapping of storage block to the files each contains
			Dictionary<string, HashSet<FileReference>> OutputStorageBlockToFiles = new Dictionary<string, HashSet<FileReference>>();
			foreach(KeyValuePair<FileReference, string> Pair in FileToOutputName)
				HashSet<FileReference> Files;
				if(!OutputStorageBlockToFiles.TryGetValue(Pair.Value, out Files))
					Files = new HashSet<FileReference>();
					OutputStorageBlockToFiles.Add(Pair.Value, Files);

			// Write all the storage blocks, and update the mapping from file to storage block
			foreach(KeyValuePair<string, HashSet<FileReference>> Pair in OutputStorageBlockToFiles)
				TempStorageBlock OutputBlock = new TempStorageBlock(Node.Name, Pair.Key);
				foreach(FileReference File in Pair.Value)
					FileToStorageBlock.Add(File, OutputBlock);
				Storage.Archive(Node.Name, Pair.Key, Pair.Value.ToArray(), Pair.Value.Any(x => ReferencedOutputFiles.Contains(x)));

			// Publish all the output tags
			foreach(NodeOutput Output in Node.Outputs)
				HashSet<FileReference> Files = TagNameToFileSet[Output.TagName];

				HashSet<TempStorageBlock> StorageBlocks = new HashSet<TempStorageBlock>();
				foreach(FileReference File in Files)
					TempStorageBlock StorageBlock;
					if(FileToStorageBlock.TryGetValue(File, out StorageBlock))

				Storage.WriteFileList(Node.Name, Output.TagName, Files, StorageBlocks.ToArray());

			// Mark the node as succeeded
			return true;
Ejemplo n.º 3
		/// <summary>
		/// Find all the nodes in the graph which are already completed
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="Graph">The graph instance</param>
		/// <param name="Storage">The temp storage backend which stores the shared state</param>
		HashSet<Node> FindCompletedNodes(Graph Graph, TempStorage Storage)
			HashSet<Node> CompletedNodes = new HashSet<Node>();
			foreach(Node Node in Graph.Agents.SelectMany(x => x.Nodes))
			return CompletedNodes;