/// <summary>
        ///  attack all input fields with sql injection pattern.
        /// </summary>
        public void attackAllInputfields(string URL)
            // get page content
            WebCrawler spider = new WebCrawler(URL);
            string htmlContent = spider.fetchPage();
            HtmlParser parser = new HtmlParser(URL, htmlContent);
            // fetch forms input fields
            List<List<string>> inputFields = parser.getFormsInputFields();
            //for each form
            for (int currentFormID = 0; currentFormID < inputFields.Count; currentFormID++)
                string currentFormURL = inputFields[currentFormID][0];
                string currentFormFieldsHeader = string.Empty;
                // for each input field
                for (int currentInputFieldID = 1; currentInputFieldID < inputFields[currentFormID].Count; currentInputFieldID++)
                    //sql injection the current input field only
                    if (currentFormFieldsHeader != string.Empty) // second param
                        currentFormFieldsHeader += "&" + inputFields[currentFormID][currentInputFieldID] + "=" + sqlAttackPattern;
                    else // first param
                        currentFormFieldsHeader += inputFields[currentFormID][currentInputFieldID] + "=" + sqlAttackPattern;

                //just for tests

                // send the post request here
                WebPostRequest myPost = new WebPostRequest(currentFormURL);
                string resultHTML = myPost.GetResponse();

                //check the returned page
                foreach (string s in sqlSuccessResult)
                    if (resultHTML.Contains(s))
                        // it is a vulnerable page !
                        SharedVariables.myTestingForm.displayOutputActivity("the page : " + currentFormURL + " has a SQL Injection vulnerable in one of its form fields\n\r saving the vulnerability for later reviews");
                        ExploitsManager e = new ExploitsManager();
                        e.add(_profileID.ToString(), "SQL Injection", currentFormURL + " \n\r form fields values : " + currentFormFieldsHeader, "Unknown");
        /// <summary>
        /// attack each query string with SQL injection pattern to know exactly where is the exploit.
        /// </summary>
        public void attackEachQueryString(string URL)
            HtmlParser parser = new HtmlParser(URL, string.Empty);
            List<string> queryStrings = parser.getQueryStringParams(URL);
            string nativeURL = URL.Split("?".ToCharArray())[0];  //get the link without query strings
            string targetURL;
            for (int i = 0; i < queryStrings.Count; i++)
                targetURL = nativeURL + "?";
                if (targetURL[targetURL.Length - 1].ToString() == "?")//first param
                    //change just current query string with SQL injection pattern
                    targetURL += queryStrings[i].Split("=".ToCharArray())[0].ToString() + "=" + sqlAttackPattern;
                    //change just current query string with SQL injection pattern
                    targetURL += "&" + queryStrings[i].Split("=".ToCharArray())[0].ToString() + "=" + sqlAttackPattern;
                for (int j = 0; j < queryStrings.Count; j++)
                    if (j != i) // not to add the same param twice
                        if (targetURL[targetURL.Length - 1].ToString() == "?")//first param
                            //change just current query string with SQL Injection pattern
                            targetURL += queryStrings[j];
                            //change just current query string with SQL Injection pattern
                            targetURL += "&" + queryStrings[j];

                //just for tests

                //attack the query strings
                string resultHTML = string.Empty;
                    HttpWebRequest req = HttpWebRequest.Create(targetURL) as HttpWebRequest;
                    req.Method = "GET";
                    HttpWebResponse res = req.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse;
                    using (Stream s = res.GetResponseStream())
                        using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(s))
                            //Read the whole content of the response stream into a string
                            resultHTML = sr.ReadToEnd();
                catch (WebException exep)

                    SharedVariables.myTestingForm.displayOutputActivity(string.Format("Unknown error : {0}\n", exep.Message));
                    // it is a vulnerable page !
                    SharedVariables.myTestingForm.displayOutputActivity("the page : " + URL + " maybe has a SQL Injection vulnerable in one of its form query strings\n saving the vulnerability for later reviews\n");
                    ExploitsManager e = new ExploitsManager();
                    e.add(_profileID.ToString(), "Maybe SQL Injection", targetURL, queryStrings[i].Split("=".ToCharArray())[0].ToString());

                //check the results
                foreach (string s in sqlSuccessResult)
                    if (resultHTML.Contains(s))
                        // it is a vulnerable page !
                        SharedVariables.myTestingForm.displayOutputActivity("the page : " + nativeURL + " has a SQL Injection vulnerable in one of its query string parameters\n saving the vulnerability for later reviews");
                        ExploitsManager e = new ExploitsManager();
                        e.add(_profileID.ToString(), "SQL Injection", targetURL, queryStrings[i].Split("=".ToCharArray())[0].ToString());
        /// <summary>
        ///  attack all query strings with SQL Injection pattern.
        /// </summary>
        public void attackAllQueryStrings(string URL)
            HtmlParser parser = new HtmlParser(URL, string.Empty);
            List<string> queryStrings = parser.getQueryStringParams(URL);
            string nativeURL = URL.Split("?".ToCharArray())[0];  //get the link without query strings
            string targetURL = nativeURL += "?";
            foreach (string p in queryStrings)
                if (targetURL[targetURL.Length - 1].ToString() == "?")
                    //first param in query string without &
                    targetURL += p.Split("=".ToCharArray())[0] + "=" + sqlAttackPattern;
                    //from second param we must add & before the param!
                    targetURL += "&" + p.Split("=".ToCharArray())[0] + "=" + sqlAttackPattern;

            //just for testing

            //attack the query strings
            WebCrawler attacker = new WebCrawler(targetURL);
            string resultHTML = attacker.fetchPage();
            //check the results
            foreach (string s in sqlSuccessResult)
                if (resultHTML.Contains(s))
                    // it is a vulnerable page !
                    SharedVariables.myTestingForm.displayOutputActivity("the page : " + nativeURL + " has a SQL Injection vulnerable in one of its query string parameters\n saving the vulnerability for later reviews");
                    ExploitsManager e = new ExploitsManager();
                    e.add(_profileID.ToString(), "SQL Injection", targetURL,"Unknown");
        /// <summary>
        ///  attack each input field with sql injection pattern to know exactly where is the exploit.
        /// </summary>
        public void attackEachInputfield(string URL)
            // get page content
            WebCrawler spider = new WebCrawler(URL);
            string htmlContent = spider.fetchPage();
            HtmlParser parser = new HtmlParser(URL, htmlContent);
            // fetch forms input fields
            List<List<string>> inputFields = parser.getFormsInputFields();
            //for each form
            for (int currentFormID = 0; currentFormID < inputFields.Count; currentFormID++)
                string currentFormURL = inputFields[currentFormID][0];
                // for each input field
                for (int currentInputFieldID = 1; currentInputFieldID < inputFields[currentFormID].Count; currentInputFieldID++)
                    string currentFormFieldsHeader = string.Empty;
                    //sql injection the current input field only
                    if (currentFormFieldsHeader != string.Empty) // second param
                        currentFormFieldsHeader += "&" + inputFields[currentFormID][currentInputFieldID] + "=" + sqlAttackPattern;
                    else // first param
                        currentFormFieldsHeader += inputFields[currentFormID][currentInputFieldID] + "=" + sqlAttackPattern;
                    //fill other fields with regular values = for ex '11'.
                    for (int i = 1; i < inputFields[currentFormID].Count; i++)
                        if (i != currentInputFieldID) // not to add the same param twice
                            //sql injection the current input field only
                            if (currentFormFieldsHeader != string.Empty) // second param
                                currentFormFieldsHeader += "&" + inputFields[currentFormID][i] + "=11";
                            else // first param
                                currentFormFieldsHeader += inputFields[currentFormID][i] + "=11";

                    //just for tests
                    string resultHTML = string.Empty;
                        WebPostRequest myPost = new WebPostRequest(currentFormURL);
                        resultHTML = myPost.GetResponse();
                    catch (WebException exep)

                        SharedVariables.myTestingForm.displayOutputActivity(string.Format("Unknown error : {0}\n\r", exep.Message));
                        // it is a vulnerable page !
                        SharedVariables.myTestingForm.displayOutputActivity("the page : " + currentFormURL + " maybe has a SQL Injection vulnerable in \"" + inputFields[currentFormID][currentInputFieldID] + "\" form field\n\r saving the vulnerability for later reviews\n\r");
                        ExploitsManager e = new ExploitsManager();
                        e.add(_profileID.ToString(), "Maybe SQL Injection", currentFormURL + " \n\r form fields values : " + currentFormFieldsHeader, inputFields[currentFormID][currentInputFieldID]);

                    //check the returned page

                    foreach (string s in sqlSuccessResult)
                        if (resultHTML.Contains(s))
                            // it is a vulnerable page !
                            SharedVariables.myTestingForm.displayOutputActivity("the page : " + currentFormURL + " has a SQL Injection vulnerable in \"" + inputFields[currentFormID][currentInputFieldID] + "\" form field\n\r saving the vulnerability for later reviews\n\r");
                            ExploitsManager e = new ExploitsManager();
                            e.add(_profileID.ToString(), "SQL Injection", currentFormURL + " \n\r form fields values : " + currentFormFieldsHeader, inputFields[currentFormID][currentInputFieldID]);
        /// <summary>
        /// attack each query string with xss pattern to know exactly where is the exploit.
        /// </summary>
        public void attackEachQueryString(string URL)
            HtmlParser parser = new HtmlParser(URL, string.Empty);
            List<string> queryStrings = parser.getQueryStringParams(URL);
            string nativeURL = URL.Split("?".ToCharArray())[0];  //get the link without query strings
            string targetURL;
            for (int i = 0; i < queryStrings.Count; i++)
                targetURL=  nativeURL + "?";
                if (targetURL[targetURL.Length - 1].ToString() == "?")
                    //condition Ok meaning that it is the first param !!!!!!
                    //change just current query string with xss pattern
                    targetURL += queryStrings[i].Split("=".ToCharArray())[0].ToString() +"="+ xssAttackPattern;
                    //change just current query string with xss pattern
                    targetURL +="&"+ queryStrings[i].Split("=".ToCharArray())[0].ToString() +"="+ xssAttackPattern;
                for (int j = 0; j < queryStrings.Count; j++)
                    if (j != i) // not to add the same param twice
                        if (targetURL[targetURL.Length - 1].ToString() == "?")//first param
                            //change just current query string with xss pattern
                            targetURL += queryStrings[j];
                            //change just current query string with xss pattern
                            targetURL += "&" + queryStrings[j];

                //just for tests

                //attack the query strings
                WebCrawler attacker = new WebCrawler(targetURL);
                string resultHTML = attacker.fetchPage();
                //check the results
                if (resultHTML.Contains(xssAttackPattern))
                    // it is a vulnerable page !
                    SharedVariables.myTestingForm.displayOutputActivity("the page : " + nativeURL + " has an XSS vulnerable in one of its query string parameters\n saving the vulnerability for later reviews");
                    ExploitsManager e = new ExploitsManager();
                    e.add(_profileID.ToString(), "XSS", targetURL, queryStrings[i].Split("=".ToCharArray())[0].ToString());
                //    // it is safe page againest XSS.
                //    // it is a vulnerable page !
                //    SharedVariables.myTestingForm.displayOutputActivity("the page : " + nativeURL + " query strigns are safe againest XSS attacks.");
