Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets opacity and/or transparent color.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="allowTransparency">Set or remove WS_EX_LAYERED style that is required for transparency. If false, other parameters are not used.</param>
        /// <param name="opacity">Opacity from 0 (completely transparent) to 255 (opaque). Does not change if null. If less than 0 or greater than 255, makes 0 or 255.</param>
        /// <param name="colorKey">Make pixels of this color completely transparent. Does not change if null. The alpha byte is not used.</param>
        /// <exception cref="AuWndException"/>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Uses API <msdn>SetLayeredWindowAttributes</msdn>.
        /// On Windows 7 works only with top-level windows, on newer OS also with controls.
        /// </remarks>
        public void SetTransparency(bool allowTransparency, int?opacity = null, ColorInt?colorKey = null)
            var  est     = ExStyle;
            bool layered = (est & WS2.LAYERED) != 0;

            if (allowTransparency)
                uint col = 0, f = 0; byte op = 0;
                if (colorKey != null)
                    f |= 1; col = (uint)colorKey.GetValueOrDefault().ToBGR();
                if (opacity != null)
                    f |= 2; op = (byte)AMath.MinMax(opacity.GetValueOrDefault(), 0, 255);

                if (!layered)
                    SetExStyle(est | WS2.LAYERED);
                if (!Api.SetLayeredWindowAttributes(this, col, op, f))
            else if (layered)
                SetExStyle(est & ~WS2.LAYERED);                 //tested: resets attributes, ie after adding WS2.LAYERED the window will be normal
Ejemplo n.º 2
        static AVersion()
            Api.RTL_OSVERSIONINFOW x = default; x.dwOSVersionInfoSize = Api.SizeOf(x);
            if (0 == Api.RtlGetVersion(ref x))
                _winver = AMath.MakeUshort(x.dwMinorVersion, x.dwMajorVersion);
                //use this because Environment.OSVersion.Version (GetVersionEx) lies, even if we have correct manifest when is debugger present
                var v = Environment.OSVersion.Version;
                _winver = AMath.MakeUshort(v.Minor, v.Major);

            _minWin8   = _winver >= Win8;
            _minWin8_1 = _winver >= Win8_1;
            _minWin10  = _winver >= Win10;

            _is32BitOS = sizeof(IntPtr) == 4 && !(Api.IsWow64Process(Api.GetCurrentProcess(), out _isWow64) && _isWow64);
Ejemplo n.º 3
            //Alternative to returning HTCAPTION on WM_NCITTEST.
            //void _DragMoveWindow()
            //	_tb._InMoveSize(true);
            //	try {
            //		var w = (AWnd)this;
            //		var pp = AMouse.XY;
            //		Util.ADragDrop.SimpleDragDrop(w, MButtons.Left, o => {
            //			if(o.Msg.message != Api.WM_MOUSEMOVE) return;
            //			var p = AMouse.XY; if(p == pp) return;
            //			var r = w.Rect;
            //			w.MoveLL(r.left + (p.x - pp.x), r.top + (p.y - pp.y));
            //			pp = p;
            //		});
            //	}
            //	finally { _tb._InMoveSize(false); }

            bool _WmNchittest(ref Message m)
                int h;

                if (ModifierKeys == Keys.Shift)                  //move
                    h = Api.HTCAPTION;
                else                     //resize?
                    if (_tb._border == TBBorder.None || (!_tb.Sizable && _tb._border < TBBorder.Thick))
                    var    w = this.Hwnd();
                    LPARAM xy = m.LParam;
                    int    x = AMath.LoShort(xy), y = AMath.HiShort(xy);
                    if (_tb.Sizable)
                        RECT r; int b;
                        if (_tb._border < TBBorder.ThreeD)
                            b = (int)_tb._border;
                            r = w.Rect;
                            w.GetWindowInfo_(out var k);
                            r = k.rcWindow;
                            b = k.cxWindowBorders;
                        int bx = Math.Min(b, r.Width / 2), by = Math.Min(b, r.Height / 2);
                        int x1 = r.left + bx, x2 = r.right - bx - 1, y1 = r.top + by, y2 = r.bottom - by - 1;
                        if (x < x1)
                            h = y < y1 ? Api.HTTOPLEFT : (y > y2 ? Api.HTBOTTOMLEFT : Api.HTLEFT);
                        else if (x > x2)
                            h = y < y1 ? Api.HTTOPRIGHT : (y > y2 ? Api.HTBOTTOMRIGHT : Api.HTRIGHT);
                        else if (y < y1)
                            h = Api.HTTOP;
                        else if (y > y2)
                            h = Api.HTBOTTOM;
                    else                         //disable resizing if border is natively sizable
                        if (_tb._border < TBBorder.Thick)
                        w.GetWindowInfo_(out var k);
                        k.rcWindow.Inflate(-k.cxWindowBorders, -k.cyWindowBorders);
                        if (k.rcWindow.Contains(x, y))
                        h = Api.HTBORDER;
                m.Result = (IntPtr)h;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public void SetLevel(int level)
     this.level = (ushort)AMath.MinMax(level, 0, 0xffff);