Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static async Task UpdateRowExecuteAsync(IAdaSchemaMappingAdapter adapter, Boolean returnProviderSpecificTypes, RowUpdatedEventArgs rowUpdatedEvent, DbCommand dataCommand, StatementType cmdIndex, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            Debug.Assert(null != rowUpdatedEvent, "null rowUpdatedEvent");
            Debug.Assert(null != dataCommand, "null dataCommand");
            Debug.Assert(rowUpdatedEvent.Command == dataCommand, "dataCommand differs from rowUpdatedEvent");

            bool            insertAcceptChanges = true;
            UpdateRowSource updatedRowSource    = dataCommand.UpdatedRowSource;

            if ((StatementType.Delete == cmdIndex) || (0 == (UpdateRowSource.FirstReturnedRecord & updatedRowSource)))
                int recordsAffected = await dataCommand.ExecuteNonQueryAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

            else if ((StatementType.Insert == cmdIndex) || (StatementType.Update == cmdIndex))
                // we only care about the first row of the first result
                using (DbDataReader dataReader = await dataCommand.ExecuteReaderAsync(CommandBehavior.SequentialAccess, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false))
                    AdaDataReaderContainer readerHandler = AdaDataReaderContainer.Create(dataReader, returnProviderSpecificTypes);
                        bool getData = false;
                            // advance to the first row returning result set
                            // determined by actually having columns in the result set
                            if (0 < readerHandler.FieldCount)
                                getData = true;
                        }while (await dataReader.NextResultAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false));

                        if (getData && (0 != dataReader.RecordsAffected))
                            AdaSchemaMapping mapping = new AdaSchemaMapping(adapter, null, rowUpdatedEvent.Row.Table, readerHandler, false, SchemaType.Mapped, rowUpdatedEvent.TableMapping.SourceTable, true, null, null);

                            if ((null != mapping.DataTable) && (null != mapping.DataValues))
                                if (dataReader.Read())
                                    if ((StatementType.Insert == cmdIndex) && insertAcceptChanges)
                                    { // MDAC 64199
                                        insertAcceptChanges = false;
                        // using Close which can optimize its { while(dataReader.NextResult()); } loop

                        // RecordsAffected is available after Close, but don't trust it after Dispose
                        int recordsAffected = dataReader.RecordsAffected;
                // StatementType.Select, StatementType.Batch
                Debug.Assert(false, "unexpected StatementType");

            // map the parameter results to the dataSet
                    (StatementType.Insert == cmdIndex)
                    (StatementType.Update == cmdIndex)
                    0 != (UpdateRowSource.OutputParameters & updatedRowSource)
                (0 != rowUpdatedEvent.RecordsAffected)
                if ((StatementType.Insert == cmdIndex) && insertAcceptChanges)

                ParameterMethods.ParameterOutput(adapter.MissingMappingAction, adapter.MissingSchemaAction, dataCommand.Parameters, rowUpdatedEvent.Row, rowUpdatedEvent.TableMapping);

            // Only error if RecordsAffect == 0, not -1.  A value of -1 means no count was received from server,
            // do not error in that situation (means 'set nocount on' was executed on server).
            switch (rowUpdatedEvent.Status)
            case UpdateStatus.Continue:
                switch (cmdIndex)
                case StatementType.Update:
                case StatementType.Delete:
                    if (0 == rowUpdatedEvent.RecordsAffected)
                        // bug50526, an exception if no records affected and attempted an Update/Delete
                        Debug.Assert(null == rowUpdatedEvent.Errors, "Continue - but contains an exception");
                        rowUpdatedEvent.Errors = ADP.UpdateConcurrencyViolation(cmdIndex, rowUpdatedEvent.RecordsAffected, 1, new DataRow[] { rowUpdatedEvent.Row });         // MDAC 55735
                        rowUpdatedEvent.Status = UpdateStatus.ErrorsOccurred;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static async Task <int> UpdateAsync(ICanUpdateAsync self, DataRow[] dataRows, DataTableMapping tableMapping, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            Debug.Assert((null != dataRows) && (0 < dataRows.Length), "Update: bad dataRows");
            Debug.Assert(null != tableMapping, "Update: bad DataTableMapping");

            // If records were affected, increment row count by one - that is number of rows affected in dataset.
            int cumulativeDataRowsAffected = 0;

            DbConnection[]    connections      = new DbConnection[5];    // one for each statementtype
            ConnectionState[] connectionStates = new ConnectionState[5]; // closed by default (== 0)

            bool      useSelectConnectionState = false;                  // MDAC 58710
            DbCommand tmpcmd = self.SelectCommand;

            if (null != tmpcmd)
                connections[0] = tmpcmd.Connection;
                if (null != connections[0])
                    connectionStates[0]      = connections[0].State;
                    useSelectConnectionState = true;

            int maxBatchCommands = Math.Min(self.UpdateBatchSize, dataRows.Length);

            if (maxBatchCommands < 1)
            {  // batch size of zero indicates one batch, no matter how large...
                maxBatchCommands = dataRows.Length;

            BatchCommandInfo[] batchCommands = new BatchCommandInfo[maxBatchCommands];
            DataRow[]          rowBatch      = new DataRow[maxBatchCommands];
            int commandCount = 0;

            // the outer try/finally is for closing any connections we may have opened
                    if (1 != maxBatchCommands)
                    StatementType statementType = StatementType.Select;
                    DbCommand     dataCommand   = null;

                    // for each row which is either insert, update, or delete
                    foreach (DataRow dataRow in dataRows)
                        if (null == dataRow)
                            continue; // foreach DataRow
                        bool isCommandFromRowUpdating = false;

                        // obtain the appropriate command
                        switch (dataRow.RowState)
                        case DataRowState.Detached:
                        case DataRowState.Unchanged:
                            continue;     // foreach DataRow

                        case DataRowState.Added:
                            statementType = StatementType.Insert;
                            dataCommand   = self.InsertCommand;

                        case DataRowState.Deleted:
                            statementType = StatementType.Delete;
                            dataCommand   = self.DeleteCommand;

                        case DataRowState.Modified:
                            statementType = StatementType.Update;
                            dataCommand   = self.UpdateCommand;

                            Debug.Assert(false, "InvalidDataRowState");
                            throw ADP.InvalidDataRowState(dataRow.RowState);     // out of Update without completing batch

                        // setup the event to be raised
                        RowUpdatingEventArgs rowUpdatingEvent = self.CreateRowUpdatingEvent(dataRow, dataCommand, statementType, tableMapping);

                        // self try/catch for any exceptions during the parameter initialization
                            dataRow.RowError = null; // MDAC 67185
                            if (null != dataCommand)
                                // prepare the parameters for the user who then can modify them during OnRowUpdating
                                ParameterMethods.ParameterInput(self.UpdateMappingAction, self.UpdateSchemaAction, dataCommand.Parameters, statementType, dataRow, tableMapping);
                        catch (Exception e)
                            if (!ADP.IsCatchableExceptionType(e))

                            rowUpdatingEvent.Errors = e;
                            rowUpdatingEvent.Status = UpdateStatus.ErrorsOccurred;

                        self.OnRowUpdating(rowUpdatingEvent); // user may throw out of Update without completing batch

                        if (rowUpdatingEvent.Command is DbCommand tmpCommand)
                            isCommandFromRowUpdating = (dataCommand != tmpCommand);
                            dataCommand = tmpCommand;

                        // handle the status from RowUpdating event
                        UpdateStatus rowUpdatingStatus = rowUpdatingEvent.Status;
                        if (UpdateStatus.Continue != rowUpdatingStatus)
                            if (UpdateStatus.ErrorsOccurred == rowUpdatingStatus)
                                self.UpdatingRowStatusErrors(rowUpdatingEvent, dataRow);
                                continue; // foreach DataRow
                            else if (UpdateStatus.SkipCurrentRow == rowUpdatingStatus)
                                if (DataRowState.Unchanged == dataRow.RowState)
                                { // MDAC 66286
                                continue; // foreach DataRow
                            else if (UpdateStatus.SkipAllRemainingRows == rowUpdatingStatus)
                                if (DataRowState.Unchanged == dataRow.RowState)
                                { // MDAC 66286
                                break; // execute existing batch and return
                                throw ADP.InvalidUpdateStatus(rowUpdatingStatus);  // out of Update
                        // else onward to Append/ExecuteNonQuery/ExecuteReader

                        rowUpdatingEvent = null;
                        RowUpdatedEventArgs rowUpdatedEvent = null;

                        if (1 == maxBatchCommands)
                            if (null != dataCommand)
                                batchCommands[0].CommandIdentifier = 0;
                                batchCommands[0].ParameterCount    = dataCommand.Parameters.Count;
                                batchCommands[0].StatementType     = statementType;
                                batchCommands[0].UpdatedRowSource  = dataCommand.UpdatedRowSource;
                            batchCommands[0].Row = dataRow;
                            rowBatch[0]          = dataRow; // not doing a batch update, just simplifying code...
                            commandCount         = 1;
                            Exception errors = null;

                                if (null != dataCommand)
                                    if (0 == (UpdateRowSource.FirstReturnedRecord & dataCommand.UpdatedRowSource))
                                        // append the command to the commandset. If an exception
                                        // occurs, then the user must append and continue

                                        batchCommands[commandCount].CommandIdentifier = self.AddToBatch(dataCommand);
                                        batchCommands[commandCount].ParameterCount    = dataCommand.Parameters.Count;
                                        batchCommands[commandCount].Row              = dataRow;
                                        batchCommands[commandCount].StatementType    = statementType;
                                        batchCommands[commandCount].UpdatedRowSource = dataCommand.UpdatedRowSource;

                                        rowBatch[commandCount] = dataRow;

                                        if (commandCount < maxBatchCommands)
                                            continue; // foreach DataRow
                                        // else onward execute the batch
                                        // do not allow the expectation that returned results will be used
                                        errors = new InvalidOperationException("When batching, the command's UpdatedRowSource property value of UpdateRowSource.FirstReturnedRecord or UpdateRowSource.Both is invalid.");
                                    // null Command will force RowUpdatedEvent with ErrorsOccured without completing batch
                                    errors = ADP.UpdateRequiresCommand(statementType, isCommandFromRowUpdating);
                            catch (Exception e)
                            { // try/catch for RowUpdatedEventArgs
                                if (!ADP.IsCatchableExceptionType(e))

                                errors = e;

                            if (null != errors)
                                rowUpdatedEvent        = self.CreateRowUpdatedEvent(dataRow, dataCommand, StatementType.Batch, tableMapping);
                                rowUpdatedEvent.Errors = errors;
                                rowUpdatedEvent.Status = UpdateStatus.ErrorsOccurred;

                                self.OnRowUpdated(rowUpdatedEvent); // user may throw out of Update
                                if (errors != rowUpdatedEvent.Errors)
                                {                                   // user set the error msg and we will use it
                                    for (int i = 0; i < batchCommands.Length; ++i)
                                        batchCommands[i].Errors = null;

                                cumulativeDataRowsAffected += self.UpdatedRowStatus(rowUpdatedEvent, batchCommands, commandCount);
                                if (UpdateStatus.SkipAllRemainingRows == rowUpdatedEvent.Status)
                                continue; // foreach datarow

                        rowUpdatedEvent = self.CreateRowUpdatedEvent(dataRow, dataCommand, statementType, tableMapping);

                        // self try/catch for any exceptions during the execution, population, output parameters
                            if (1 != maxBatchCommands)
                                DbConnection connection = self.GetConnection();

                                ConnectionState state = await self.UpdateConnectionOpenAsync(connection, StatementType.Batch, connections, connectionStates, useSelectConnectionState, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);


                                if (ConnectionState.Open == state)
                                    await AsyncDataReaderBatchExecuteMethods.UpdateBatchExecuteAsync(self, batchCommands, commandCount, rowUpdatedEvent, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
                                    // null Connection will force RowUpdatedEvent with ErrorsOccured without completing batch
                                    rowUpdatedEvent.Errors = ADP.UpdateOpenConnectionRequired(StatementType.Batch, false, state);
                                    rowUpdatedEvent.Status = UpdateStatus.ErrorsOccurred;
                            else if (null != dataCommand)
                                DbConnection    connection = dataCommand.Connection ?? throw new InvalidOperationException("DbCommand.Connection is null.");
                                ConnectionState state      = await self.UpdateConnectionOpenAsync(connection, statementType, connections, connectionStates, useSelectConnectionState, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

                                if (ConnectionState.Open == state)
                                    await self.UpdateRowExecuteAsync(rowUpdatedEvent, dataCommand, statementType, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

                                    batchCommands[0].RecordsAffected = rowUpdatedEvent.RecordsAffected;
                                    batchCommands[0].Errors          = null;
                                    // null Connection will force RowUpdatedEvent with ErrorsOccured without completing batch
                                    rowUpdatedEvent.Errors = ADP.UpdateOpenConnectionRequired(statementType, isCommandFromRowUpdating, state);
                                    rowUpdatedEvent.Status = UpdateStatus.ErrorsOccurred;
                                // null Command will force RowUpdatedEvent with ErrorsOccured without completing batch
                                rowUpdatedEvent.Errors = ADP.UpdateRequiresCommand(statementType, isCommandFromRowUpdating);
                                rowUpdatedEvent.Status = UpdateStatus.ErrorsOccurred;
                        catch (Exception e)
                        { // try/catch for RowUpdatedEventArgs
                            if (!ADP.IsCatchableExceptionType(e))

                            rowUpdatedEvent.Errors = e;
                            rowUpdatedEvent.Status = UpdateStatus.ErrorsOccurred;
                        bool clearBatchOnSkipAll = (UpdateStatus.ErrorsOccurred == rowUpdatedEvent.Status);

                            Exception errors = rowUpdatedEvent.Errors;
                            self.OnRowUpdated(rowUpdatedEvent); // user may throw out of Update
                            // NOTE: the contents of rowBatch are now tainted...
                            if (errors != rowUpdatedEvent.Errors)
                            { // user set the error msg and we will use it
                                for (int i = 0; i < batchCommands.Length; ++i)
                                    batchCommands[i].Errors = null;
                        cumulativeDataRowsAffected += self.UpdatedRowStatus(rowUpdatedEvent, batchCommands, commandCount);

                        if (UpdateStatus.SkipAllRemainingRows == rowUpdatedEvent.Status)
                            if (clearBatchOnSkipAll && 1 != maxBatchCommands)
                                commandCount = 0;
                            break; // from update

                        if (1 != maxBatchCommands)
                            commandCount = 0;
                        for (int i = 0; i < batchCommands.Length; ++i)
                            batchCommands[i] = default;
                        commandCount = 0;
                    } // foreach DataRow

                    // must handle the last batch
                    if (1 != maxBatchCommands && 0 < commandCount)
                        RowUpdatedEventArgs rowUpdatedEvent = self.CreateRowUpdatedEvent(null, dataCommand, statementType, tableMapping);

                            DbConnection connection = self.GetConnection();

                            ConnectionState state = await self.UpdateConnectionOpenAsync(connection, StatementType.Batch, connections, connectionStates, useSelectConnectionState, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

                            DataRow[] finalRowBatch = rowBatch;

                            if (commandCount < rowBatch.Length)
                                finalRowBatch = new DataRow[commandCount];
                                Array.Copy(rowBatch, finalRowBatch, commandCount);

                            if (ConnectionState.Open == state)
                                await AsyncDataReaderBatchExecuteMethods.UpdateBatchExecuteAsync(self, batchCommands, commandCount, rowUpdatedEvent, cancellationToken);
                                // null Connection will force RowUpdatedEvent with ErrorsOccured without completing batch
                                rowUpdatedEvent.Errors = ADP.UpdateOpenConnectionRequired(StatementType.Batch, false, state);
                                rowUpdatedEvent.Status = UpdateStatus.ErrorsOccurred;
                        catch (Exception e)
                        { // try/catch for RowUpdatedEventArgs
                            if (!ADP.IsCatchableExceptionType(e))

                            rowUpdatedEvent.Errors = e;
                            rowUpdatedEvent.Status = UpdateStatus.ErrorsOccurred;
                        Exception errors = rowUpdatedEvent.Errors;
                        self.OnRowUpdated(rowUpdatedEvent); // user may throw out of Update
                        // NOTE: the contents of rowBatch are now tainted...
                        if (errors != rowUpdatedEvent.Errors)
                        { // user set the error msg and we will use it
                            for (int i = 0; i < batchCommands.Length; ++i)
                                batchCommands[i].Errors = null;

                        cumulativeDataRowsAffected += self.UpdatedRowStatus(rowUpdatedEvent, batchCommands, commandCount);
                    if (1 != maxBatchCommands)
                // try/finally for connection cleanup
                for (int i = 0; i < connections.Length; ++i)
                    QuietClose(connections[i], connectionStates[i]);

Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static void AfterUpdateBatchExecute(IBatchingAdapter adapter, BatchCommandInfo[] batchCommands, int commandCount, RowUpdatedEventArgs rowUpdatedEvent)
            MissingMappingAction missingMapping = adapter.UpdateMappingAction;
            MissingSchemaAction  missingSchema  = adapter.UpdateSchemaAction;

            int            checkRecordsAffected    = 0;
            bool           hasConcurrencyViolation = false;
            List <DataRow> rows = null;

            // walk through the batch to build the sum of recordsAffected
            //      determine possible indivdual messages per datarow
            //      determine possible concurrency violations per datarow
            //      map output parameters to the datarow
            for (int bc = 0; bc < commandCount; ++bc)
                BatchCommandInfo batchCommand  = batchCommands[bc];
                StatementType    statementType = batchCommand.StatementType;

                // default implementation always returns 1, derived classes must override
                // otherwise DbConcurrencyException will only be thrown if sum of all records in batch is 0
                if (adapter.GetBatchedRecordsAffected(batchCommand.CommandIdentifier, out int rowAffected, error: out batchCommands[bc].Errors))
                    batchCommands[bc].RecordsAffected = rowAffected;

                if ((null == batchCommands[bc].Errors) && batchCommands[bc].RecordsAffected.HasValue)
                    // determine possible concurrency violations per datarow
                    if ((StatementType.Update == statementType) || (StatementType.Delete == statementType))
                        if (0 == rowAffected)
                            if (null == rows)
                                rows = new List <DataRow>();
                            batchCommands[bc].Errors = ADP.UpdateConcurrencyViolation(batchCommands[bc].StatementType, 0, 1, new DataRow[] { rowUpdatedEvent.GetRow_(bc) });
                            hasConcurrencyViolation  = true;

                    // map output parameters to the datarow
                    if (((StatementType.Insert == statementType) || (StatementType.Update == statementType)) &&
                        (0 != (UpdateRowSource.OutputParameters & batchCommand.UpdatedRowSource)) && (0 != rowAffected))     // MDAC 71174
                        if (StatementType.Insert == statementType)
                            // AcceptChanges for 'added' rows so backend generated keys that are returned
                            // propagte into the datatable correctly.

                        for (int i = 0; i < batchCommand.ParameterCount; ++i)
                            IDataParameter parameter = adapter.GetBatchedParameter(batchCommand.CommandIdentifier, i);
                            ParameterMethods.ParameterOutput(parameter, batchCommand.Row, rowUpdatedEvent.TableMapping, missingMapping, missingSchema);

            if (null == rowUpdatedEvent.Errors)
                // Only error if RecordsAffect == 0, not -1.  A value of -1 means no count was received from server,
                // do not error in that situation (means 'set nocount on' was executed on server).
                if (UpdateStatus.Continue == rowUpdatedEvent.Status)
                    if ((0 < checkRecordsAffected) && ((0 == rowUpdatedEvent.RecordsAffected) || hasConcurrencyViolation))
                        // bug50526, an exception if no records affected and attempted an Update/Delete
                        Debug.Assert(null == rowUpdatedEvent.Errors, "Continue - but contains an exception");
                        DataRow[] rowsInError = (null != rows) ? rows.ToArray() : rowUpdatedEvent.GetRows_();
                        rowUpdatedEvent.Errors = ADP.UpdateConcurrencyViolation(StatementType.Batch, commandCount - rowsInError.Length, commandCount, rowsInError); // MDAC 55735
                        rowUpdatedEvent.Status = UpdateStatus.ErrorsOccurred;