Ejemplo n.º 1
        // -- Print the map of nodes, with start (A) and goal (B)
        public static void PrintMap(Node[,] map, Node start, Node goal)
            string s = "";

            for (int y = 0; y < map.GetLength(1); y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < map.GetLength(0); x++)
                    if (!map[x, y].IsWalkable())      // If the current node (x,y) is not wakable (a wall/obstacle)
                        s += "#";
                    else if (start.GetX() == x && start.GetY() == y)    // If current node is start, print 'A'
                        s += "A";
                    else if (goal.GetX() == x && goal.GetY() == y)      // If current node is goal, print 'A'
                        s += "B";
                    else if (map[x, y].GetCost() == 100)    // If current node is water, cost = 100, print 'w'
                        s += "w";
                    else if (map[x, y].GetCost() == 50)     // If current node is moutain, cost = 50, print 'm'
                        s += "m";
                    else if (map[x, y].GetCost() == 10)     // If current node is water, cost = 10, print 'f'
                        s += "f";
                    else if (map[x, y].GetCost() == 5)      // If current node is water, cost = 5, print 'g'
                        s += "g";
                    else if (map[x, y].GetCost() == 1)      // If current node is water, cost = 1, print 'r'
                        s += "r";
                        s += ".";
                s += "\n";
            Console.WriteLine("Map:\n" + s);      // Print the map
Ejemplo n.º 2
        // -- Print the map with the nodes in the open list (*) and in the closed list(x)
        public static void PrintMapWithOpenAndClosed(Node[,] map, Node start, Node goal, Node current, List<Node> open, List<Node> closed)
            string s = "";

            for (int y = 0; y < map.GetLength(1); y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < map.GetLength(0); x++)
                    if (map[x, y] == current)       // If current node is the position we are in, print 'o'
                        s += "o";
                    else if (start.GetX() == x && start.GetY() == y)    // If current node is start, print 'A'
                        s += "A";
                    else if (goal.GetX() == x && goal.GetY() == y)      // If current node is goal, print 'B'
                        s += "B";
                    else if (open.Contains(map[x, y]))      // If current node is in the open list, print '*'
                        s += "*";
                    else if (closed.Contains(map[x, y]))    // If current node is in the open list, print 'x'
                        s += "x";
                    else if (!map[x, y].IsWalkable())      // If the current node (x,y) is not wakable (a wall/obstacle)
                        s += "#";
                    else if (map[x, y].GetCost() == 100)    // If current node is water, cost = 100, print 'w'
                        s += "w";
                    else if (map[x, y].GetCost() == 50)     // If current node is moutain, cost = 50, print 'm'
                        s += "m";
                    else if (map[x, y].GetCost() == 10)     // If current node is water, cost = 10, print 'f'
                        s += "f";
                    else if (map[x, y].GetCost() == 5)      // If current node is water, cost = 5, print 'g'
                        s += "g";
                    else if (map[x, y].GetCost() == 1)      // If current node is water, cost = 1, print 'r'
                        s += "r";
                        s += ".";
                s += "\n";
            Console.WriteLine("Map with open('*') and closed('x'):\n" + s);      // Print the map
Ejemplo n.º 3
        //  // -- Print the map with the path from A to B, pluss which nodes are in the open list (*) and in the closed list(x)
        public static void PrintMapWithOpenAndClosedWithPath(Node[,] map, List<Node> path, Node start, Node goal, Node current, List<Node> open, List<Node> closed)
            string s = "";

            for (int y = 0; y < map.GetLength(1); y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < map.GetLength(0); x++)
                    bool isInResult = false;
                    foreach (Node node in path)       // Check if the current node (x,y) is a part of the path
                        if (node.GetX() == x && node.GetY() == y)
                            isInResult = true;
                    if (isInResult)      // If the current node (x,y) is a part of the path, represent it as 'O'
                        s += "O";
                    else if (start.GetX() == x && start.GetY() == y)    // If current node is start, print 'A'
                        s += "A";
                    else if (goal.GetX() == x && goal.GetY() == y)      // If current node is goal, print 'B'
                        s += "B";
                    else if (open.Contains(map[x, y]))      // If current node is in the open list, print '*'
                        s += "*";
                    else if (closed.Contains(map[x, y]))    // If current node is in the open list, print 'x'
                        s += "x";
                    else if (!map[x, y].IsWalkable())      // If the current node (x,y) is not wakable (a wall/obstacle)
                        s += "#";
                    else if (map[x, y].GetCost() == 100)    // If current node is water, cost = 100, print 'w'
                        s += "w";
                    else if (map[x, y].GetCost() == 50)     // If current node is moutain, cost = 50, print 'm'
                        s += "m";
                    else if (map[x, y].GetCost() == 10)     // If current node is water, cost = 10, print 'f'
                        s += "f";
                    else if (map[x, y].GetCost() == 5)      // If current node is water, cost = 5, print 'g'
                        s += "g";
                    else if (map[x, y].GetCost() == 1)      // If current node is water, cost = 1, print 'r'
                        s += "r";
                        s += ".";
                s += "\n";
            Console.WriteLine("Map with open('*'), closed('X') and path('O'):\n" + s);      // Print the map
Ejemplo n.º 4
        // -- Print the map with the path from A to B
        public static void PrintResultMap(Node[,] map, List<Node> result, Node start, Node goal)
            string s = "";

            for (int y = 0; y < map.GetLength(1); y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < map.GetLength(0); x++)
                    bool isInResult = false;
                    foreach (Node node in result)       // Check if the current node (x,y) is a part of the path
                        if (node.GetX() == x && node.GetY() == y)
                            isInResult = true;
                    if (isInResult)      // If the current node (x,y) is a part of the path, represent it as 'O'
                        s += "O";
                    else if (!map[x, y].IsWalkable())      // If the current node (x,y) is not wakable (a wall/obstacle)
                        s += "#";
                    else if (start.GetX() == x && start.GetY() == y)    // If current node is start, print 'A'
                        s += "A";
                    else if (goal.GetX() == x && goal.GetY() == y)      // If current node is goal, print 'A'
                        s += "B";
                    else if (map[x, y].GetCost() == 100)    // If current node is water, cost = 100, print 'w'
                        s += "w";
                    else if (map[x, y].GetCost() == 50)     // If current node is moutain, cost = 50, print 'm'
                        s += "m";
                    else if (map[x, y].GetCost() == 10)     // If current node is water, cost = 10, print 'f'
                        s += "f";
                    else if (map[x, y].GetCost() == 5)      // If current node is water, cost = 5, print 'g'
                        s += "g";
                    else if (map[x, y].GetCost() == 1)      // If current node is water, cost = 1, print 'r'
                        s += "r";
                        s += ".";
                s += "\n";

            Console.WriteLine("Map with path:\n" + s);      // Print the map
Ejemplo n.º 5
        // -- A*:  returns list of nodes that are part of the shortest path from A to B using A*
        public static List<Node> RunAStar(Node[,] map, Node start, Node goal)
            allNodes = GetListFromArray(map);
            List<Node> open = new List<Node>();
            List<Node> closed = new List<Node>();

            for (int y = 0; y < map.GetLength(1); y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < map.GetLength(0); x++)
                    if (map[x, y].IsWalkable())
                        map[x, y].SetG(Int32.MaxValue);     // Set start value of g = infinity (Int.MaxValue = 2 147 483 647)
                        map[x, y].UpdateF();                // Update f (f = g+h)

            open.Add(start);        // Add start to the open list
            start.SetG(0);          // Set g of the starting node = 0
            start.SetH(GetManhattenDistanceBetweenNodes(start, goal));  // And h = manhattendistance to goal

            while (open.Count > 0)
                // Set current node to the first element in the open list (which is ascending sorted on f)
                Node currentNode = open.ElementAt(0);
                open.RemoveAt(0);           // Remove it from open
                closed.Add(currentNode);    // Add it to the closed list

                if (currentNode == goal)    // If goal is found, the search is complete
                    List<Node> path = ConstructPath(currentNode);
                    // Print the map with the path from A to B, and show which nodes are in open (*), and closed (x)
                    //Visualization.PrintMapWithOpenAndClosedWithPath(map, path, start, goal, currentNode, open, closed);

                    return path;            // return the path from start to goal
                // Genereate the children of this node (the nodes south, north, east and wes for current node
                List<Node> children = GenerateChildren(currentNode);

                foreach (Node child in children)

                    if (child == goal)    // If goal is found, the search is complete
                        List<Node> path = ConstructPath(currentNode);
                        // Print the map with the path from A to B, and show which nodes are in open (*), and closed (x)
                        Visualization.PrintMapWithOpenAndClosedWithPath(map, path, start, goal, currentNode, open, closed);
                        return path;            // return the path from start to goal

                    if (!child.IsWalkable())        // If child is not walkable (a obsticle or wall), skip it

                    double tentativeG = currentNode.GetG() + child.GetCost();       // calculate tentative g for child

                    if (open.Contains(child))               // If child is in the open list
                        if (child.GetG() < tentativeG)      //      and current g < tentativeG, skip it
                    else if (closed.Contains(child))        // If child is in closed
                        if (child.GetG() < tentativeG)      //      and current g < tentativeG, skip it
                        closed.Remove(child);               // Remove child from open list
                        open.Add(child);                    //      and add it to closed list
                    else                        // If child is in neither of the lists
                        open.Add(child);        // Add it to the open list
                        child.SetH(GetManhattenDistanceBetweenNodes(child, goal));
                    child.SetParent(currentNode);   // Set parent of child to current node

                closed.Add(currentNode);            // We're done with current node, so add it to closed
                open = GetListSortedOnF(open);      // Sort the open list scending on f

                //Visualization.PrintMapWithOpenAndClosed(map, start, goal, currentNode, open, closed);

            return null;    // No path was found
Ejemplo n.º 6
 // -- Return a List<Node> representation of a 2D array of nodes (the map)
 private static List<Node> GetListFromArray(Node[,] nodes)
     List<Node> list = new List<Node>();
     for (int x = 0; x < nodes.GetLength(0); x++)
         for (int y = 0; y < nodes.GetLength(1); y++)
             list.Add(nodes[x, y]);
     return list;
Ejemplo n.º 7
        // -- Dijkstra's:  returns list of nodes that are part of the shortest path from A to B using Dijkstra's algorithm
        public static List<Node> RunDijkstra(Node[,] map, Node start, Node goal)
            allNodes = GetListFromArray(map);
            List<Node> open = new List<Node>();     // List sorted ascending on g
            List<Node> closed = new List<Node>();

            for (int y = 0; y < map.GetLength(1); y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < map.GetLength(0); x++)
                    if (map[x, y].IsWalkable())
                        map[x, y].SetG(Int32.MaxValue);     // Set g value of all nodes to infinity (Int.MaxValue = 2 147 483 647)
                        open.Add(map[x, y]);                //      and add them to the open list

            start.SetG(0);      // Set g of starting node = 0

            while (open.Count > 0)
                open = GetListSortedOnG(open);      // Sort list ascending on g

                Node currentNode = open.ElementAt(0);       // Pick the first element from open list
                open.RemoveAt(0);                           //      and remove it from the lists

                // Genereate the children of this node (the nodes south, north, east and wes for current node
                List<Node> children = GenerateChildren(currentNode);

                foreach (Node child in children)
                    double tentativeG = currentNode.GetG() + child.GetCost();       // calculate tentative g for child
                    if (tentativeG < child.GetG())          // If tenative g < current g of child
                        child.SetG(tentativeG);             // Set g of child = tentative g
                        child.SetParent(currentNode);       // Set current node to parent of child
                    if (child == goal)      // If gould node is founde
                        List<Node> path = ConstructPath(currentNode);
                        //Visualization.PrintMapWithOpenAndClosedWithPath(map, path, start, goal, currentNode, open, closed);
                        return path;        // Return path from start to goal

                //Visualization.PrintMapWithOpenAndClosed(map, start, goal, currentNode, open, closed);
            return null;        // No path was found
Ejemplo n.º 8
        // -- BFS:  returns list of nodes that are part of the shortest path from A to B using BFS
        public static List<Node> RunBFS(Node[,] map, Node start, Node goal)
            allNodes = GetListFromArray(map);
            List<Node> open = new List<Node>();     // FIFO queue
            List<Node> closed = new List<Node>();

            for (int y = 0; y < map.GetLength(1); y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < map.GetLength(0); x++)
                    map[x, y].SetG(Int32.MaxValue);             // Set g value of all nodes to infinity (Int.MaxValue = 2 147 483 647)

            start.SetG(0);          // Set distance g to starting node = 0
            while (open.Count > 0)
                Node currentNode = open.ElementAt(0);       // Pick the first element from open list
                open.RemoveAt(0);                           //      and remove it from the lists

                // Genereate the children of this node (the nodes south, north, east and wes for current node
                List<Node> children = GenerateChildren(currentNode);
                foreach (Node child in children)
                    if (!child.IsWalkable())         // If child is not walkable (a obsticle or wall), skip it

                    if (child.GetG() > Int32.MaxValue-1)    // If g value of child = infinity, in other words, not touched yet
                        // Set g (g of current node + the cost of moving from current node to child)
                        child.SetG(currentNode.GetG() + child.GetCost());
                        child.SetParent(currentNode);       // Set parent to current ndoe
                    if (child == goal)      // If the goal node is found
                        List<Node> path = ConstructPath(currentNode);
                        //Visualization.PrintMapWithOpenAndClosedWithPath(map, path, start, goal, currentNode, open, closed);
                        return path;    // return the path from start to goal
                //Visualization.PrintMapWithOpenAndClosed(map, start, goal, currentNode, open, closed);
            return null;        // No path was found