Ejemplo n.º 1
        private GameObject loadNIFForSlot(GearSlot slot, GameObject skeleton, GameObject meshHolder, string nifFile, string geo)
            //Debug.Log("load nif[" + nifFile + "] for slot " + slot, this.gameObject);
            // First move all the meshes across to the skeleton
            GameObject meshes = new GameObject(slot.ToString());

            //Debug.Log("create new gameobh:" + meshes.name);
                NIFFile    file       = NIFLoader.getNIF(nifFile);
                GameObject newNifRoot = NIFLoader.loadNIF(file, nifFile, true);

                meshes.transform.parent = meshHolder.transform;

                //Debug.Log("Move components from loaded nif to our new gameobj");
                foreach (SkinnedMeshRenderer r in newNifRoot.GetComponentsInChildren <SkinnedMeshRenderer>(true))
                    //  Debug.Log("Move renderer " + r.gameObject.name);
                    r.transform.parent = meshes.transform;

                /** I'm not quite sure how bows are supposed to work yet. The quiver, bow and prop all appear to be a single mesh, so they must be moved around using bones or something..
                 * At the moment they don't even show propertly because the ROOT bone assigned while loading is not copied over and is destroyed causing the SKinnedMeshRender to behave poorly
                 * More research required.

                // weapons are a bit different
                if (!WardrobeStuff.isWeapon(slot))
                    // process the NiSkinningMeshModifier
                    NIFLoader.linkBonesToMesh(file, skeleton);
                    //Debug.Log("Treating slot (" + slot + ") as weapon and attach it to AP_r_hand on skeleton");
                    Transform t = skeleton.transform.FindDeepChild("AP_r_hand");

                    meshes.transform.parent        = t;
                    meshes.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);


                // disable the proxy geo
                enableDisableGeo(nifFile, skeleton, false);
                // special case to ensure boots are disabled as well
                if (nifFile.Contains("foot"))
                    enableDisableGeo("boots", skeleton, false);

            catch (Exception ex)
                Debug.Log("Exception trying to load nif[" + nifFile + "]" + ex);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public ClothingItem(DB db, long id, long key)
            this.key = key;
            this.id  = id;
                CObject gearDef = db.toObj(id, key);
                if (id == 7629)
                    this.name = gearDef.getMember(0).convert() + "";
                    if (gearDef.hasMember(1))
                        this.langKey = gearDef.getMember(1).getIntMember(0);
                    if (gearDef.hasMember(4))
                        icon = db.toObj(6009, gearDef.getIntMember(4)).getStringMember(1);
                    if (gearDef.hasMember(5))
                        CObject allowedSlotsArray = gearDef.getMember(5);
                        foreach (CObject o in allowedSlotsArray.members)
                            int slot = int.Parse(o.convert() + "");

                    if (gearDef.hasMember(6))
                        type = WardrobeStuff.getGearType(gearDef.getIntMember(6));
                    if (gearDef.hasMember(7))
                        hidden = gearDef.getBoolMember(7, false);
                    nifKey = gearDef.getIntMember(2);
                    nifRef = new NIFReference(db, nifKey);
                else if (id == 7305)
                    nifRef = new NIFReference(db, key);
                    nifKey = key;

                    if (gearDef.hasMember(2))
                        string nifPath = gearDef.getMember(2).convert() + "";
                        this.name = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(nifPath);
                        if (nifPath.Contains(@"\player\") && nifPath.Contains(@"\wings\"))

                    if (gearDef.hasMember(15))
                        CObject allowedSlotsArray = gearDef.getMember(15);
                        foreach (CObject o in allowedSlotsArray.members)
                            int slot = int.Parse(o.convert() + "");
                    throw new Exception("Bad id:" + id);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Debug.Log("Unable to process [" + this + "] nif reference:" + ex);