public VoteIssue proposeVotingIssue()
            //Note we start at 1 utility. This means no guaranteed negative/near-zero utility options will be proposed
            double    bestU     = 1;
            VoteIssue bestIssue = null;

            bool existFreeTitles = false;

            foreach (Location loc in map.locations)
                if (loc.soc == society && loc.settlement != null && loc.settlement.title != null && loc.settlement.title.heldBy == null)
                    existFreeTitles = true;

            VoteIssue issue;

            if (true)
            { //ANWSAVE
              //Unlanded titles can be distributed
              //Assignment of sovreign takes priority over any other voting, in the minds of the lords and ladies
                foreach (Title t in society.titles)
                    if (t.heldBy != null && (map.turn - t.turnLastAssigned < map.param.society_minTimeBetweenTitleReassignments))
                    issue = new VoteIssue_AssignTitle(society, this, t);

                    //Everyone is eligible
                    foreach (Person p in society.people)
                        VoteOption opt = new VoteOption();
                        opt.person = p;
                    foreach (VoteOption opt in issue.options)
                        //Random factor to prevent them all rushing a singular voting choice
                        double localU = issue.computeUtility(this, opt, new List <ReasonMsg>()) * Eleven.random.NextDouble();
                        if (localU > bestU || (t == society.sovreign && t.heldBy == null))//Note we force them to vote on a sovereign if there is none
                            bestU     = localU;
                            bestIssue = issue;

                //Assignment of sovreign takes priority over any other voting, in the minds of the lords and ladies
                if (society.getSovreign() != null)
                    foreach (Location loc in map.locations)
                        //If there are unhanded out titles, only consider those. Else, check all.
                        //Maybe they could be rearranged (handed out or simply swapped) in a way which could benefit you
                        //if (loc.soc == society && loc.settlement != null && loc.settlement.title != null && ((!existFreeTitles) || (loc.settlement.title.heldBy == null)))

                        //We're now stopping them suggesting this on places with existing nobles, as that lead to undue amounts of swapping
                        if (loc.soc == society && loc.settlement != null && loc.settlement.title != null && (loc.settlement.title.heldBy == null))
                            //if (map.turn - loc.turnLastAssigned  < Params.society_minTimeBetweenLocReassignments) { continue; }
                            issue = new VoteIssue_AssignLandedTitle(society, this, loc.settlement.title);
                            if (lastProposedIssue != null && lastProposedIssue.GetType() == issue.GetType())
                            }                                                                                      //Already seen this proposal, most likely. Make another or skip
                                                                                                                   //Everyone is eligible
                            foreach (Person p in society.people)
                                if (p.title_land != null)
                                }                                  //Again, to prevent constant shuffling
                                VoteOption opt = new VoteOption();
                                opt.person = p;

                            foreach (VoteOption opt in issue.options)
                                //Random factor to prevent them all rushing a singular voting choice
                                double localU = issue.computeUtility(this, opt, new List <ReasonMsg>()) * Eleven.random.NextDouble();
                                if (localU > bestU)
                                    bestU     = localU;
                                    bestIssue = issue;

                    if (!existFreeTitles)
                        //Check to see if you want to economically rebalance the economy
                        if (this.title_land != null)
                            HashSet <EconTrait> mine = new HashSet <EconTrait>();
                            HashSet <EconTrait> all  = new HashSet <EconTrait>();

                            foreach (EconTrait trait in title_land.settlement.econTraits())
                            foreach (Location loc in map.locations)
                                if (loc.soc == society && loc.settlement != null)
                                    foreach (EconTrait trait in loc.settlement.econTraits())

                            foreach (EconTrait econ_from in all)
                                if (mine.Contains(econ_from))
                                }                                      //Don't take from yourself
                                foreach (EconTrait econ_to in mine)
                                    issue = new VoteIssue_EconomicRebalancing(society, this, econ_from, econ_to);
                                    //Allow them to spam econ votes
                                    //if (lastProposedIssue != null && lastProposedIssue.GetType() == issue.GetType()) { break; }//Already seen this proposal, most likely. Make another or skip

                                    bool present = false;
                                    foreach (EconEffect effect in society.econEffects)
                                        if (effect.from == econ_from && == econ_to)
                                            present = true;
                                        if ( == econ_from && effect.from == econ_to)
                                            present = true;
                                    if (present)

                                    //We have our two options (one way or the other)
                                    VoteOption opt1 = new VoteOption();
                                    opt1.econ_from = econ_from;
                                    opt1.econ_to   = econ_to;
                                    VoteOption opt2 = new VoteOption();
                                    opt2.econ_from = econ_to;
                                    opt2.econ_to   = econ_from;

                                    foreach (VoteOption opt in issue.options)
                                        //Random factor to prevent them all rushing a singular voting choice
                                        double localU = issue.computeUtility(this, opt, new List <ReasonMsg>()) * Eleven.random.NextDouble();
                                        if (localU > bestU)
                                            bestU     = localU;
                                            bestIssue = issue;

                        //Check to see if you want to alter offensive military targetting
                        issue = new VoteIssue_SetOffensiveTarget(society, this);
                        foreach (SocialGroup neighbour in map.getExtendedNeighbours(society))
                            VoteOption option = new VoteOption();
                   = neighbour;
                        foreach (VoteOption opt in issue.options)
                            //if (lastProposedIssue != null && lastProposedIssue.GetType() == issue.GetType()) { break; }//Already seen this proposal, most likely. Make another or skip

                            //Random factor to prevent them all rushing a singular voting choice
                            double localU = issue.computeUtility(this, opt, new List <ReasonMsg>()) * Eleven.random.NextDouble();
                            if (localU > bestU)
                                bestU     = localU;
                                bestIssue = issue;

                        //Check to see if you want to alter defensive military targetting
                        issue = new VoteIssue_SetDefensiveTarget(society, this);
                        foreach (ThreatItem item in threatEvaluations)
                            if ( == null)
                            VoteOption option = new VoteOption();
                        foreach (VoteOption opt in issue.options)
                            //if (lastProposedIssue != null && lastProposedIssue.GetType() == issue.GetType()) { break; }//Already seen this proposal, most likely. Make another or skip

                            //Random factor to prevent them all rushing a singular voting choice
                            double localU = issue.computeUtility(this, opt, new List <ReasonMsg>()) * Eleven.random.NextDouble();
                            if (localU > bestU)
                                bestU     = localU;
                                bestIssue = issue;

                        //Change military posture, to either improve defence, fix internal problems, or attack an enemy
                        issue = new VoteIssue_MilitaryStance(society, this);
                        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                            VoteOption opt = new VoteOption();
                            opt.index = i;
                        foreach (VoteOption opt in issue.options)
                            //if (lastProposedIssue != null && lastProposedIssue.GetType() == issue.GetType()) { break; }//Already seen this proposal, most likely. Make another or skip

                            //Random factor to prevent them all rushing a singular voting choice
                            double localU = issue.computeUtility(this, opt, new List <ReasonMsg>()) * Eleven.random.NextDouble();
                            if (localU > bestU)
                                bestU     = localU;
                                bestIssue = issue;

                        //Check to see if you want to declare war
                        //You need to be in offensive posture to be allowed to do so
                        if (society.offensiveTarget != null && society.posture == Society.militaryPosture.offensive && society.getRel(society.offensiveTarget).state != DipRel.dipState.war)
                            issue = new VoteIssue_DeclareWar(society, society.offensiveTarget, this);
                            VoteOption option_0 = new VoteOption();
                            option_0.index = 0;

                            VoteOption option_1 = new VoteOption();
                            option_1.index = 1;

                            //if (lastProposedIssue != null && lastProposedIssue.GetType() == issue.GetType()) { break; }//Already seen this proposal, most likely. Make another or skip
                            //Random factor to prevent them all rushing a singular voting choice
                            double localU = issue.computeUtility(this, option_1, new List <ReasonMsg>()) * Eleven.random.NextDouble();
                            if (localU > bestU)
                                bestU     = localU;
                                bestIssue = issue;

                        //Check to see if you want to defensively vassalise yourself
                        //You need to be in defensive posture to be allowed to do so
                        if (society.offensiveTarget != null && society.posture == Society.militaryPosture.defensive && (society.isAtWar() == false))
                            foreach (SocialGroup sg in society.getNeighbours())
                                if (sg is Society == false)
                                if (sg == this.society)
                                Society other = (Society)sg;
                                if (other.defensiveTarget == this.society.defensiveTarget)
                                    issue = new VoteIssue_Vassalise(society, other, this);
                                    VoteOption option_0 = new VoteOption();
                                    option_0.index = 0;

                                    VoteOption option_1 = new VoteOption();
                                    option_1.index = 1;

                                    //if (lastProposedIssue != null && lastProposedIssue.GetType() == issue.GetType()) { break; }//Already seen this proposal, most likely. Make another or skip
                                    //Random factor to prevent them all rushing a singular voting choice
                                    double localU = issue.computeUtility(this, option_1, new List <ReasonMsg>()) * Eleven.random.NextDouble();
                                    if (localU > bestU)
                                        bestU     = localU;
                                        bestIssue = issue;

                        //Check if you want to execute someone
                        if (society.posture == Society.militaryPosture.introverted)
                            foreach (Person p in society.people)
                                if (p == this)
                                issue = new VoteIssue_JudgeSuspect(society, p, this);
                                VoteOption option_0 = new VoteOption();
                                option_0.index = 0;

                                VoteOption option_1 = new VoteOption();
                                option_1.index = 1;

                                //if (lastProposedIssue != null && lastProposedIssue.GetType() == issue.GetType()) { break; }//Already seen this proposal, most likely. Make another or skip
                                //Random factor to prevent them all rushing a singular voting choice
                                double localU = issue.computeUtility(this, option_1, new List <ReasonMsg>()) * Eleven.random.NextDouble();
                                if (localU > bestU)
                                    bestU     = localU;
                                    bestIssue = issue;

            lastProposedIssue = bestIssue;