Ejemplo n.º 1
        protected bool Equals(MyVertex other)
            var toll = Math.Pow(10, -4);

            return(Math.Abs(x - other.x) < toll && Math.Abs(y - other.y) <= toll && Math.Abs(z - other.z) <= toll);
            //return x.Equals(other.x) && y.Equals(other.y) && z.Equals(other.z);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public MyCircumForPath(MyPlane CircumPlane, MySphere circumMySphere)
            this.circumplane  = CircumPlane;
            this.circumsphere = circumMySphere;

            //computation of the circle center:
            double[] centerSphereVector =
                this.circumsphere.centerSphere[1], this.circumsphere.centerSphere[2]

            var centerSphereOfCircumMyVertex = new MyVertex(centerSphereVector[0], centerSphereVector[1], centerSphereVector[2]);

            double[] planeNormal =

            var pointOnAxisMyVertex = new MyVertex(centerSphereOfCircumMyVertex.x + planeNormal[0],
                                                   centerSphereOfCircumMyVertex.y + planeNormal[1], centerSphereOfCircumMyVertex.z + planeNormal[2]);

            var rotationAxis = FunctionsLC.LinePassingThrough(centerSphereOfCircumMyVertex, pointOnAxisMyVertex);

            this.circumcenter = FunctionsLC.PointIntersectionOfPlaneAndLine(this.circumplane,
Ejemplo n.º 3
        //Applied to a firstvertex, given secondvertex and a double[3], it verifies if firstvertex is obtained summing secondvertex with double[3]
        public bool IsTranslationOf(MyVertex secondVertex, double[] translationArray)
            var translatedVertex = new MyVertex(secondVertex.x + (double)translationArray.GetValue(0),
                                                secondVertex.y + (double)translationArray.GetValue(1),
                                                secondVertex.z + (double)translationArray.GetValue(2));

Ejemplo n.º 4
        //Applied to a firstvertex, given secondvertex, an angle and a axis direction, it verifies if secondvertex
        //is the rotated of firstvertex
        public bool IsRotationOf(MyVertex firstVertex, double teta, double[] axisDirection)
            //const string nameFile = "GetRotationalPatterns.txt";
            var rotatedVertex = firstVertex.Rotate(teta, axisDirection);

            //KLdebug.Print("ROTATO DOVREBBE ESSERE: (" + rotatedVertex.x + ", "  + rotatedVertex.y + ", " +rotatedVertex.z + ")", nameFile);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        //Applied to a MyVertex, this method reflects it by a given MyPlane
        // P: x*u = lambda , x in R^3, u in R^3 unit vector <-- Reflectional Plane
        // R_P(x) = x-2(x*u-lambda)u                        <-- Reflectional transformation
        public MyVertex Reflect(MyPlane reflectionalMyPlane)
            double[] coeff =
                2 * (this.x * reflectionalMyPlane.a + reflectionalMyPlane.d),
                2 * (this.y * reflectionalMyPlane.b + reflectionalMyPlane.d),
                2 * (this.z * reflectionalMyPlane.c + reflectionalMyPlane.d)
            var reflectedVertex = new MyVertex(this.x - (double)coeff.GetValue(0) * reflectionalMyPlane.a,
                                               this.y - (double)coeff.GetValue(1) * reflectionalMyPlane.b,
                                               this.z - (double)coeff.GetValue(2) * reflectionalMyPlane.c);

Ejemplo n.º 6
 public MyEllipse(double[] EllipseParameters) //Curve myEllipse
     //double[] ellipseParam = myEllipse.GetEllipseParams();
     this.centerEllipse   = new MyVertex(EllipseParameters[0], EllipseParameters[1], EllipseParameters[2]);
     this.majorRadEllipse = EllipseParameters[3];
     double[] vectorMajorAxisDirectionEllipse = { EllipseParameters[4], EllipseParameters[5], EllipseParameters[6] };
     this.majorAxisDirectionEllipse = vectorMajorAxisDirectionEllipse;
     //this.majorAxisRadEllipse = FunctionsLC.ConvertPointPlusDirectionInMyLine(centerEllipseArray,
     this.minorRadEllipse = EllipseParameters[7];
     double[] vectorMinorAxisDirectionEllipse = { EllipseParameters[8], EllipseParameters[9], EllipseParameters[10] };
     this.minorAxisDirectionEllipse = vectorMinorAxisDirectionEllipse;
     //this.minorAxisRadEllipse = FunctionsLC.ConvertPointPlusDirectionInMyLine(centerEllipseArray,
 public MyRepeatedEntity(int IdRE, MyVertex Centroid, List <MyVertex> ListOfVertices, List <MyVertex> ListOfAddedVertices,
                         List <MyPlane> ListOfPlanarSurfaces, List <MySphere> ListOfSphericalSurfaces, List <MyCone> ListOfConicalSurfaces,
                         List <MyCylinder> ListOfCylindricalSurfaces, List <MyTorus> ListOfToroidalSurfaces, double[,] TransformationMatrix)
     this.idRE                      = IdRE;
     this.centroid                  = Centroid;
     this.listOfVertices            = ListOfVertices;
     this.listOfAddedVertices       = ListOfAddedVertices;
     this.listOfPlanarSurfaces      = ListOfPlanarSurfaces;
     this.listOfSphericalSurfaces   = ListOfSphericalSurfaces;
     this.listOfConicalSurfaces     = ListOfConicalSurfaces;
     this.listOfCylindricalSurfaces = ListOfCylindricalSurfaces;
     this.listOfToroidalSurfaces    = ListOfToroidalSurfaces;
     this.transformationMatrix      = TransformationMatrix;
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public MyRepeatedComponent(Component2 component, int idCorrespondingNode, MyTransformMatrix transform, bool isLeaf, MyRepeatedEntity repeatedEntity)
            this.Component      = component;
            Name                = component.Name2;
            IdCorrespondingNode = idCorrespondingNode;
            this.Transform      = transform;
            this.IsLeaf         = isLeaf;

            var originVertex = new MyVertex(transform.TranslationVector[0], transform.TranslationVector[1],

            this.Origin    = originVertex;
            RepeatedEntity = repeatedEntity;

            IsSphere = false;
Ejemplo n.º 9
 //Applicato ad un vertice, restituisce la sua distanza euclidea da un altro vertice
 public double Distance(MyVertex other)
     if (this.Equals(other))
         var distance =
             Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(this.x - other.x, 2) + Math.Pow(this.y - other.y, 2) +
                       Math.Pow(this.z - other.z, 2));
         if (!Double.IsNaN(distance))
Ejemplo n.º 10
        //Applied to a MyVertex, this method rotates it by a given angle TETA respect to a given
        //NORMAL DIRECTION VECTOR referred to a rotation axis passing through the origin
        public MyVertex Rotate(double teta, double[] axisDirection)
            double[] pointToRotate = { this.x, this.y, this.z };
            //double[] row0 =
            //    Math.Pow(axisDirection[0], 2)*(1 - Math.Cos(teta)) + Math.Cos(teta),
            //    axisDirection[0]*axisDirection[1]*(1 - Math.Cos(teta)) - axisDirection[2]*Math.Sin(teta),
            //    axisDirection[0]*axisDirection[2]*(1 - Math.Cos(teta)) + axisDirection[1]*Math.Sin(teta)
            //double[] row1 =
            //    axisDirection[0]*axisDirection[1]*(1 - Math.Cos(teta)) + axisDirection[2]*Math.Sin(teta),
            //    Math.Pow(axisDirection[1], 2)*(1 - Math.Cos(teta)) + Math.Cos(teta),
            //    axisDirection[1]*axisDirection[2]*(1 - Math.Cos(teta)) - axisDirection[0]*Math.Sin(teta)
            //double[] row2 =
            //    axisDirection[0]*axisDirection[2]*(1 - Math.Cos(teta)) - axisDirection[1]*Math.Sin(teta),
            //    axisDirection[1]*axisDirection[2]*(1 - Math.Cos(teta)) + axisDirection[0]*Math.Sin(teta),
            //    Math.Pow(axisDirection[2], 2)*(1 - Math.Cos(teta)) + Math.Cos(teta)
            double[,] rotationMatrix =
                    Math.Pow(axisDirection[0], 2) * (1 - Math.Cos(teta)) + Math.Cos(teta),
                    axisDirection[0] * axisDirection[1] * (1 - Math.Cos(teta)) - axisDirection[2] * Math.Sin(teta),
                    axisDirection[0] * axisDirection[2] * (1 - Math.Cos(teta)) + axisDirection[1] * Math.Sin(teta)
                    axisDirection[0] * axisDirection[1] * (1 - Math.Cos(teta)) + axisDirection[2] * Math.Sin(teta),
                    Math.Pow(axisDirection[1], 2) * (1 - Math.Cos(teta)) + Math.Cos(teta),
                    axisDirection[1] * axisDirection[2] * (1 - Math.Cos(teta)) - axisDirection[0] * Math.Sin(teta)
                    axisDirection[0] * axisDirection[2] * (1 - Math.Cos(teta)) - axisDirection[1] * Math.Sin(teta),
                    axisDirection[1] * axisDirection[2] * (1 - Math.Cos(teta)) + axisDirection[0] * Math.Sin(teta),
                    Math.Pow(axisDirection[2], 2) * (1 - Math.Cos(teta)) + Math.Cos(teta)
            var rotated       = Matrix.Multiply(rotationMatrix, pointToRotate);
            var rotatedVertex = new MyVertex(rotated[0], rotated[1], rotated[2]);

Ejemplo n.º 11
        public MyRepeatedComponent(Component2 component, MyTransformMatrix transform, bool isLeaf, MyRepeatedEntity repeatedEntity)
            this.Component = component;
            var pathComponent = component.Name2;
            var componentName = pathComponent.Split('/').Last();

            Name           = componentName;
            this.Transform = transform;
            this.IsLeaf    = isLeaf;

            var originVertex = new MyVertex(transform.TranslationVector[0], transform.TranslationVector[1],

            this.Origin    = originVertex;
            RepeatedEntity = repeatedEntity;

            IsSphere = false;
Ejemplo n.º 12
        //Applied to a firstvertex, given secondvertex and a MyPlane, it verifies if secondvertex is the reflected of
        //firstvertex by the given MyPlane
        public bool IsReflectionOf(MyVertex secondVertex, MyPlane reflectionalMyPlane)
            var reflectedVertex = this.Reflect(reflectionalMyPlane);
