Ejemplo n.º 1
         ***                      INSERT FUNCTION                                     ***
         *** DESCRIPTION: This function takes in a node and a string array. Goes and  ***
         *** tests each element in the array using the CheckIfValid functions created ***
         *** below. If all are valid, each element is added to the node and inserted  ***
         *** into the Symbol Table.                                                   ***
         *** INPUT ARGS: Node root, string[] v                                        ***
         *** OUTPUT ARGS: N/A                                                         ***
         *** IN/OUT ARGS: N/A                                                         ***
         *** RETURN: Node root                                                        ***

        public Node_Sym insert(Node_Sym root, string sym, string val, bool r)
            PassTwo p2 = new PassTwo();

            if (root == null)
                bool MFlag = false;
                bool IFlag = true;

                root        = new Node_Sym();
                root.symbol = p2.TrimOp(sym);
                root.value  = val;
                root.rflag  = r;
                root.iflag  = IFlag;
                root.mflag  = MFlag;
                if (sym == root.symbol)
                    Console.WriteLine(ERR_MSG_3, sym);
                    root.mflag = true;
                else if (sym.CompareTo(root.symbol) < 0)
                    root.left = insert(root.left, sym, val, r);
                    root.right = insert(root.right, sym, val, r);
Ejemplo n.º 2
         ***                      INSERT FUNCTION                                     ***
         *** DESCRIPTION: This function takes in a node. It views the symbol table in ***
         *** order from left to right.                                                ***
         *** INPUT ARGS: Node root                                                    ***
         *** OUTPUT ARGS: N/A                                                         ***
         *** IN/OUT ARGS: N/A                                                         ***
         *** RETURN: null                                                             ***

        public Node_Sym view(Node_Sym root)
            PassTwo p2 = new PassTwo();

            if (root == null)
                if (root.symbol != null)
                    Console.WriteLine("{0,-10} {1,-10} {2,-10} {3,-10} {4,-10}", p2.TrimOp(root.symbol), root.value, (root.rflag == true) ? 1 : 0, (root.mflag == true) ? 1 : 0, (root.iflag == true) ? 1 : 0);
Ejemplo n.º 3
         ***                      SEARCH FUNCTION                                     ***
         *** DESCRIPTION: This function takes in a node and a string. It checks to    ***
         *** see if the passed in string is a valid symbol. It then tests to see if   ***
         *** the passed in value exists in the symbol table. If not an error message  ***
         *** is displayed informing the user.                                         ***
         *** INPUT ARGS: Node root, string v                                          ***
         *** OUTPUT ARGS: N/A                                                         ***
         *** IN/OUT ARGS: N/A                                                         ***
         *** RETURN: Node root                                                        ***

        public Node_Sym search(Node_Sym root, string v)
            PassTwo p2 = new PassTwo();

            v = p2.TrimOp(v.ToUpper());

            if (root == null)
            else if (v.CompareTo(root.symbol) < 0)
                return(search(root.left, v));
            else if (v.CompareTo(root.symbol) > 0)
                return(search(root.right, v));

Ejemplo n.º 4
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Node_P1        p1      = new Node_P1();
            Node_P2        p2      = new Node_P2();
            OpCodes        OpCodes = new OpCodes();
            PassOne        passOne = new PassOne();
            PassTwo        passTwo = new PassTwo();
            Literal_Table  LitTab  = new Literal_Table();
            Symbol_Table   SymTab  = new Symbol_Table();
            List <Node_Op> op      = new List <Node_Op>();

            string opCodes = "OPCODES.DAT";
            string srcProg;

            if (args.Length == 0)
                Console.Write("Please Enter File Path for Source file --> ");
                srcProg = Console.ReadLine();
                srcProg = args[0];

            while (true)
                if (!File.Exists(opCodes))
                    Console.WriteLine("OPSCODE FILE: '{0}' does not exist...", opCodes);
                    Console.Write("Please enter correct file path (Type 'x' to exit) -->  ");
                    opCodes = Console.ReadLine();
                    if (opCodes == "x")
                else if (!File.Exists(srcProg))
                    Console.WriteLine("SOURCE FILE: '{0}' does not exist...", srcProg);
                    Console.Write("Please enter correct file path (Type 'x' to exit) -->  ");
                    srcProg = Console.ReadLine();
                    if (srcProg == "x")
                    string[] Codes = File.ReadAllLines(opCodes);
                    string[] opLine;

                    string file = string.Format(srcProg, ".tmp");

                    //Populate the Opcodes
                    foreach (string code in Codes)
                        opLine = code.Split(new char[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

                    //PASS ONE
                    p1 = passOne.PassUno(srcProg, op);

                    //PASS ONE TO FILES
                    string tmpFile1 = srcProg.Substring(0, srcProg.LastIndexOf(".")) + ".tmp";
                    File.WriteAllLines(tmpFile1, p1.prog);

                    //PASS TWO
                    p2 = passTwo.PassDuo(op, p1.table, p1.lit, tmpFile1);

                    //PASS TWO TO FILES
                    string tmpFile2 = srcProg.Substring(0, srcProg.LastIndexOf(".")) + ".txt";
                    File.WriteAllLines(tmpFile2, p2.prog);

                    string tmpFile3 = srcProg.Substring(0, srcProg.LastIndexOf(".")) + ".o";
                    File.WriteAllLines(tmpFile3, p2.obj_prog);

                    //PRINTS PASS 2 w/ Length
                    Console.WriteLine("PASS 2");
                    foreach (string p in p2.prog)
                    Console.WriteLine("Program Length = {0}", p1.length);
                    Console.WriteLine("Press enter to continue...");

                    //PRINTS OBJECT PROGRAM
                    Console.WriteLine("OBJECT PROGRAM");
                    foreach (string o in p2.obj_prog)
                    Console.WriteLine("Press enter to continue...");

                    //PRINTS SYMBOL TABLE
                    Console.WriteLine("SYMBOL TABLE");
                    Console.WriteLine("{0,-10} {1,-10} {2,-10} {3,-10} {4,-10}", "SYMBOL:", "VALUE:", "RFLAG:", "MFLAG:", "IFLAG:");
                    Console.WriteLine(new string('-', 50));
                    Console.WriteLine("Press enter to continue...");

                    //PRINTS LITERAL TABLE
                    Console.WriteLine("LITERAL TABEL");
                    Console.WriteLine("{0,-10} {1,-10} {2,-10} {3,-10}", "NAME:", "VALUE:", "LENGTH:", "ADDRESS:");
                    Console.WriteLine(new string('-', 40));
                    Console.WriteLine("Press enter to Complete Pass Two...");
Ejemplo n.º 5
 ***                     IFEXPRESSIONVALID FUNCTION                           ***
 *** DESCRIPTION: This function takes in the symbol table and test the        ***
 *** expression to make sure that it is a valid expression                    ***
 *** INPUT ARGS: Node_Sym table, string ex                                    ***
 *** OUTPUT ARGS: N/A                                                         ***
 *** IN/OUT ARGS: N/A                                                         ***
 *** RETURN: string ERR_MSG                                                   ***

        public string IfExpressionValid(Node_Sym table, string ex)
            PassTwo       p2     = new PassTwo();
            Symbol_Table  SymTab = new Symbol_Table();
            Literal_Table litTab = new Literal_Table();

            if (ex[0] == '@')
                //Cant have Indirect and Indexing Addressing
                if (ex[ex.Length - 2] == ',' && ex[ex.Length - 1] == 'X')

            //Trim expression from valid characters
            ex = ex.TrimStart('#', '@');
            ex = ex.TrimEnd(',', 'X');

            if (ex.Contains('+'))
                if (!int.TryParse(ex, out int n))
                    string[] newExp = ex.Split('+');

                    //Cannot have more than one operator
                    if (newExp.Length > 2)

                    //newExp[0] = p2.TrimOp(newExp[0]);
                    //newExp[1] = p2.TrimOp(newExp[1]);

                    //If both arn't symbols, then they have to both be numbers
                    if (SymTab.search(table, newExp[0]) == null && SymTab.search(table, newExp[1]) == null)
                        if (!int.TryParse(newExp[0], out int val1))
                            return(string.Format(ERR_MSG_2, ex));
                        if (!int.TryParse(newExp[1], out int val2))
                            return(string.Format(ERR_MSG_2, ex));
                    //If one is a symbol, then the other has to a number
                    else if (SymTab.search(table, newExp[0]) != null && SymTab.search(table, newExp[1]) == null)
                        if (!int.TryParse(newExp[1], out int val1))
                            return(string.Format(ERR_MSG_2, ex));
                    //If one is a symbol, then the other has to a number
                    else if (SymTab.search(table, newExp[0]) == null && SymTab.search(table, newExp[1]) != null)
                        if (!int.TryParse(newExp[0], out int val1))
                            return(string.Format(ERR_MSG_2, ex));
                    //If they are both symbols, they cannot both be relative
                        if (!SymTab.search(table, newExp[0]).rflag&& !SymTab.search(table, newExp[1]).rflag)
            else if (ex.Contains('-'))
                //Check if just a negative number
                if (!int.TryParse(ex, out int n))
                    string[] newExp = ex.Split('-');

                    //Cannot contain more than one operand
                    if (newExp.Length > 2)

                    //If both are not symbols, they both must be numbers
                    if (SymTab.search(table, newExp[0]) == null && SymTab.search(table, newExp[1]) == null)
                        if (!int.TryParse(newExp[0], out int val1))
                            return(string.Format(ERR_MSG_2, ex));
                        if (!int.TryParse(newExp[1], out int val2))
                            return(string.Format(ERR_MSG_2, ex));
                    //If one is a symbol, the other must be a number
                    else if (SymTab.search(table, newExp[0]) != null && SymTab.search(table, newExp[1]) == null)
                        if (!int.TryParse(newExp[1], out int val2))
                            return(string.Format(ERR_MSG_2, ex));
                    //If one is a symbol, the other must be a number
                    else if (SymTab.search(table, newExp[0]) == null && SymTab.search(table, newExp[1]) != null)
                        if (!int.TryParse(newExp[1], out int val2))
                            return(string.Format(ERR_MSG_2, ex));
                        else if (SymTab.search(table, newExp[1]).rflag)
                    //If both are found, then both should have rflags, and you cannot sub a rel with abs
                    else if (SymTab.search(table, newExp[0]) != null && SymTab.search(table, newExp[1]) != null)
                        if (!SymTab.search(table, newExp[0]).rflag&& SymTab.search(table, newExp[1]).rflag)
            //If there is no expression, see if a symbol, if not a symbol, then a number
            else if (SymTab.search(table, ex) == null)
                foreach (char x in ex)
                    if (!Char.IsDigit(x))
                        return(string.Format(ERR_MSG_4, ex));
Ejemplo n.º 6
         ***                      PASSUNO function                                    ***
         *** DESCRIPTION: This Pass 1 funciton takes in information from the file     ***
         *** passed in. In the file contains assembly instructions and pass one       ***
         *** produces line numbers and load counters. Pass 1 also stores the labels   ***
         *** as symbols and also store literals in the literal table.                 ***
         *** INPUT ARGS: string program, List<Node_Op> OpCodes                        ***
         *** OUTPUT ARGS: N/A                                                         ***
         *** IN/OUT ARGS: N/A                                                         ***
         *** RETURN: Node_P1 p1                                                       ***

        public Node_P1 PassUno(string program, List <Node_Op> OpCodes)
            Node_P1 passOne = new Node_P1();
            PassTwo p2      = new PassTwo();

            List <string> theFile = new List <string>();
            List <int>    valLits = new List <int>();

            OpCodes       opCode   = new OpCodes();
            Symbol_Table  SymTab   = new Symbol_Table();
            Expressions   Exp      = new Expressions();
            Literal_Table LitTable = new Literal_Table();

            Node_Lit lit   = new Node_Lit();
            Node_Sym table = new Node_Sym();
            Node_Op  op    = new Node_Op();
            Node_Exp ex    = new Node_Exp();

            List <string> Literals = new List <string>();

            string[] Prog = File.ReadAllLines(program);
            string[] splitLine;

            string str_Count  = null;
            string tmpCounter = null;
            string label      = null;
            string operation  = null;
            string operand    = null;
            int    l          = 0;
            string Counter    = "00000";
            string EquCount   = null;
            string tmpStr;
            int    val;
            int    tmp;
            bool   r = true;

            foreach (string line in Prog)
                //HANDLE IF EMPTY LINE
                if (line != null)
                    //COMMMENT HANDLING
                    if (line[0] != '.')
                        tmpStr = line;

                        //SPLITS THE LINE
                        splitLine = tmpStr.Split(new char[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

                        //SETS LABEL
                        if (splitLine.Length >= 3)
                            label     = splitLine[0].ToUpper();
                            splitLine = splitLine.Where(w => w != splitLine[0]).ToArray();
                            tmpStr = splitLine[0];
                            if (tmpStr[0] != '+' && opCode.search(OpCodes, tmpStr) == null && tmpStr != "BASE" && tmpStr != "BYTE" && tmpStr != "END" && tmpStr != "EQU" && tmpStr != "EXTDEF" && tmpStr != "EXTREF" && tmpStr != "RESB" && tmpStr != "RESW" && tmpStr != "START" && tmpStr != "WORD")
                                label     = splitLine[0].ToUpper();
                                splitLine = splitLine.Where(w => w != splitLine[0]).ToArray();

                        //SETS OPERTATION
                        operation = splitLine[0].ToUpper();

                        //SETS OPERAND
                        if (splitLine.Length > 1)
                            operand = splitLine[1];

                        //SETS LINE NUMBER

                        if (operation != "EQU")
                            tmpCounter = Counter;

                        //IF START, THEN START; IF NOT END, THEN DO STUFF
                        if (operation == "START")
                            Counter   = operand.PadLeft(5, '0');
                            str_Count = Counter;
                        else if (operation != "END")
                            //FORMAT 4 CHECK
                            if (operation[0] != '+')
                                op = opCode.search(OpCodes, operation);
                                tmpStr    = operation.TrimStart('+');
                                op        = opCode.search(OpCodes, tmpStr);
                                op.format = "4";

                            if (op == null)
                                if (operation == "WORD")
                                    val     = int.Parse(Counter, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber) + 3;
                                    Counter = val.ToString("X").PadLeft(5, '0');
                                else if (operation == "RESW")
                                    if (int.TryParse(operand, out tmp))
                                        val     = int.Parse(Counter, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber) + (tmp * 3);
                                        Counter = val.ToString("X").PadLeft(5, '0');
                                else if (operation == "RESB")
                                    if (int.TryParse(operand, out tmp))
                                        val     = int.Parse(Counter, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber) + tmp;
                                        Counter = val.ToString("X").PadLeft(5, '0');
                                else if (operation == "BYTE")
                                    tmpStr = operand;
                                    if (tmpStr[0] == 'C')
                                        tmpStr = tmpStr.TrimStart('C', '\'');
                                        tmpStr = tmpStr.TrimEnd('\'');
                                        tmp    = tmpStr.Length;
                                        tmpStr = tmpStr.TrimStart('X', '\'');
                                        tmpStr = tmpStr.TrimEnd('\'');
                                        tmp    = tmpStr.Length / 2;

                                    val     = int.Parse(Counter, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber) + tmp;
                                    Counter = val.ToString("X").PadLeft(5, '0');
                                else if (operation == "BASE")
                                else if (operation == "EQU")
                                    if (operand == "*")
                                        EquCount = Counter;
                                    //IF OPERAND IS A DECIMAL VALUE
                                    else if (int.TryParse(operand, out tmp))
                                        EquCount = tmp.ToString("X").PadLeft(5, '0');
                                        r        = false;
                                    //IF OPERAND IS AN EXPRESSION
                                        ex = Exp.insert(table, operand);
                                        if (int.TryParse(ex.value, out tmp))
                                            EquCount = tmp.ToString("X").PadLeft(5, '0');
                                            r        = ex.relocatable;
                                else if (operation == "EXTDEF")
                                    r = false;
                                else if (operation == "EXTREF")
                                    r = false;
                                if (operation[0] != '+')
                                    if (int.TryParse(op.format, out tmp))
                                        val     = int.Parse(Counter, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber) + tmp;
                                        Counter = val.ToString("X").PadLeft(5, '0');
                                    val     = int.Parse(Counter, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber) + 4;
                                    Counter = val.ToString("X").PadLeft(5, '0');

                        if (operand != null)
                            if (operand[0] == '=')

                        if (EquCount == null)
                            theFile.Add(string.Format("{0,-4} {1,-10} {2,-10} {3,-10} {4,-15}", l, tmpCounter, label, operation, operand));
                            if (label != null)
                                table = SymTab.insert(table, label, tmpCounter, r);
                            theFile.Add(string.Format("{0,-4} {1,-10} {2,-10} {3,-10} {4,-15}", l, EquCount, label, operation, operand));
                            if (label != null)
                                table = SymTab.insert(table, label, EquCount, r);

                        EquCount = null;
                        r        = true;
                        label    = null;
                        operand  = null;

            if (Literals != null)
                foreach (string oper in Literals)
                    tmpCounter = Counter;

                    lit = LitTable.insert(lit, oper, Counter);

                    val     = int.Parse(Counter, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber) + lit.length;
                    Counter = val.ToString("X").PadLeft(5, '0');

                    theFile.Add(string.Format("{0,-4} {1,-10} {2,-10} {3,-10} {4,-15}", l, tmpCounter, "*", oper, ""));

            passOne.length = p2.SubHex(Counter, str_Count);

            passOne.table = table;
            passOne.lit   = lit;
            passOne.prog  = theFile;
