Ejemplo n.º 1
        public SurveyResult Score(
            User user,
            string[] answers)
            if (answers.Length != Questions.Count)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("answers", "Count of answers must equal the count of Questions in order to score the survey.");

            // create a result structure
            var r = new SurveyResult
                User = user.Document.Id,
                Survey = Document.Id,
                Title = Content.Title,
                Taken = DateTime.UtcNow,
                PointsEarned = Points,
                Answers = new List<SurveyResultAnswer>(),

            // score questions 1 by 1
            for (var i = 0; i < Questions.Count; i++)
                var q = Questions[i];
                r.Answers.Add(new SurveyResultAnswer
                    Question = q.Title,
                    Answer = q.Freeform ? answers[i] : q.Answers[int.Parse(answers[i])].Title,

            return r;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public void User_can_set_password()
     var u = new User();
     Assert.That(u.PasswordHash.Length, Is.GreaterThan(0));
     Assert.That(u.PasswordSalt.Length, Is.GreaterThan(0));
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static UserEditModel FromDomain(User u, UserActivitySummary logins, IAccountingService accounting)
            var x = new UserEditModel
                            Manager = u.Manager,
                            Group = u.Group,
                            ManagedGroups = u.ManagedGroups,
                            State = u.State,
                            DateBirth = u.DateBirth,
                            DateHired = u.DateHired,
                            Email = u.Email,
                            Title = u.Title,
                            EmployeeId = u.EmployeeId,
                            FirstName = u.FirstName,
                            LastName = u.LastName,
                            HomeAddress = u.HomeAddress,
                            WorkAddress = u.WorkAddress,
                            HomePhone = u.HomePhone,
                            WorkPhone = u.WorkPhone,
                            MobilePhone = u.MobilePhone,
                            Custom = u.Custom,
                            Permissions = (u.Permissions ?? new UserPermissions()),

                            // display only fields
                            Login = u.Login,
                            DateAcceptedTermsOfService = u.DateAcceptedTermsOfService,
                            DateRegistered = u.DateRegistered,
                            DateActivated = u.DateActivated,
                            DateSuspended = u.DateSuspended,
                            DateTerminated = u.DateTerminated,
            x.AddBudgets(u, accounting);
            return x;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public EmailSendAttempt SendWelcome(RequestContext request, User u)
     var template = LoadTemplate(
     var url = new UrlHelper(request).Action(MVC.Public.Login.Index());
     var e = Builder.Transform(
         new TemplateData
                 {"login", u.Login},
                 {"program", Application.ProgramName},
                 {"url", url.ToAbsoluteUrl(request.HttpContext.Request).ToString() },
     e.Recipient = new EmailAddress { Address = u.Email, Name = u.DisplayName };
     var attempt = Sender.Send(e);
     if (attempt.Success)
         u.LastWeclomeEmailSent = DateTime.UtcNow;
     return attempt;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public void User_state_doesnt_set_dates_when_previous_state_is_unset(
     [Values(UserState.Active, UserState.Registered, UserState.Suspended, UserState.Terminated)] UserState target)
     var u = new User { State = target };
     Assert.That(u.StateChanged, Is.EqualTo(new DateTime()));
     Assert.That(u.DateRegistered.HasValue, Is.False);
     Assert.That(u.DateActivated.HasValue, Is.False);
     Assert.That(u.DateSuspended.HasValue, Is.False);
     Assert.That(u.DateTerminated.HasValue, Is.False);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public void User_sets_unique_password_hash_even_for_same_password()
            var u1 = new User();
            var u2 = new User();


            Assert.That(User.CompareHash(u1.PasswordHash, u2.PasswordHash), Is.False);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public void Apply(ProfileElements e, User u)
            if (e.Email)
                u.Email = Email;
            if (e.Name)
                u.FirstName = FirstName;
                u.LastName = LastName; 
            if (e.DateOfBirth) 
                u.DateBirth = DateBirth;
            if (e.DateOfHire)
                u.DateHired = DateHired;
            if (e.HomeAddress)
                u.HomeAddress = HomeAddress;
            if (e.WorkAddress)
                u.WorkAddress = WorkAddress;
            if (e.HomePhone)
                u.HomePhone = HomePhone;
            if (e.WorkPhone)
                u.WorkPhone = WorkPhone;
            if (e.MobilePhone)
                u.MobilePhone = MobilePhone;
            if (e.CustomFields)
                u.Custom = Custom;
            if (e.Password &&
                !String.IsNullOrEmpty(Password) &&
                !String.IsNullOrEmpty(PasswordConfirmation) &&
                Password == PasswordConfirmation)

            u.LastUpdatedProfile = DateTime.UtcNow;
Ejemplo n.º 8
        protected override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)

            CurrentUser = Users[filterContext.HttpContext.User.Identity.Name];
            ViewData["currentUser"] = CurrentUser;

            // we need to have at least dashboard permissions to access this area
            if (null ==  CurrentUser.Permissions ||
                false == CurrentUser.Permissions.Dashboard)
                throw new HttpException((int)HttpStatusCode.Forbidden, "You do not have permission to access the dashboard.");
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public GameResult Score(User currentUser, int time, int score)
     return new GameResult
                    User = currentUser.Document.Id,
                    Game = this.Document.Id,
                    Title = Content.Title,
                    Taken = DateTime.UtcNow,
                    Time = time,
                    Score = score,
                    PointsEarned = null == TimeLimit
                     ? this.Award
                     : time <= TimeLimit ? this.Award : null,
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public AvailabilityResult IsAllowedAccess(User u, DateTime date)
            // disallow access based on enabled & date range settings
            if (!Enabled)
                return AvailabilityResult.No(
                    "This resource is not enabled.",
                    "This resource is currently disabled. Please ask an administrator to enabled this resource or to remove any links referencing it.");

            // if the availability is left blank, allow access by default
            return null == Availability
                ? AvailabilityResult.Ok
                : Availability.IsAllowedAccess(u, date);
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public void User_state_sets_dates_when_changed(
            [Values(UserState.Active, UserState.Registered, UserState.Suspended, UserState.Terminated)] UserState source,
            [Values(UserState.Active, UserState.Suspended, UserState.Terminated)] UserState target)
            if (source == target) return;

            var u = new User {State = source};
            var d = u.StateChanged;
            u.State = target;
            Assert.That(u.StateChanged, Is.GreaterThan(d));
            switch (target)
                case UserState.Registered: Assert.That(u.DateRegistered.HasValue, Is.True); break;
                case UserState.Active:     Assert.That(u.DateActivated.HasValue, Is.True); break;
                case UserState.Suspended:  Assert.That(u.DateSuspended.HasValue, Is.True); break;
                case UserState.Terminated: Assert.That(u.DateTerminated.HasValue, Is.True); break;
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public static BudgetDistributionViewModel Create(Ledger managerBudget, User employee, Ledger employeePoints)
            var last = managerBudget.Debits
                .Where(x => x.Credit == employeePoints.Account.Document.Id)
                .OrderBy(x => x.Date)
                .Select(x => (DateTime?)x.Date)

            return new BudgetDistributionViewModel
                Id = employee.Document.Id,
                DisplayName = employee.DisplayName,
                Balance = employeePoints.Balance,
                LastBudgetDistribution = last,
                LastBudgetDistributionText = last.HasValue ? last.Value.ToShortDateString() : "Never",
                Wishlist = employee.Wishlist,
Ejemplo n.º 13
 public User CreateUser()
     var u = new User
         Login = Login,
         Email = Email,
         FirstName = FirstName,
         LastName = LastName,
         State = UserState.Registered,
         StateChanged = DateTime.UtcNow,
         DateRegistered = DateTime.UtcNow,
         Document = new Document { Id = Document.For<User>(Login.ToSlug()) }
     u.State = Activate ? UserState.Active : UserState.Registered;
     if (!Activate)
     return u;
Ejemplo n.º 14
 public static ProfileEditModel FromDomain(ProfileElements elements, string[] custom, User u)
     return new ProfileEditModel()
         Elements = elements,
         Login = u.Login,
         Email = u.Email,
         FirstName = u.FirstName,
         LastName = u.LastName,
         DateBirth = u.DateBirth,
         DateHired = u.DateHired,
         HomeAddress = u.HomeAddress,
         WorkAddress = u.WorkAddress,
         HomePhone = u.HomePhone,
         WorkPhone = u.WorkPhone,
         MobilePhone = u.MobilePhone,
         Custom = custom.ToDictionary(
             x => x,
             x => (u.Custom != null && u.Custom.ContainsKey(x)) ? u.Custom[x] : ""),
Ejemplo n.º 15
        /// <summary>
        /// Determine if a user is allowed access to this resource, at a given point in time.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="u">User</param>
        /// <param name="date">Date</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// False, unless either the given user is in the Users list, the user's current group is
        /// in the Groups list, or the AvailableToPublic or AvailableToAllUsers flags are set,  and
        /// the supplied date is within the From and To properties of the Availability and the 
        /// Resource is Enabled.
        /// </returns>
        public AvailabilityResult IsAllowedAccess(User u, DateTime date)
            // disallow access based on date range settings
            if (From.HasValue && date < From.Value)
                return AvailabilityResult.No(
                    "This resource is not yet available.",
                    "This resource will become available on " + From.Value.ToShortDateString() + ". Please check back then.");
            if (To.HasValue && date > To.Value)
                return AvailabilityResult.No(
                    "This resource is no longer available.",
                    "This resource was made unavaible on " + To.Value.ToShortDateString() + ". Please ask your adminstrator to remove any links to this resource.");

            // allow access based on the group membership & mode
            var isInUsers = null != u && null != Users && Users.Contains(u.Document.Id);
            var isInGroups = null != u && null != Groups && null != u.Group && Groups.Contains(u.Group);
            switch (Mode)
                case AvailabilityMode.AvailableToPublic: return AvailabilityResult.Ok;
                case AvailabilityMode.AvailableToAllUsers:
                    if (null != u) return AvailabilityResult.Ok;
                case AvailabilityMode.AvailableOnlyTo:
                    if (isInUsers || isInGroups) return AvailabilityResult.Ok;
                case AvailabilityMode.AvailableToEveryoneBut:
                    if (!isInUsers && !isInGroups) return AvailabilityResult.Ok;

            return AvailabilityResult.No(
                "You do not have access to this resource.",
                "Please ask your adminstrator to grant access to this resource.");
Ejemplo n.º 16
        public void Apply(User u, IAccountingService accounting)
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Password))
            u.Manager = Manager;
            u.Group = Group;
            u.ManagedGroups = ManagedGroups;
            u.State = State;
            u.DateBirth = DateBirth;
            u.DateHired = DateHired;
            u.Title = Title;
            u.EmployeeId = EmployeeId;
            u.Email = Email;
            u.FirstName = FirstName;
            u.LastName = LastName;
            u.HomeAddress = HomeAddress;
            u.WorkAddress = WorkAddress;
            u.HomePhone = HomePhone;
            u.WorkPhone = WorkPhone;
            u.MobilePhone = MobilePhone;
            u.Custom = Custom;
            u.Permissions = Permissions;

            accounting.SetUserBudget(u, null == Budget ? null : Budget.ToBudget());
Ejemplo n.º 17
 public void AddBudgets(User u, IAccountingService accounting)
     PointsLedger = accounting.GetPointsLedger(u);
     BudgetLedger = accounting.GetBudgetLedger(u);
     Budget = (null != BudgetLedger &&
     null != BudgetLedger.Account)
         ? BudgetEditModel.FromDomain(BudgetLedger.Account.Budget)
         : new BudgetEditModel();
Ejemplo n.º 18
 public void AddBudgets(User u, IAccountingService accounting)
     PointsLedger = accounting.GetPointsLedger(u);
     BudgetLedger = accounting.GetBudgetLedger(u);
Ejemplo n.º 19
        public virtual ActionResult Randomizer(RandomizerModel model)
            // keep all the users in a local structure
            var r = new Random();
            var all = new Dictionary<string, User>();
            var execs = new List<User>();
            var managers = new List<User>();
            var groups = Groups.All().WithDocuments().ToList();

            // load up all the quizes and awards that we could do
            var quizzes = Quizzes.All().WithDocuments();
			// var awards = Awards.All().WithDocuments();

            // load up a random slice of about 10% of all products
            var products =
                       .Where(x => r.NextDouble() < 0.10)
            var averageprice = (int)products.Average(x => x.Price);

            var start = (model.From ?? DateTime.Now.AddYears(-1));
            var end = (model.To ?? DateTime.Now);
            var days = (int)(end-start).TotalDays;

            var dobstart = new DateTime(1955, 1, 1);
            const int dobdays = 365*35;

            for (var n=all.Count; n<model.Users; n++)
                // create basic user properties
                var first = Firstnames[(int)(Math.Pow(r.NextDouble(), r.NextDouble()) * Firstnames.Length)];
                var last = Lastnames[(int)(Math.Pow(r.NextDouble(), r.NextDouble()) * Lastnames.Length)];
                var login = (first[0] + last).ToSlug();
                var u = new User {
                  Document = new Document { Id = Document.For<User>(login) },
                  Login = login,
                  FirstName = first,
                  LastName = last,
                  Email = String.Format("{0}.{1}@{2}", first.ToSlug(), last.ToSlug(), model.EmailDomain),
                  State = UserState.Active,
                  DateBirth = dobstart.AddDays(r.Next(1, dobdays)),
                  DateHired = end.AddDays(-1 * r.Next(1, 3000)),
                  DateActivated = start.AddDays(r.Next(0, days)),

                // place into group/management hierarchy.. execs in charge of a group, with
                // several managers in each group with employers reporting to them.
                if (groups.Count > 2)
                    if (execs.Count < groups.Count)
                        // there's 1 exec for each group
                        var g = groups[execs.Count];
                        u.Group = g.Document.Id;
                        u.ManagedGroups = new[] { u.Group };
                        u.Title = "VP of " + g.Name;

                        // execs get a large budget
                        Accounting.GetBudgetLedger(u, true,
                            new Budget {
                                RefreshLimit = 3000,
                                RefreshInterval = BudgetRefreshInterval.Monthly,
                    else if (managers.Count < 3 * groups.Count)
                        // there are a few managers in each group        
                        u.Group = groups[r.Next(0, groups.Count - 1)].Document.Id;
                        u.Manager = execs.Where(x => x.Group == u.Group).First().Document.Id;
                        u.Title = "Supervisor";

                        // managers get a modest budget
                        Accounting.GetBudgetLedger(u, true,
                            new Budget {
                                RefreshLimit = r.NextDouble() < 0.50 ? 1500 : 2000,
                                RefreshInterval = BudgetRefreshInterval.Monthly,
                        // assign the user to a random manager (and place in his group)
                        var m = managers[r.Next(0, managers.Count-1)];
                        u.Manager = m.Document.Id;
                        u.Group = m.Group;
                    all.Add(u.Document.Id, u);

            // refresh budgets every day
            for (var n=0; n<days; n++)

            foreach (var u in all.Values)
                // some users just don't do anything
                var active = r.NextDouble() < 0.95;
                if (active)
                    // avg number of days between logins
                    var frequency = r.Next(7, 60);     
                    var d = start;
                    while (true)
                        // users are fairly predictable, within about 25% tolerance on either side
                        d = d.AddDays(r.Next(
                            (int)(frequency - (frequency * 0.25)),
                            (int)(frequency + (frequency * 0.25))
                        if (d > end) break;

                        // lets meet the bobs
                        if (r.NextDouble() < 0.05)
                            u.State = UserState.Terminated;
                            u.DateTerminated = d;
                            u.StateChanged = d; 

                        // usually they log in because they got some points
                        var ledger = Accounting.GetPointsLedger(u);
                        if (r.NextDouble() < 0.60)
                                r.Next(averageprice/10, averageprice/2),
                                "Congrulations on your sale!",
                                d.AddHours(-1 * r.Next(2, 72)),

                        // sometimes we forget our password
                        if (r.NextDouble() < 0.05)
                            u.IncrementLogins(false, Request, d);

                            // and we try again
                            if (r.NextDouble() < 0.75)
                                d = d.AddMinutes(1);
                                u.IncrementLogins(false, Request, d);
                            // and again
                            if (r.NextDouble() < 0.75)
                                d = d.AddMinutes(1);
                                u.IncrementLogins(false, Request, d);

                            // and again, and /again/
                            // the time for honoring yourself will soon be over

                            // but then we usually reset it and get logged in
                            if (r.NextDouble() < 0.80)
                                d = d.AddMinutes(5);
                        // login!
                        u.IncrementLogins(true, Request, d);

                        // if this is their first login, make sure they accept the terms of service
                        if (!u.DateAcceptedTermsOfService.HasValue)
                            u.DateAcceptedTermsOfService = d;

                        // try taking a quiz!
                        if (r.NextDouble() < 0.20)
                            foreach (var q in quizzes)
                                if (q.CanUserTakeQuiz(u, d, QuizResults.GetResults(q, u)).Available)
                                    // most quizzes are easy
                                    var qr = q.Score(
                                        q.Questions.Select(x => {
                                            var correct = (r.NextDouble() < 0.95);
                                            return x.Answers.IndexOf(x.Answers.First(y => y.Correct == correct));
                                    qr.Taken = d.AddMinutes(5);
                                    if (qr.Passed && qr.PointsEarned.HasValue && qr.PointsEarned > 0)
                                        var tx = Accounting.CreateProgramAward(q, null, u, qr.PointsEarned.Value, q.Content.Title);
                                        qr.Transaction = tx.Document.Id;

                        // send an award
                        if (r.NextDouble() < 0.10)

                        // if we have at least enough points to buy something 'average', try to place an order
                        if (ledger.Balance > averageprice)
                            var cart = new List<CatalogProduct>();
                            while (true)
                                var p = products[r.Next(0, products.Length-1)];
                                if (cart.Sum(x => x.Price) + p.Price < ledger.Balance)
                            if (cart.Count > 0)
                                var o = new Order
                                    User = u.Document.Id,
                                    State = OrderStateMachine.Create(),
                                    ShippingName = u.DisplayName,
                                    ShippingAddress = new Address { Address1 = "123 Main St.", City = "Minneapolis", State = "MN", PostalCode = "55456" },
                                    ShippingPhone = new Phone { Number = "(952)555-7834" },
                                    Items = cart.Select(x => new OrderItem
                                        ProductId = x.Id,
                                        ProductName = x.Name,
                                        OptionName = x.Options[0].Name,
                                        OptionSku =  x.Options[1].Sku,
                                        Description = x.Description,
                                        UnitPrice = x.Price,
                                        Quantity = 1,
                                        Stock = x.Stock,
                                        State = OrderItemStateMachine.Create(),
                                o.State[0].Changed = d.AddMinutes(15);
                                var tx = Accounting.CreateOrderPayment(u, o);
                                o.Transaction = tx.Document.Id;

                        // distribute budget
                        var budgetLedger = Accounting.GetBudgetLedger(u);
                        if (null != budgetLedger &&
                            null != budgetLedger.Account &&
                            null != budgetLedger.Account.Budget &&
                            r.NextDouble() < 0.50)
                            var budgetBalance = budgetLedger.Balance;
                            if (budgetBalance > budgetLedger.Account.Budget.RefreshLimit.Value * 0.15)
                                // pick a random user that reports to us
                                var reports = all.Values.Where(x => x.Manager == u.Document.Id).ToList();
                                if (reports.Count > 0)
                                    var awardee = reports[r.Next(0, reports.Count-1)];
                                        r.Next((int)(budgetBalance * 0.10), (int)(budgetBalance * 0.85)),
                                        "Budget Award");

            Notifier.Notify(Severity.Success, "Randomized!", "Random activity succesfully created. You may want to compact the database.", null);
            return this.RedirectToAction<UserController>(c => c.Index());
Ejemplo n.º 20
 public static void ValidateLogin(
     User u,
     string login,
     IUserRepository users,
     ModelStateDictionary state)
     if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(login) &&
         (null == u || u.Login != login))
         var same = users.Where(x => x.Login).Eq(login).List();
         if (same.Rows.Length > 0 &&
             (null == u || same.Rows.First().Id != u.Document.Id))
             // there's already a user with this login address (besides the current one)
             state.AddModelError("Login", "Login name already in use.");
Ejemplo n.º 21
 public void User_can_check_password()
     var u = new User();
     Assert.That(u.CheckPassword("asdf"), Is.True);
Ejemplo n.º 22
 public void User_password_is_case_sensitive()
     var u = new User();
     Assert.That(u.CheckPassword("asdF"), Is.False);
Ejemplo n.º 23
 public EmailSendAttempt SendReset(RequestContext request, User u, string password)
     var template = LoadTemplate(
     var url = new UrlHelper(request).Action(MVC.Public.Login.Index());
     var e = Builder.Transform(
         new TemplateData
                 {"login", u.Login},
                 {"program", Application.ProgramName},
                 {"password", password},
                 {"url", url.ToAbsoluteUrl(request.HttpContext.Request).ToString() },
     e.Recipient = new EmailAddress { Address = u.Email, Name = u.DisplayName };
     return Sender.Send(e);
Ejemplo n.º 24
 public void User_state_cant_transition_back_to_registered(
     [Values(UserState.Active, UserState.Suspended, UserState.Terminated)] UserState source)
     var u = new User { State = source };
     Assert.Throws<InvalidOperationException>(() => u.State = UserState.Registered);
Ejemplo n.º 25
 public static void ValidateEmail(
     User u,
     string email,
     IUserRepository users,
     ModelStateDictionary state)
     if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(email) &&
         (null == u || u.Email != email))
         var same = users.Where(x => x.Email).Eq(email).List();
         if (same.Rows.Length > 0 &&
             (null == u || same.Rows.First().Id != u.Document.Id))
             // there's already a user with this email address (besides the current one)
             state.AddModelError("Email", "Email address already in use.");