protected virtual void AppendDonateMenuItems(ToolStripMenuItem menu)
     WinFormPlus.AddMessageBoxItem(menu, GetTransLation(new string[] { "Alipay", "支付宝" }),
                                   GetTransLation(new string[] { "Click to donate to us with Alipay!", "点击以使用支付宝赞赏我们!" }), Properties.Resources.AlipayLogo, Properties.Resources.DonateAlipayQRcode);
     WinFormPlus.AddMessageBoxItem(menu, GetTransLation(new string[] { "WechatPay", "微信" }),
                                   GetTransLation(new string[] { "Click to donate to us with WechatPay!", "点击以使用微信赞赏我们!" }), Properties.Resources.WechatLogo, Properties.Resources.DonateWechatQRcode);
        protected virtual void AppendContactMenuItems(ToolStripMenuItem menu)
            WinFormPlus.AddMessageBoxItem(menu, GetTransLation(new string[] { "InfoGlasses QQ Group", "InfoGlasses QQ交流群" }),
                                          GetTransLation(new string[] { "Click to contact us in InfoGlasses QQ Group!", "点击以加入InfoGlasses QQ交流群。" }), Properties.Resources.QQLogo, Properties.Resources.InfoGlasses_QQGroup_QRcode);

            WinFormPlus.AddMessageBoxItem(menu, GetTransLation(new string[] { "Bright Zone of Rhino QQ Group", "犀牛之光 QQ交流群" }),
                                          GetTransLation(new string[] { "Click to contact us in Bright Zone of Rhino QQ Group!", "点击以加入犀牛之光 QQ交流群。" }), Properties.Resources.QQLogo, Properties.Resources.BrightZoneOfRhino_QQGroup_QRcode);


            WinFormPlus.AddMessageBoxItem(menu, GetTransLation(new string[] { "Parameterization QQ Group", "参数化交流 QQ群" }),
                                          GetTransLation(new string[] { "Click to contact us in Parameterization QQ Group!", "点击以加入参数化交流 QQ群。" }), Properties.Resources.QQLogo, Properties.Resources.Parameterization_QQGroup_QRcode);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static void AddNumberBoxItem(ToolStripDropDown menu, LanguagableComponent component, string itemName, string itemTip, Bitmap itemIcon, bool enable,
                                            double Default, double Min, double Max, string valueName, int width = 150)
            if (Max <= Min)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Max less than Min!");

            bool              flag    = true;
            string            English = "Value must be in " + Min.ToString() + " - " + Max.ToString() + ". Default is " + Default.ToString() + ".";
            string            Chinese = "输入值域为 " + Min.ToString() + " - " + Max.ToString() + ", 默认为 " + Default.ToString() + "。";
            string            tip     = itemTip + LanguagableComponent.GetTransLation(new string[] { English, Chinese });
            ToolStripMenuItem item    = CreateOneItem(itemName, tip, itemIcon, enable);

            var slider = new GH_DigitScroller
                MinimumValue  = (decimal)Min,
                MaximumValue  = (decimal)Max,
                DecimalPlaces = 3,
                Value         = (decimal)Default,
                Size          = new Size(width, 24)

            slider.ValueChanged += Slider_ValueChanged;

            void Slider_ValueChanged(object sender, GH_DigitScrollerEventArgs e)
                double result = (double)e.Value;

                result = result >= Min ? result : Min;
                result = result <= Max ? result : Max;
                component.SetValuePub(valueName, result, flag);
                flag = false;

            WinFormPlus.AddLabelItem(item.DropDown, itemName, tip);
            GH_DocumentObject.Menu_AppendCustomItem(item.DropDown, slider);

            GH_DocumentObject.Menu_AppendItem(item.DropDown, LanguagableComponent.GetTransLation(new string[] { "Reset Number", "重置数值" }), resetClick, Properties.Resources.ResetLogo,
                                              true, false).ToolTipText = LanguagableComponent.GetTransLation(new string[] { "Click to reset Number.", "点击以重置数值。" });
            void resetClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
                component.SetValuePub(valueName, Default);

        protected sealed override void AppendAdditionalComponentMenuItems(ToolStripDropDown menu)


            if (_showOption)
                ToolStripMenuItem donateItem = WinFormPlus.CreateOneItem(GetTransLation(new string[] { "Donate To Us!", "向我们赞赏吧!" }),
                                                                         GetTransLation(new string[] { "Select one way to donate to us!", "选择一个渠道赞赏我们!" }), Properties.Resources.DonateIcon);

                ToolStripMenuItem helpItem = WinFormPlus.CreateOneItem(GetTransLation(new string[] { "How to use it?", "如何使用它呢?" }),
                                                                       GetTransLation(new string[] { "Select one Video or URL to know how to use it.", "选择一个视频或者网页了解如何使用它。" }), Properties.Resources.HelpLogo);
                helpItem.Enabled = helpItem.DropDownItems.Count != 0;
                if (!helpItem.Enabled)
                    helpItem.Text += GetTransLation(new string[] { " (Coming soon...)", "(即将开启……)" });

                ToolStripMenuItem contactItem = WinFormPlus.CreateOneItem(GetTransLation(new string[] { "Contact us!", "联系我们!" }),
                                                                          GetTransLation(new string[] { "Select one contact way to contact us!", "选择一种联系方式联系我们!" }), Properties.Resources.ContactIcon);

            string languageTip = GetTransLation(new string[] { "Select one Language.Note: It will Recompute the component with language options!", "请选择一个语言。注意:这将让有语言选项的电池重新计算!" });

            ToolStripMenuItem languageItem = WinFormPlus.CreateOneItem(GetTransLation(new string[] { "Language", "语言(Language)" }), languageTip, Properties.Resources.LanguageIcon);

 protected virtual void AppendHelpMenuItems(ToolStripMenuItem menu)
     WinFormPlus.AddURLItem(menu, GetTransLation(new string[] { "See Source Code", "查看源代码" }), GetTransLation(new string[] { "Click to the GitHub to see source code.", "点击以到GitHub查看源代码。" }),
                            WinFormPlus.ItemIconType.GitHub, "");