Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void TestBearOffPieceStrategyOneDie()
            var player = this.app.GetGameFactory().CreatePlayer("Player 1");
            var enemy = this.app.GetGameFactory().CreatePlayer("Player 2");
            var dice = new[] { new DefaultDie(true, 6), new DefaultDie(false, 5), new DefaultDie(false, 4), new DefaultDie(false, 3) };
            var turn = new DefaultTurn(player, dice);
            var context = new DefaultGameRuleStrategyContext();
            var board = this.CreateDefaultBoard();
            board.Lanes[19].Add(new DefaultPiece(player));
            board.Lanes[20].Add(new DefaultPiece(enemy));
            var strategy = new BearOffPieceStrategy();

            var moves = this.CallGetStrategyValidMoves(strategy, board, turn, context);
            context.IsDone.Should().BeFalse("the strategy should never short-circuit");
            moves.Should().ContainSingle("there should be only one move available");
            moves[0].Die.Should().Be(dice[1], "this is the only available die which can be used to exit");
            moves[0].Lane.Should().BeSameAs(board.Lanes[19], "this lane contains the only piece for the player");
            moves[0].LaneIndex.Should().Be(19, "this lane contains the only piece for the player");

            var piece = board.Lanes[19][0];
            strategy.MovePiece(player, board, moves[0]);
            board.Lanes[19].Should().BeEmpty("the piece should have been beared off");
            board.BearedOff.Should().ContainSingle("the piece should have been moved to this lane");
            board.BearedOff[0].Should().BeSameAs(piece, "the beared off piece should be the same as the selected one");
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void TestBearOffPieceStrategyTwoDice()
            var player = this.app.GetGameFactory().CreatePlayer("Player 1");
            var enemy = this.app.GetGameFactory().CreatePlayer("Player 2");
            var dice = new[] { new DefaultDie(false, 6), new DefaultDie(false, 5), new DefaultDie(false, 4), new DefaultDie(false, 3) };
            var turn = new DefaultTurn(player, dice);
            var context = new DefaultGameRuleStrategyContext();
            var board = this.CreateDefaultBoard();
            board.Lanes[19].Add(new DefaultPiece(player));
            board.Lanes[19].Add(new DefaultPiece(player));
            board.Lanes[20].Add(new DefaultPiece(enemy));
            var strategy = new BearOffPieceStrategy();

            var moves = this.CallGetStrategyValidMoves(strategy, board, turn, context);
            context.IsDone.Should().BeFalse("the strategy should never short-circuit");
            moves.Count.Should().Be(2, "there should be two move available");
            moves[0].Die.Should().Be(dice[0], "a larger move can be used when there is no piece before ours");
            moves[0].Lane.Should().BeSameAs(board.Lanes[19], "this lane contains the only piece for the player");
            moves[0].LaneIndex.Should().Be(19, "this lane contains the only piece for the player");
            moves[1].Die.Should().Be(dice[1], "an exact die can be used to bear off the piece");
            moves[1].Lane.Should().BeSameAs(board.Lanes[19], "this lane contains the only piece for the player");
            moves[1].LaneIndex.Should().Be(19, "this lane contains the only piece for the player");

            var unmovedPiece = board.Lanes[19][0];
            var piece = board.Lanes[19][1];
            strategy.MovePiece(player, board, moves[0]);
            board.Lanes[19].Should().ContainSingle("only one piece should be beared off");
            board.Lanes[19][0].Should().BeSameAs(unmovedPiece, "the remaining piece should not be changed");
            board.BearedOff.Should().ContainSingle("the piece should have been moved to this lane");
            board.BearedOff[0].Should().BeSameAs(piece, "the beared off piece should be the same as the selected one");