void Program_Preparer()
         Person person  = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Person>(Settings.GeneralSettings);
         string dersids = $"select ders_id from derskayit where student_id = '{person.Id}'";
         Dictionary <string, List <string> > ders_ids = HelperFunctionss.Sqlreaderexecuter(dersids);
         foreach (string id in ders_ids["ders_id"])
             string ders = $"select DersGünü,DersAdi,hoca_id,cast(date2 as time(0))[time] from Dersler where Ders_ID = '{id}'";
             Dictionary <string, List <string> > dersler = HelperFunctionss.Sqlreaderexecuter(ders);
             string hocaisim = $"select isim from Hocalar where Hoca_id = '{dersler["hoca_id"][0]}'";
             hocaisim = HelperFunctionss.SqlExecuter(hocaisim, 1);
             Label label = new Label
                 Text = dersler["DersAdi"][0] + "\n" + hocaisim,
             label.FontSize = Device.GetNamedSize(NamedSize.Micro, label);
             string lname = dersler["time"][0].Replace(":", "");
             lname = "l" + lname;
             int row = Grid.GetRow(Grid.FindByName <Label>(lname));
             int col = Grid.GetColumn(Grid.FindByName <Label>(dersler["DersGünü"][0]));
             Grid.Children.Add(label, col, row);
     catch (Exception exp)
         DisplayAlert("", exp.ToString(), "ok");
        void Brans_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            string comm = $@"SELECT isim from Hocalar WHERE Brans = '{Brans.SelectedItem.ToString()}'";
            Dictionary <string, List <string> > names = HelperFunctionss.Sqlreaderexecuter(comm);

            HelperFunctionss.Pickeradjuster(Hocalar, names, "isim");
        void Button7_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (Brans.SelectedIndex != -1 && Hocalar.SelectedIndex != -1 && Gun.SelectedIndex != -1)
                    string hocaid = $"select Hoca_id from Hocalar where isim = '{Hocalar.SelectedItem.ToString()}'";
                    hocaid = HelperFunctionss.SqlExecuter(hocaid, 1);
                    string comm = $@"SELECT cast(date2 as time(0))[date2] from Dersler 
                    WHERE DersAdi = '{Brans.SelectedItem.ToString()}' 
                    and hoca_id = '{hocaid}' 
                    and DersGünü = '{Gun.SelectedItem.ToString()}' and enrolled != quota";
                    Dictionary <string, List <string> > table = HelperFunctionss.Sqlreaderexecuter(comm);
                    Person person1 = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Person>(Settings.GeneralSettings);
                    comm = $@"SELECT cast(Dersler.date2 as time(0))[date2]
                              FROM Dersler
                              INNER JOIN derskayit ON Dersler.Ders_ID = derskayit.ders_id
                              where derskayit.student_id = '{person1.Id}' 
                              and DersGünü = '{Gun.SelectedItem.ToString()}';";
                    Dictionary <string, List <string> > kayitlitimes = HelperFunctionss.Sqlreaderexecuter(comm);

                    DersGunu.Text = Gun.SelectedItem.ToString();
                    foreach (string row in table["date2"])
                        string bname = "b" + row.Replace(":", "");
                        string lname = "l" + row.Replace(":", "");
                        string rname = "r" + row.Replace(":", "");
                        if (!(kayitlitimes["date2"].Contains(row)))
                                Grid.IsVisible = true;
                                Grid.FindByName <Button>(bname).IsVisible     = true;
                                Grid.FindByName <Label>(lname).IsVisible      = true;
                                Grid.FindByName <RowDefinition>(rname).Height = GridLength.Star;
                    if (Grid.IsVisible == false)
                        DisplayAlert("Uyarı", "Kayıt olabileceğiniz Ders bulunmamaktır lütfen Ders Programınızı Kontrol Ediniz", "Tamam");

                catch (Exception exx)
                    DisplayAlert("alert", exx.ToString(), "ok");
                DisplayAlert("Uyarı", "Lutfen butun seçenekleri eksiksiz seçiniz", "OK");
        void Brans_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string comm = $@"SELECT isim from Hocalar WHERE Brans = '{Brans.SelectedItem.ToString()}'";
            Dictionary <string, List <string> > names = HelperFunctionss.Sqlreaderexecuter(comm);

            HelperFunctionss.Pickeradjuster(Hocalar, names, "isim");
            Gun.SelectedIndex = -1;
            Gun.IsEnabled  = false;
            Grid.IsVisible = false;
        void Button1_Clicked(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            if (username.Text == "arphazon")
                Application.Current.MainPage = new Admin();
                Settings.GeneralSettings     = username.Text;
            string comm = $@"if exists(SELECT sifre from Kisiler WHERE kullaniciadi = '{username.Text}')  
                SELECT sifre from Kisiler WHERE kullaniciadi = '{username.Text}' 
                select null";

            if (App5.HelperFunctionss.SqlExecuter(comm, 1) == "null")
                DisplayAlert("Alert", "Yanlis Kullanici Adi", "OK");
                username.Text = "";
                pass.Text     = "";
                if (App5.HelperFunctionss.SqlExecuter(comm, 1) != pass.Text)
                    DisplayAlert("Alert", "Yanlis Sifre", "OK");
                    comm = $@"SELECT isim,soyisim,Sınıf,unvan,Personid from Kisiler WHERE kullaniciadi = '{username.Text}'";
                    Dictionary <string, List <string> > datas = HelperFunctionss.Sqlreaderexecuter(comm);

                        Person person1 = new Person
                            Username = username.Text,
                            Name     = datas["isim"][0],
                            Surname  = datas["soyisim"][0],
                            Sinif    = datas["Sınıf"][0],
                            Unvan    = datas["unvan"][0],
                            Id       = datas["Personid"][0]
                        Settings.GeneralSettings     = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(person1);
                        Application.Current.MainPage = new LoggedIn();
                    catch (Exception exp)
                        DisplayAlert("Exception", exp.Message, "OK");
 void Hocalar_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (Hocalar.SelectedIndex != -1)
         string hocaid = $"select Hoca_id from Hocalar where isim = '{Hocalar.SelectedItem.ToString()}'";
         hocaid = HelperFunctionss.SqlExecuter(hocaid, 1);
         string comm = $@"SELECT DersGünü from Dersler 
         WHERE DersAdi = '{Brans.SelectedItem.ToString()}' 
         and hoca_id = '{hocaid}' and enrolled != quota";
         Dictionary <string, List <string> > names = HelperFunctionss.Sqlreaderexecuter(comm);
         HelperFunctionss.Pickeradjuster(Gun, names, "DersGünü");
         Grid.IsVisible = false;