Ejemplo n.º 1
 public static bool TryGetValue <T>(this Dict dict, string key, out T obj,
                                    Compiler.Block block, CompileException err)
     where T : GLObject
     return(dict.TryGetValue(key, out obj, block.LineInFile, block.Filename, err));
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public static bool TryGetValue <T>(this Dict dict, string key, out T obj,
                                    Compiler.Command cmd, CompileException err)
     where T : GLObject
     return(dict.TryGetValue(key, out obj, cmd.LineInFile, cmd.File, err));
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Create OpenGL object. Standard object constructor for ProtoFX.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="block"></param>
        /// <param name="scene"></param>
        /// <param name="genDebugInfo"></param>
        public GLPass(Compiler.Block block, Dict scene, bool genDebugInfo)
            : base(block.Name, block.Anno, 309, genDebugInfo)
            var err = new CompileException($"pass '{Name}'");

            GenDebugInfo = genDebugInfo;


            Cmds2Fields(block, err);

            /// PARSE COMMANDS

            foreach (var cmd in block)
                // ignore class fields
                var field = GetType().GetField(cmd.Name, Instance | Public | NonPublic);
                var attr  = field?.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(FxField), false);
                if (attr?.Length > 0)

                using (var e = err | $"command '{cmd.Name}' line {cmd.LineInFile}")
                    switch (cmd.Name)
                    case "draw": ParseDrawCall(cmd, scene, e); break;

                    case "compute": ParseComputeCall(cmd, scene, e); break;

                    case "tex": ParseTexCmd(cmd, scene, e); break;

                    case "img": ParseImgCmd(cmd, scene, e); break;

                    case "samp": ParseSampCmd(cmd, scene, e); break;

                    case "exec": ParseCsharpExec(cmd, scene, e); break;

                    case "vertout": vertoutput = new Vertoutput(cmd, scene, e);  break;

                    case "fragout": scene.TryGetValue(cmd[0].Text, out fragoutput, cmd, e); break;

                    default: ParseOpenGLCall(cmd, e); break;

            if (err.HasErrors)
                throw err;

            /// CREATE OPENGL OBJECT

            if (Vert != null || Comp != null)
                GL.CreateProgramPipelines(1, out glname);

                // Attach shader objects.
                // First try attaching a compute shader. If that
                // fails, try attaching the default shader pipeline.
                if ((glcomp = Attach(block, Comp, scene, err)) == null)
                    glvert = Attach(block, Vert, scene, err);
                    gltess = Attach(block, Tess, scene, err);
                    gleval = Attach(block, Eval, scene, err);
                    glgeom = Attach(block, Geom, scene, err);
                    glfrag = Attach(block, Frag, scene, err);

                // get debug shaders
                if (GenDebugInfo)
                    if (glcomp != null)
                        dbgcomp = (CompShader)glcomp.DebugShader;
                        Shader prev =
                            dbgvert = (VertShader)glvert.DebugShader;
                        dbgtess     = (TessShader)gltess?.DebugShader;
                        dbgeval     = (EvalShader)gleval?.DebugShader;
                        dbggeom     = (GeomShader)glgeom?.DebugShader;
                        dbgfrag     = (FragShader)glfrag?.DebugShader;
                        if (dbgtess != null)
                            dbgtess.Prev = prev;
                            prev         = dbgtess;
                        if (dbgeval != null)
                            dbgeval.Prev = prev;
                            prev         = dbgeval;
                        if (dbggeom != null)
                            dbggeom.Prev = prev;
                            prev         = dbggeom;

            /// CHECK FOR ERRORS

            if (GL.GetError() != ErrorCode.NoError)
                err.Add($"OpenGL error '{GL.GetError()}' occurred " +
                        "during shader program creation.", block);
            if (err.HasErrors)
                throw err;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private void ParseDrawCall(Compiler.Command cmd, Dict classes, CompileException err)
            var          args      = new List <int>();
            GLVertinput  vertexin  = null;
            GLVertoutput vertout   = null;
            GLBuffer     indexbuf  = null;
            GLBuffer     indirect  = null;
            bool         modeIsSet = false;
            bool         typeIsSet = false;
            PrimType     primitive = 0;
            ElementType  indextype = 0;

            // parse draw call arguments
            foreach (var arg in cmd)
                if (classes.TryGetValue(arg.Text, ref vertexin))
                if (classes.TryGetValue(arg.Text, ref vertout))
                if (classes.TryGetValue(arg.Text, ref indexbuf))
                if (classes.TryGetValue(arg.Text, ref indirect))
                if (int.TryParse(arg.Text, out int val))
                else if (typeIsSet == false && Enum.TryParse(arg.Text, true, out indextype))
                    typeIsSet = true;
                else if (modeIsSet == false && Enum.TryParse(arg.Text, true, out primitive))
                    modeIsSet = true;
                    err.Add($"Unable to process argument '{arg.Text}'.", cmd);

            if (err.HasErrors)

            // a draw call must specify a primitive type
            if (modeIsSet == false)
                err.Add("Draw call must specify a primitive type (e.g. triangles, "
                        + "trianglefan, lines, points, ...).", cmd);

            // determine the right draw call function
            int bits = (vertout != null ? 1 : 0)
                       | (indexbuf != null ? 2 : 0)
                       | (indirect != null ? 4 : 0)
                       | (typeIsSet ? 8 : 0);

            if (!Enum.IsDefined(typeof(DrawFunc), bits))
                err.Add("Draw call function not recognized or ambiguous.", cmd);

            var drawfunc = (DrawFunc)bits;

            // get index buffer object (if present) and find existing MultiDraw class
            var multidrawcall = drawcalls.Find(
                x => x.vertexin == (vertexin != null ? vertexin.glname : 0) &&
                x.indexbuf == (indexbuf != null ? indexbuf.glname : 0) &&
                x.vertout == (vertout != null ? vertout.glname : 0) &&
                x.indirect == (indirect != null ? indirect.glname : 0))
                                ?? new MultiDrawCall(drawfunc, vertexin, vertout, indexbuf, indirect);

            // add new draw command to the MultiDraw class
            multidrawcall.cmd.Add(new DrawCall(drawfunc, primitive, indextype, args));

Ejemplo n.º 5
 /// <summary>
 /// Create OpenGL object. Standard object constructor for ProtoFX.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="block"></param>
 /// <param name="scene"></param>
 /// <param name="debugging"></param>
 public GLTexture(Compiler.Block block, Dict scene, bool debugging)
     : this(block, scene, null, null)
Ejemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Parse command line and attach the buffer object
        /// to the specified unit (input stream).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="unit"></param>
        /// <param name="cmd"></param>
        /// <param name="scene"></param>
        /// <param name="err"></param>
        private void Attach(int unit, Compiler.Command cmd, Dict scene, CompileException err)
            // check commands for errors
            if (cmd.ArgCount < 3)
                err.Add("Command attr needs at least 3 attributes (e.g. 'attr buff_name float 4')", cmd);

            // parse command arguments
            string buffname = cmd[0].Text;
            string typename = cmd[1].Text;
            int    length   = int.Parse(cmd[2].Text);
            int    stride   = cmd.ArgCount > 3 ? int.Parse(cmd[3].Text) : 0;
            int    offset   = cmd.ArgCount > 4 ? int.Parse(cmd[4].Text) : 0;
            int    divisor  = cmd.ArgCount > 5 ? int.Parse(cmd[5].Text) : 0;

            if (scene.TryGetValue(buffname, out GLBuffer buff, cmd, err) == false)
                err.Add($"Buffer '{buffname}' could not be found.", cmd);

            // enable vertex array attribute
            GL.BindBuffer(BufferTarget.ArrayBuffer, buff.glname);

            // bind buffer to vertex array attribute
            int type = 0;

            if (Enum.TryParse(typename, true, out VertAttrIntType typei))
                GL.VertexAttribIPointer(unit, length, (IntType)(type = (int)typei), stride, (IntPtr)offset);
            else if (Enum.TryParse(typename, true, out VertAttrType typef))
                GL.VertexAttribPointer(unit, length, (PointerType)(type = (int)typef), false, stride, offset);
                err.Add($"Type '{typename}' is not supported.", cmd);

            if (divisor > 0)
                GL.VertexAttribDivisor(unit, divisor);

            GL.BindBuffer(BufferTarget.ArrayBuffer, 0);

            // add vertex attribute
            attributes.Add(new VertAttr()
                buffer  = buff,
                type    = type,
                length  = length,
                stride  = stride,
                offset  = offset,
                divisor = divisor,