Ejemplo n.º 1

        public static void RequireOk(MiResultRecord resultRecord, string command)
            if (resultRecord == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("resultRecord");
            else if (!CheckOk(resultRecord))
                if (resultRecord.HasField("msg"))
                    string errorReason = resultRecord ["msg"] [0].GetString();

                    throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("'{0}' failed with error: {1}", command, errorReason));
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("'{0}' failed with unspecified error", command));
Ejemplo n.º 2

    private void OnClientResultRecord (MiResultRecord resultRecord)
      LoggingUtils.PrintFunction ();

      switch (resultRecord.Class)
        case "done":
        case "running": // same behaviour (backward compatibility)
          // "^done" [ "," results ]: The synchronous operation was successful, results are the return values.

            if (resultRecord.HasField ("reason"))
              int stoppedIndex = resultRecord ["reason"].Count - 1;

              MiResultValue stoppedReason = resultRecord ["reason"] [stoppedIndex];

              switch (stoppedReason.GetString ())
                case "exited":
                case "exited-normally":
                case "exited-signalled":
                  if (m_interruptOperationCompleted != null)
                    m_interruptOperationCompleted.Set ();

                  ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem (delegate (object state)
                      LoggingUtils.RequireOk (Engine.Detach (NativeProgram.DebugProgram));
                    catch (Exception e)
                      LoggingUtils.HandleException (e);


                  throw new NotImplementedException ();
          catch (Exception e)
            LoggingUtils.HandleException (e);


        case "connected":
          // ^connected: GDB has connected to a remote target.

            // If notifications are unsupported, we should assume that we need to refresh breakpoints when connected.

            if (!GdbClient.GetClientFeatureSupported ("breakpoint-notifications"))
              Engine.BreakpointManager.SetDirty (true);

            Engine.BreakpointManager.RefreshBreakpoints ();
          catch (Exception e)
            LoggingUtils.HandleException (e);

        case "error":
          // "^error" "," c-string: The operation failed. The c-string contains the corresponding error message.

        case "exit":
          // ^exit: GDB has terminated.

Ejemplo n.º 3

        public static bool CheckOk(MiResultRecord resultRecord)
            return((resultRecord != null) && (!resultRecord.IsError()));
Ejemplo n.º 4

        public static MiRecord ParseGdbOutputRecord(string streamOutput)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(streamOutput))

            // Process any leading 'async-record' or 'result-record' token.

            int streamIndex = 0;

            if (streamOutput.StartsWith("(gdb)"))
                // GDB prompt. Waiting for input.

                return(new MiPromptRecord());
            else if (streamOutput [streamIndex] == '~')
                // Console stream record. Clears leading '~" and trailing '\\n"' characters.


                StringBuilder consoleStreamBuilder = new StringBuilder(streamOutput.Trim(new char [] { '~', '\"' }));

                //consoleStreamBuilder.Replace ("\\n", "\n");

                return(new MiStreamRecord(MiStreamRecord.StreamType.Console, consoleStreamBuilder.ToString()));
            else if (streamOutput [streamIndex] == '@')
                // Target stream record. Clears leading '@" and trailing '\\n"' characters.


                StringBuilder targetStreamBuilder = new StringBuilder(streamOutput.Trim(new char [] { '@', '\"' }));

                //targetStreamBuilder.Replace ("\\n", "\n");

                return(new MiStreamRecord(MiStreamRecord.StreamType.Target, targetStreamBuilder.ToString()));
            else if (streamOutput [streamIndex] == '&')
                // Log stream record. Clears leading '&" and trailing '\\n"' characters.


                StringBuilder logStreamBuilder = new StringBuilder(streamOutput.Trim(new char [] { '&', '\"' }));

                //logStreamBuilder.Replace ("\\n", "\n");

                return(new MiStreamRecord(MiStreamRecord.StreamType.Log, logStreamBuilder.ToString()));
                // The following record types have associated key-pair data; identify the type and build a result collection.

                string recordData = streamOutput.Substring(streamIndex);

                int bufferStartPos = 0;

                int bufferCurrentPos = bufferStartPos;

                char type = '^';

                uint token = 0;

                while (bufferCurrentPos < streamOutput.Length)
                    if (((bufferCurrentPos + 1) >= streamOutput.Length) || (streamOutput [bufferCurrentPos + 1] == ','))
                        string clazz = recordData.Substring(bufferStartPos, (bufferCurrentPos + 1) - bufferStartPos);

                        string data = string.Empty;

                        if (((bufferCurrentPos + 1) < streamOutput.Length) && (streamOutput [bufferCurrentPos + 1] == ','))
                            data = recordData.Substring(bufferCurrentPos + 2);

                        MiRecord resultRecord = null;

                        List <MiResultValue> values = new List <MiResultValue> ();

                            ParseAllResults(data, ref values);
                        catch (Exception e)
                            switch (type)
                            case '^': resultRecord = new MiResultRecord(token, clazz, values); break;

                            case '*': resultRecord = new MiAsyncRecord(MiAsyncRecord.AsyncType.Exec, token, clazz, values); break;

                            case '+': resultRecord = new MiAsyncRecord(MiAsyncRecord.AsyncType.Status, token, clazz, values); break;

                            case '=': resultRecord = new MiAsyncRecord(MiAsyncRecord.AsyncType.Notify, token, clazz, values); break;

                    else if ((recordData [bufferCurrentPos] == '^') || (recordData [bufferCurrentPos] == '*') || (recordData [bufferCurrentPos] == '+') || (recordData [bufferCurrentPos] == '='))
                        type = recordData [bufferCurrentPos];

                        string stringToken = recordData.Substring(bufferStartPos, bufferCurrentPos);

                        if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(stringToken))
                            uint.TryParse(stringToken, out token);

                        bufferStartPos = ++bufferCurrentPos;


Ejemplo n.º 5

    public static void RequireOk (MiResultRecord resultRecord, string command)
      if (resultRecord == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException ("resultRecord");
      else if (!CheckOk (resultRecord))
        if (resultRecord.HasField ("msg"))
          string errorReason = resultRecord ["msg"] [0].GetString ();

          throw new InvalidOperationException (string.Format ("'{0}' failed with error: {1}", command, errorReason));
          throw new InvalidOperationException (string.Format ("'{0}' failed with unspecified error", command));
Ejemplo n.º 6

    public static bool CheckOk (MiResultRecord resultRecord)
      return ((resultRecord != null) && (!resultRecord.IsError ()));
Ejemplo n.º 7

    public static MiRecord ParseGdbOutputRecord (string streamOutput)
      if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (streamOutput))
        return null;

      // Process any leading 'async-record' or 'result-record' token.

      int streamIndex = 0;

      if (streamOutput.StartsWith ("(gdb)"))
        // GDB prompt. Waiting for input.

        return new MiPromptRecord ();
      else if (streamOutput [streamIndex] == '~')
        // Console stream record. Clears leading '~" and trailing '\\n"' characters.


        StringBuilder consoleStreamBuilder = new StringBuilder (streamOutput.Trim (new char [] { '~', '\"' }));

        //consoleStreamBuilder.Replace ("\\n", "\n");

        return new MiStreamRecord (MiStreamRecord.StreamType.Console, consoleStreamBuilder.ToString ());
      else if (streamOutput [streamIndex] == '@')
        // Target stream record. Clears leading '@" and trailing '\\n"' characters.


        StringBuilder targetStreamBuilder = new StringBuilder (streamOutput.Trim (new char [] { '@', '\"' }));

        //targetStreamBuilder.Replace ("\\n", "\n");

        return new MiStreamRecord (MiStreamRecord.StreamType.Target, targetStreamBuilder.ToString ());
      else if (streamOutput [streamIndex] == '&')
        // Log stream record. Clears leading '&" and trailing '\\n"' characters.


        StringBuilder logStreamBuilder = new StringBuilder (streamOutput.Trim (new char [] { '&', '\"' }));

        //logStreamBuilder.Replace ("\\n", "\n");

        return new MiStreamRecord (MiStreamRecord.StreamType.Log, logStreamBuilder.ToString ());
        // The following record types have associated key-pair data; identify the type and build a result collection.

        string recordData = streamOutput.Substring (streamIndex);

        int bufferStartPos = 0;

        int bufferCurrentPos = bufferStartPos;

        char type = '^';

        uint token = 0;

        while (bufferCurrentPos < streamOutput.Length)
          if (((bufferCurrentPos + 1) >= streamOutput.Length) || (streamOutput [bufferCurrentPos + 1] == ','))
            string clazz = recordData.Substring (bufferStartPos, (bufferCurrentPos + 1) - bufferStartPos);

            string data = string.Empty;

            if (((bufferCurrentPos + 1) < streamOutput.Length) && (streamOutput [bufferCurrentPos + 1] == ','))
              data = recordData.Substring (bufferCurrentPos + 2);

            MiRecord resultRecord = null;

            List<MiResultValue> values = new List<MiResultValue> ();

              ParseAllResults (data, ref values);
            catch (Exception e)
              LoggingUtils.HandleException (e);
              switch (type)
                case '^': resultRecord = new MiResultRecord (token, clazz, values); break;
                case '*': resultRecord = new MiAsyncRecord (MiAsyncRecord.AsyncType.Exec, token, clazz, values); break;
                case '+': resultRecord = new MiAsyncRecord (MiAsyncRecord.AsyncType.Status, token, clazz, values); break;
                case '=': resultRecord = new MiAsyncRecord (MiAsyncRecord.AsyncType.Notify, token, clazz, values); break;

            return resultRecord;
          else if ((recordData [bufferCurrentPos] == '^') || (recordData [bufferCurrentPos] == '*') || (recordData [bufferCurrentPos] == '+') || (recordData [bufferCurrentPos] == '='))
            type = recordData [bufferCurrentPos];

            string stringToken = recordData.Substring (bufferStartPos, bufferCurrentPos);

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace (stringToken))
              uint.TryParse (stringToken, out token);

            bufferStartPos = ++bufferCurrentPos;


        return null;