Ejemplo n.º 1
        public override StartCommandResult OnStartCommand(Intent intent, StartCommandFlags flags, int startId)
            AndroidSensusServiceHelper serviceHelper = SensusServiceHelper.Get() as AndroidSensusServiceHelper;

            serviceHelper.Logger.Log("Sensus service received start command (startId=" + startId + ").", LoggingLevel.Normal, GetType());

            serviceHelper.MainActivityWillBeDisplayed = intent.GetBooleanExtra(AndroidSensusServiceHelper.MAIN_ACTIVITY_WILL_BE_DISPLAYED, false);

            // the service can be stopped without destroying the service object. in such cases, 
            // subsequent calls to start the service will not call OnCreate. therefore, it's 
            // important that any code called here is okay to call multiple times, even if the 
            // service is running. calling this when the service is running can happen because 
            // sensus receives a signal on device boot and for any callback alarms that are 
            // requested. furthermore, all calls here should be nonblocking / async so we don't 
            // tie up the UI thread.

            serviceHelper.StartAsync(() =>
                    if (intent.GetBooleanExtra(AndroidSensusServiceHelper.SENSUS_CALLBACK_KEY, false))
                        string callbackId = intent.GetStringExtra(AndroidSensusServiceHelper.SENSUS_CALLBACK_ID_KEY);
                        if (callbackId != null)
                            bool repeating = intent.GetBooleanExtra(AndroidSensusServiceHelper.SENSUS_CALLBACK_REPEATING_KEY, false);
                            serviceHelper.RaiseCallbackAsync(callbackId, repeating, true);

            return StartCommandResult.RedeliverIntent;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public override StartCommandResult OnStartCommand(Intent intent, StartCommandFlags flags, int startId)
            _serviceHelper.Logger.Log("Sensus service received start command (startId=" + startId + ").", LoggingLevel.Debug, GetType());

            _serviceHelper.MainActivityWillBeSet = intent.GetBooleanExtra(AndroidSensusServiceHelper.MAIN_ACTIVITY_WILL_BE_SET, false);

            // the service can be stopped without destroying the service object. in such cases,
            // subsequent calls to start the service will not call OnCreate, which is why the
            // following code needs to run here -- e.g., starting the helper object and displaying
            // the notification. therefore, it's important that any code called here is
            // okay to call multiple times, even if the service is running. calling this when
            // the service is running can happen because sensus receives a signal on device
            // boot and for any callback alarms that are requested. furthermore, all calls here
            // should be nonblocking / async so we don't tie up the UI thread.

            _serviceHelper.StartAsync(() =>
                    if (intent.GetBooleanExtra(AndroidSensusServiceHelper.SENSUS_CALLBACK_KEY, false))
                        string callbackId = intent.GetStringExtra(AndroidSensusServiceHelper.SENSUS_CALLBACK_ID_KEY);
                        if (callbackId != null)
                            bool repeating = intent.GetBooleanExtra(AndroidSensusServiceHelper.SENSUS_CALLBACK_REPEATING_KEY, false);
                            _serviceHelper.RaiseCallbackAsync(callbackId, repeating, true);

            return StartCommandResult.RedeliverIntent;
		protected override void OnHandleIntent (Intent intent)
			google_api_client.BlockingConnect (TIME_OUT_MS, TimeUnit.Milliseconds);
			Android.Net.Uri dataItemUri = intent.Data;
			if (!google_api_client.IsConnected) {
				Log.Error (TAG, "Failed to update data item " + dataItemUri +
				" because client is disconnected from Google Play Services");
			var dataItemResult = WearableClass.DataApi.GetDataItem (
				google_api_client, dataItemUri).Await ().JavaCast<IDataApiDataItemResult> ();

			var putDataMapRequest = PutDataMapRequest.CreateFromDataMapItem (
				DataMapItem.FromDataItem (dataItemResult.DataItem));
			var dataMap = putDataMapRequest.DataMap;

			//update quiz status variables
			int questionIndex = intent.GetIntExtra (EXTRA_QUESTION_INDEX, -1);
			bool chosenAnswerCorrect = intent.GetBooleanExtra (EXTRA_QUESTION_CORRECT, false);
			dataMap.PutInt (Constants.QUESTION_INDEX, questionIndex);
			dataMap.PutBoolean (Constants.CHOSEN_ANSWER_CORRECT, chosenAnswerCorrect);
			dataMap.PutBoolean (Constants.QUESTION_WAS_ANSWERED, true);
			PutDataRequest request = putDataMapRequest.AsPutDataRequest ();
			WearableClass.DataApi.PutDataItem (google_api_client, request).Await ();

			//remove this question notification
			((NotificationManager)GetSystemService (NotificationService)).Cancel (questionIndex);
			google_api_client.Disconnect ();
Ejemplo n.º 4
        protected override void OnHandleIntent(Android.Content.Intent intent)
            mGoogleApiClient.BlockingConnect(TIME_OUT, TimeUnit.Milliseconds);
            Android.Net.Uri dataItemUri = intent.Data;
            if (Log.IsLoggable(Constants.TAG, LogPriority.Verbose))
                Log.Verbose(Constants.TAG, "DeleteService.OnHandleIntent = " + dataItemUri);
            if (mGoogleApiClient.IsConnected)
                IDataApiDeleteDataItemsResult result = WearableClass.DataApi
                                                       .DeleteDataItems(mGoogleApiClient, dataItemUri).Await().JavaCast <IDataApiDeleteDataItemsResult>();
                if (result.Status.IsSuccess && !intent.GetBooleanExtra(Constants.EXTRA_SILENT, false))
                    // Show the success animaton on the watch unless Silent extra is true.
                    StartConfirmationActivity(ConfirmationActivity.SuccessAnimation, GetString(Resource.String.delete_successful));
                    if (Log.IsLoggable(Constants.TAG, LogPriority.Verbose))
                        Log.Verbose(Constants.TAG, "DeleteService.OnHandleIntent: Failed to delete dataITem:"
                                    + dataItemUri);

                    // Show the failure animation on the watch unless Silent extra is true.
                    if (!intent.GetBooleanExtra(Constants.EXTRA_SILENT, false))
                        StartConfirmationActivity(ConfirmationActivity.FailureAnimation, GetString(Resource.String.delete_unsuccessful));
                Log.Error(Constants.TAG, "Failed to delete data item: " + dataItemUri +
                          " - Client disconnected from Google Play Services");
                // Show the failure animation on the watch unless Silent extra is true.
                if (!intent.GetBooleanExtra(Constants.EXTRA_SILENT, false))
                    StartConfirmationActivity(ConfirmationActivity.FailureAnimation, GetString(Resource.String.delete_unsuccessful));
Ejemplo n.º 5
            public override void OnReceive (Context context, Intent intent)
                var extraDevice = intent.GetParcelableExtra(UsbManager.ExtraDevice) as UsbDevice;
                if (device.DeviceName != extraDevice.DeviceName)

                var permissionGranted = intent.GetBooleanExtra (UsbManager.ExtraPermissionGranted, false);
                observer.OnNext (permissionGranted);
                observer.OnCompleted ();
Ejemplo n.º 6
 protected override void OnActivityResult(int requestCode, Result resultCode, Intent data)
     base.OnActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);
     Console.WriteLine("OnActivityResult(...) called");
     if (data == null)
     if (resultCode == Result.Ok) {
         mQuestionBank[mCurrentIndex].DidCheat = data.GetBooleanExtra(CheatActivity.EXTRA_ANSWER_SHOWN, false);
    /// <summary>
    /// Received a notification via BR.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="context"></param>
    /// <param name="intent"></param>
    public override void OnReceive(Context context, Intent intent)
      if (intent.Action != ConnectivityManager.ConnectivityAction)

      var noConnectivity = intent.GetBooleanExtra(ConnectivityManager.ExtraNoConnectivity, false);

      if (ConnectionChanged == null)

      ConnectionChanged(new ConnectivityChangedEventArgs { IsConnected = !noConnectivity });
Ejemplo n.º 8
		public override void OnReceive (Context context, Intent intent)
			var ok = intent.GetBooleanExtra ("ok", false);
			var id = intent.GetStringExtra ("id");
			JobResult result;
			if (_Jobs != null && _Jobs.TryGetValue (id, out result)) {
				result.IsRunning = false;
				result.JobID = id;
				result.HasError = !ok;
				_Jobs.TryUpdate (id, result, result);
 protected override void OnHandleIntent(Intent intent)
     bool isEntering= intent.GetBooleanExtra(LocationManager.KeyProximityEntering, false);
     NotificationCompat.Builder builder = new NotificationCompat.Builder (this);
     var notification = builder
         .SetContentText((isEntering? "Entering" : "Exiting") + " fence")
     var notificationService = (NotificationManager)GetSystemService (Context.NotificationService);
     notificationService.Notify (1, notification);
     int i = 17;
     //TODO: check LocationManager.KEY_PROXIMITY
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public override StartCommandResult OnStartCommand(Intent intent, StartCommandFlags flags, int startId)
     bool playing = intent.GetBooleanExtra("playing", false);
     if (playing)
     return base.OnStartCommand(intent, flags, startId);
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public override void OnReceive(Context context, Intent intent)
            String key = LocationManager.KeyProximityEntering;
            Boolean entering = intent.GetBooleanExtra (key, false);

            //latText = activity.FindViewById<TextView> (Resource.Id.textNotify);

            if (entering) {
                notifyUser ("Region Entered", location);
                //System.Console.WriteLine (">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>REGION ENTERED!!!!!!!!<<<<<<<<<<<" + location);
            } else {
                //Do not notify the user.
Ejemplo n.º 12
 protected override void OnActivityResult(int requestCode, Result resultCode, Intent data)
     if ((requestCode == 1) && (resultCode == Result.Ok))
         if (data.GetBooleanExtra("parkdeleted", false))
         base.OnActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);
Ejemplo n.º 13
        static void CheckAppActions(AndroidIntent intent)
            if (intent?.Action == Intent.ActionAppAction && !intent.GetBooleanExtra(AppActions.extraAppActionHandled, false))
                // prevent launch intent getting handled on activity resume
                intent.PutExtra(AppActions.extraAppActionHandled, true);

                var appAction = intent.ToAppAction();

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(appAction?.Id))
                    AppActions.InvokeOnAppAction(Platform.CurrentActivity, appAction);
Ejemplo n.º 14
		public override void OnReceive (Context context, Intent intent)
			if (notificationManager == null)
				notificationManager = (NotificationManager) context.GetSystemService (Context.NotificationService);
			Bundle bundle = intent.Extras;
			Log.Debug (TAG,"[CustomJPushReceiver] onReceive - "+intent.Action +",extrals:"+ printBundle(bundle));

			if (JPushInterface.ActionRegistrationId.Equals (intent.Action)) {
				var regId = bundle.GetString(JPushInterface.ExtraRegistrationId);
				Log.Debug(TAG, "[CustomJPushReceiver] 接收Registration Id : " + regId);
			else if (JPushInterface.ActionMessageReceived.Equals (intent.Action)) {
				Log.Debug(TAG, "[CustomJPushReceiver] 接收到推送下来的自定义消息: " + bundle.GetString(JPushInterface.ExtraMessage));
				ProcessCustomMessage(context, bundle);
			} else if (JPushInterface.ActionNotificationReceived.Equals (intent.Action)) {
				int notifactionId = bundle.GetInt(JPushInterface.ExtraNotificationId);
				Log.Debug(TAG, "[CustomJPushReceiver] 接收到推送下来的通知的ID: " + notifactionId);

			} else if (JPushInterface.ActionNotificationOpened.Equals (intent.Action)) {

				Log.Debug(TAG, "[CustomJPushReceiver] 用户点击打开了通知");
				OpenNotification (context,bundle);

			} else if (JPushInterface.ActionRichpushCallback.Equals (intent.Action)) {
				Log.Debug(TAG, "[CustomJPushReceiver] 用户收到到RICH PUSH CALLBACK: " + bundle.GetString(JPushInterface.ExtraExtra));
				//在这里根据 JPushInterface.EXTRA_EXTRA 的内容处理代码,比如打开新的Activity, 打开一个网页等..

			} else if (JPushInterface.ActionConnectionChange.Equals (intent.Action)) {
				//接收网络变化 连接/断开
				var connected = intent.GetBooleanExtra(JPushInterface.ExtraConnectionChange, false);
				Log.Warn(TAG, "[CustomJPushReceiver]" + intent.Action +" connected state change to "+connected);
			} else {
				Log.Debug(TAG, "Unhandled intent - " + intent.Action);

Ejemplo n.º 15
        public override void OnReceive(Context context, Intent intent)

            // If you got a location extra, use it
            Location loc = (Location)intent.GetParcelableExtra(LocationManager.KeyLocationChanged);
            if (loc != null) {
                OnLocationReceived(context, loc);
            // If you get here, something else has happened
            if (intent.HasExtra(LocationManager.KeyProviderEnabled)) {
                bool enabled = intent.GetBooleanExtra(LocationManager.KeyProviderEnabled, false);
                OnProviderEnabledChanged(context, enabled);
Ejemplo n.º 16
        public void finishLogin(Intent intent)
            System.Console.WriteLine ("finishLogin");
            String accountName = intent.GetStringExtra(AccountManager.KeyAccountName);
            String accountPassword = intent.GetStringExtra("password");
            Account account = new Account (accountName, "com.SnapAndGo.auth");

            CurrentAccount.account = account;

            String authtoken = intent.GetStringExtra (AccountManager.KeyAuthtoken);
            CurrentAccount.authToken = authtoken;

            if (!System.String.IsNullOrEmpty(authtoken)) {

                if (intent.GetBooleanExtra("isAddingNewAccount", true)) {

                    System.Console.WriteLine ("finishLogin: is adding a new account");

                    String authtokenType = "com.SnapAndGo.auth";

                    // Creating the account on the device and setting the auth token we got
                    // (Not setting the auth token will cause another call to the server to authenticate the user)

                    mAccountManager.AddAccountExplicitly(account, accountPassword, null);
                    mAccountManager.SetAuthToken(account, authtokenType, authtoken);
                } else {

                    System.Console.WriteLine ("finishLogin: is not adding a new account");

                    mAccountManager.SetPassword(account, accountPassword);

                SetResult(Result.Ok, intent);

                Intent evexIntent = new Intent(this, typeof(EventsExplorerActivity));
                evexIntent.PutExtra("authToken", authtoken);
                StartActivity (evexIntent);
            } else {
                Toast.MakeText(Application.Context, "Username/Password is incorrect.",ToastLength.Long).Show();
Ejemplo n.º 17
		public override void OnReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
			Log.Info(logTag, "Received intent: " + intent);
			String action = intent.Action;

			if (action == PushManager.ActionPushReceived) {

				int id = intent.GetIntExtra(PushManager.ExtraNotificationId, 0);

				Log.Info(logTag, "Received push notification. Alert: "
				      + intent.GetStringExtra(PushManager.ExtraAlert)
				      + " [NotificationID="+id+"]");


			} else if (action == PushManager.ActionNotificationOpened) {

				Log.Info(logTag, "User clicked notification. Message: " + intent.GetStringExtra(PushManager.ExtraAlert));


				Intent launch = new Intent (Intent.ActionMain);
				launch.SetClass(UAirship.Shared().ApplicationContext, typeof (MainActivity));
				launch.SetFlags (ActivityFlags.NewTask);


			} else if (action == PushManager.ActionRegistrationFinished) {
				Log.Info(logTag, "Registration complete. APID:" + intent.GetStringExtra(PushManager.ExtraApid)
				      + ". Valid: " + intent.GetBooleanExtra(PushManager.ExtraRegistrationValid, false));

				// Notify any app-specific listeners
				Intent launch = new Intent(UAirship.PackageName + APID_UPDATED_ACTION_SUFFIX);

			} else if (action == GCMMessageHandler.ActionGcmDeletedMessages) {
				Log.Info(logTag, "The GCM service deleted "+intent.GetStringExtra(GCMMessageHandler.ExtraGcmTotalDeleted)+" messages.");

Ejemplo n.º 18
		public override StartCommandResult OnStartCommand (Intent intent, StartCommandFlags flags, int startId)
			Console.WriteLine ("StartCommand Called, setting alarm");
			#if DEBUG
			Android.Util.Log.Debug ("STEPSERVICE", "Start command result called, incoming startup");

			var alarmManager = ((AlarmManager)ApplicationContext.GetSystemService (Context.AlarmService));
			var intent2 = new Intent (this, typeof(StepService));
			intent2.PutExtra ("warning", WarningState);
			var stepIntent = PendingIntent.GetService (ApplicationContext, 10, intent2, PendingIntentFlags.UpdateCurrent);
			// Workaround as on Android 4.4.2 START_STICKY has currently no
			// effect
			// -> restart service every 60 mins
			alarmManager.Set(AlarmType.Rtc, Java.Lang.JavaSystem
				.CurrentTimeMillis() + 1000 * 60 * 60, stepIntent);

			var warning = false;
			if (intent != null)
				warning = intent.GetBooleanExtra ("warning", false);
			Startup ();

			return StartCommandResult.Sticky;
Ejemplo n.º 19
 protected override void OnActivityResult(int requestCode, [GeneratedEnum] Result resultCode, Intent data)
     if (requestCode == 1 && resultCode == Result.Ok)
         if (data.GetBooleanExtra("locationdeleted", false))
         base.OnActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);
Ejemplo n.º 20
        public override StartCommandResult OnStartCommand(Intent intent, StartCommandFlags flags, int startId)
            AndroidSensusServiceHelper serviceHelper = SensusServiceHelper.Get() as AndroidSensusServiceHelper;

            // there might be a race condition between the calling of this method and the stopping/disposal of the service helper.
            // if the service helper is stopped/disposed before the service is stopped but after this method is called, the service
            // helper will be null.
            if (serviceHelper != null)
                serviceHelper.Logger.Log("Sensus service received start command (startId=" + startId + ", flags=" + flags + ").", LoggingLevel.Normal, GetType());

                // acquire wake lock before this method returns to ensure that the device does not sleep prematurely, interrupting the execution of a callback.

                // the service can be stopped without destroying the service object. in such cases,
                // subsequent calls to start the service will not call OnCreate. therefore, it's
                // important that any code called here is okay to call multiple times, even if the
                // service is running. calling this when the service is running can happen because
                // sensus receives a signal on device boot and for any callback alarms that are
                // requested. furthermore, all calls here should be nonblocking / async so we don't
                // tie up the UI thread.
                serviceHelper.StartAsync(() =>
                        // is this a callback intent?
                        if (intent != null && intent.GetBooleanExtra(SensusServiceHelper.SENSUS_CALLBACK_KEY, false))
                            string callbackId = intent.GetStringExtra(SensusServiceHelper.SENSUS_CALLBACK_ID_KEY);

                            // if the user removes the main activity from the switcher, the service's process will be killed and restarted without notice, and
                            // we'll have no opportunity to unschedule repeating callbacks. when the service is restarted we'll reinitialize the service
                            // helper, restart the repeating callbacks, and we'll then have duplicate repeating callbacks. handle the invalid callbacks below.
                            // if the callback is scheduled, it's fine. if it's not, then unschedule it.
                            if (serviceHelper.CallbackIsScheduled(callbackId))
                                bool repeating = intent.GetBooleanExtra(SensusServiceHelper.SENSUS_CALLBACK_REPEATING_KEY, false);
                                int repeatDelayMS = intent.GetIntExtra(SensusServiceHelper.SENSUS_CALLBACK_REPEAT_DELAY_KEY, -1);
                                bool repeatLag = intent.GetBooleanExtra(SensusServiceHelper.SENSUS_CALLBACK_REPEAT_LAG_KEY, false);
                                bool wakeLockReleased = false;

                                // raise callback and notify the user if there is a message. we wouldn't have presented the user with the message yet.
                                serviceHelper.RaiseCallbackAsync(callbackId, repeating, repeatDelayMS, repeatLag, true,

                                    // schedule a new callback at the given time.
                                    repeatCallbackTime =>
                                        PendingIntent callbackPendingIntent = PendingIntent.GetService(this, callbackId.GetHashCode(), intent, PendingIntentFlags.CancelCurrent);
                                        serviceHelper.ScheduleCallbackAlarm(callbackPendingIntent, repeatCallbackTime);

                                    // if the callback indicates that it's okay for the device to sleep, release the wake lock now.
                                    () =>
                                        wakeLockReleased = true;
                                        serviceHelper.Logger.Log("Wake lock released preemptively for scheduled callback action.", LoggingLevel.Normal, GetType());

                                    // release wake lock now if we didn't while the callback action was executing.
                                    () =>
                                        if (!wakeLockReleased)
                                            serviceHelper.Logger.Log("Wake lock released after scheduled callback action completed.", LoggingLevel.Normal, GetType());

            return StartCommandResult.Sticky;
Ejemplo n.º 21
        public override StartCommandResult OnStartCommand(Intent intent, StartCommandFlags flags, int startId)
            AndroidSensusServiceHelper serviceHelper = SensusServiceHelper.Get() as AndroidSensusServiceHelper;

            // there might be a race condition between the calling of this method and the stopping/disposal of the service helper.
            // if the service helper is stopped/disposed before the service is stopped but after this method is called, the service
            // helper will be null.
            if (serviceHelper != null)
                serviceHelper.Logger.Log("Sensus service received start command (startId=" + startId + ", flags=" + flags + ").", LoggingLevel.Normal, GetType());

                // the service can be stopped without destroying the service object. in such cases,
                // subsequent calls to start the service will not call OnCreate. therefore, it's
                // important that any code called here is okay to call multiple times, even if the
                // service is running. calling this when the service is running can happen because
                // sensus receives a signal on device boot and for any callback alarms that are
                // requested. furthermore, all calls here should be nonblocking / async so we don't
                // tie up the UI thread.
                serviceHelper.StartAsync(() =>
                        if (intent != null && intent.GetBooleanExtra(AndroidSensusServiceHelper.SENSUS_CALLBACK_KEY, false))
                            string callbackId = intent.GetStringExtra(AndroidSensusServiceHelper.SENSUS_CALLBACK_ID_KEY);
                            bool repeating = intent.GetBooleanExtra(AndroidSensusServiceHelper.SENSUS_CALLBACK_REPEATING_KEY, false);

                            // if the user removes the main activity from the switcher, the service's process will be killed and restarted without notice, and
                            // we'll have no opportunity to unschedule repeating callbacks. so, when the service is restarted we'll reinitialize the service
                            // helper, restart the repeating callbacks, and we'll then have duplicate repeating callbacks. handle the invalid callbacks below.
                            // if the callback is scheduled, it's fine. if it's not, then unschedule it.
                            if (serviceHelper.CallbackIsScheduled(callbackId))
                                serviceHelper.RaiseCallbackAsync(callbackId, repeating, true);
                                if (repeating)

            return StartCommandResult.Sticky;
Ejemplo n.º 22
 public override void OnReceive(Context context, Intent intent)
     if (intent.GetStringExtra(Strings.ExtraEntryId) != _activity.Entry.Uuid.ToHexString())
         Kp2aLog.Log("received field for wrong entry " + intent.GetStringExtra(Strings.ExtraEntryId));
     if (!new PluginDatabase(context).IsValidAccessToken(intent.GetStringExtra(Strings.ExtraSender),
         Kp2aLog.Log("received field with invalid access token from " + intent.GetStringExtra(Strings.ExtraSender));
     string key = intent.GetStringExtra(Strings.ExtraFieldId);
     string value = intent.GetStringExtra(Strings.ExtraFieldValue);
     bool isProtected = intent.GetBooleanExtra(Strings.ExtraFieldProtected, false);
     _activity.SetPluginField(key, value, isProtected);
        protected override void OnActivityResult(int requestCode, Result resultCode, Intent data)
            if ((_codeSd == requestCode || _codeDb == requestCode || _codeFtp == requestCode) &&
                resultCode == Result.Ok)
                if (data.GetBooleanExtra(Const.ExtraAllowMultiple, false))
                    if (Build.VERSION.SdkInt >= BuildVersionCodes.JellyBean)
                        var clip = data.ClipData;
                        var sb = new StringBuilder();

                        if (clip != null)
                            for (int i = 0; i < clip.ItemCount; i++)

                        _textView.Text = sb.ToString();
                        var paths = data.GetStringArrayListExtra(Const.ExtraPaths);
                        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

                        if (paths != null)
                            foreach (var path in paths)
                        _textView.Text = sb.ToString();
                    _textView.Text = data.Data.ToString();
Ejemplo n.º 24
        public override StartCommandResult OnStartCommand(Intent intent, StartCommandFlags flags, int startId)
            Kp2aLog.Log("Received intent to provide access to entry");

            _stopOnLockBroadcastReceiver = new StopOnLockBroadcastReceiver(this);
            IntentFilter filter = new IntentFilter();
            RegisterReceiver(_stopOnLockBroadcastReceiver, filter);

            if ((intent.Action == Intents.ShowNotification) || (intent.Action == Intents.UpdateKeyboard))
                String uuidBytes = intent.GetStringExtra(EntryActivity.KeyEntry);

                PwUuid entryId = PwUuid.Zero;
                if (uuidBytes != null)
                    entryId = new PwUuid(MemUtil.HexStringToByteArray(uuidBytes));

                PwEntryOutput entry;
                    if ((App.Kp2a.GetDb().LastOpenedEntry != null)
                        && (entryId.Equals(App.Kp2a.GetDb().LastOpenedEntry.Uuid)))
                        entry = App.Kp2a.GetDb().LastOpenedEntry;
                        entry = new PwEntryOutput(App.Kp2a.GetDb().Entries[entryId], App.Kp2a.GetDb().KpDatabase);

                catch (Exception)
                    //seems like restarting the service happened after closing the DB
                    return StartCommandResult.NotSticky;

                if (intent.Action == Intents.ShowNotification)
                    //first time opening the entry -> bring up the notifications
                    bool closeAfterCreate = intent.GetBooleanExtra(EntryActivity.KeyCloseAfterCreate, false);
                    DisplayAccessNotifications(entry, closeAfterCreate);
                else //UpdateKeyboard
            #if !EXCLUDE_KEYBOARD
                    //this action is received when the data in the entry has changed (e.g. by plugins)
                    //update the keyboard data.
                    //Check if keyboard is (still) available
                    if (Keepass2android.Kbbridge.KeyboardData.EntryId == entry.Uuid.ToHexString())
            if (intent.Action == Intents.CopyStringToClipboard)

            if (intent.Action == Intents.ActivateKeyboard)
            if (intent.Action == Intents.ClearNotificationsAndData)

            return StartCommandResult.RedeliverIntent;
Ejemplo n.º 25
 public override void OnReceive(Context context, Intent intent)
     if (intent.GetBooleanExtra(ServiceMessage.OK, true))
         Log.Info("SharpXmppDemo", this.Class.ToString() + "Message was sent");
         Log.Error("SharpXmppDemo", this.Class.ToString() + "Message failed");
Ejemplo n.º 26
        private SearchParameters getSearch(Intent queryIntent)
            // get and process search query here
            SearchParameters sp = new SearchParameters();
            sp.SearchString = queryIntent.GetStringExtra(SearchManager.Query);
            sp.SearchInTitles = queryIntent.GetBooleanExtra("SearchInTitles", sp.SearchInTitles);
            sp.SearchInUrls = queryIntent.GetBooleanExtra("SearchInUrls", sp.SearchInUrls);
            sp.SearchInPasswords = queryIntent.GetBooleanExtra("SearchInPasswords", sp.SearchInPasswords);
            sp.SearchInUserNames = queryIntent.GetBooleanExtra("SearchInUserNames", sp.SearchInUserNames);
            sp.SearchInNotes = queryIntent.GetBooleanExtra("SearchInNotes", sp.SearchInNotes);
            sp.SearchInGroupNames = queryIntent.GetBooleanExtra("SearchInGroupNames", sp.SearchInGroupNames);
            sp.SearchInOther = queryIntent.GetBooleanExtra("SearchInOther", sp.SearchInOther);
            sp.SearchInTags = queryIntent.GetBooleanExtra("SearchInTags", sp.SearchInTags);
            sp.RegularExpression = queryIntent.GetBooleanExtra("RegularExpression", sp.RegularExpression);
            sp.ExcludeExpired = queryIntent.GetBooleanExtra("ExcludeExpired", sp.ExcludeExpired);
            sp.ComparisonMode = queryIntent.GetBooleanExtra("CaseSensitive", false) ?
                StringComparison.InvariantCulture :

            return sp;
Ejemplo n.º 27
 public override void OnReceive(Context context, Intent intent)
     if (intent.HasExtra (EXTRA_HIDE_OVERLAYS)) {
         OnHideOverlays (intent.GetBooleanExtra (EXTRA_HIDE_OVERLAYS, false));
Ejemplo n.º 28
            public override void OnReceive (Context context, Intent intent)
                var extraAccessory = intent.GetParcelableExtra(UsbManager.ExtraAccessory) as UsbAccessory;
                if (accessory.Manufacturer != extraAccessory.Manufacturer || accessory.Model != extraAccessory.Model)

                var permissionGranted = intent.GetBooleanExtra (UsbManager.ExtraPermissionGranted, false);
                observer.OnNext (permissionGranted);
                observer.OnCompleted ();
Ejemplo n.º 29
        protected override void OnHandleIntent(Intent i)
            Log.Debug(Class.Name, "OnHandleIntent starting");
            SyncParams p = new SyncParams();

            p.URL = i.GetStringExtra("url");
            p.DBFile = i.GetStringExtra("dbfile");
            p.SendAuth = i.GetBooleanExtra("sendAuth", false);
            p.Scheme = i.GetStringExtra("scheme");
            p.User = i.GetStringExtra("user");
            p.Password = i.GetStringExtra("password");

            //Call the BaseSyncService in the portable Core.
            //Since we're already in the background, call the blocking version
            //of sync.
            new BaseSyncService().Sync(p);
            Log.Debug(Class.Name, "OnHandleIntent ending");
Ejemplo n.º 30
		public static void initiate(Intent i){
			graph = new Graph();
			graph.setDirected(i.GetBooleanExtra("directed", false));
			if (i.GetBooleanExtra("random", false))
Ejemplo n.º 31
        protected override void OnActivityResult(int requestCode, Result resultCode, Intent data)
            base.OnActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);

            if (resultCode == KeePass.ExitFileStorageSelectionOk)
                string protocolId = data.GetStringExtra("protocolId");
                if (protocolId == "content")
                    Util.ShowBrowseDialog(this, RequestCodeDbFilename, true, true);
                    App.Kp2a.GetFileStorage(protocolId).StartSelectFile(new FileStorageSetupInitiatorActivity(this,
                        defaultPath =>
                            if (defaultPath.StartsWith("sftp://"))
                                Util.ShowSftpDialog(this, OnReceiveSftpData, () => { });
                                Util.ShowFilenameDialog(this, OnCreateButton, null, null, false, defaultPath, GetString(Resource.String.enter_filename_details_url),
                        ), true, RequestCodeDbFilename, protocolId);

            if (resultCode == Result.Ok)
                if (requestCode == RequestCodeDbFilename)

                    if (data.Data.Scheme == "content")
                        if ((int)Android.OS.Build.VERSION.SdkInt >= 19)
                            //try to take persistable permissions
                                var takeFlags = data.Flags
                                    & (ActivityFlags.GrantReadUriPermission
                                        | ActivityFlags.GrantWriteUriPermission);
                                this.ContentResolver.TakePersistableUriPermission(data.Data, takeFlags);
                            catch (Exception e)


                    string filename = Util.IntentToFilename(data, this);
                    if (filename == null)
                        filename = data.DataString;

                    bool fileExists = data.GetBooleanExtra("group.pals.android.lib.ui.filechooser.FileChooserActivity.result_file_exists", true);

                    if (fileExists)
                        ExportTo(new IOConnectionInfo { Path = ConvertFilenameToIocPath(filename) });

                        var task = new CreateNewFilename(new ActionOnFinish((success, messageOrFilename) =>
                            if (!success)
                                Toast.MakeText(this, messageOrFilename, ToastLength.Long).Show();
                            ExportTo(new IOConnectionInfo { Path = ConvertFilenameToIocPath(messageOrFilename) });

                        }), filename);

                        new ProgressTask(App.Kp2a, this, task).Run();



            if (resultCode == (Result)FileStorageResults.FileUsagePrepared)
                var ioc = new IOConnectionInfo();
                PasswordActivity.SetIoConnectionFromIntent(ioc, data);
            if (resultCode == (Result)FileStorageResults.FileChooserPrepared)
                IOConnectionInfo ioc = new IOConnectionInfo();
                PasswordActivity.SetIoConnectionFromIntent(ioc, data);
                StartFileChooser(ioc.Path, RequestCodeDbFilename, true);
Ejemplo n.º 32
 public override void OnReceive(Context context, Intent intent)
     if (intent.GetBooleanExtra(ServiceMessage.OK, true))
         // If initialisation succesful then connect.
         Intent mServiceIntent = new Intent(context, typeof(BackgroundService));
         // Error in Init has occured