Ejemplo n.º 1
        public override void Exec(vsCommandExecOption executeOption, ref object varIn, ref object varOut)
            CodeFunction2 currentMethod = CodeModelUtils.GetCurrentMethod(m_application);

            if (IsCommandAvailable(currentMethod))
                AndroMDA.VS80AddIn.Dialogs.PropertyMapperDialog propertyMapper = new AndroMDA.VS80AddIn.Dialogs.PropertyMapperDialog(currentMethod, m_addInSettings);
                if (propertyMapper.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)
                    // User clicked OK
                    AddInUtils.InsertCodeInMethod(currentMethod, propertyMapper.GeneratedCode);
                    m_application.StatusBar.Text = "Android/VS: Code inserted";
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public string GenerateCode(CodeFunction2 method)
            CodeParameter2 param           = method.Parameters.Item(1) as CodeParameter2;
            CodeClass2     containingClass = method.Parent as CodeClass2;

            string returnType         = method.Type.AsFullName;
            string paramType          = param.Type.AsFullName;
            string paramName          = param.Name;
            string returnVariableName = string.Empty;
            string codeToInsert       = string.Empty;

            bool convertingToEntity = CodeModelUtils.IsEntityClass(method.Type.CodeType);

            // If we are converting to an entity
            if (convertingToEntity)
                returnVariableName = "entity";
                codeToInsert      += "// VO to entity conversion\n";
                // Add code to create a new entity with the Factory.NewInstance() method
                codeToInsert += returnType + " " + returnVariableName + " = " + returnType + ".Factory.NewInstance();\n\n";
                returnVariableName = "valueObject";
                codeToInsert      += "// Entity to VO conversion\n\n";
                // Add code to create a new VO with a new statement
                codeToInsert += returnType + " " + returnVariableName + " = new " + returnType + "();\n\n";

            ArrayList unmappedProperties = new ArrayList();

            foreach (Property prop in m_properties)
                if (prop.SourceProperty != null)
                    if (prop.IsNullableType)
                        codeToInsert += "if (" + paramName + "." + prop.Name + ".HasValue)\n{\n";
                        codeToInsert += returnVariableName + "." + prop.Name + " = " + paramName + "." + prop.SourceProperty.Name + ".Value;\n}\n";
                        codeToInsert += returnVariableName + "." + prop.Name + " = " + paramName + "." + prop.SourceProperty.Name + ";\n";

            foreach (Property unmappedProp in unmappedProperties)
                codeToInsert += "// " + returnVariableName + "." + unmappedProp.Name + "\n";

            // Add the return statement
            codeToInsert += "\nreturn " + returnVariableName + ";\n\n";

Ejemplo n.º 3
        private bool IsCommandAvailable(bool fullCheck)
            CodeFunction2 currentMethod = CodeModelUtils.GetCurrentMethod(m_application);

            return(IsCommandAvailable(currentMethod, fullCheck));
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public override void Exec(vsCommandExecOption executeOption, ref object varIn, ref object varOut)
            CodeFunction2 currentMethod = CodeModelUtils.GetCurrentMethod(m_application);

            if (IsCommandAvailable(currentMethod))
                    ConversionCodeGenerator codeGenerator = new ConversionCodeGenerator();

                    CodeParameter2 param = currentMethod.Parameters.Item(1) as CodeParameter2;

                    ArrayList toProperties;
                    ArrayList fromProperties;

                        toProperties = CodeModelUtils.GetPropertiesFromType(currentMethod.Type.CodeType);
                    catch (NotImplementedException)
                        throw new Exception("Method return type '" + currentMethod.Type.AsString + "' could not be resolved.");

                        fromProperties = CodeModelUtils.GetPropertiesFromType(param.Type.CodeType);
                    catch (NotImplementedException)
                        throw new Exception("Method parameter type '" + param.Type.AsString + "' could not be resolved.");

                    foreach (CodeProperty toProperty in toProperties)
                        bool   mapped       = false;
                        string toName       = toProperty.Name;
                        string toNameNoDots = toName.Replace(".", string.Empty);
                        string toType       = toProperty.Type.AsFullName;

                        foreach (CodeProperty fromProperty in fromProperties)
                            string fromName       = fromProperty.Name;
                            string fromNameNoDots = fromName.Replace(".", string.Empty);
                            if (fromName == toName || fromName == toNameNoDots || fromNameNoDots == toNameNoDots)
                                string fromType = fromProperty.Type.AsFullName;
                                if (fromType.Replace("?", string.Empty) == toType.Replace("?", string.Empty))
                                    codeGenerator.AddProperty(toName, toType, fromName, fromType);
                                    mapped = true;

                        if (!mapped)
                            codeGenerator.AddProperty(toName, toType);

                    AddInUtils.InsertCodeInMethod(currentMethod, codeGenerator.GenerateCode(currentMethod));

                    m_application.StatusBar.Text = "Android/VS: Code inserted";
                catch (Exception e)
                    m_application.StatusBar.Text = "Android/VS: Unable to insert code: " + e.Message;
                m_application.StatusBar.Text = "Android/VS: Unable to insert code";