Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a <see cref="RmdAnimation"/> from a list of nodes and an index into the list to start parsing at.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="nodes">List of nodes to go through.</param>
        /// <param name="startIndex">Index into the list to start parsing at.</param>
        /// <returns>A new <see cref="RmdAnimation"/>parsed from the list of nodes.</returns>
        private RmdAnimation CreateAnimationSet(List <RwNode> nodes, ref int startIndex)
            List <RwNode> animNodes = new List <RwNode>();

            while (true)
                // Check if the index is outside the list bounds
                if (startIndex == nodes.Count)

                RwNode node = nodes[startIndex];

                // Check the if the node is a terminator and break out of the loop if it is
                if (node.Id == RwNodeId.RmdAnimationTerminatorNode)
                    // Else just increment the index and add it to the node list

            return(new RmdAnimation(animNodes, this));
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public RwAnimationNode(RwNode parent = null) : base(RwNodeId.RwAnimationNode, parent)
     Version      = VERSION;
     KeyFrameType = RwKeyFrameType.Uncompressed;
     KeyFrames    = new List <RwKeyFrame>();
     Flags        = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 /// <summary>
 /// Initialize a new instance of <see cref="RwRasterStructNode"/> using a width, height, palette, pixel indices and pixel format.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="width">Width of the texture.</param>
 /// <param name="height">Height of the texture.</param>
 /// <param name="palette">Palette colors of the texture.</param>
 /// <param name="indices">Per-pixel palette color indices of the texture.</param>
 /// <param name="pixelFormat">PS2 pixel format of the given data.</param>
 /// <param name="parent">Parent of this <see cref="RwRasterStructNode"/> node. Value is null if not specified.</param>
 public RwRasterStructNode(int width, int height, Color[] palette, byte[] indices,
                           PS2.Graphics.PS2PixelFormat pixelFormat, RwNode parent = null)
     : base(RwNodeId.RwStructNode, parent)
     InfoStructNode = new RwRasterInfoStructNode(width, height, pixelFormat);
     DataStructNode = new RwRasterDataStructNode(palette, indices, pixelFormat);
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public RwTextureReferenceStruct(RwNode parent = null)
     : base(RwNodeId.RwStructNode, parent)
     FilterMode = PS2FilterMode.Linear;
     HorizontalAdressingMode = PS2AddressingMode.Wrap;
     VerticalAdressingMode   = PS2AddressingMode.Wrap;
     HasMipMaps = false;
 // Constructors
 public RwTextureNativeStructNode(RwNode parent = null)
     : base(RwNodeId.RwStructNode, parent)
     PlatformId = RwPlatformId.PS2;
     FilterMode = PS2FilterMode.Linear;
     HorizontalAddressingMode = PS2AddressingMode.Wrap;
     VerticalAddressingMode   = PS2AddressingMode.Wrap;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public RwGeometryListNode(IList <RwGeometryNode> geoList, RwNode parent = null)
     : base(RwNodeId.RwGeometryListNode, parent)
     mGeometryList = geoList.ToList();
     foreach (var geometry in mGeometryList)
         geometry.Parent = this;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public RwAnimationNode(RwNode parent, RwKeyFrameType keyFrameType, float duration) :
     base(RwNodeId.RwAnimationNode, parent)
     Version      = VERSION;
     KeyFrameType = keyFrameType;
     KeyFrames    = new List <RwKeyFrame>();
     Flags        = 0;
     Duration     = duration;
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public RwExtensionNode(RwNode parent, params RwNode[] plugins)
     : base(RwNodeId.RwExtensionNode)
     Children = plugins.ToList();
     foreach (var child in Children)
         child.Parent = this;
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public RwClumpNode(RwNode parent)
     : base(RwNodeId.RwClumpNode, parent)
     Atomics            = new List <RwAtomicNode>();
     FrameList          = new RwFrameListNode(this);
     GeometryList       = new RwGeometryListNode(this);
     mExtensionNodeNode = new RwExtensionNode(this);
     mStructNode        = new RwClumpStructNode(this);
Ejemplo n.º 10
 /// <summary>
 /// Initialize RenderWare material data with default properties.
 /// </summary>
 public RwMaterialStructNode(RwNode parent = null)
     : base(RwNodeId.RwStructNode, parent)
     Color      = Color.White;
     IsTextured = true;
     Ambient    = 1.0f;
     Specular   = 1.0f;
     Diffuse    = 1.0f;
Ejemplo n.º 11
 internal static RwNodeHeader ReadHeader(BinaryReader reader, RwNode parent)
     return(new RwNodeHeader
         Id = ( RwNodeId )reader.ReadUInt32(),
         Size = reader.ReadUInt32(),
         Version = reader.ReadUInt32(),
         Parent = parent
 public RwTextureNativeStructNode(
     RwPlatformId rwPlatformId, PS2FilterMode filterMode,
     PS2AddressingMode horizontalAddrMode, PS2AddressingMode verticalAddrMode,
     RwNode parent = null)
     : base(RwNodeId.RwStructNode, parent)
     PlatformId = rwPlatformId;
     FilterMode = filterMode;
     HorizontalAddressingMode = horizontalAddrMode;
     VerticalAddressingMode   = verticalAddrMode;
Ejemplo n.º 13
 public RwTextureReferenceStruct(
     PS2FilterMode filterMode,
     PS2AddressingMode horizontalAddrMode, PS2AddressingMode verticalAddrMode,
     bool hasMipMaps,
     RwNode parent = null)
     : base(RwNodeId.RwStructNode, parent)
     FilterMode = filterMode;
     HorizontalAdressingMode = horizontalAddrMode;
     VerticalAdressingMode   = verticalAddrMode;
     HasMipMaps = hasMipMaps;
Ejemplo n.º 14
        public RwMaterialListNode(RwNode parent, Assimp.Material material)
            : base(RwNodeId.RwMaterialListNode, parent)
            mMaterials = new List <RwMaterial>();

            string textureName = null;

            if (material.HasTextureDiffuse)
                textureName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(material.TextureDiffuse.FilePath);

            mMaterials.Add(new RwMaterial(material.Name, textureName, this));
            mStructNode = new RwMaterialListStructNode(this);
Ejemplo n.º 15
        private static RwNode GetStructNodeParentIsStruct(RwNodeHeader header, BinaryReader reader)
            RwNode grandParent = header.Parent.Parent;

            // If the grandparent is null then I don't know what kind of node this is.
            if (grandParent == null)
                return(new RwNode(header, reader));

            switch (grandParent.Id)
            case RwNodeId.RwTextureNativeNode:
                return(GetStructNodeParentIsStructGrandParentIsTextureNative(header, reader));

                throw new NotImplementedException();
Ejemplo n.º 16
        public RwClumpNode(Stream stream, bool leaveOpen = false)
            : base(RwNodeId.RwClumpNode)
            var node = (RwClumpNode)RwNode.Load(stream, leaveOpen);

            mStructNode        = node.mStructNode;
            mStructNode.Parent = this;

            FrameList        = node.FrameList;
            FrameList.Parent = this;

            GeometryList        = node.GeometryList;
            GeometryList.Parent = this;

            Atomics = node.Atomics;
            foreach (var atomicNode in Atomics)
                atomicNode.Parent = this;

            mExtensionNodeNode        = node.mExtensionNodeNode;
            mExtensionNodeNode.Parent = this;
Ejemplo n.º 17
 /// <summary>
 /// Initialize an empty RenderWare UV animation dictionary.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="parent">The parent of the uv animation dictionary node. Value is null if not specified.</param>
 public RwUVAnimationDictionary(RwNode parent = null)
     : base(RwNodeId.RwUVAnimationDictionaryNode, parent)
     _uvAnimations = new List <RwNode>();
Ejemplo n.º 18
 /// <summary>
 /// Initialize a RenderWare UV animation dictionary using a list of uv animations.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="uvAnimations">The list of uv animations to initialize the uv animation dictionary with.</param>
 /// <param name="parent">The parent of the uv animation dictionary node. Value is null if not specified.</param>
 public RwUVAnimationDictionary(IList <RwNode> uvAnimations, RwNode parent = null)
     : base(RwNodeId.RwUVAnimationDictionaryNode, parent)
     _uvAnimations = uvAnimations.ToList();
Ejemplo n.º 19
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize a new <see cref="RwMeshListNode"/> using a <see cref="RwGeometryNode"/> and the primitive id for the split data.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="geometryNode"></param>
        /// <param name="primitiveType"></param>
        public RwMeshListNode(RwGeometryNode geometryNode, RwPrimitiveType primitiveType = RwPrimitiveType.TriangleStrip, RwNode parent = null)
            : base(RwNodeId.RwMeshListNode, parent)
            // set id and prim count
            mPrimitiveType = primitiveType;
            //mPrimitiveCount = geometryNode.TriangleCount;

            // pass 1: order the triangles by ascending material id
            var sortedTriangles = geometryNode.Triangles.OrderBy(tri => tri.MatId);

            // pass 2: split the indices
            List <ushort>[] matSplitsIndices   = new List <ushort> [geometryNode.MaterialCount];
            List <ushort>   curMatSplitIndices = null;
            int             curMatIdx          = -1;

            foreach (var tri in sortedTriangles)
                if (tri.MatId != curMatIdx)
                    if (curMatIdx != -1)
                        matSplitsIndices[curMatIdx] = curMatSplitIndices;

                    curMatIdx          = tri.MatId;
                    curMatSplitIndices = new List <ushort>();


            matSplitsIndices[curMatIdx] = curMatSplitIndices;

            // pass 3: create the split data
            mMeshes = new RwMesh[geometryNode.MaterialCount];
            for (int i = 0; i < mMeshes.Length; i++)
                ushort[] matSplitIndices = matSplitsIndices[i].ToArray();
                int      triangleCount;

                if (primitiveType == RwPrimitiveType.TriangleStrip)
                    if (NvTriStripUtility.GenerateStrips(matSplitIndices, out PrimitiveGroup[] primitives) && primitives[0].Type == ManagedNvTriStrip.PrimitiveType.TriangleStrip)
Ejemplo n.º 20
 public RwAtomicSector(RwNode parent) : base(RwNodeId.RwAtomicSector, parent)
Ejemplo n.º 21
 public RwPlaneSectorHeader(RwNode parent) : base(RwNodeId.RwStructNode, parent)
 public RWUVAnimationDictionaryStructNode(RwNode parent, int count) : base(RwNodeId.RwStructNode, parent)
     UvAnimationCount = count;
 public RWUVAnimationDictionaryStructNode(int uvAnimationCount, RwNode parent = null)
     : base(RwNodeId.RwStructNode, parent)
     UvAnimationCount = uvAnimationCount;
Ejemplo n.º 24
 public RwWorldHeader(RwNode parent) : base(RwNodeId.RwStructNode, parent)
Ejemplo n.º 25
 public RwExtensionNode(RwNode parent = null)
     : base(RwNodeId.RwExtensionNode, parent)
     Children = new List <RwNode>();
Ejemplo n.º 26
 public RwAtomicStructNode(int frameIndex, int geometryIndex, int flag1, int flag2, RwNode parent = null)
     : base(RwNodeId.RwStructNode, parent)
     mFrameIndex    = frameIndex;
     mGeometryIndex = geometryIndex;
     mFlag1         = flag1;
     mFlag2         = flag2;
Ejemplo n.º 27
        public static RwAnimationNode FromAssimpScene(RwNode parent, RwFrameListNode frameList, string path)
            var             aiContext   = new Assimp.AssimpContext();
            var             aiScene     = aiContext.ImportFile(path);
            var             aiAnimation = aiScene.Animations.FirstOrDefault();
            RwAnimationNode animationNode;

            if (aiAnimation != null)
                animationNode = new RwAnimationNode(parent, RwKeyFrameType.Uncompressed, ( float )(aiAnimation.DurationInTicks / aiAnimation.TicksPerSecond));
                var nodeNameToHAnimId = aiAnimation.NodeAnimationChannels.ToDictionary(x => x.NodeName, x => frameList.GetNameIdByName(x.NodeName));
                var nodeKeyframeTimes = aiAnimation.NodeAnimationChannels.SelectMany(x => x.PositionKeys)
                                        .Select(x => x.Time)
                                        .Concat(aiAnimation.NodeAnimationChannels.SelectMany(x => x.RotationKeys.Select(y => y.Time)))
                                        .OrderBy(x => x)

                var previousKeyFrames = new Dictionary <int, RwKeyFrame>();
                var nodeKeyFrames     = new Dictionary <int, List <RwKeyFrame> >();

                // Add initial pose
                foreach (var hierarchyNode in frameList.AnimationRootNode.HAnimFrameExtensionNode.Hierarchy.Nodes)
                    var frame            = frameList[frameList.GetFrameIndexByNameId(hierarchyNode.NodeId)];
                    var firstRotation    = Quaternion.CreateFromRotationMatrix(frame.Transform);
                    var firstTranslation = frame.Transform.Translation;

                    var channel = aiAnimation.NodeAnimationChannels.FirstOrDefault(x => nodeNameToHAnimId[x.NodeName] == hierarchyNode.NodeId);
                    if (channel != null)
                        if (channel.HasRotationKeys)
                            firstRotation = ToQuaternion(channel.RotationKeys.First().Value);

                        if (channel.HasPositionKeys)
                            firstTranslation = ToVector3(channel.PositionKeys.First().Value);

                    var keyFrame = new RwKeyFrame(0, firstRotation, firstTranslation, null);

                    previousKeyFrames[hierarchyNode.NodeId] = keyFrame;
                    nodeKeyFrames[hierarchyNode.NodeId]     = new List <RwKeyFrame>();

                foreach (var keyFrameTime in nodeKeyframeTimes)
                    if (keyFrameTime == 0.0f)

                    foreach (var channel in aiAnimation.NodeAnimationChannels)
                        if (!channel.HasPositionKeys && !channel.HasRotationKeys)

                        if (!channel.RotationKeys.Any(x => x.Time == keyFrameTime) || !channel.PositionKeys.Any(x => x.Time == keyFrameTime))

                        var hierarchAnimNodeId = nodeNameToHAnimId[channel.NodeName];
                        var previousKeyFrame   = previousKeyFrames[hierarchAnimNodeId];
                        var rotation           = previousKeyFrame.Rotation;
                        var translation        = previousKeyFrame.Translation;

                        var rotationKeys = channel.RotationKeys.Where(x => x.Time == keyFrameTime);
                        if (rotationKeys.Any())
                            var aiRotation = rotationKeys.First().Value;
                            rotation = new Quaternion(aiRotation.X, aiRotation.Y, aiRotation.Z, aiRotation.W);

                        var translationKeys = channel.PositionKeys.Where(x => x.Time == keyFrameTime);
                        if (translationKeys.Any())
                            var aiTranslation = translationKeys.First().Value;
                            translation = new Vector3(aiTranslation.X, aiTranslation.Y, aiTranslation.Z);

                        var keyFrame = new RwKeyFrame(( float )(keyFrameTime / aiAnimation.TicksPerSecond), rotation, translation, previousKeyFrame);
                        previousKeyFrames[hierarchAnimNodeId] = keyFrame;

                while (!nodeKeyFrames.All(x => x.Value.Count == 0))
                    foreach (var kvp in nodeKeyFrames)
                        if (animationNode.KeyFrames.Count == 0)

                        var keyFrame = kvp.Value.First();

                        if (animationNode.KeyFrames.Count == 0)
                            var previousKeyFrame = previousKeyFrames[kvp.Key];
                            if (previousKeyFrame.Time != animationNode.Duration)
                                var lastRotation    = previousKeyFrame.Rotation;
                                var lastTranslation = previousKeyFrame.Translation;
                                var channel         = aiAnimation.NodeAnimationChannels.SingleOrDefault(x => nodeNameToHAnimId[x.NodeName] == kvp.Key);
                                if (channel != null)
                                    if (channel.HasRotationKeys)
                                        lastRotation = ToQuaternion(channel.RotationKeys.Last().Value);

                                    if (channel.HasPositionKeys)
                                        lastTranslation = ToVector3(channel.PositionKeys.Last().Value);

                                animationNode.KeyFrames.Add(new RwKeyFrame(animationNode.Duration, lastRotation, lastTranslation, previousKeyFrame));
                animationNode = new RwAnimationNode(null, RwKeyFrameType.Uncompressed, 0f);

Ejemplo n.º 28
 public RwPlaneSector(RwNode parent) : base(RwNodeId.RwPlaneSector, parent)
Ejemplo n.º 29
 // Constructors
 public RwFrameListStructNode(RwNode parent) : base(RwNodeId.RwStructNode, parent)
     FrameList = new List <RwFrame>();
Ejemplo n.º 30
 /// <summary>
 /// Initialize a new instance of <see cref="RwRasterStructNode"/> using a bitmap to encode using the given pixel format.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="bitmap">Bitmap to encode to the specified pixel format.</param>
 /// <param name="pixelFormat">Pixel format to encode the bitmap to.</param>
 /// <param name="parent">Parent of this <see cref="RwRasterStructNode"/> node. Value is null if not specified.</param>
 public RwRasterStructNode(Bitmap bitmap, PS2.Graphics.PS2PixelFormat pixelFormat, RwNode parent = null)
     : base(RwNodeId.RwStructNode, parent)
     InfoStructNode = new RwRasterInfoStructNode(bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height, pixelFormat);
     DataStructNode = new RwRasterDataStructNode(bitmap, pixelFormat);