Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void Initialize(RendezVO rendezvous)
            CharacterVO       character    = AmbitionApp.GetModel <CharacterModel>().GetCharacter(rendezvous.Character);
            LocalizationModel localization = AmbitionApp.GetModel <LocalizationModel>();
            string            faction      = (character?.Faction ?? FactionType.None).ToString();
            string            invitee      = !rendezvous.IsCaller ? AmbitionApp.Localize(AmbitionApp.Game.playerID + ".shortname")
                : (character?.Formal ?? false) ? localization.GetFormalName(character, rendezvous.Character)
                : localization.GetShortName(character, rendezvous.Character);

            Dictionary <string, string> subs = new Dictionary <string, string>()
                { "$NAME", invitee },
                { "$RENDEZVOUSDATE", AmbitionApp.GetModel <LocalizationModel>().Localize(AmbitionApp.Calendar.StartDate.AddDays(rendezvous.Day)) },
                { "$RENDEZVOUSLOCATION", AmbitionApp.Localize(ParisConsts.LABEL + rendezvous.Location) }
            string characterID = rendezvous.IsCaller ? AmbitionApp.Game.playerID : rendezvous.Character;

            _rendezvous = rendezvous;

            // To force it to work with the RSVP animation, the title is the letter and the body is the signature
            TitleTxt.text = AmbitionApp.Localize("rendezvous." + characterID.ToLower() + ".rsvp.body", subs);
            BodyTxt.text  = _rendezvous.IsCaller ? AmbitionApp.Localize(AmbitionApp.Game.playerID + ".name")
                : (character?.Formal ?? false) ? localization.GetFormalName(character, rendezvous.Character)
                : localization.GetShortName(character, rendezvous.Character);
            Seal.sprite         = InvitationConfig.GetSprite("seal." + faction);
            Stamp.sprite        = InvitationConfig.GetSprite(faction);
            FavorBonus.sprite   = InvitationConfig.GetSprite(faction);
            FavorPenalty.sprite = InvitationConfig.GetSprite(faction);
            FavorReward.SetActive(!_rendezvous.IsCaller && AmbitionApp.Calendar.Day < rendezvous.Created + 1); // Prompt response bonus
            SetText(rendezvous.RSVP, _rendezvous.IsCaller);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void Execute(string faction)
            PartyModel model = AmbitionApp.GetModel <PartyModel>();
            EnemyVO    e     = new EnemyVO();

            _phrases = AmbitionApp.GetModel <LocalizationModel>();

            // TODO: Find Preset Enemy in model
            e.Faction = faction;

            e.Like = model.Interests[Util.RNG.Generate(0, model.Interests.Length)];

            e.Gender = (Util.RNG.Generate(0, 2) == 0) ? Gender.Male : Gender.Female;
            if (e.Gender == Gender.Female)
                e.Title     = rndStr("female_title");
                e.FirstName = rndStr("female_name");
                e.Title     = rndStr("male_title");
                e.FirstName = rndStr("male_name");

            e.LastName   = rndStr("last_name");
            e.imageInt   = Util.RNG.Generate(0, (e.Gender == Gender.Female ? 4 : 5));
            e.FlavorText = "This person is a great big jerk";
Ejemplo n.º 3
        void Start()
            LocalizationModel model = AmbitionApp.GetModel <LocalizationModel>();

            string[] conversationIntroList = model.GetList("conversation_intro");
            DialogText.text = conversationIntroList[Util.RNG.Generate(conversationIntroList.Length)];
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private void OnEnable()
            PartyModel        party      = AmbitionApp.GetModel <PartyModel>();
            CharacterModel    characters = AmbitionApp.GetModel <CharacterModel>();
            CalendarEvent     cEvent     = party.Party as CalendarEvent ?? characters.Rendezvous as CalendarEvent;
            FactionType       faction    = FactionType.None;
            LocalizationModel loc        = AmbitionApp.GetModel <LocalizationModel>();
            int exhaustion = AmbitionApp.Game.Exhaustion;

            int[] penalties = AmbitionApp.Game.ExhaustionPenalties;
            int   exhaustionPenalty;

            LoadOutGameObject.SetActive(cEvent != null);

            if (cEvent is PartyVO)
                string      str  = AmbitionApp.Localize(PartyConstants.PARTY_DESCRIPTION + cEvent.ID);
                PartyVO     pty  = (PartyVO)cEvent;
                CharacterVO host = characters.GetCharacter(pty.Host);
                NameText.text        = loc.GetPartyName(pty);
                ButtonText.text      = AmbitionApp.Localize("calendar.btn.party");
                faction              = (cEvent as PartyVO).Faction;
                DescriptionText.text = string.IsNullOrEmpty(str)
                    ? loc.GetFormalName(host, pty.Host) + " " + loc.GetPartyInvitation(pty, host)
                    : str;
                TooltipText.text = AmbitionApp.Localize("party_" + faction.ToString().ToLower() + "_likes_and_dislikes");
            else if (cEvent is RendezVO)
                CharacterVO character = characters.GetCharacter(((RendezVO)cEvent).Character);
                faction              = character?.Faction ?? FactionType.None;
                NameText.text        = AmbitionApp.Localize(CharacterConsts.LOC_NAME + cEvent.ID);
                ButtonText.text      = AmbitionApp.Localize("calendar.btn.rendezvous");
                DescriptionText.text = AmbitionApp.Localize(ParisConsts.DESCRIPTION + (cEvent as RendezVO).Location);
                TooltipText.text     = AmbitionApp.Localize("rendezvous_" + faction.ToString().ToLower() + "_likes_and_dislikes");
                TooltipText.text = null;

            FactionSymbol.enabled = faction != FactionType.None;
            PlayerStatus.gameObject.SetActive(exhaustion != 0);
            ExhaustionLabel.text = AmbitionApp.Localize(exhaustion > 0 ? EXHAUSTED_LOC : WELL_RESTED_LOC);
            exhaustionPenalty    = exhaustion < 0
                ? AmbitionApp.Game.WellRestedBonus
                : exhaustion >= penalties.Length
                ? penalties[penalties.Length - 1]
                : penalties[exhaustion];
            subs[EFFECT_TOKEN]    = exhaustionPenalty > 0 ? (" + " + exhaustionPenalty) : exhaustionPenalty.ToString();
            ExhaustionValue.text  = AmbitionApp.Localize(STATUS_EFFECT_LOC, subs);
            FactionSymbol.sprite  = FactionSymbols.GetSprite(faction.ToString());
            ExhaustionIcon.sprite = exhaustion < 0
                ? ExhaustionIcons[0]
                : exhaustion < ExhaustionIcons.Length
                ? ExhaustionIcons[exhaustion]
                : ExhaustionIcons[ExhaustionIcons.Length];
            ExhaustionValue.color = exhaustion < 0 ? RestedBonusColor : ExhaustionPenaltyColor;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public void Awake()
            LocalizationModel model = AmbitionApp.GetModel <LocalizationModel>();

            AmbitionApp.Subscribe <string>(GameMessages.SHOW_HEADER, SetHeaderTitle);
            AmbitionApp.Subscribe <string>(GameMessages.SCENE_LOADED, HandleSceneLoaded);
            AmbitionApp.Subscribe(GameMessages.HIDE_HEADER, ClearOverlays);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public override void OnOpen()
            LocalizationModel localization = AmbitionApp.GetModel <LocalizationModel>();

            BodyText.text  = localization.GetString(DIALOG_PHRASE + DialogConsts.BODY);
            TitleText.text = localization.GetString(DIALOG_PHRASE + DialogConsts.TITLE);

            tabsController = GameObject.Find("MainScreenTabsContainer").GetComponent <MainScreenTabsController>();
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public override void OnEnter()
            PartyModel        model    = AmbitionApp.GetModel <PartyModel>();
            CalendarModel     calendar = AmbitionApp.GetModel <CalendarModel>();
            IncidentModel     story    = AmbitionApp.Story;
            PartyVO           party    = AmbitionApp.GetModel <PartyModel>().Party;
            IncidentVO        incident = story.GetIncident(party?.IntroIncident);
            LocalizationModel loc      = AmbitionApp.GetModel <LocalizationModel>();

            AmbitionApp.Game.Activity = ActivityType.Party;

            model.Turn      = -1;
            model.Incidents = null;
            if (party == null)
                model.Turns = 0;
                string[] names = Enum.GetNames(typeof(PartySize));
                int      index = Array.IndexOf(names, party.Size.ToString());
                if (index < 0)
                    index = 0;
                if (index < model.NumTurnsByPartySize.Length)
                    model.Turns = model.NumTurnsByPartySize[index];
                    model.Turns = model.NumTurnsByPartySize[model.NumTurnsByPartySize.Length - 1];
                if (party.RequiredIncidents?.Length > model.Turns)
                    model.Turns = party.RequiredIncidents.Length;

            if (incident == null)
                IncidentVO[] incidents  = AmbitionApp.Story.GetIncidents(IncidentType.PartyIntro);
                IncidentVO[] candidates = Array.FindAll(incidents, i => Array.IndexOf(i.Factions, party.Faction) >= 0);
                if (candidates.Length == 0)
                    candidates = Array.FindAll(incidents, i => ((i.Factions?.Length ?? 0) == 0 || (i.Factions.Length == 1 && i.Factions[0] == FactionType.None)));
                incident = Util.RNG.TakeRandom(candidates);

            loc.SetPartyOutfit(AmbitionApp.Inventory.GetEquippedItem(ItemType.Outfit) as OutfitVO);

            AmbitionApp.SendMessage(CalendarMessages.SCHEDULE, incident);
        private void HandleReputation(ReputationVO rep)
            LocalizationModel phrases = AmbitionApp.GetModel <LocalizationModel>();
            string            str     = "Reputation Level Benefits\n";

            for (int i = 1; i < rep.Level; i++)
                str += phrases.GetString("reputation_text." + i.ToString() + "\n");
            _text.text = str;
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public static string Localize(string key)
            LocalizationModel model  = AmbitionApp.GetModel <LocalizationModel>();
            string            result = App.Service <LocalizationSvc>().GetString(key, model.Substitutions);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(result))
                Debug.LogWarning("Warning: No localizations found for key \"" + key + "\"");
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public override void OnEnter()
            CalendarModel cal = AmbitionApp.Calendar;

            PartyVO[] parties = cal.GetOccasions <PartyVO>(cal.Day - 1);
            PartyVO   party   = Array.Find(parties, p => p.RSVP == RSVP.New);

            if (party != null)
                CommodityVO penalty = new CommodityVO(CommodityType.Credibility, AmbitionApp.GetModel <PartyModel>().IgnoreInvitationPenalty);
                Dictionary <string, string> subs = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                LocalizationModel           loc  = AmbitionApp.GetModel <LocalizationModel>();
                party.RSVP           = RSVP.Declined;
                subs["$PARTYNAME"]   = loc.GetPartyName(party);
                subs["$CREDIBILITY"] = penalty.Value.ToString();
                AmbitionApp.OpenDialog(DialogConsts.MISSED_RSVP_DIALOG, subs);
                RendezVO[] dates = cal.GetOccasions <RendezVO>(cal.Day - 1);
                RendezVO   date  = Array.Find(dates, d => d.RSVP == RSVP.New);
                if (date != null)
                    CharacterModel characters  = AmbitionApp.GetModel <CharacterModel>();
                    CharacterVO    character   = characters.GetCharacter(date.Character);
                    bool           isPenalized = !date.IsCaller;
                    date.RSVP = RSVP.Declined;
                    if (character != null)
                        character.LiaisonDay = -1;
                    if (isPenalized)
                        int         penalty      = characters.MissedRendezvousPenalty;
                        CommodityVO favorPenalty = new CommodityVO()
                            Type  = CommodityType.Favor,
                            ID    = date.Character,
                            Value = penalty
                        Dictionary <string, string> subs = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                        subs["$SHORTNAME"] = AmbitionApp.GetModel <LocalizationModel>().GetShortName(character, date.Character);
                        subs["$FAVOR"]     = penalty.ToString();
                        AmbitionApp.OpenDialog(DialogConsts.MISSED_RENDEZVOUS_DIALOG, subs);
Ejemplo n.º 11
        private void HandleSnapShot(byte[] snapshot)
            LocalizationModel loc      = AmbitionApp.GetModel <LocalizationModel>();
            GameModel         model    = AmbitionApp.GetModel <GameModel>();
            IncidentModel     incident = AmbitionApp.GetModel <IncidentModel>();
            string            path     = Path.Combine(UnityEngine.Application.persistentDataPath, Filepath.SAVE_FILE);
            List <string[]>   saves;
            string            result;
            string            saveID       = loc?.HeaderTitlePhrase;
            string            snapshotPath = DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString() + ".jpg";

            if (File.Exists(path))
                result = File.ReadAllText(path);
                saves  = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <string[]> >(result);
                saves = new List <string[]>();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(saveID))
                saveID = AmbitionApp.Localize(saveID);
                saveID = string.IsNullOrEmpty(saveID)
                    ? model.PlayerName + " - " + loc.HeaderTitlePhrase + " - " + DateTime.Now.ToString()
                    : model.PlayerName + " - " + saveID + " - " + DateTime.Now.ToString();
                saveID = model.PlayerName + " - " + DateTime.Now.ToString();

            string[] savedGame = new string[]
                AmbitionApp.GetService <ModelSvc>().Save()
            if (snapshot != null)
                snapshotPath = Path.Combine(UnityEngine.Application.persistentDataPath, snapshotPath);
                System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(snapshotPath, snapshot);
            model.SaveSlotID = saves.Count;
            result = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(saves);
            File.WriteAllText(path, result);
Ejemplo n.º 12
        // Use this for initialization
        public void Initialize(List <PartyVO> parties)
            LocalizationModel localization = AmbitionApp.GetModel <LocalizationModel>();

            _parties = parties;

            TitleText.text = localization.GetString(DialogConsts.RSVP_CHOICE_DIALOG + DialogConsts.TITLE);
            BodyText.text  = localization.GetString(DialogConsts.RSVP_CHOICE_DIALOG + DialogConsts.BODY);

            Text party1ButtonText = this.transform.Find("Party1Button").Find("Text").GetComponent <Text>();

            party1ButtonText.text = _parties[0].Name;
            Text party2ButtonText = this.transform.Find("Party2Button").Find("Text").GetComponent <Text>();

            party2ButtonText.text = _parties[1].Name;
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public string GetFactionBenefits(string FactionID)
            string    str = "";
            FactionVO faction;

            if (Factions.TryGetValue(FactionID, out faction))
                LocalizationModel phrases = AmbitionApp.GetModel <LocalizationModel>();
                FactionID = FactionID.ToLower().Replace(' ', '_');
                for (int i = faction.Level; i >= 0; i--)
                    str += phrases.GetString(FactionID + "." + i.ToString());
Ejemplo n.º 14
        public static string Localize(string key, Dictionary <string, string> substitutions)
            LocalizationModel model = AmbitionApp.GetModel <LocalizationModel>();

            if (substitutions == null)
                return(App.Service <LocalizationSvc>().GetString(key, model.Substitutions));

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> kvp in model.Substitutions)
                if (!substitutions.ContainsKey(kvp.Key))
                    substitutions[kvp.Key] = kvp.Value;
            return(App.Service <LocalizationSvc>().GetString(key, substitutions));
Ejemplo n.º 15
        public void Initialize(PartyVO p)
            LocalizationModel localization = AmbitionApp.GetModel <LocalizationModel>();

            TitleText.text = localization.GetString("rsvp_cancel_dialog.title");

            _party = p;

            Dictionary <string, string> subs = new Dictionary <string, string>()
                { "$PARTYSIZE", AmbitionApp.GetString("party_importance." + ((int)p.Importance).ToString()) },
                { "$HOSTNAME", p.Host },
                { "$FACTION", AmbitionApp.GetString(p.Faction) }

            if (p.Date == AmbitionApp.GetModel <CalendarModel>().Today)
                BodyText.text = localization.GetString("rsvp_cancel_dayof_dialog.title", subs);
                BodyText.text = localization.GetString("rsvp_cancel_dialog.body", subs);
Ejemplo n.º 16
        public string GetDateString(DateTime d)
            LocalizationModel localization = AmbitionApp.GetModel <LocalizationModel>();

            return(d.Day.ToString() + " " + localization.GetList("month")[d.Month - 1] + ", " + d.Year.ToString());
Ejemplo n.º 17
        public override void OnEnterState()
            PartyModel        partyModel = AmbitionApp.GetModel <PartyModel>();
            ConversationModel model      = AmbitionApp.GetModel <ConversationModel>();
            RoomVO            room       = model.Room;
            GuestVO           guest;

            GuestVO[] guests = model.Guests;
            _phrases = AmbitionApp.GetModel <LocalizationModel>();

            // This ensures that previous guest formations stay consistent
            if (guests == null || guests.Length == 0)
                // TODO: Determine how to vary this number
                guests = new GuestVO[4];
            for (int i = guests.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                if (guests[i] == null)
                    guest = new GuestVO();
                    if (RNG.Generate(2) == 0)
                        guest.Gender    = Gender.Female;
                        guest.Title     = GetRandomDescriptor("female_title");
                        guest.FirstName = GetRandomDescriptor("female_name");
                        guest.Gender    = Gender.Male;
                        guest.Title     = GetRandomDescriptor("male_title");
                        guest.FirstName = GetRandomDescriptor("male_name");
                    guest.LastName = GetRandomDescriptor("last_name");
                    guest.LastName = "aeiouAEIOU".Contains(guest.LastName.Substring(0, 1))
                        ? (" d'" + guest.LastName)
                        : (" de " + guest.LastName);
                    guests[i] = guest;

            if (!room.Cleared)
                int likeIndex;
                GuestDifficultyVO stats     = partyModel.GuestDifficultyStats[room.Difficulty - 1];
                string[]          interests = partyModel.Interests;

                if (room.Actions != null)

                foreach (GuestVO g in guests)
                    g.Opinion = RNG.Generate(stats.Opinion[0], stats.Opinion[1]);
                    likeIndex = RNG.Generate(interests.Length);
                    g.Like    = interests[likeIndex];
                    g.Dislike = interests[(likeIndex + 1) % interests.Length];
                // All Variety of Likes final check
                if (Array.TrueForAll(guests, g => g.Like == guests[0].Like))
                    guest         = RNG.TakeRandom(guests);
                    likeIndex     = RNG.Generate(interests.Length);
                    guest.Like    = interests[likeIndex];
                    guest.Dislike = interests[(likeIndex + 1) % interests.Length];
            model.Guests            = guests;
            model.Round             = 0;
            model.Remark            = null;
            model.FreeRemarkCounter = partyModel.FreeRemarkCounter;
            model.Repartee          = false;
            model.RemarksBought     = 0;