SendEmail() public method

Composes an email message based on input data, and then immediately queues the message for sending.

There are several important points to know about SendEmail:

  • You can only send email from verified email addresses and domains; otherwise, you will get an "Email address not verified" error. If your account is still in the Amazon SES sandbox, you must also verify every recipient email address except for the recipients provided by the Amazon SES mailbox simulator. For more information, go to the Amazon SES Developer Guide.

  • The total size of the message cannot exceed 10 MB. This includes any attachments that are part of the message.

  • Amazon SES has a limit on the total number of recipients per message. The combined number of To:, CC: and BCC: email addresses cannot exceed 50. If you need to send an email message to a larger audience, you can divide your recipient list into groups of 50 or fewer, and then call Amazon SES repeatedly to send the message to each group.

  • For every message that you send, the total number of recipients (To:, CC: and BCC:) is counted against your sending quota - the maximum number of emails you can send in a 24-hour period. For information about your sending quota, go to the Amazon SES Developer Guide.

/// Indicates that the configuration set does not exist. /// /// Indicates that the message could not be sent because Amazon SES could not read the /// MX record required to use the specified MAIL FROM domain. For information about editing /// the custom MAIL FROM domain settings for an identity, see the Amazon /// SES Developer Guide. /// /// Indicates that the action failed, and the message could not be sent. Check the error /// stack for more information about what caused the error. ///
public SendEmail ( SendEmailRequest request ) : SendEmailResponse
request SendEmailRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the SendEmail service method.
return SendEmailResponse
Ejemplo n.º 1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            if (CheckRequiredFields())
                using (var client = new AmazonSimpleEmailServiceClient(RegionEndpoint.USEast1))
                    var sendRequest = new SendEmailRequest
                                            Source = senderAddress,
                                            Destination = new Destination { ToAddresses = new List<string> { receiverAddress } },
                                            Message = new Message
                                                Subject = new Content("Sample Mail using SES"),
                                                Body = new Body { Text = new Content("Sample message content.") }
                        Console.WriteLine("Sending email using AWS SES...");
                        var response = client.SendEmail(sendRequest);
                        Console.WriteLine("The email was sent successfully.");
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Console.WriteLine("The email was not sent.");
                        Console.WriteLine("Error message: " + ex.Message);


            Console.Write("Press any key to continue...");
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void SendEmails(AmazonSimpleEmailServiceClient aClient)
            IEnumerable<EmailJob> myEmailsToSendOut = theEmailRepo.GetEmailJobsToBeSent();
            if (myEmailsToSendOut.Count<EmailJob>() != 0) {
                ConsoleMessageWithDate("Have to send emails: " + myEmailsToSendOut.Count<EmailJob>());
                foreach (EmailJob myEmailJob in myEmailsToSendOut) {
                    SendEmailRequest myRequest = new SendEmailRequest();

                    List<string> mySendTo = new List<string>();

                    Content mySubject = new Content(myEmailJob.Subject);
                    Body myBody = new Body();
                    myBody.Html = new Content(myEmailJob.Body);

                    myRequest.Destination = new Destination(mySendTo);
                    myRequest.Message = new Message(mySubject, myBody);
                    myRequest.Source = myEmailJob.FromEmail;

                    //Change flag with the send in between so we can track if shit happened

                    ConsoleMessageWithDate("A " + myEmailJob.EmailDescription + " has been sent to " + myEmailJob.ToEmail + " from " + myEmailJob.FromEmail);
            } else {
                ConsoleMessageWithDate("No emails required to be sent out");
Ejemplo n.º 3
		protected override void OnCreate (Bundle bundle)
			base.OnCreate (bundle);

			// Set our view from the "main" layout resource
			SetContentView (Resource.Layout.Main);

			// Get our button from the layout resource,
			// and attach an event to it
			Button button = FindViewById<Button> (Resource.Id.myButton);
			button.Click += delegate {
				const string ACCESS_KEY = "";
				const string SECRET_KEY = "";
				const string YOUR_EMAIL = "";

				AmazonSimpleEmailServiceClient sesClient = new Amazon.SimpleEmail.AmazonSimpleEmailServiceClient (ACCESS_KEY, SECRET_KEY, Amazon.RegionEndpoint.USEast1);
				var Name   = FindViewById<EditText>(;
				var Rating = FindViewById<RatingBar>(Resource.Id.ratingBar);
				var Comments = FindViewById<EditText>(Resource.Id.comments);

				var messageBody = new Amazon.SimpleEmail.Model.Content (String.Format("Rating: {0}\n\nComments:\n{1}", Rating.Selected, Comments.Text));
				var body = new Amazon.SimpleEmail.Model.Body (messageBody);
				var subject = new Amazon.SimpleEmail.Model.Content (String.Format ("Feedback from {0}", Name.Text));

				var message = new Amazon.SimpleEmail.Model.Message (subject, body);
				var destination = new Amazon.SimpleEmail.Model.Destination (new System.Collections.Generic.List<string> (){ YOUR_EMAIL });

				var sendEmailRequest = new Amazon.SimpleEmail.Model.SendEmailRequest (YOUR_EMAIL, destination, message);

				sesClient.SendEmail (sendEmailRequest);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public static bool SendEmailWithAmazone(string FROM, string TO, string SUBJECT, string BODY, string AWSAccessKey, string AWSSecrectKey, string NameSender)
            string Name = NameSender;
            Destination destination = new Destination().WithToAddresses(new List<string>() { TO });
            // Create the subject and body of the message.
            Amazon.SimpleEmail.Model.Content subject = new Amazon.SimpleEmail.Model.Content().WithData(SUBJECT);
            Amazon.SimpleEmail.Model.Content textBody = new Amazon.SimpleEmail.Model.Content().WithData(BODY);
            Body body = new Body().WithHtml(textBody);

            // Create a message with the specified subject and body.
            Message message = new Message().WithSubject(subject).WithBody(body);

            string Fr = String.Format("{0}<{1}>", Name, FROM);
            SendEmailRequest request = new SendEmailRequest().WithSource(Fr).WithDestination(destination).WithMessage(message);
            using (AmazonSimpleEmailServiceClient client = new AmazonSimpleEmailServiceClient(AWSAccessKey, AWSSecrectKey))
                // Send the email.
                    return true;
                catch (Exception)
                    return false;
Ejemplo n.º 5
    public static void SESSendEmail()
      #region SESSendEmail
      var sesClient = new AmazonSimpleEmailServiceClient();           
      var dest = new Destination
        ToAddresses = new List<string>() { "*****@*****.**" },
        CcAddresses = new List<string>() { "*****@*****.**" }

      var from = "*****@*****.**";
      var subject = new Content("You're invited to the meeting");
      var body = new Body(new Content("Please join us Monday at 7:00 PM."));
      var msg = new Message(subject, body);

      var request = new SendEmailRequest
        Destination = dest,
        Message = msg, 
        Source = from

Ejemplo n.º 6
        public void Send(string name, string replyTo, string messageBody)
            var destination = new Destination()
                ToAddresses = new List<string>() { TO }

            var subject = new Content(SUBJECT);

            var body = new Body()
                Html = new Content(string.Format(BODY, name, messageBody))

            var message = new Message(subject, body);

            var request = new SendEmailRequest(FROM, destination, message);

            request.ReplyToAddresses = new List<string> { replyTo };

            var region = Amazon.RegionEndpoint.USEast1;

            using (var client = new AmazonSimpleEmailServiceClient(region))
                catch(Exception ex)
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public Task<bool> SendEmail(string to, string subject, string htmlBody)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(subject) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(htmlBody) || !to.IsEmail()) return Task.FromResult(false);

            var destination = new Destination { ToAddresses = new List<string> { to } };

            var contentSubject = new Content { Charset = Encoding.UTF8.EncodingName, Data = subject };
            var contentBody = new Content { Charset = Encoding.UTF8.EncodingName, Data = htmlBody };
            var body = new Body { Html = contentBody };

            var message = new Message { Body = body, Subject = contentSubject };

            var request = new SendEmailRequest
                Source = FROM_EMAIL,
                Destination = destination,
                Message = message

            var client = new AmazonSimpleEmailServiceClient();

            catch (Exception ex)
               return Task.FromResult(false);

            return Task.FromResult(true);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        //From E-mail address must be verified through Amazon
        /// <param name="AWSAccessKey">public key associated with our Amazon Account</param>
        /// <param name="AWSSecretKey">private key associated with our Amazon Account</param>
        /// <param name="ToEmail">Who do you want to send the E-mail to, seperate multiple addresses with a comma</param>
        /// <param name="FromEmail">Who is the e-mail from, this must be a verified e-mail address through Amazon</param>
        /// <param name="Subject">Subject of e-mail</param>
        /// <param name="Content">Text for e-mail</param>
        public void SendEmail(string AWSAccessKey, string AWSSecretKey, string ToEmail, string FromEmail, string Subject, string Content)
            Amazon.SimpleEmail.AmazonSimpleEmailServiceClient client = new Amazon.SimpleEmail.AmazonSimpleEmailServiceClient(AWSAccessKey, AWSSecretKey);

            SendEmailRequest em = new SendEmailRequest()
                            .WithDestination(new Destination() { BccAddresses = new List<String>() { ToEmail } })
                            .WithMessage(new Message(new Content(Subject), new Body().WithText(new Content(Content))));
            SendEmailResponse response = client.SendEmail(em);
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public void SendEmail(string to, string subject, string bodyText, string bodyHtml)
     using (var client = new AmazonSimpleEmailServiceClient(RegionEndpoint.EUWest1))
         var content = new Content(subject);
         var body = new Body{Html = new Content(bodyHtml), Text = new Content(bodyText)};
         var message = new Message(content, body);
         var destination = new Destination(new List<string> {to});
         var sendEmailRequest = new SendEmailRequest(FromEmail, destination, message);
Ejemplo n.º 10
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            AmazonSimpleEmailServiceConfig amConfig = new AmazonSimpleEmailServiceConfig();
            amConfig.UseSecureStringForAwsSecretKey = false;
            AmazonSimpleEmailServiceClient amzClient = new AmazonSimpleEmailServiceClient(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AWSAccessKey"].ToString(), ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AWSSecretKey"].ToString(),amConfig);
            ArrayList to = new ArrayList();
            //ADD AS TO 50 emails per one sending method//////////////////////

            Destination dest = new Destination();

            string body = "INSERT HTML BODY HERE";
            string subject = "INSERT EMAIL SUBJECT HERE";
            Body bdy = new Body();
            bdy.Html = new Amazon.SimpleEmail.Model.Content(body);
            Amazon.SimpleEmail.Model.Content title = new Amazon.SimpleEmail.Model.Content(subject);
            Message message = new Message(title, bdy);

               //VerifyEmailAddressRequest veaRequest = new VerifyEmailAddressRequest();
               // veaRequest.EmailAddress = "*****@*****.**";
               // VerifyEmailAddressResponse veaResponse = amzClient.VerifyEmailAddress(veaRequest);

            SendEmailRequest ser = new SendEmailRequest("*****@*****.**", dest, message);

            SendEmailResponse seResponse = amzClient.SendEmail(ser);
            SendEmailResult seResult = seResponse.SendEmailResult;

            //GetSendStatisticsRequest request=new GetSendStatisticsRequest();

            //GetSendStatisticsResponse obj = amzClient.GetSendStatistics(request);

            //List<SendDataPoint> sdata = new List<SendDataPoint>();

            //Int64 sentCount = 0,BounceCount=0,DeleveryAttempts=0;

            //for (int i = 0; i < sdata.Count; i++)
            //    BounceCount = BounceCount +sdata[i].Bounces;
            //    DeleveryAttempts = DeleveryAttempts + sdata[i].DeliveryAttempts;
            //sentCount = DeleveryAttempts - BounceCount;
        public async Task Send(Indulgence indulgence, string indulgenceFilePath)
            service =
                new AmazonSimpleEmailServiceClient(

            SendEmailRequest request = new SendEmailRequest();
            request.Destination = BuildDestination();

            var response = service.SendEmail(request);
        public async Task Send(Indulgence indulgence, string indulgenceFilePath)
            service =
                new AmazonSimpleEmailServiceClient(

            SendEmailRequest request = new SendEmailRequest();

            request.Destination = BuildDestination();
            request.Message     = BuildMessage(indulgence);
            request.Source      = "*****@*****.**";

            var response = service.SendEmail(request);
Ejemplo n.º 13
        /// <summary>
        ///     Sends an email with opt out option
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fromEmail"></param>
        /// <param name="toEmail"></param>
        /// <param name="subject"></param>
        /// <param name="body"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool SendMail(string fromEmail, string toEmail, string subject, string body)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(toEmail) ||
                string.IsNullOrEmpty(fromEmail) ||
                string.IsNullOrEmpty(subject) ||
                string.IsNullOrEmpty(body)) return false;

                toEmail = toEmail.Trim();
                fromEmail = fromEmail.Trim();

                var amzClient = new AmazonSimpleEmailServiceClient(
                    AmazonCloudConfigs.AmazonAccessKey, AmazonCloudConfigs.AmazonSecretKey, RegionEndpoint.USEast1);
                var dest = new Destination();

                body =
                    body +
                    Environment.NewLine +
                    Environment.NewLine +
                    Environment.NewLine +
                    Environment.NewLine +
                    Environment.NewLine +
                    "----------------------------" +
                    Environment.NewLine +
                    "Unsubscribe From Email: " + // TODO: LOCALIZE
                    Environment.NewLine +
                    GeneralConfigs.EmailSettingsURL +

                var bdy = new Body {Text = new Content(body)};
                var title = new Content(subject);
                var message = new Message(title, bdy);
                fromEmail = string.Format("{0} <{1}>", GeneralConfigs.SiteName, fromEmail);
                var ser = new SendEmailRequest(fromEmail, dest, message);

                var response = amzClient.SendEmail(ser);

                return true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                return false;
Ejemplo n.º 14
		void HandleTouchUpInside (object sender, EventArgs e)
			const string ACCESS_KEY = "";
			const string SECRET_KEY = "";
			const string YOUR_EMAIL = "";

			AmazonSimpleEmailServiceClient sesClient = new Amazon.SimpleEmail.AmazonSimpleEmailServiceClient (ACCESS_KEY, SECRET_KEY, Amazon.RegionEndpoint.USEast1);

			var messageBody = new Amazon.SimpleEmail.Model.Content (String.Format("Rating: {0}\n\nComments:\n{1}", Rating.SelectedSegment, Comments.Text));
			var body = new Amazon.SimpleEmail.Model.Body (messageBody);
			var subject = new Amazon.SimpleEmail.Model.Content (String.Format ("Feedback from {0}", Name.Text));

			var message = new Amazon.SimpleEmail.Model.Message (subject, body);
			var destination = new Amazon.SimpleEmail.Model.Destination (new System.Collections.Generic.List<string> (){ YOUR_EMAIL });

			var sendEmailRequest = new Amazon.SimpleEmail.Model.SendEmailRequest (YOUR_EMAIL, destination, message);

			sesClient.SendEmail (sendEmailRequest);
Ejemplo n.º 15
        public static void SendEmailRegisterInterest(string emailContentPath, string email)
            var recipientEmail = SetRecipientEmail(email);

            // Send email after adding user to interested people
            var bodyContent = new Content(System.IO.File.ReadAllText(emailContentPath));

            // create email request
            var request = new SendEmailRequest()
                .WithDestination(new Destination(new List<string> { recipientEmail }))
                .WithMessage(new Message()
                    .WithSubject(new Content("Thanks for joining the GreenMoney waiting list"))
                    .WithBody(new Body().WithHtml(bodyContent))

            // send it
            var client = new AmazonSimpleEmailServiceClient("AKIAIDP5FFSCJUHHC4QA", "NKAzwbtwwhvKuQZj2t6OXxOhaOEuaBYh3E34Jxbs");
 public Task<string> Send(IEnumerable<string> to, IEnumerable<string> cc, string from, string title, string htmlBody, string textBody)
     AmazonSimpleEmailServiceClient client = new AmazonSimpleEmailServiceClient(_accessKey, _secretKey);
     Destination destination = new Destination();
     destination.ToAddresses = to.ToList();
     Content subject = new Content(title);
     Body bodyContent = new Body()
         Html = htmlBody == null ? null : new Content(htmlBody),
         Text = textBody == null ? null : new Content(textBody)
     Message message = new Message(subject, bodyContent);
     SendEmailRequest request = new SendEmailRequest
         ReplyToAddresses = new List<string>() {@from},
         Destination = destination,
         Message = message
     SendEmailResponse response = client.SendEmail(request);
     return Task.FromResult(response.MessageId);
Ejemplo n.º 17
        public static void SendEmailAdditionalMemberInvitation(string email, string inviterName, string url)
            var bodyContent = "Your household member " + inviterName +
                              " sent you this <a href='" + url + "'>link</a> to join Green Money.";

            var recipientEmail = SetRecipientEmail(email);

            // create email request
            var request = new SendEmailRequest()
                .WithDestination(new Destination(new List<string> { recipientEmail }))
                .WithMessage(new Message()
                    .WithSubject(new Content("GreenMoney. Household member invitation"))
                    .WithBody(new Body().WithHtml(new Content(bodyContent)))

            //send it
            var client = new AmazonSimpleEmailServiceClient("AKIAIDP5FFSCJUHHC4QA",
Ejemplo n.º 18
        public static bool SendEmailWithAmazone(string FROM, string TO, string SUBJECT, string BODY, string AWSAccessKey, string AWSSecrectKey, string NameSender)
            log4net.ILog log = log4net.LogManager.GetLogger("ErrorRollingLogFileAppender");
                string Name = NameSender;
                Destination destination = new Destination().WithToAddresses(new List<string>() { TO });
                // Create the subject and body of the message.
                Amazon.SimpleEmail.Model.Content subject = new Amazon.SimpleEmail.Model.Content().WithData(SUBJECT);
                Amazon.SimpleEmail.Model.Content textBody = new Amazon.SimpleEmail.Model.Content().WithData(BODY);
                Body body = new Body().WithHtml(textBody);

                // Create a message with the specified subject and body.
                Message message = new Message().WithSubject(subject).WithBody(body);

                string Fr = String.Format("{0}<{1}>", Name, FROM);
                SendEmailRequest request = new SendEmailRequest().WithSource(Fr).WithDestination(destination).WithMessage(message);

                using (AmazonSimpleEmailServiceClient client = new AmazonSimpleEmailServiceClient(AWSAccessKey, AWSSecrectKey))
                    // Send the email.
                        return true;
                    catch (Exception e)
                        log.Error("ProcessSendEmail-callSendBulkMail_BySubGroup" + e);
                        return false;
            catch (Exception ex)

                Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); log.Error("ProcessSendEmail-callSendBulkMail_BySubGroup" + ex);return false;
Ejemplo n.º 19
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            AmazonSimpleEmailServiceConfig amConfig = new AmazonSimpleEmailServiceConfig();
            amConfig.UseSecureStringForAwsSecretKey = false;
            AmazonSimpleEmailServiceClient amzClient = new AmazonSimpleEmailServiceClient(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AWSAccessKey"].ToString(), ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AWSSecretKey"].ToString(), amConfig);
            ArrayList to = new ArrayList();
            for (int i = 0; i < to.Count; i++)
                Destination dest = new Destination();
                string body = "Hello this is testing AWS";
                string subject = "Test AWS";
                Body bdy = new Body();
                bdy.Html = new Amazon.SimpleEmail.Model.Content(body);
                Amazon.SimpleEmail.Model.Content title = new Amazon.SimpleEmail.Model.Content(subject);
                Message message = new Message(title, bdy);
                SendEmailRequest ser = new SendEmailRequest("*****@*****.**", dest, message);
                SendEmailResponse seResponse = amzClient.SendEmail(ser);
                SendEmailResult seResult = seResponse.SendEmailResult;


            //GetSendStatisticsRequest request = new GetSendStatisticsRequest();
            //GetSendStatisticsResponse obj = amzClient.GetSendStatistics(request);
            //List<SendDataPoint> sdata = new List<SendDataPoint>();
            //sdata = obj.GetSendStatisticsResult.SendDataPoints;
            //Int64 sentCount = 0, BounceCount = 0, DeleveryAttempts = 0;
            //for (int i = 0; i < sdata.Count; i++)
            //    BounceCount = BounceCount + sdata[i].Bounces;
            //    DeleveryAttempts = DeleveryAttempts + sdata[i].DeliveryAttempts;
            //sentCount = DeleveryAttempts - BounceCount;
Ejemplo n.º 20
        public bool SendEmail()
            AmazonSimpleEmailServiceConfig amConfig = new AmazonSimpleEmailServiceConfig();
            //amConfig.UseSecureStringForAwsSecretKey = false;
            AmazonSimpleEmailServiceClient amzClient = new AmazonSimpleEmailServiceClient(
               RegionEndpoint.USEast1);// ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AWSSecretKey"].ToString(), amConfig);

            //ArrayList that holds To Emails. It can hold 1 Email to any
            //number of emails in case what to send same message to many users.
            var to = new List<string>();

            //Create Your Bcc Addresses as well as Message Body and Subject
            Destination dest = new Destination();
            //string body = Body;
            string subject = "Subject : " + "Demo Mail";
            Body bdy = new Body();
            bdy.Html = new Amazon.SimpleEmail.Model.Content("Test Mail");
            Amazon.SimpleEmail.Model.Content title = new Amazon.SimpleEmail.Model.Content(subject);
            Message message = new Message(title, bdy);

            //Create A Request to send Email to this ArrayList with this body and subject
                SendEmailRequest ser = new SendEmailRequest("*****@*****.**", dest, message);
                SendEmailResponse seResponse = amzClient.SendEmail(ser);
               // SendEmailResult seResult = seResponse.SendEmailResult;
            catch (Exception ex)


            return true;
Ejemplo n.º 21
        public static void SendEmailsOnRewardsRedeem(
            string emailContentPath, string emailPathProductOrderConfirmation, string emailPathOrderConfirmation,
            string email, string firstname, string lastname, string url, string voucherUrlBase, CheckoutSubmitModel addToMyWallet)
            foreach (var purchase in addToMyWallet.Purchases)

                if (purchase.NotifyOnRedeem)
                    var recipientEmail = SetRecipientEmail(purchase.PartnerOwnerEmail);
                    string subjectRewardRedeemed = "GreenMoney Reward Redeemed";

                    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(recipientEmail))
                        recipientEmail = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MasterAdminEmail"];
                        subjectRewardRedeemed = subjectRewardRedeemed + " - no owner email";

                    var redeem_bodyContent = Razor.Parse(
                            Email = email,
                            FirstName = firstname,
                            LastName = lastname,
                            PartnerName = purchase.PartnerName,
                            Name = purchase.Name,
                            Category = purchase.Category,
                            Site = url,
                            VoucherUrl = voucherUrlBase

                    // create email request
                    var redeem_request = new SendEmailRequest()
                        .WithDestination(new Destination(new List<string> {recipientEmail}))
                        .WithMessage(new Message()
                            .WithSubject(new Content(subjectRewardRedeemed))
                            .WithBody(new Body().WithHtml(new Content(redeem_bodyContent)))

                        var redeem_client = new AmazonSimpleEmailServiceClient("AKIAIDP5FFSCJUHHC4QA", "NKAzwbtwwhvKuQZj2t6OXxOhaOEuaBYh3E34Jxbs");
                    catch (Exception e)

            decimal dollartotal = addToMyWallet.Purchases.Sum(i => i.DollarCost);
            long total = addToMyWallet.Purchases.Sum(i => i.Cost);

            string emailFile;
            if (dollartotal > 0)
                emailFile = emailPathProductOrderConfirmation;
                emailFile = emailPathOrderConfirmation;

            // email content
            var bodyContent = Razor.Parse(
                    FirstName = firstname,
                    Time = DateTime.Now,
                    Total = total,
                    Items = addToMyWallet.Purchases,
                    HasVouchers = addToMyWallet.Purchases.Any(i => i.DollarCost == 0),
                    VoucherUrl = voucherUrlBase

            var recipientEmail1 = SetRecipientEmail(email);

            // create email request
            var request = new SendEmailRequest()
                .WithDestination(new Destination(new List<string> { recipientEmail1 }))
                .WithMessage(new Message()
                    .WithSubject(new Content("GreenMoney Order Confirmation"))
                    .WithBody(new Body().WithHtml(new Content(bodyContent)))

                var client = new AmazonSimpleEmailServiceClient("AKIAIDP5FFSCJUHHC4QA", "NKAzwbtwwhvKuQZj2t6OXxOhaOEuaBYh3E34Jxbs");
            catch (Exception e)
Ejemplo n.º 22
        //Send notification to user via email.
        /// <summary>
        /// Uses SES to send an email to a user.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="email">The email.</param>
        private void SendEmail(String email)
                String[] arrayTO = new String[1];
                arrayTO[0] = email;

                List<string> listTO = arrayTO.ToList<String>();

                // Construct an object to contain the recipient address.
                Destination destination = new Destination().WithToAddresses(listTO);

                String FROM = "*****@*****.**";
                String SUBJECT = "Welcome to Cookbook!";
                String BODY = "Welcome to Cookbook! Thank you so much for joining us. We hope that you will enjoy using our website.";

                // Create the subject and body of the message.
                Content subject = new Content().WithData(SUBJECT);
                Content textBody = new Content().WithData(BODY);
                Body body = new Body().WithText(textBody);

                // Create a message with the specified subject and body.
                Message message = new Message().WithSubject(subject).WithBody(body);

                // Assemble the email.
                SendEmailRequest request = new SendEmailRequest().WithSource(FROM).WithDestination(destination).WithMessage(message);

                AmazonSimpleEmailServiceClient client = new AmazonSimpleEmailServiceClient();

                SendEmailResponse response = client.SendEmail(request);
                Console.WriteLine("Sent successfully.");

            catch (Exception e)
Ejemplo n.º 23
        public static void SendEmailVerifyAccount(string emailContentPath, string email, string firstname, string url)
            // email content
            var bodyContent = Razor.Parse(
                    FirstName = firstname,
                    VerifyUrl = url

            var recipientEmail = SetRecipientEmail(email);

            // create email request
            var request = new SendEmailRequest()
                .WithDestination(new Destination(new List<string> { recipientEmail }))
                .WithMessage(new Message()
                    .WithSubject(new Content("GreenMoney. Please confirm your registration"))
                    .WithBody(new Body().WithHtml(new Content(bodyContent)))

            // send it
            var client = new AmazonSimpleEmailServiceClient("AKIAIDP5FFSCJUHHC4QA", "NKAzwbtwwhvKuQZj2t6OXxOhaOEuaBYh3E34Jxbs");
        public static void SendEmail(string fromEmailAddress, string fromFriendlyName, string toEmailAddress, string emailSubject, string emailBody)


            var client = new AmazonSimpleEmailServiceClient(Settings.Default.AWSAccessKey, 
            var client = new AmazonSimpleEmailServiceClient("AKIAIJINFUWK57TVYABQ",
            var destination = new Destination(new List<string>() {toEmailAddress});
            var subjectContent = new Content(subject);
            var bodyContent = new Content(body);
            var messageBody = new Body(bodyContent);
            var message = new Message(subjectContent, messageBody);

            var request = new SendEmailRequest(fromEmailAddress, destination, message);

            String FROM = fromEmailAddress;  // Replace with your "From" address. This address must be verified.
             String TO = toEmailAddress; // Replace with a "To" address. If you have not yet requested
            // production access, this address must be verified.

            const String SUBJECT = "Amazon SES test (AWS SDK for .NET)";
            const String BODY = "This email was sent through Amazon SES by using the AWS SDK for .NET.";

            // Construct an object to contain the recipient address.
            Destination destination = new Destination();
            destination.ToAddresses = (new List<string>() { TO });

            // Create the subject and body of the message.
            Content subject = new Content(SUBJECT);
            Content textBody = new Content(BODY);
            Body body = new Body(textBody);

            // Create a message with the specified subject and body.
            Message message = new Message(subject, body);

            // Assemble the email.
            SendEmailRequest request = new SendEmailRequest(FROM, destination, message);

            // Choose the AWS region of the Amazon SES endpoint you want to connect to. Note that your production 
            // access status, sending limits, and Amazon SES identity-related settings are specific to a given 
            // AWS region, so be sure to select an AWS region in which you set up Amazon SES. Here, we are using 
            // the US East (N. Virginia) region. Examples of other regions that Amazon SES supports are USWest2 
            // and EUWest1. For a complete list, see 
            Amazon.RegionEndpoint REGION = Amazon.RegionEndpoint.EUWest1;

            // Instantiate an Amazon SES client, which will make the service call.
            var client = new AmazonSimpleEmailServiceClient(Settings.Default.AWSAccessKey,

            // Send the email.
          //  client.VerifyEmailAddress(new VerifyEmailAddressRequest() {EmailAddress = fromEmailAddress});

                Console.WriteLine("Email sent!");

Ejemplo n.º 25
        public static void SendEmailResetPassword(string emailContentPath, UserModel user, string password, string url, MembershipUser membershipUser)
            // email content
            var bodyContent = Razor.Parse(
                    FirstName = user.FirstName,
                    Password = password,
                    LoginUrl = url

            var recipientEmail = SetRecipientEmail(membershipUser.Email);


                // create email request
                var request = new SendEmailRequest()
                    .WithDestination(new Destination(new List<string> {recipientEmail}))
                    .WithMessage(new Message()
                        .WithSubject(new Content("GreenMoney Password Reset"))
                        .WithBody(new Body().WithHtml(new Content(bodyContent)))

                // send it
                var client = new AmazonSimpleEmailServiceClient("AKIAIDP5FFSCJUHHC4QA", "NKAzwbtwwhvKuQZj2t6OXxOhaOEuaBYh3E34Jxbs");

            catch (Exception)

        public bool sendEmail(Model.Email email)
            bool ret = false;

            SendEmailRequest msg = new SendEmailRequest();

            msg.Destination = new Destination();
            msg.Destination.ToAddresses =;

            if ( != null && > 0)
                msg.Destination.CcAddresses =;

            if (email.bcc != null && email.bcc.Count > 0)
                msg.Destination.BccAddresses = email.bcc;

            if (email.replyToAddresses != null && email.replyToAddresses.Count > 0)
                msg.ReplyToAddresses = email.replyToAddresses;

            if (email.returnPath != String.Empty)
                msg.ReturnPath = email.returnPath;
            msg.Source = email.source;

            msg.Message = new Message();
            msg.Message.Subject = new Amazon.SimpleEmail.Model.Content();

            ////string c = email.Message.Subject.Charset;
            msg.Message.Subject.Data = email.subject;

            msg.Message.Body = new Body();

           // if (email.text != String.Empty)
           // {
                msg.Message.Body.Text = new Amazon.SimpleEmail.Model.Content();
                msg.Message.Body.Text.Data = email.text;

            //if (email.html != String.Empty)
           // {
                msg.Message.Body.Html = new Amazon.SimpleEmail.Model.Content();
                msg.Message.Body.Html.Data = email.html;

            using (AmazonSimpleEmailServiceClient client = new AmazonSimpleEmailServiceClient(_accessKeyID, _secretAccessKeyID))
                SendEmailResponse response = client.SendEmail(msg);
                ret = true;

            return ret;

Ejemplo n.º 27
        public ActionResult Register(RegisterModel model)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                // 尝试注册用户
                MembershipCreateStatus createStatus;
                Membership.CreateUser(model.UserName, model.Password, model.Email, null, null, true, null, out createStatus);

                if (createStatus == MembershipCreateStatus.Success)
                    //Send email by amazon ses
                    string accessKey = "AKIAIO4BEQ2UGFAMHRFQ";
                    string secretAccessKey = "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";
                    AmazonSimpleEmailServiceConfig amazonConfiguration = new AmazonSimpleEmailServiceConfig();
                    AmazonSimpleEmailServiceClient clientMail = new AmazonSimpleEmailServiceClient(accessKey, secretAccessKey, amazonConfiguration);
                    Destination destination = new Destination();
                    Body body = new Body() { Html = new Content("Welcome to AIRPDF "+"Your account is: "+model.UserName+" Your password is: "+model.ConfirmPassword) };
                    Content subject = new Content("Welcome to AIRPDF!");
                    Message message = new Message(subject, body);
                    SendEmailRequest sendEmailRequest = new SendEmailRequest("*****@*****.**", destination, message);

                    FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(model.UserName, false /* createPersistentCookie */);
                    return RedirectToAction("Index", "pdf");
                    ModelState.AddModelError("", ErrorCodeToString(createStatus));

            // 如果我们进行到这一步时某个地方出错,则重新显示表单
            return View(model);
Ejemplo n.º 28
        //Send notification to user via email.
        /// <summary>
        /// Uses SES to send an email to a user.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="userID">The user being sent the email</param>
        /// <param name="inputSubject">The subject of the email</param>
        /// <param name="inputBody">The body of the email</param>
        public static void SendEmail(int userID, string inputSubject, string inputBody)
                String email = (from userprofiles in userDb.UserProfiles
                                where userprofiles.UserId == userID
                                select userprofiles.Email).FirstOrDefault(); ; //Find userID's email address.

                if (inputSubject == "")
                    inputSubject = "The Cookbook - New Notification Waiting For You";

                if (inputBody == "")
                    inputBody = "You have received a new notification. Visit The Cookbook for more information.";

                String[] arrayTO = new String[1];
                arrayTO[0] = email;

                List<string> listTO = arrayTO.ToList<String>();

                // Construct an object to contain the recipient address.
                Destination destination = new Destination().WithToAddresses(listTO);

                String FROM = "*****@*****.**";
                String SUBJECT = inputSubject;
                String BODY = inputBody;

                // Create the subject and body of the message.
                Content subject = new Content().WithData(SUBJECT);
                Content textBody = new Content().WithData(BODY);
                Body body = new Body().WithText(textBody);

                // Create a message with the specified subject and body.
                Message message = new Message().WithSubject(subject).WithBody(body);

                // Assemble the email.
                SendEmailRequest request = new SendEmailRequest().WithSource(FROM).WithDestination(destination).WithMessage(message);

                AmazonSimpleEmailServiceClient client = new AmazonSimpleEmailServiceClient();

                SendEmailResponse response = client.SendEmail(request);
                Console.WriteLine("Sent successfully.");

            catch (Exception e)