Ejemplo n.º 1
 protected internal PredictionTreeBranch(IList <PredictionTreeLeaf> baseList, int depth = 0, bool chop = false, bool passAlong = true, short[] deviations = null, int[] epsilonState = null, int minDepth = 0)
     : base(baseList)
     this.epsilonDerivations = epsilonState ?? new int[(baseList.Count + (sizeof(SlotType) - 1)) / sizeof(SlotType)];
     this.MinDepth           = minDepth;
     this.Depth = depth;
     this.SetDeviations(deviations ?? new short[0]);
     if (passAlong)
         if (!chop && depth > 0)
             if (depth == this.Count - 1)
                 var addedPath = new PredictionTreeBranch(this.Take(depth + 1).ToList(), depth, true, false);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        internal MultikeyedDictionary <GrammarVocabulary, int, List <Tuple <Tuple <int[], PredictionTree>[], int[]> > > ObtainTerminalAmbiguities(
            Dictionary <SyntacticalDFAState, PredictionTreeLeaf> fullSeries,
            ControlledDictionary <IOilexerGrammarProductionRuleEntry, SyntacticalDFARootState> ruleDFAs,
            Dictionary <IOilexerGrammarProductionRuleEntry, GrammarVocabulary> ruleLookup,
            GrammarSymbolSet grammarSymbols)
            if (!this.Veins.DFAOriginState.IsEdge)
                return(new MultikeyedDictionary <GrammarVocabulary, int, List <Tuple <Tuple <int[], PredictionTree>[], int[]> > >());
            var tempDictionary  = new MultikeyedDictionary <PredictionTreeBranch, GrammarVocabulary, Tuple <int[], PredictionTree> >();
            var rootNode        = fullSeries[ruleDFAs[this.Rule]];
            var currentIncoming = new List <PredictionTreeBranch>(rootNode.incoming);
            var reductions      = rootNode.PointsOfReduction.ToArray();

            if (reductions.Length > 0)
            var totalIncoming = new HashSet <PredictionTreeBranch>();
            Dictionary <PredictionTree, PredictionTree> uniqueSet = new Dictionary <PredictionTree, PredictionTree>();

            foreach (var path in currentIncoming)
                var transitionTableResult = new FiniteAutomataMultiTargetTransitionTable <GrammarVocabulary, Tuple <int, PredictionTreeBranch> >();
                var masterPathChop        = new PredictionTreeBranch(path.Take(path.Depth).Concat(new[] { this }).ToArray(), path.Depth, false, false);

                ObtainTerminalAmbiguitiesOnPath(masterPathChop, fullSeries, ruleDFAs, ruleLookup, transitionTableResult, grammarSymbols);

                /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * \
                 * Construct the sequence of Path->Grammar->PathSets based           *
                 * off of the table provided by the ObtainTerminalAmbiguitiesOnPath. *
                 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * **/
                foreach (var transition in transitionTableResult.Keys)
                    var epDepthLookup =
                        (from entry in transitionTableResult[transition]
                         group entry.Item1 by entry.Item2).ToDictionary(k => k.Key, v => v.ToArray());
                    //int minDepth;
                    //var uniqueCurrent = GetUniqueDPathSet(uniqueSet, transitionTableResult, transition, epDepthLookup);
                    //var subPath = new PredictionTreeBranch(path.Skip(minDepth).ToList(), path.Depth - minDepth, minDepth: path.MinDepth);
                    tempDictionary.TryAdd(path, transition, Tuple.Create((from epDepth in transitionTableResult[transition]
                                                                          select epDepth.Item1).ToArray(), GetFollowDPathSet(transitionTableResult, transition, epDepthLookup)));

            var regrouping = (from ksvp in tempDictionary
                              group new { Path = ksvp.Keys.Key1, Set = ksvp.Value } by ksvp.Keys.Key2).ToDictionary(k => k.Key, v => v.ToArray());

             * foreach (var pathSet in from key in regrouping.Keys
             *                      let value = regrouping[key]
             *                      from r in value
             *                      select r.Set)
             *  pathSet.Item2.FixAllPaths();//*/

            var comparisons = (from key in regrouping.Keys
                               let value = regrouping[key]
                                           let kRewrite = from r in value
                                                          select r.Set
                                                          let commonalities = PredictionTree.GetCompoundRightSideSimilarities(kRewrite)
                                                                              select new { Commonalities = commonalities, Transition = key }).ToDictionary(k => k.Transition, v => v.Commonalities);
            var resultDictionary = new MultikeyedDictionary <GrammarVocabulary, int, List <Tuple <Tuple <int[], PredictionTree>[], int[]> > >();

            /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * \
             * Once we're done, we need to rebuild the paths with the MinDepth set to  *
             * their current Depth.  This is to ensure that it the PathSets don't try  *
             * to reduce more than necessary.                                          *
             * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
             * Then we take that set and perform a right-hand-side comparison between  *
             * the elements.                                                           *
             * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
             * This will be used later to reduce the walking necessary to isolate the  *
             * proper machine to use to disambiguate the look-ahead.                   *
             \ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * **/
            foreach (var comparison in comparisons.Keys)
                var comparisonElements = comparisons[comparison];
                foreach (var memberCount in comparisonElements.Keys)
                    var comparisonElement = comparisonElements[memberCount];
                    resultDictionary.Add(comparison, memberCount, comparisonElement);